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Towards the end of the world: ten reasons why the end of the world will come someday, or not but not in the near term

The "end of the world 2012" event that we have been waiting for for four years will not happen next Friday, December 21, even though on that day a long-term cycle in the Mayan calendar ends. There is no scenario that can bring us to catastrophe within days

2012 HOAX website logo
2012 HOAX website logo

The end of the world will come sometime, or at least the end of humanity, or at least the end of civilization or at least something. For some reason I have a feeling, which is backed by all the scientific knowledge I know, that it will not happen next Friday - December 21, 2012, nor in the foreseeable future. There are slow processes that may reach a turning point in the decades.

We have collected various scenarios for the end of the world from around the Internet, but most of them are simply such that only people who are completely ignorant of the relevant scientific field can think that they are serious. To illustrate each such section, we link to relevant archived articles on the Hedaan website, out of the over 15 thousand articles on the website.

Alien attack

Aliens have abducted, experimented and killed us in large numbers - at least in science fiction literature and movies. Of course, no extraterrestrial has revealed itself to the world but as far as we know we are not alone in the universe. If the aliens have technology that allows them to cross interstellar distances and attack Earth, one has to wonder if they will actually land and be a target for shooting. It might make more sense for them to bomb strategic targets and population centers from space first, then maybe land robots to wipe us out.
So far, decades of investigation in the field, with the help of police and armies, has not led to any real findings.

Why are there apparently no aliens?

Black holes

A growing black hole. Image: NASA
A growing black hole. Illustration: NASA

A few years ago widespread paranoia spread according to her The largest particle accelerator in the world - the Large Hadron Accelerator, will create a black hole that will swallow the Earth. First, even if the accelerator could produce black holes, and even if they did not vaporize immediately as theory expects them to, and even if they escaped the Earth immediately, given their great speed, they would be so tiny that it would take them 100 hours to digest one proton, at that rate it would take them More time than the age of the universe to digest even one milligram of matter.

There are, of course, much larger black holes. Hundreds of them may be floating around the galaxy unseen. Still the nearest wandering black hole is thousands of light years away. One light year is approximately 10 trillion kilometers.

Hundreds of "rogue black holes" lurk in the path of milk

Cosmic collisions

A fatal impact from an asteroid collision is considered the cause of the mass extinction that ended the age of the dinosaurs. Even a relatively small impact can cause quite a bit of damage, and there have even been miracles in such cases when an object with a diameter of 20 meters that hit Tunguska in Siberia about a century ago left a damaged forest the size of Tokyo. Still, an early warning system against cosmic impacts may help protect against the damage.
By the way, the UN also supports the UN Agency for the Peaceful Use of Space, UNOOSA. And the appointment of the agency's director, Mazlan Othman from Malaysia, sparked a wave of rumors According to them her real role is to be humanity's ambassador to extraterrestrials (see the first item). In fact, this agency deals, among other things, with protecting the Earth from asteroids.
A workshop held by the European Space Agency regarding defense against near-Earth objects

Gamma ray bursts

Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful explosion known in the universe. This eruption is capable of releasing as much energy as the sun will emit in its entire 10 billion years of life, in a period of time ranging from a few milliseconds to a minute or more. A fire vane in space called WR 104, 8,000 light years away could throw gamma rays at us that could cause a mass extinction on Earth. It won't necessarily happen on December 21, 2012 or in the next million years.

Will Beetlejuice's star explode and emit gamma rays that will hit Earth?


Self-flagellation during the Black Death
Self-flagellation during the Black Death

Infectious diseases have affected humanity throughout history. The Black Death was the biggest example, wiping out almost half the people in every area it reached. Malaria, AIDS and other diseases continue to kill even today. like wildfire Viruses and bacteria can infect other animals and jump from species to species until they affect humans, such as SARS, fowl disease and Ebola.
A greater threat may come from superviruses - strains that will be resistant to all drugs and that will repel any measures taken to stop them. It is estimated that the use of antibiotics increases the strength of viruses and super bacteria.

Predict an epidemic before it breaks out

A nuclear war

Nuclear bombs are fueling decades of apocalyptic fears, and while leaders of nuclear-weapon states are working together to reduce their stockpiles, nuclear terrorism is becoming an urgent problem, and even limited nuclear conflicts could change the climate and affect the entire world.

