What is the effect of global warming on ocean currents?

Will the Gulf Stream stop? Probably not, but it is enough to slow down by 20% for this to cause climatic consequences, according to a study published in Canada

It is common to think that global warming will affect the thermohaline circulation of the oceans to the point of stopping them!

The most well-known and famous of the currents is the Gulf Stream that rises from the south, heats up in the area of ​​the equator and thus as it continues north it warms Western Europe, the weakening of the flow will cool Europe while its stopping will bring an ice age to Europe.

The question arises, will the warming cause a complete stop of the currents? The accepted opinion is that what will affect and cause a stop is: the melting of huge amounts of fresh water in the North Pole (and in Greenland), the melting that will occur due to warming, the addition of huge amounts of water that will disrupt the balance and cause the Gulf Stream to stop...

Professor Andrew Weaver of Canada's University of Victoria headed a research team that perfected 17 models produced by supercomputers in an attempt to predict the causes of currents and the effect of warming, the findings were published in Geophysical Research Letters. One of the factors that pushed for the research was Al Gore's film (The Day After Tomorrow), which caused a wave of reactions and an increase in the level of environmental sensitivity in public opinion worldwide.

The research shows that the terrible forecast in the movie is exaggerated! In other words, the Gulf Stream will not stop (like the sun in Gibeon) and the ice age in Europe is not in the immediate future. good news? Not exactly, because: the study shows that the warming of the water in the oceans is enough to slow down the currents, meaning that what will affect the currents will not be the massive mass of polar water, but the continuous warming of the ocean's surface. Warming which of course results from global warming. Without immediate and direct connection to what is happening in Greenland (and the North Pole), warm water is lighter and therefore sinks less, the less water sinks, the less circulation there is... the flow becomes slow.

According to the computer models, the warming alone caused a 20% slowdown in the flow (without the addition of the melting at the poles), that is: a disaster along the lines of "the day after tomorrow" is not imminent, but there is a high probability of damage increasing and gradually increasing, cumulative damage whose final results will only be seen at the end of this century And they should be avoided.

3 תגובות

  1. To "blue yellow in blood", if I showed ignorance in movie names
    and/or Oprah Winfrey (what is that?) Excuse me, movie theaters are not the place from which I "draw" anything, therefore there is not a single quote from any movie on the list either,
    The environmental films are important (in my opinion) not because of the scientific "accuracy".
    in which they bring facts, but because of the distribution of the data to the general public, data that are usually only available to interested parties,
    Even if Al-Gour's film is "based on scientific facts (100%)"
    After all, you wrote correctly, the variables are many, that is, the facts change and so do the predictions accordingly.

  2. Al Gore's film released last year (2006) is:
    An Inconvenient Truth
    and based entirely on scientific facts (100%)
    And even Oprah Winfrey (like other famous presenters) devoted an entire program to the film and the topic and since then her program's awareness has increased.

    The film you wrote today, from which you drew all the quotes for the article, is a film whose producers estimate it to be 40-50% scientific, but it gives the average viewer an immediate panic about the dire situation in which our ball is.

    As for the subject itself, as long as all the variables and above all the melting of the glaciers were not taken into account, the assessment that the current will slow down or stop is speculation.

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