
Prof. Paul Ehrlich. Credit: Library of Congress, via Wikimedia

Nobel Prize winner Paul Ehrlich - founder of immunology and chemotherapy

Paul Ehrlich, Nobel Prize, chemotherapy, syphilis, immunology, magic bullet, Judaism and science, medical history, pharmacology, Hebrew University
Geoffrey Hinton and John Hopfield, two of the main researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2024. The image was prepared using DALEE and is not a scientific image

Artificial intelligence plays a major role in two categories of the 2024 Nobel Prizes. This is a sign of things to come

It is likely that we will see more Nobel medals awarded to researchers who used AI tools. As this happens, we may find that the scientific methods honored by those Nobel Prize committees will move away from the simple categories of "physics," "chemistry," and "physiology."
© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be awarded to a researcher at the University of Washington and two Google Deep Mind employees

David Baker from the University of Washington and researchers Demis Hasevis and John Jumper from Google's DeepMind company won the prize for designing artificial proteins and predicting protein structure with the help of a computer
2024 Nobel Prize in Physics winners John Joseph Hadfield of Princeton University and Geoffrey Hinton of the University of Toronto. Ill. Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Prize Outreach

Nobel Prize in Physics 2024 for researchers on the development of artificial neural networks (extension)

John Hadfield and Geoffrey Hinton won the prize for their pioneering research in machine learning using neural networks inspired by the structure of the brain
neural networks. Image:

The developers of the deep learning technologies using neural networks won the Nobel Prize

The two, John Hopfield from Princeton University and Prof. Geoffrey Hinton from the University of Toronto changed the way machine learning is done for artificial intelligence and promoted the technology becoming as powerful as we know it today
The mechanism of the flow of genetic information from the DNA molecule to microRNA molecules and from there to proteins. The identical genetic information is stored in the DNA of all cells in our body. This situation requires precise regulation of gene activity so that only the correct set of genes is active in each type of cell. Courtesy of the Nobel Prize Committee

Gary Rubcon and Victor Ambrose won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of microRNA and its effect on gene regulation (extension)

The two scientists were recognized for their contribution to the understanding of genetic regulatory mechanisms through the discovery of microRNAs - tiny RNA molecules that play an essential role in the processes of development and function in cells

Who will win the Nobel Prize in Physics this year? All predictions

The Nobel Prizes are announced at the beginning of October every year, and about a month before that rumors, predictions and speculations are spread about the identity of the candidates and the chances of winning. In recent years, using innovative data analysis tools, forecasting experts
Prof. Nathan Rosen. Courtesy of the historical archive of the Technion by Yehoshua Nasiyo

Research Prof. Natan Rosen, 1995-1909

Founder of the Faculty of Physics at the Technion, co-author of the historical article EPR with Albert Einstein and Boris Podolsky
Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023. Ill. Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Prize Outreach

Nobel Prize for scientists who managed to create quantum dots - the technology behind the QLED screens

Today, quantum dots, which are tiny nanoparticles whose size determines their properties, illuminate computer monitors and TV screens when these are based on QLED technology. In the field of medicine, quantum dots are currently used
From the left, Prof. Franz Krause, and Prof. Anne L'Ollier during the ceremony of receiving the Wolf Prize from the President of Israel Yitzhak Herzog. Photo courtesy of the Wolf Foundation

Nobel Prize in Physics for 2023 to researchers who managed to measure tiny and fast processes in electrons

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three researchers: Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier for "the development of their methods that produce short attosecond pulses
Figure 1. Methods for vaccine production before the corona epidemic. (Courtesy of the Committee for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine): Use of a weakened or inactive virus and a recombinant protein (the virus) that is transferred to the body via a viral vector and activates the immune system. Courtesy of the Nobel Prize Committee

Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023 for the pioneers in the field of mRNA who accelerated the vaccines for Corona

Kariko and Weissman immediately realized that their discovery was of enormous significance for the possible use of messenger RNA in medicine. These important findings were published in 2005, 15 years before the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.
2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine winners Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. Ill. Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Prize Outreach

Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering mRNA applications for corona vaccines

The two, Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman, were informed about a month ago that they had won the HARVEI Award at the Technion
Friedrich Wilhelm Leibniz. Illustration:

On the infinity of the natural machine

Prof. Ohad Nachumi, Head of the Department of Humanistic Studies and Arts at the Technion, investigates the connection between the old and new world of thought in Leibniz's thought.
Oppenheimer movie poster. By UNIVERSAL - Instagram SERTTOV, fair use poster,

The Soviets vigorously courted Oppenheimer but he refused to spy for them

The Soviets did manage to plant spies who provided the secrets of the atomic bomb to the Kremlin and allowed them to detonate the first bomb in August 1949, it was a copy of the bomb built in Los Alamos and dropped by the Americans
Rosalind Franklin during her stay in France. Photo: from Wikipedia

New findings on Rosalind Franklin's role in discovering the structure of DNA

An article published in Nature details Franklin's part in discovering the "backbone" of the DNA molecule. However, due to the competition between the groups, she avoided publishing a large part of them herself, as well as Watson and Crick
Photograph of Prof. Albert Einstein in New Jersey, 1947, hand-colored in 2022. Illustration:

Albert Einstein - scientist and philosopher: the man who forever changed the perception of space and time

Einstein is considered the greatest theoretician, along with Isaac Newton, the father of classical mechanics. His name became synonymous with genius. He gained worldwide fame in the first quarter of the 20th century thanks to the theory of relativity he developed
From the right, Shimon Sherid from the association's director, Or Netaf, Sahar Peretz, Julia Saleh, Ruth Persol and Lee Alpert. Photo: Eran Akerman

The Persol Foundation and the SpaceIL association have selected the candidates who will be integrated into a joint program to empower women in the field of space.