Can cockroaches survive a nuclear holocaust?

Robots that will destroy humanity
Movies such as the Terminator series, AI or Blade Runner, led to the fear of robots taking over the world and oppressing humans or even eliminating them. Indeed, computers are becoming smarter and more cunning all the time, which increases fears of a robotic conquest of the earth. But it is possible that the robots will take over us in love, not in war for example, humans will love robot lovers....
In any case, the issue of military robots is gaining momentum and research budgets.

Robotics - the war of the machines

Huge bursts of radiation from the sun

The sun is essential to our lives but it can cause enormous damage to the high technology that humanity depends on more than in the past. Solar flares in modern times have caused disruptions in radio communications and power grids, but events in the past were even stronger. A solar storm in 1859 caused shorts in the telegraph wires, and even fires in North America and Europe, and was the motive for the formation of strong events of the aurora borealis that could be called light.

A storm with such intensity nowadays would cause much stronger effects, because the electricity and communication infrastructure is much more developed. Recently, the American Academy of Sciences published findings according to which the damage may reach 2 trillion dollars due to the disruption of communications on the planet and causing chaos around the world as a result.

Trying to understand the sun

Huge volcanic eruptions

A number of volcanoes around the world are capable of massive eruptions unlike anything we've seen in recorded history, dwarfing the eruptions of St. Helena, Krakotua, and any other eruption for two thousand years.

Super eruptions can disrupt the climate and threaten life all over the world. Unlike other threats to the human race, such as cosmic collisions or nuclear attacks there is no strategy that might mitigate the damage of the super eruption.

When the earth attacks


Well, now the cinema is full of such but is there a fear of us becoming zombies? There are parasites that control the brains of their carriers and can turn ants into zombies, but there is no creature that can turn humans into the walking dead. Nevertheless, there are researchers who examine the field and make comparisons between zombie takeovers and outbreaks of epidemics.

Electricity, nerves and the ethnology of zombies

And we haven't talked yet about major disasters that will occur as a result of global warming - which, according to all that is known now, was caused by man's negligence. Sometimes man is his own worst enemy.

54 תגובות

  1. Egi, as the current Mayan tribe and many Mayan researchers believe since the 90s of the 20th century, because there is no prophecy in the Mayan culture, the Aztecs or the ancient Mesoamerican culture that implies any unusual or large-scale change in 2012.
    As you mentioned, while the end of the cycle could be a celebration for the Maya, there is no reason for this day to be different from other days, perhaps except that it is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere.

  2. Moshe Klein, which developed tribe are you talking about? They are a primitive tribe, they had not yet invented the wheel, metalworking, paper, printing, in total primitives who offered human sacrifices to the Danian gods.

  3. Agi, the Mayans were really a very developed tribe. They contributed to the use of 0. (actually they counted in base 20). The development of a science that strives for pure objectivity without the place of the observer also creates a technology that fulfills itself and in the end may destroy humanity. The question is how to develop new science and mathematics that also has a place for subjectivity (hint - 0 is not the most effective sign for anything..)

  4. The Mayans believed in calendars that divide time into "periods of the world" and indeed in the month of December 2012 the Bakton period ends which was of tremendous importance to the Mayans. What will happen at the end of a period, time will tell...
    On the other hand, there are researchers who claim that the end of an era is at all a cause for celebration and does not imply the end of the world at all because most of the Mayan writings from that period are historical in nature and not prophetic in the future.
    Over the years, researchers (and just people) combined many signs to believe in the end of the world, the apocalypse of 2012. All of these have not been scientifically proven, but in a few days we will be able to see what the Mayans really knew that we were not.
    We will wait anxiously 🙂

  5. I looked at Aviraz's website for a few hours and the conclusion I came to is that it is better that I start believing in the "prophecies" of the X-ray, the "City", the "Rabbi" Pinto, or the "holy water" of Baba Baruch.

    These are at least smart people (and big charlatans who obviously don't believe their own words) who specialize in stealing the money of burned people (or just fools like Nochi Dankner who listened to the advice of the X-ray and today is bankrupt).

    While those who believe and believe in the "New Age", astrology, tarot cards, readings in coffee, tea, "connections" and other acts of charlatanism and cheating are at best a bit cuckoos and at worst missing a screw or two, they would do well to invest their time and money in A good psychologist.

