
The Yabusa 2 spacecraft near asteroid Ryugu, courtesy of JAXA

Surprising discoveries about the carbon richness of asteroid Ryugu and the composition of matter in the early solar system

Japanese researchers who examined the soft materials that returned to Earth from the asteroid Ryugo in the Yabusa 2 spacecraft now estimate that the protoplanetary bodies from which the planets and asteroids were formed were richer in carbon than previously thought.
Benzene, a simpler type of carbon ring. Illustration:

Researchers synthesized a stable C16 carbon ring, although theoretically it should have broken down immediately

Before the successful synthesis, it was not clear if it was even possible to create such a molecule and keep it stable long enough to study its structure and its electronic properties.
Steel factory. Illustration:

The steel manufacturer Jindal chose Dassault Systèmes solutions to improve operations and productivity in its factories and reduce its carbon footprint

The virtual twin experiences support sustainable steel production by companies seeking to optimize work processes and reduce their carbon footprint
Graphene sheet. Source: AlexanderAlUS / Wikimedia.

Has a cheap and efficient method been found to produce graphene?

OCCO - simple formula, important molecule (Photo: John de Dios/UANews

An elusive molecule has finally been discovered

Z-form selective "cross-metathesis" using a molybdenum catalyst

A new method for preparing carbon-carbon double bonds

Blue and orange glow in response to purple lighting

A new family of light-emitting materials

Covers of two original books by Jules Verne, a 19th century writer

It is written in a book

Prof. Jacob Bar

return the greenhouse gases to the earth

A clean graphene surface as scanned with an electron microscope. Image: Vanderbilt University

Carbon Wonderland by 2010 Nobel Laureate in Physics Andre Geim and Philip Kim

Image 1. Graphene. The nearly perfect mesh is a single atom thick. It consists of carbon atoms connected together in a pattern of hexagons similar to networks.

The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics - Graphene and the background to the win.

Do the cores of the giant planets contain diamonds?

Rahab Diamonds

Structure of the isolated C5-Abnormal N-Heterocyclic Carbene (blue: nitrogen atom, purple: unusual carbene carbon atom, gray: normal carbon atoms. Credit Bertrand lab, UC Riverside

A new family of materials for the preparation of chemical catalysts

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Nanotubes for weighing atoms

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

An electrically charged carbon compound could be a future semiconductor

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Environment and pets

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The debut of carbon-50