ocean currents

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A 'New El Niño' is found south of the equator

New research has found that a small area in the southwest Pacific Ocean, between New Zealand and Australia, can cause changes in temperatures that affect the entire southern hemisphere. Its discovery could explain historical climate changes
The plant Cycas thouarsii, growing in the botanical garden. Photo - Dr. Uri Pergman-Sapir, the botanical garden

Plants that were mostly extinct along with the dinosaurs are now "living" thanks to ocean currents

Prof. Ran Natan, from the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at the Hebrew University, took part in a study published in New Phytologist: "The findings are unique evidence of the role of ocean current systems in shaping the distribution patterns and evolutionary history of
Galapagos tortoises are the largest land tortoises in the world. In fact, the islands are named after the turtles, whose armor reminded the Spanish sailors of the shape of a saddle called Galapagos. Photo: Amir Gur (c)

Islands in the Humboldt Stream

Global salinity and heat cycle

Is Europe freezing?

Currents in the oceans

currents in the ocean

Map of currents around Greenland

Warm water in Greenland

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Is it an ice age?

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

What is the effect of global warming on ocean currents?