    There are dozens of sites like Ahiraz's that all have in common that they are eccentrics or charlatans.

  6. Ilana, 21.12.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX would mean nothing for New Age culture if the Mayan calendar did not seemingly end on this date.

    You said - "I agree with you that there are endless different interpretations, most of which do not suit me either. But that doesn't mean that you should throw away the whole idea and ignore what's happening, or try to hold on to values ​​that have been emptied of their content."

    As I said earlier, the New Age culture interpretation is ridiculous and inappropriate. In my opinion, the whole idea of ​​the new age culture should be thrown away because this "culture" is motivated by charlatanism, and those who look at it from the side can say with certainty that there is no spiritual change and what is happening cannot be ignored, not because it is happening, but because there is nothing to ignore.

  7. privileged,
    In my understanding, in no way does a change of mind happen suddenly and Abirez really does not say so. On the contrary, it is about the beginning of an acceleration of processes that have already started at a slow pace. The date of 21/12/12 is only a symbol of the point of change.
    I agree with you that there are endless different interpretations, most of which do not suit me either. But that doesn't mean that you should throw away the whole idea and ignore what's happening, or try to hold on to values ​​that have been emptied of their content.
    I wish you to find the way to continue and develop - according to your understanding.

  8. Ilana
    I found my meaning in life a long time ago. My role in life is to leave a better world for my children. Think what a wonderful world we would be in today if all our ancestors thought like this?

    You think we live in a special time. That's what our parents and grandparents thought too. All that is special about our time today is that we are now able to destroy the world effortlessly. 50 years ago this was possible with atomic weapons - today all you need is to leave a light on when you are not in the office.

    There is nothing "superphysical". Whoever sold it to you is lying to you, Ilana.

  9. Miracles,
    The first thing that jumps out to me as an example is the very need, also yours, according to your words, for meaning. Many people today overlook everything they once learned to attach meaning to it.
    The search for meaning is a huge drive in this period. This is an important part of the change in question and it is not found in matter but in spirit - that is, in the inner world.
    The inner world is the supernatural - it is not in the sky!!! Therefore, those who discover it can prove it through changes in their approach to things in their everyday life.
    This is an example of what is written there and actually happens in my personal life and in the lives of many people around me.
    For me, the physical world is only the edge of the larger reality and there is a constant interaction between the worlds that is very worthwhile to check and understand.

  10. Ilana, I did the opposite way. I first believed the nonsense of the new age culture and now it's behind me and I'm happy with it. This "culture" makes you look at things in a very simple way and without the need for explanations and proofs. Very similar to the way the ultra-Orthodox behave, when the only answer they have to all questions is "God did it".

    Astrology, numerology, divination, card reading/coffee and other cold reading professions and mysticism are professions based on mysticism which all consists of baseless contents and proofs, so these are nonsense.
    Regarding Zeev Aviraz - my opinion is the same as that of Nissim. Do you really think that people will one clear day start to believe everything they didn't believe because the global consciousness shift that will allegedly take place on 21.12.2012 will cause everyone to suddenly change their opinions and beliefs?

  11. Ilana
    I have a very solid way of determining that Aberez is a charlatan. I wrote earlier - what he writes is a mix of nonsense and lies. There is no evidence base for what he says. There are countless experiments, for example, that show that astrology is nonsense.

    I would be happy if you show me something meaningful that he writes. I just hope you don't waste all your money on this man. In a perfect world he would be in prison.

  12. Hey miracles,
    The reliability of the information for me is based on how I understand it and apply it in my life for several years.
    I don't blame anyone who doubts it because I myself was there before I underwent a change. I believe that more and more people around you will undergo a change in the direction of openness to physical issues. If this happens don't worry at all. And maybe it will happen to you too! who knows???

    And just so you know, for me it means that people are starting to think and get out of the paradigms that closed their previous thinking. But this is just a new starting point from which to start looking at the world differently. This does not mean that from the beginning every thought is also correct. Trust and credibility must be tested and built according to results in the field!
    You have no basis to state that Abirez is a charlatan, get to know him well first and then form an opinion. It's easiest to wave different ideas from your own and stay in the same place. But if you don't have peace with it - it means preachy.

  13. Confidential 🙂

    I asked you a question. If you want to understand something about the world then answer me. You're talking about millions (I guess it's much less, but let's say) - and I'm talking about a billion and a half, maybe two billion.

