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Hotter ... more perfumed

As the level of DTP in the atmosphere increases, the world heats up, the increase and warming that cause changes in plants, changes in the way they use the growing medium - in the soil, changes that are also caused by the availability of nutrients and water, it turns out that as a response to the changes, plants will emit higher levels of odorous substances

smell the flowers From Wikipedia
smell the flowers From Wikipedia
A warmer world will be more laden with odors, this is the conclusion of two researchers, Prof. Panolas and Dr. Michel Stat from the Center for Functional Ecology and Evolution in Montpellie, France, who examined how the changes in DTP concentrations (in the atmosphere) will affect and environmental warming, and published their findings in Trends in Plant Sciences.

As the level of DTP in the atmosphere increases, the world heats up, an increase and warming that causes changes in plants, changes in the way they use the growing medium - in the soil, changes that are also caused by the availability of nutrients and water, it turns out that in response to changes plants will emit higher levels of odorous substances, compounds of organic substances volatiles called "biogens", BVOCs.

The volatile biogens are regularly emitted by plants, the emissions are diverse in their origin, quantity and composition, the common (volatile) biogens contain oxides, carbons, acids and alcohol. All of them "play" an important role in the growth of plants, in metabolism, as well as in communication that is mainly used for warning and protection against harmful insects and herbivores of all kinds.

Emission of higher levels of biogens will cause changes in the way the plants will affect and "communicate", a "communication" that should (also) warn of the presence of pests and defend against them. An increase in biogenic emissions will affect the physiology and ecology of the various living systems.

It is important to emphasize that in recent decades, many studies have been published that identified the "interplant communication" as communication through odorous substances that are distributed by an "attacked" plant, absorbed by neighboring plants of the same species, an absorption that causes a defensive reaction such as the release of toxins (mainly tannins) in concentration high for leaves and plant parts that may be attacked, in the same way there is also a positive connection by the secretion of odorous substances that attract insects for fertilization and pollination.

We have all heard and read about the effects of DTP concentrations on global warming. Very little has been tested and researched on the effect of deadhead concentrations and temperature rise on biogenic emissions in plants. The study shows that global warming and the increase in DTP concentrations will cause physiological changes, changes that will cause a significant increase in the emission of volatile substances by plants. Producing more biogenics will extend the growing period of many species, extending the growing period will result in the production of more volatile substances and thus a rapid and continuous increase in increasing cycles.

According to the researchers, "the world already smells better when plants emit more fragrant substances". In the last thirty years, the "fragrance" has increased by 10%, an increase of two degrees in the next decade will cause an increase in the "fragrance" by 30-40%.

For example, the study showed that an increase of three degrees caused the heather growing on the island in the northern region to emit about 70% more isoprene, a biogen that is typical for... rubber tree.

High temperatures will allow plants from warm areas to "conquer" new areas in northern areas, plants that grow in warm areas emit more biogens, more plants that emit more biogens... equals more emissions.

Not only warming, also changes in land use will have an effect. Rain forests that are cleared and in their place are planted with oil palm or rubber tree plantations, these also emit more biogens, higher concentrations of DETH, a high level of ultraviolet radiation that reaches the poles, increased pollution by ozone, all of these affect The plants, even if there are no exact measurements, it is clear today that the effect is greater than previous estimates.

Plants that produce and emit more biogens will be at a continuous level of "alarm", that is, at a continuous level of defense, which will cause a high and unnecessary energy expenditure. Or alternately high-level fragrances will confuse the pollinators, bees and other insects, a confusion that will cause damage to the reproduction of the plants,

Today it is known and clear that the increase in the concentration of DTP in the atmosphere and global warming cause increased production and emissions of volatile organic substances - biogens, knowledge that clarifies and increases the need for further research to understand how an increase in the level of biogens will affect the natural environment, one thing is certain, for better or for worse the world will be More fragrant.

4 תגובות

  1. The indisputable fact is that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has never been this high since plants began to photosynthesize hundreds of millions of years ago.
    There is also a lot of evidence supporting warming such as the bleaching phenomenon of the corals, as far as I am concerned the human influence on the warming of the earth is a fait accompli.

    I have no problem talking about it after the flood.

  2. Jacob,

    There is no meaning to temperature measurements in one geographic area because when we talk about warming we are talking about *global* warming = an increase in the average temperature of the Earth.

  3. Isaac, to the same extent you could have stated that there is no air, or that a cucumber is not green. Philosophically I assume that your claims cannot be refuted, but empirically enough data has been collected regarding an increase in the average temperature, and climate changes following that increase.
    Regarding the reason for the increase, there can be a lot of debate, and I also believe that man has very little influence on the matter, but to declare "it's not hot" when in the winter a temperature of 32 degrees is measured every week in the center, is already a blind denial.

  4. The facts you stated at the beginning are simply not true.
    The world is not getting any warmer.
    Maybe start being objective? This hammasticity is a bit annoying.. (quoting unfounded facts)
    I would appreciate it if you would publish an article on "The Lie of the Hammists"

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