Comprehensive coverage

2012 - Is the end of the world really coming?

The answer is of course no but why do so many people believe this nonsense?

Planet X that could apparently hit us in 2012. Illustration: universe today
Planet X that could apparently hit us in 2012. Illustration: universe today

A few months ago, a blockbuster movie was released about the doomsday that is supposedly going to happen in 2012. The persistent rumors about the doomsday made many people believe that maybe "there is something to it", and the latest disaster movie only increased the hysteria and rode the commercial wave created as a result. I have known this rumor for many years, but am surprised every time to find out how a stupid and baseless belief becomes the talk of the town among people of all races, genders, religions and cultures.

What's all the fuss about? Some claim that the Mayans, who had incredible knowledge of astronomy (and some claim that it exceeded even the current knowledge of Western culture), predicted that the end of the world would occur on December 21, 2012. According to those believers, a wave of disasters is expected - earthquakes, asteroid collisions, waves of spatial consciousness and/or deadly world wars on this date. Many of those people also believe that a mysterious planet with an even more mysterious name - Planet X, which is allegedly responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs, will return to wipe out humans from the face of the earth. ``On the way'' were joined by all kinds of wrath prophecies that include prophecies from the Bible and the New Testament, and of course astrological predictions.

Everyone is impatiently waiting for the judgment day. Could there be truth in the rumours? After all, they made a movie about it...

In order to clarify the matter once and for all, I will briefly answer here all the questions and matters concerning the end of the world theory, and I will explain why there is no cause for concern. The next time someone warns you of the impending doomsday, you can email him this article (assuming he speaks Hebrew). I hope this will make him stop investing in insulating tapes, flashlights and cans...

For convenience, I will write the article in question and answer format..

Is the end of the world coming in 2012?
Although theoretically a major catastrophe could occur every day, there is no reason to suspect specifically in 2012. Therefore the answer is unequivocally - no. There is no shred of truth in any of the prophecies, theories, pseudo-scientific explanations and any other concept of destruction. Why? Details below.

Did the Mayans predict the end of the world on December 21, 2012?
Definately not. For them it was the end of a numerical cycle, something like a thousand years for us (remember the millennium celebrations?), only in their case the cycle was longer - 5,125 years. The long cycle resulted from the complex calculation method of the Mayan culture[1]. They did not predict any destruction and did not think that the end of the world would come on this date, but simply calculated the end of a numerical cycle. In fact, their calendar had references to dates beyond this particular date, so they probably did not expect time to come to an end or the world to be destroyed.

The archaeologists and scientists who study the Mayan culture are unanimous in their opinion that there is no prophecy of wrath about 2012 and that there is no evidence that the mathematical end of the cycles of their calendar is in any way related to the end of the world. I have a feeling that they know what they are talking about a little more than Menashe from the grocery store who heard from the neighbor, who read about 2012 in Maariv Lenoar.

And here is another interesting point - the descendants of the Mayans, small tribes who still live in isolated areas in South and Central America, claim that the whole concept of the Day of Judgment (apocalypse / Armageddon) does not fit the Mayan faith at all, and they are also sure that there are no references to the massive destruction events of the Apocalypse. According to them, this is a concept that came from Western culture and they don't understand what all the fuss is about...

Is there a religious text written by Mayan priests that predicts the end of the world in 2012?
There is indeed a short and closed piece of text (about 20 words, some of which are not clear) found in Mexico, which mentions the end of the cycle of the calendar (2012) and apparently also the names of two gods. In addition, there is probably a mention of the colors black and red, and perhaps also the word "big", but that is more or less what can be understood from the text. We know almost nothing about the gods mentioned (allegedly) and there is no logical reason to conclude from this text that the end of the world is near.

But even if you are sure that in this closed text there is a hidden prophecy of the wrath of the Mayan gods (perhaps by skipping letters?), then if you are not afraid of the wrath of Zeus, the Egyptian ``bad'' god, Jesus or the flying spaghetti monster, why are you afraid of the gods of the Mayan culture Exactly, about which you know nothing? (Personally, I would be afraid of Odin. He sounds a bit like Chuck Norris on steroids to me). Also, I repeat that other found texts mention dates that occurred after 2012, so even if you desperately cling to these ancient texts, why would you prefer these obscure words over another text that mentions events at future dates?

Did the Mayan culture have amazing astronomical knowledge that was better than today's knowledge?
definitely not. There is no doubt - the Mayan culture had a cumulative experience of thousands of years of watching the stars, and therefore they had a precise knowledge of their location, and were also able to calculate various dates and other astronomical data. But there was nothing special about it - the Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese and almost every other culture in the ancient world had similar knowledge.

Stonehenge, for example, that mysterious and famous stone circle in England was built out of advanced astronomical understanding, as were buildings in Egypt, Iran and many other places in the ancient world. It may seem amazing to us to think of people who know how to calculate exactly where the stars are in the sky, but this is because we simply have no experience with this. Modern life prevents most of us (all city dwellers) from seeing the stars in a reasonable way and we don't spend years and years watching and counting them.

