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A complete weaning of the economy from carbon is required, otherwise the climate will go out of balance

This is according to Australian researchers who conducted an interdisciplinary study published in the journal PNAS. According to the researchers, the threshold set by the Paris climate agreement - an increase of two degrees Celsius above the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere before the industrial age could be dangerous and cause the acceleration of warming

global warming. Illustration: shutterstock
global warming. Illustration: shutterstock

When the warming exceeds the threshold of two degrees, the Earth's climate will be out of balance. This is according to researchers who conducted an interdisciplinary study. The Earth may cross a threshold after which the warming will increase and the temperature will be the highest in 1.2 million years. The group is headed by Omat Will Stephan, from the Fenner School of the Environment and a member of the Australian National University in Canberra. The study was published in the journal PNAS.

"We are investigating the risk that the self-reinforcing feedback (positive feedback) may push the Earth system towards a threshold that, if crossed, the climate will cease to be stable and the acceleration of warming will occur." write the researchers in the abstract of the article.

According to the researchers, if this threshold is crossed it will be impossible to stop the global warming to what they call a Hothouse. Crossing the threshold will lead to a much higher global average temperature than has prevailed in the last 1.2 million years, and to significantly higher sea levels than at any time during the Holocene.
According to the researchers, even if the Paris Agreement is implemented as written and worded, this threat will not be removed. As remembered in the climate agreement reached in Paris in 2015, and from which the USA under the leadership of President Donald Trump withdrew, a threshold was set for limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius by the year 2050, compared to the pre-industrial period. The ambition is to limit warming to only 21 degrees Celsius by the end of the 1.5st century. As of today, we are already at a level of one degree above the average temperature in the pre-industrial period.

The forests, oceans and soil absorb about 4.5 billion tons of carbon that would otherwise reach the atmosphere and add to the warming. According to the scientists, the same pool of carbon that has been absorbed may still be released when warming increases and exacerbates it further. The frozen regions in the northern latitudes store millions of tons of greenhouse gases. The Amazon forests are also absorbing, the fear is that when we reach a warming of two degrees above the pre-industrial period, the risk increases that these natural allies will emit more carbon than they absorb.

The resulting path may cause serious disruptions in ecosystems, human societies and economies. Collective human action is required to prevent this threshold from being crossed. A drastic change is required in the entire Earth system, biosphere, climate and societies - and could include weaning the global economy from carbon, improving the absorption of carbon dioxide by the biosphere, behavioral changes, technological innovations, new governance arrangements and change social values.

for the scientific article

More of the topic in Hayadan:


  1. The matter is political. And if the Earth warms up, the poles will warm up, the Gulf Stream will stop, and... an ice age will begin. Before the existence of man, there were much higher temperatures on Earth.
    Nonsense. The absorption capacity of CO2 by the forests and algae in the oceans is enormous. It is more correct to eliminate the cultivation of cows, which flourish in the air provided - and is a greenhouse gas that is not absorbed at all.

  2. Creating energy is really not the focus here, the problem is with the monetary economic system which is based on money instead of resources, the economic system is based on endless growth whose entire purpose is to generate more money. This leads to endless production that is not needed, in order to create an artificial need for it they started producing washing machines that last a year or two instead of 40-50 years (for those who remember Zohar, Mila and AEG of the past) and light bulbs that last a thousand hours instead of 100 consecutive years as they used to produce in the East Germany, the main thing is to produce and consume endlessly. The economic system causes a huge waste of resources and an even more huge waste of energy, streamlining the processes to what is derived from logic instead of what is derived from the laws of the monetary economy will lead to a situation where more solar and wind energy provides everything we need and perhaps we will succeed in reaching almost a balance with nature in contrast to the current situation of destroying resources at a rapid rate So crazy that in a few hundred years we'll need another Earth or two to exist.

  3. Atomit will buy us enough time to develop alternatives.
    Geothermal - developed by NASA veterans a drill that is not mechanical - diamond but combustion - which melts chips of rock. You also need temperature resistance of the drill. What distinguishes Yellowstone from the rest is the need to drill only 300 m. Here a few kilometers of drilling will be required. But then electrical energy.
    And another thing that is required is the development of a shield of magnetic radiation from an electric vehicle. There is an idea how to do it, there is no time. Metal sheds only an electric field and it is not the main thing.

  4. Atomic energy - sources will only be there for the next 400 years.
    In my opinion, a multi-technological solution is required: solar, water, geothermal that is suitable not only for Yellowstone Park and Iceland, and fusion.

  5. free man
    The problem is - mass extinction of species that happens due to small climate changes. The balance is very delicate.

    The human species will not become extinct if the temperature rises by two degrees. But, hundreds of millions of people will lose their livelihood and their place of residence.

    Natural disasters will prevail - there is no debate about that because it is already happening. And many people die because of it. Today it is estimated that 150,000 people die every year - just because of climate change.

    I know this is unpleasant to hear. But dying is less pleasant.

  6. According to the Hanel study, 1.2 million years ago the temperatures were higher than the seemingly catastrophic description described in the article and the earth did not go out of balance, but on the contrary maintained a balance and even entered several ice ages in which the temperature was much lower than today.
    In other words, even an increase of 2 or more degrees will not throw the earth out of balance.
    It's not really clear what the commotion is about.

  7. Tell that to "fake news" Trump. And also to the Israeli government, which is completely unaware of the issue, except for mining money for tycoons with the help of the gas contracts...

  8. That is, in light of the existing alternatives to carbon energy, only atomic energy is relevant. Solar wind and sea waves are not serious solutions and have already delayed the possible reduction in carbon emissions. In my opinion, according to the well-known rulings, billions should be invested and the developing countries encouraged to establish modern nuclear reactors.

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