  14. I must point out that I am not worried about theories like Nibiru, the alignment of the planets, the reversal of the poles, solar storms and many more, because they come one after the other when the previous one has been disproved and looking for another reason why the end will come. The point is that all these theories are unfounded and have no solid evidence in the field.

    Ilana, I don't know if you've noticed this - this strange thing you're talking about - apparently more people are joining the New Age culture after believing the charlatans. Also the idea of ​​the culture of the new age, that on 21.12.2012 there will be a global shift in consciousness and everyone will believe in a supreme God and live a spiritual and religious life is, to put it nicely, completely delusional. Do you really think that people will suddenly decide to believe what they didn't believe until today?

    Miracles, I also don't know that the Maya ever talked about the end coming on 21.12.2012. The thing is that the atmosphere around this matter, the hysteria, and once again many, many people coming up with more and more ideas about what, if anything, should happen on this day is what creates confusion and concern for me.

  15. Ilana
    Based on what exactly do you say that this website of Zeev Aviraz is the most reliable? I read every word he wrote and did not find a shred of wisdom.

    The person is a charlatan and whoever follows him is a bit of a jerk……… I am not trying to convince you. It just worries me that people believe illogical things without any basis. A man comes and tells a silly story, and people flock to him.

    You are right, something is happening in the world. It became full of people who had given up the ability to think.

  16. The fear of changes and the unknown is natural to everyone and it can create different and different interpretations - each one of his own level of awareness - whether it is in the direction of disdain and rejection of the idea that something changes at all or in the direction of trying to give it a concrete apocalyptic meaning to one degree or another and prepare for...

    What they all have in common is the inner feeling (more or less dim) that something strange is happening in the world! There is a loss of control of old establishments.
    Of course, only from a very high perspective is it possible to understand tectonic changes of this type, and most of humanity does not have this perspective.

    For anyone interested - there is, in my view, very reliable information that talks about this seriously as a process that should be understood at its root, its direction -

    But of course I'm not here to convince anyone - a person will live by his faith 🙂 What's for sure - it won't be boring lol


  17. confidential
    All the behaviors that happen in different parts of the world - as you mentioned - testify to one fact:
    That stupidity in the world is much more common than you think and it is not only in relation to relying on the "wisdom" of my children
    The Maya, whose overall amount of knowledge about the heavenly bodies and the universe falls far short of the knowledge of 90% of 15-year-old boys in developed countries.
    There are hundreds and thousands of people in the world (and in Israel) who believe with absolute faith in:

    A. The existence of aliens and their hundreds of visits here. Some of them also claim that they were kidnapped and that medical experiments were performed on them. Several hundred of them make a very good living by presenting television programs and writing books. B. There are tens of thousands of people who believe and spread the story about an alien captured in Roswell.
    third. There are thousands of people who believe that there was no moon landing at all.
    D. There are tens of thousands of people who are sure that Elvis Presley is not dead.
    God. There are tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, who are sure that the fall of the Twin Towers was carried out by the Jews, the Pentagon, the CIA, and they have conclusive "proofs" of this.
    and. About 4 billion people believe in the existence of God.
    G. About 2 billion people believe with absolute faith that Jesus is the son of God.
    H. About 2 billion Muslims believe that Muhammad tied his horse to the Western Wall and ascended to heaven.
    ninth. Millions expected the end of the world after 31.12.1999/XNUMX/XNUMX and dozens of people committed suicide before that.

    Therefore, I recommend to everyone who believes in things like the above to look for websites that deal with this kind of thing.
    It is not in the honor of the science site to devote so much space to this nonsense.

  18. privileged
    From what I know, Maya does not have a prophecy for the end of the world. They have cycles in the calendar like ours has months, seasons and solar years. Maya has one cycle which is 5125 years which ends in a few days.

    The problem is not the Mayan calendar. The problem is the nonsense surrounding it. I don't understand why you refer to the nonsense of all kinds of dubious websites.

    Say - there are one and a half billion people - 20% of the world's inhabitants - who believe that Jesus walked on water. Did they convince you?

    What worries me is your lack of confidence in the logic of 5 year olds…….

  19. I'm not trying to say anything, I'm not preaching either. I'm just looking for an unequivocal answer - what was the Mayan prophecy and why do so many people believe it?

