Global warming causes ocean currents to shift, including the Gulf Stream that warms Europe

The media is buzzing: "There hasn't been a false winter like it in 1000 years". The cause of the approaching ice age is the Gulf Stream." "The Gulf Stream that starts in the Gulf of Mexico and moderates the European winter stops"! These are just a few of the confusing headlines that have appeared in the last few weeks in the local and international media. So what is happening here?
Let's start with the definition/location of that "gatekeeper" against the freezing of Europe called the "Gulf Stream" (Gulf Stream), the very name causes confusion since the simplistic explanations of the media attribute the name to the fact that the current "starts" in the Gulf of Mexico, and not it , the current is part of a branched and winding system of currents whose direction and depth changes as well as the temperature and salinity of the water that flows through them.
The system is called the Global Thermohaline Circulation (GTC), the main starting point... in Antarctica and the secondary one in the Arctic Circle. Not all the factors of the current system are clear, but there is no doubt that the main driver is the temperature differences between the different regions of the oceans.
An attempt to chart the course of the flow will look like this: cold water currents flow in the depths of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans from Antarctica to the north... (relative) warming of the currents causes them to rise to the surface of the water, which causes the warming to disappear, this is how the warm currents flow south and north, so that when a flow of warm (and heavy) water ) comes close to one of the poles, the water sinks, cools down... and God forbid it comes back.
It is worth noting that cold water dissolves more oxygen and therefore the water in the cold currents is rich in oxygen and rich in nutrients that feed the oceanic animals (large and small) and thus also "coordinate" the movement of the mammalian and other fish in the expanses of the sea.
When the currents move - to the west or to the east, phenomena such as "El Niño", "El Niña" occur, the monsoon period starts later or earlier, or is shortened. That is, this cycle is very important and has a great influence on the climate.
Back to the "Gulf Stream" which got its name because of the bend it makes near the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf Stream carries warm water from the equatorial regions to the north and thus in its passage west of Europe it moderates the winter, without the moderating activity of the Gulf Stream Western Europe and England would be covered in a blanket of snow and ice every winter.
Like the entire system, the Gulf Stream is also affected by global warming, the warming causes the melting of glaciers in the Arctic Circle, thus large amounts of cold and fresh water are released into the Northern Ocean.
Forecasts "predict" the following process: the cold water that "meets" the Gulf Stream cools it, which causes the stream that was warm and heated its surroundings to lose its cooling feature!
As the melting of the glaciers increases, more cold (and fresh) water is discharged into the sea and the flow of the Gulf Stream stops. (I previously wrote about this), climatologists "predict" that the Gulf Stream will finally stop if global warming continues, a stop that will bring an ice age to Western Europe. Opinions are divided between those who predict a complete stop and those who predict a slowdown, even those who agree that the cold will remain on the west of the continent for a long time.
Because of the great importance and influence of the Gulf Stream on the climate in general and the weather in Europe in particular, there is constant monitoring of the strength of its flow, salinity and heat. Monitoring that identified that: the current is diverted to the west and instead of flowing at a constant frequency, it flows at a variable rate.
Despite a search, I did not find anyone who explains the current change (someone attributes this to the passage of the Gulf Stream in the Gulf of Mexico where the water absorbed oil that affects the flow?)
I did not find any predictions that state that this is the beginning of a process that will be established, but there is no doubt that it will be an event that predicts a cyclical change, a change that will prevent Europe from having the moderating effect and bring a cold winter...!
Last year Europe suffered a cold due to the diversion of "jet streams", this year the Gulf Stream is diverted. How did it affect us? If the cold air flows into our areas and along the way absorbs moisture, it is to be hoped that we will have a rainy winter...?!
13 תגובות
This is the explanation of the "upside down" that we predicted.
Every religion has its Torah. What do you do when reality doesn't line up with the Torah?
How will global warming cause the world to freeze?
The effect on Israel is that real estate prices will rise 🙂
Note to Itzik:
If you read the link I provided in the matter (and the truth is that it is also hinted at in the article and written explicitly in the linked articles) you will see that not only the temperature plays a role but also the salinity of the water.
All this is summarized in the link I provided and it turns out that the conclusions regarding the disruption of the currents are not uniform.
Note to Dr. A. Rosenthal: Just as hot air is easier than cold air, hot water is also easier!
Is there no effect on the atmosphere of the ocean in huge amounts of melted icebergs?? Fresh and cold water will prevent the conveyor belt from sinking, and the movement of the conveyor belt -
You will be wrong...! PS: A personal note - I really do not feel sorry for the Europeans after 1939-1945!!!!
What will be the impact on Israel and its environment?
Let me be optimistic.
The cooling of Europe can have a positive impact on the birth rate.
It's cold, we stay at home... boring... baby boom 🙂 and it's not funny it's like that.
What will happen is that our level of control over climatic environmental characteristics will increase.
In Scandinavia they already know how to live in minus 20-30 below zero for a long time
So overall this knowledge and practice will migrate south. not a story
If the Volvo I had has a mechanism in the exhaust that opens at minus 15 degrees and reheats the engine
So now it will also be in Fiat and Renault. etc. etc. other examples.
People live quite well in minus 30 and plus 50 and probably that's what will happen.
Precisely climatic challenges can unite and create a developmental momentum. Look at the progress and investment in alternative energy today and it is only increasing.
So much for an optimistic forecast. 🙂
In summer they cry that it was never so hot and in winter they cry that it was never so cold.
And in spring and autumn they cry that there have never been such floods and such storms.
Humans are dangerous animals and just like cats cry and cry and end up pooping.
The summary of the latest knowledge on the subject is, as usual, on Wikipedia:
Yoad you are talking about what caused the last ice age in Europe that a dam broke and huge amounts of fresh water spilled into the Atlantic causing a 900 year ice age in Europe.
But the truth is that this is all a gray area for our one is completely sure how much effect all the fresh water that pours into the sea with the melting of the glaciers will have...what is certain is good for the Europeans it will not be.
A scientist in 1995 wrote about the subject and received a medal or award from Clinton for this research.
The reasons he considered appropriate are mainly - the melting of the glaciers in the northern part of Canada and the entry of fresh water into the strip zone of the Gulf Stream.
He gave a time frame of 15 plus to 25 years
Meanwhile, he is right…
f,c,o cntnr = ramamb מסטקטק =
You wrote in the article:-
And a redeemer came to Zion
Sabdarmish Yehuda
f,c,o cntnr:-
"The (relative) warming of the currents causes them to rise to the surface of the water, which causes a sudden warming, this is how the hot currents flow south and north, so that when a current of warm (and heavy) water comes close to one of the poles, the water sinks and cools...and God forbid." End quote
I think it should be written differently:-
"The (relative) warming of the currents causes them to rise to the surface of the water, which causes a sudden warming, so the warm currents flow south and north, so that when a current of warm (and light) water reaches close to one of the poles, the water cools and sinks... and God forbid.
If it is not so then I did not understand and unfortunately Europe will freeze without being able to help it.
My heart, my heart, is with Europe.
Good night
Sabdarmish Yehuda