The robot that will make appointments over the phone and you won't be able to tell the difference between it and a person

Google revealed at its last major conference the future: an artificial intelligence that knows how to communicate with humans at such a high level, that it can talk to a person on the phone without him suspecting that it is a computer on the other line

Description of voice recognition process using artificial intelligence, like the one used in Google's new robot. Illustration: shutterstock By Pro_Vector
Description of voice recognition process using artificial intelligence, like the one used in Google's new robot. Illustration: shutterstock 

Google revealed at its last major conference the future: an artificial intelligence that knows how to communicate with humans at such a high level, that it can talk to a person on the phone without him suspecting that it is a computer on the other lineDuring the event, the CEO of Google showed how the artificial intelligence can call the hairdresser and talk to the clerk to make an appointment. The artificial intelligence had a light and flowing conversation with the clerk, nodding in agreement from time to time, and led the entire interaction to the desired result: making the appointment at the hairdresser.

It's amazing, no doubt. We see here the entrance to a new future, written by science fiction writers Like Alistair Reynolds and Greg Egan have written a lot about it, in which artificial intelligences are able to communicate with us as if they were human. The day is not far off when I can ask my personal assistant to make an appointment at a restaurant, send flowers home to my wife, and also write her a love letter that will look exactly as if I wrote it - and he will do all this perfectly, while talking to the human service representatives as needed.

But this will only be the initial change. The biggest change will come when the businesses themselves realize that they no longer need to employ human clerks, and their work can be transferred to computers. After all, a computer that can hold a conversation with a human clerk can certainly replace the clerk himself with considerable success. And so most of the human service representatives will disappear from the picture.

But again, why stop here? The human service representatives are only a link in a chain designed to standardize the information. When people call to make a change to their bookings, make an appointment or make an appointment, the main problem until now has been that they use free speech patterns. This is why we needed people to talk to people - because machines could not extract useful and clear information from human conversation. But when the machines will be able to understand human speech patterns and extract from them only the important information, they will also be able to transfer the information themselves to the organization and organize it accurately and clearly. To a large extent this is the work of accountants, by the way, and here is another reason that this profession will largely disappear from the world in the coming decades.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

2 תגובות

  1. Is it so difficult to attach a link or a video where you can see and hear the conversation?

    If this is indeed:

    "Artificial intelligence that knows how to communicate with humans at such a high level, that it can talk to a person on the phone without him suspecting that it is a computer on the other line",

    This means she successfully passes the Turing test. Sorry but I don't think we're there yet.

    Although it is certainly impressive.

  2. For some time now I have had the impression that you are not writing these posts but an impersonating bot. The question is if Dr. Cezana is still behind the scenes or if he is not related to this blog at all. And the bigger question: how can we know?

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