    In all kinds of websites there are different claims regarding the Mayan prophecy for 21.12.2012 (if there was such a prophecy at all), and in each site the claim is different. Besides, many say a completely different claim than "this is just the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle". Many claim that the new cycle will begin when this world is destroyed, and another world will be created, which is one of the main beliefs of the Mayan tribe.

    Doesn't it make you slightly suspicious that millions of residents in 3 superpowers are panicking about this date?

  20. Father, what will happen? In the USA they bought and built shelters, in Russia and China the demand for candles and food is higher than ever. If there are two superpowers and one is on the way to becoming a superpower, the residents are in a panic, what will happen?

    In addition, I saw a segment from the end of the program on National Geographic "2012 - the end of the world?", according to which, at the end of the previous cycle of the Mayan calendar, 5,126 years ago, something happened, and it may happen again at the end of the current cycle (apparently this is from the Mayan belief that the world is destroyed and recreated every 5,126 years). So - what will happen on 21.12.2012?

  21. I have harvested olives and they will be ready in just another month, Father, can you postpone the end of the world a little?

  22. Confidential. You dismiss others as if you yourself are God, at least. Listen to Ilana, she knows what she's talking about

  23. Alex, nothing positive will come of this.
    Father, if National Geographic, the History Channel and sometimes Discovery broadcast programs with false information to make a living, they are not science channels, are they?
    I mean, isn't it better to spend money on broadcasting higher quality programs with reliable and correct information than on broadcasting programs with false information?

  24. At least one positive thing came out of the end of the world, that the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East will come to an end.

  25. Unfortunately, these channels have taken to extremes the need for 'science' channels to make a living. I don't stoop that low, even though I have to make a living too.

  26. Aaron, explain.

    My father, National Geographic and the History Channel are starting to broadcast programs about 2012 again, and one of the claims in one of National Geographic's programs about 2012 is that the Mayan tribe predicted the First World War and natural disasters that occurred recently such as the tsunami in Japan. This is true?

  27. Actually maybe yes.

    For example: a tsunami like the one in Japan. A wave of refugees from China to Europe. Eruption of a volcano in Yellowstone USA.
    The melting of the glaciers (at the South Pole... still December).
    Or just a madman on Israel's northern border who decided to shoot chemical weapons at us...

  28. Fix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As N.C. pointed out, they are going to correct the calendar following the Vatican's in-depth research that established that Jesus was born on 22.7/6. 6th year BC, therefore according to the authoritative and accurate Mayan prophecies!!! The end of the world will be in about XNUMX years. Thank God Jesus and the Pope for giving us six more years to live

    and her address to Mr. N.C. You can get out of the stalactite cave……

  29. Ilana, these are nonsense. You again make the wrong connection between mysticism and spirituality and between science and technology, which are opposed to each other. It's kind of like Amnon Yitzchak using the theory of evolution and claiming that it refutes the Bible.

  30. It's no wonder that on the one hand many are believed to be "fools" and on the other hand many are dismissed altogether... this is exactly what happens when the forces of change pulsate -
    Confusion and extremism are created: some get too attached to the feeling and lose their grip on reality and some hold fast to what their logic knows but lose openness to a new perspective.

    There is definitely a connection between all the phenomena in the world and all the personal phenomena, but it is impossible to see this with ordinary sight. Like they never knew there was a connection between hygiene and health...
    The children - some of them can already put things together and it is obvious to them - this is not the kind of wisdom we know.

    Personally, there is no need to do anything special - just pay attention to what is falling apart and at the same time compare what is being built and draw conclusions.

    And time will tell 🙂

    It is already happening - for example - fighting through computer viruses is a thought revolution on the battlefield where the smarter and more creative achieve the actual advantage without the need to kill and destroy - and here you have the beginning of a new era on the battlefield that only eighteen-year-olds could think of and carry out!!!
    And there are already many more examples - just open your eyes and wake up - all in all it is about development and progress together with an inner connection.

  31. N.C., the origin of the term "Armageddon" is from the Bible and the New Testament, a corruption of the conjunction "Mount Megiddo".

