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Artificial giant trees will suck the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere

The scientist who coined the term global warming in the XNUMXs proposed a radical solution to the problem of climate change - millions of installations that would absorb carbon dioxide from the air

and Wallace Bruaker
and Wallace Bruaker

The scientist who coined the term global warming in the seventies proposed a radical solution to the problem of climate change. Wallace S. Broecker wants to promote the planting of millions of "carbon scrubbers" - giant artificial trees that will suck the carbon dioxide out of the air.
In a lecture at the South East Wales Literacy Festival, Brewer said: "We have a particularly serious problem. It is a race against time and we are crawling at a terribly slow pace," he said.
According to him, 20 million such installations would be required to capture the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the US alone. However, he said, "It seems like a huge number, but it is lower than, for example, the 55 million cars that are added to the roads each year. If you want it is possible and for 30-40 years it is possible to produce such a number."

Bruaker is perhaps the greatest interpreter of the earth's activity as a biological, chemical and physical system. He began his research in the 11s with the development of a technique to measure the radioactive carbon content of the oceans and the age of sediments on the seafloor and in lakes, using the data to analyze the patterns of ocean currents over the ages. He was a member of a group of scientists who studied climate change through radioactive dating of marine shells found in sediments on the sea floor, thus helping to discover, among other things, that the last ice age ended about XNUMX years ago.

In the XNUMXs he was one of the leaders of the Geochemical Ocean Sections (GEOSECS) project which collected a lot of data from the oceans. In the XNUMXs, he used radioactive remains from experiments done in the XNUMXs as chemical markers to study the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide in the oceans. In addition, in the mid-XNUMXs, Bruaker developed his theory of the global ocean circulation - Bruaker's conveyor belt. He was one of the pioneers of the studies about the movement of chemical elements in the sea, the mixing of water from the surface with the deep water in the oceans, something that happens once every thousand to two thousand years, and the rate of gas exchange between the atmosphere and the oceans.

He was one of the discoverers of the importance of the carbon cycle, and also studied the effects of the ocean on the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Many of Bruaker's studies deal with the carbon cycle and his book "Tracers in the Sea" published in 1982 in collaboration with T.H. Feng became the main guide for geochemists in the world.

22 תגובות

  1. Oh and for the editors, I think the comments section would look much better and more effective if the newer comments were at the top

  2. I saw a program in which they took a piece of forest, closed it with nylon and fed carbon dioxide into the software in relation to the air as I will be in the world in 2050. Now the strange thing is that the trees not only could easily cope with the amount but also grew faster so it could be and we are all wrong and actually not in the right direction at all in the question of what The problem and how to solve it?????

  3. Of course, in my previous response I meant to write "carbon dioxide" and not "carbon"

  4. student:
    I don't know if Bruaker is talking about this idea because the name "artificial trees" does not fit him.
    A solution of storing carbon and burying it in the ground, even though it could provide temporary relief, is not a sustainable solution.

  5. to Uzi,
    I remember that about two months ago Channel Eight broadcast several series that dealt with the solution to global warming. In one of the series they showed the idea of ​​the artificial trees, if I'm not mistaken their last process was the storage of CO2 in tanks and burying it in the ground.
    Not sure of the full name of the program, only: "Five ways..." Check, maybe they will broadcast this program again.

  6. Yaeli:
    I understand that you want a company, but that is not what determines the priorities of the human race. It seems to me that the list of credits of the scientist you called an idiot speaks for itself and puts you in the right light.

  7. To Yossi
    Come on, be serious for a second.
    Here we are engaged in enormous efforts to solve the global global problem of global warming and the increase in the concentration of carbonaceous pollutants in the atmosphere. And you're telling me little things here? Dinkum beast!

  8. Perhaps it is possible, through genetic engineering, to create "green people" (rookies forever)
    that a gene for photosynthetic chlorophyll will be implanted in their bodies.
    The profit will be triple:
    1. The co2 will become and we will have food. It will ease the food problem in the world and in particular
    In the countries of the sun, in the "small" latitudes, where the food problem is particularly acute.
    2. Reduce the amount of co2 in the atmosphere.
    3. You will (probably) get rid of the problem of skin cancer under the influence of UV rays.

    Regarding water consumption in the world, photosynthesis consumes water. It is possible that the development will require
    At the same time build thousands of desalination plants in arid areas.
    It is true that the idea sounds, at the moment, completely psychotic. But...maybe, after all, not completely.
    After all, there are photosynthetic animals.

  9. We have been busy for hundreds of years turning carbon and oxygen that were separated for an entire era into oil, coal and oxygen and turning it back into CO2, which will make the world friendlier to plants and less to animals and this suddenly wants to destroy us, we can't!

  10. I have no idea where to get an explanation about how the artificial trees are built or work
    I would appreciate it if you could contact me for an explanation!!!!

  11. Uzi:
    Is that the only question you have?
    Why don't you ask how the trees will be built in the first place?
    Brukar's words are an image that must be taken as a whole: a tree is a device that takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it through photosynthesis into other carbon compounds. These compounds are ultimately used as fuel (or food) for other machines (or organisms).
    The intention is not to overcome the law of conservation of matter, but only to positively influence the balance of compounds in the atmosphere.

  12. How and where will the CO2 be removed from the artificial trees that are supposed to absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere???

  13. borrowed:
    The problem with regular trees is that they take up a lot of space. This is what causes the amount of trees to decrease and not increase. Planting trees competes for space with residential and agricultural areas.
    What you suggest will also happen in the end and it is no wonder that people who thought about this proposal before have already created several such tools (descriptions of such tools are also abundant on this website).
    Recently, an article was published in the Haaretz supplement about an Israeli scientist who found a very efficient method for producing fuel using algae and who conducts his experiments in collaboration with a power plant from whose chimneys he takes the carbon dioxide. This is the type of process to take over in my opinion and it is interesting to notice that it combines all the suggestions made here (the algae are a kind of "artificial tree" and also a filter for the chimney) and also produces energy.

  14. Maybe it's worth painting the cars with a color that has chlorophyll ability that will convert CO2 to oxygen and with a little effort the carbon will convert to ethanol.

  15. Isn't it better to install suitable filters in the development of each chimney? (And maybe also for private cars?) So that the carbon dioxide will not be emitted into the air in the first place?

  16. Isn't it better to just plant trees instead? Of course as part of an integrated solution that will include supervision of felling (perhaps with the help of economic incentives for developing countries to limit their felling), planting of trees of suitable varieties and solutions that will reduce CO2 emissions.

  17. What will such an artificial tree look like?
    Does anyone have a link to a description of such a tree and how it works?

  18. To Yossi, such errors do not make a negative impression on me. There is not enough time and manpower to make a full decoration for the site. What matters to us is the content.

  19. No bad intention, but does anyone bother to proofread the articles here? There are so many typos here!
    1. The scientist who coined the term, not who claimed the term
    2. ...radioactive marine shells found... - shells, not shells
    3. From the leaders of the Geochemical Ocean Sections (GEOSECS) project that collected data - the project collected, it did not.
    4. ..oceans. Benos, in the mid-eighties - in addition, not Benos
    5. The chemical elements in the sea - the chemical not the chemical
    6. The mixing of water from the surface with deep water in the oceans - deep water, not deep water
    7. ..the carbon monoxide in the atmosphere - in the atmosphere, not in the atmosphere

    Maybe you should consider using a spell checker before uploading something to the site? The site is very professional, and such spelling errors cause a negative impression.

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