Two of them will be integrated into the development of the Genesis 2 mission which is expected to be launched in 2025
Figure 3. Pabo's discoveries provided important information regarding the population of the world at the time Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa and spread to the rest of the world. Neanderthals lived in western Eurasia while Denisovans lived in eastern Eurasia. Breeding between the different species occurred when the Homo sapiens spread across the continent, leaving behind treasured remains in DNA. Illustration from the explanation for the 2022 Nobel Prize for Medicine. From the Nobel Prize website

Nobel Prize for Medicine to the Swede Svante Pavo, the discoverer of the Denisovan man and the decipherer of the genome of extinct human species

Santa Febo is a Swedish evolutionary geneticist, one of the founding fathers of the field of paleogenetics, leader of the international project to map the Neanderthal human genome, and co-discoverer of Denisovan man
Einstein's big mistake. cover

The chapter The Origins of Genius from "Einstein's Big Mistake - The Life of an Imperfect Genius" by David Bodanis

From English: Haim Shmueli. Philosophy and Science series edited by Dr. Yehuda Meltzer Attic Books and Yediot Books 312 pages.
Asil Naama. Photo: Technion spokespeople

Asil Naama continues her path in space

Last year Asil Naama, who was then studying for a bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion, discovered two new asteroids. This is within the framework of NASA's "Asteroid Hunting Campaign".
Astronaut Peggy Whitson. Photo: NASA

Peggy Whitson - the astronaut who managed missions on the International Space Station, will serve as a captain on behalf of SpaceX

Yes ma'am! Astronaut Peggy Whitson was the first woman appointed mission commander to the International Space Station, was the first woman to command two missions to the space station, and is scheduled to be the second mission commander to be launched
Stephen Hawking at the Science Museum in Jerusalem, December 2006. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

Stephen Hawking - a trapped soul wandering the universe

Over the years, we have covered this one of a kind man on the Scientist website, whose eightieth birthday the world celebrates with the help of a Google doodle. Although he is no longer with us for three years, but the idea of
Marie Curie. Illustration:

Spotlight on Marie Curie

On November 7, 1867, Maria Skoldowska, known as Marie Curie, was born in Warsaw, one of the masterpieces of modern science. Curie was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes and the only one to date to win in two fields
Portrait of Laura Bassi. Unknown painter.

Laura Bassi: the first woman to receive a professorship in science

Laura Bassi continuously fought to achieve equal conditions for women who chose an intellectual and professional career in public teaching and research institutions at a time when the universities and the world of academia in Italy and throughout the world were exclusively male environments. With
On the right, Jennifer Daudena and Emmanuel Charpentier. Illustration: © Nobel Media. Ill. Niklas Elmehed.

Women win Nobel Prizes in science - are we at the beginning of a trend?

The number of women who received the Nobel Prize in physics increased from three to four, and in chemistry from five to seven (in both cases including Marie Curie). Is this a coincidence or the start of a trend?
On the right, Jennifer Daudena and Emmanuel Charpentier. Illustration: © Nobel Media. Ill. Niklas Elmehed.

"It was difficult for Emmanuel Charpentier to publish because no one was interested in infectious diseases as long as there was no epidemic"

This is what Prof. Harmona Sorek from the Institute of Life Sciences at the Hebrew University says in an interview with the Scientist website, who is happy about the decision to award Emmanuel Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna the Wolf Prize last year. Now Charpentier is establishing the
Photo of Roger Penrose winning the Wolf Prize with Stephen Hawking at the Knesset in Jerusalem. Photo credit Wolf Foundation

Nobel laureate Prof. Dan Shechtman: "Penrose has an indirect connection to my discovery" The winners in chemistry developed an "explosive" in biology

Prof. Shechtman, chairman of the Wolf Foundation, also tells about the ratio of one-third of the Wolf Prize winners in the respective fields who later win Nobel Prizes, and why there are such large differences in the gaps. Crisper, like nitroglycerin, can be used
Prof. Reinhart Genzel at the Parnell Observatory, part of the Southern European Observatory project in Chela. PR photo, ESO

Nobel laureate Reinhart Ganzel is a great friend of Israeli science

Says Prof. Hagai Netzer from the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University who wrote dozens of joint articles with Ganzel
Explanation of the discovery of the hepatitis C virus. Image: Nobel Prize Committee

The discoverers of the hepatitis C virus won the Nobel Prize for Medicine

The winners are: Harvey Alter from the USA, Mike Houghton from the UK and Charles Rice from the USA
Winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Bannister Goodenough, Manley Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino. Illustration: Nobel Prize Committee

2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for lithium-ion battery developers

Aharon Aharonson, pioneer of naturalists in the Land of Israel. Photo: from Wikipedia

Aharon Aharenson: the pioneer of applied ecology in the Land of Israel

Tovia Kushnir. From Wikipedia

In memory of Tovia Kushnir

Prof. William Nordhaus, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics

Nobel Prize for the Environment

Nobel Prize for Medicine 2018: Harnessing the immune system to fight cancer