  32. I watched yesterday on the History Channel about "proofs" that the end of the world is upon us. You see there, among other things, an American industrialist who has already sold dozens of huge tanks (about $70000) that were intended to be buried in the ground tens of meters deep so that their buyers would survive Armageddon (by the way, how many of these sleepwalkers know where the term "Armageddon" comes from?).
    The question being asked is: are there really so many fools and fools in our world?

    And let's assume their method: how could the Mayans even know about galaxies when they didn't know what stars were made of and what their size was and of course they didn't have telescopes?

    And for the many believers in this nonsense (thousands only in Israel) - first of all, according to the Pope's calculations, we are actually in about 2006 - or 2008 because there is a correction in the year of Jesus' birth. In addition, in the Middle Ages, the calendar was corrected, and I think that the calendar was also corrected in the XNUMXs, and the October Revolution actually happened in the month of November.

    But still... just to be safe, I sold everything I own and am writing this comment from the stalactite cave where I will live until rage passes...

  33. Ilana, the only global change I see before my eyes - more and more people are tired of believing in the existence of a supreme God and spirituality.
    New age culture is complete nonsense. There is no logical basis for all the beliefs and ideas of this culture.
    There is no connection between the innovative technological inventions and their quality and the "power of creative thought".

    Regarding the children - in every generation there are children who are exceptionally smart, and in general - as science discovers new things, and the level of difficulty in the school curriculum increases - the knowledge that a child acquires in school nowadays is more correct and accurate than before.

    In addition - do not describe the spiritual changes that are supposedly taking place these days on the earth with the help of the current situation. There is no connection between the lack of water, the ecological changes and the fertile soils and between spirituality. (There is no shortage of energy because energy does not disappear and regarding resources - there is a shortage of certain resources but there are resources that are not in shortage)
    The ecological and climatic changes that the earth is going through or may go through are the result of the warming of the earth and not from other factors.

  34. I say that it is worthwhile to refer to trends of global change that are already giving their signal and not to cancel the idea of ​​change to a new era just because of a limited and erroneous interpretation.

    The power of creative thought is increasing - that is, thoughts can be realized much faster than ever before. See the abundance of apps, startups, smart developments, etc.

    I don't know what is meant when they say New Age - in any case, as far as I understand the new trend, there is no contradiction between the ability to control thought and change - on the contrary.

    The mental revolutions are also on a personal level - completely new interests, desires, different values ​​from what we were in the past, it can be very strange at first and confusing...

    Those who know small children may already notice that some of them are incredibly smart - and they are expected to do everything differently. Imagine that they will not allow anyone to clip their wings when they come to deal with enormous problems that we have created as humanity - of a growing lack of water, resources, energy, fertile areas, ecology...

  35. Ilana, first of all - I don't understand what you are trying to say.
    Second - "expect thought revolutions". Ahhh… New Age is so pathetic. For as long as I can remember, I have been in control of my thoughts.

  36. The superficial interpretation of the idea of ​​a new world looks for destruction of the types mentioned in the article, but the more in-depth interpretation refers to unprecedented processes of change and radicalization that have already begun and are expected to intensify starting at the end of this year and the main ones -
    The way in which today's young people and children will run the world in the coming years in the face of a collapse of the lifestyles we all relied on that are losing trust and emptying themselves of content.
    Trust in the government, trust in the markets, trust in the economic institutions, in the politicians, in the religious institutions, in the educational institutions, in the health institutions, the institution of marriage, academic institutions, etc...

    This is a point in time that symbolizes the end of the world as we have known it until now.

    Expect thought revolutions!

  37. If a zombie bites you, you become a zombie
    If a mummy bites you, you're just another noob bitten by a mummy. 🙂 🙂

  38. Elisaf, these are not scenarios that are expected to take place on December 21.12.2012, XNUMX or in the next century.

  39. It seems to me that several scenarios were omitted from here that, according to what seems to be true today, will definitely cause the end of the world

    1) The entropy that will cause the end of the life of the entire universe, the universe expands, the stars will turn off and little by little there will be less until there is nothing left.
    2) The end of the life of the sun, or at least beyond the red giant stage, at this stage, it does not seem that life on Earth is possible.
    3) Depleting the natural resources of the earth itself.

  40. Hi Abi, until yesterday there was another article (yours) about the end of the world with many comments below, suddenly it disappeared, did you delete it?

  41. Just an addition, the Andromeda galaxy is racing towards us at a speed of millions of kilometers per hour,

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