But this is exactly what the ancients did, or at least the sages of the tribe, and they passed their knowledge orally from generation to generation. This knowledge was accumulated, and like any other Torah that is passed down by word of mouth, interpretations, explanations, stories and legends and sometimes even an entire mythology were added. Many of the stories of Greek mythology for example are full of legends about various heavenly bodies.

The Maya also had an extensive mythology that referred to the stars. In other words, instead of today's advanced science that understands the essence of the stars in the sky, knows how to distinguish between galaxies, planets and suns, send robots and humans to other stars (yes, I know, the moon is not a star and Mars is just a planet, too) and identify supernovae at the edge of the universe, The Maya explained everything in fairy tales about gods fighting each other and magical powers that rule the sky.

Don't get me wrong, God forbid I am not disparaging the Mayan culture, on the contrary, but the claims according to which the astronomical knowledge of the Mayan culture approached that of science nowadays or even surpassed it are simply fundamentally disproved and without any merit.

And the most important point - as I wrote above, even if we assume that they really had advanced knowledge in astronomy, They do not claim that the end of the world is coming!

Is there going to be a global consciousness shift (Consciousness Shift) in 2012? Or maybe positive cosmic radiation will spread energies of happiness? And what about aura vibrations or all sorts of other ideas in useful individual homeostrology?
If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny. People are desperately searching for reasons why the end of the world should come, and everyone is trying their best to find another strange explanation. So for the avoidance of doubt, the answer to all these questions is unequivocal - no. And by the way, what the hell is the meaning of "global consciousness turn"?

Maybe it has something to do with the crop circles that the aliens left in the fields?
Someone has probably seen too many episodes of the X-Files series. As far as I know, no grain circles were found to be associated in one way or another with 2012, but even so, there is no doubt that they were created by humans who coveted since all grain circles tested to date have been repeatedly proven to be fake.

And if there are indeed aliens that have come all the way to us and would like to tell us something about 2012, I'm sure they could find better methods of communicating with us than crushing wheat fields. Does it really make sense to you that aliens from advanced civilizations who created sophisticated spaceships and overcame the laws of physics couldn't write a small letter or get some airtime on TV? Were they so desperate that they decided to make mysterious circles whose meaning is unclear?

Is the horizon of Virgo about to meet the horizon of Leo (or any other astrological mumbo-jumbo) and that will bring destruction?
Unfortunately, I encounter too many rational, sane and relatively wise people who occasionally glance at the astrological predictions to see what the coming week holds for them. It's sad and embarrassing - but it exists. Some of those people also believe that some astrological event or another is going to happen in 2012 and cause havoc. So be calm - astrology has nothing to do with our lives.

Astrology is not a science, but a hodge-podge of baseless nonsense by naive gullible thinkers at best and clever crooks at worst. No lucky horizon and no "black moon" are conspiring to influence in any way the personal lives of human beings. Even if, for example, the planet Mars comes relatively close to the Earth, the distance between them is still huge, and the gravity of football can have a greater effect on us. And if we assume theoretically that the gravitational force of this or that planet had some effect, then the effect was uniform for all the inhabitants of the earth and did not depend on the date of birth of certain people.

There is an excellent singer/comedian called Tim Minchin who wrote a song called If you open your mind too much, your brains will fall off or by his other name: "Take my wife". One of the houses sounds something like this (in free translation):

"If anyone can show me one example in the entire history of the world where an astrologer has been able to prove under controlled experimental conditions that he can predict future events by interpreting objects in the sky

I will give him my piano

you are one of my legs

and my wife"

Look for the song on YOUTUBE. (You should listen to the song in its entirety and at the same time listen to his other songs such as "The Anthem for Palestine", "If you really loved me" and others).

And what about Planet X (Nibiru)?
One of the most common claims regarding the doomsday prophecies of 2012 refers to a mysterious planet called Planet X (some call it "Nibiru"). This planet is so mysterious that to this day there is not a faint shadow of evidence of its existence. And yet some people are convinced that this mysterious star comes close to Earth once every tens of millions of years and causes enormous damage as a result of its great gravity.

Just because someone came up with an idea that planet X exists doesn't make it exist. The same is true of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, here too, although someone came up with the idea that it exists, it is clear that there is no truth to it.

If you examine the idea of ​​planet X, you discover fundamental flaws in the logic that assesses its existence. If there really was such a planet, which revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, and passes through the area of ​​the solar system and the earth only once every tens of millions of years, then today we should have seen it in our telescopes, since it is supposedly already very close to us, and will reach us in about three years, zero time compared to such a long period of time when it was far from us but as mentioned, there is no evidence of such a mysterious planet.

Furthermore - our sun is not big enough and its gravity is not strong enough to hold a planet in such a large elliptical orbit, where it will appear in the center of the solar system only once every tens of millions of years. This simply contradicts the laws of physics.

If there is no scientific basis for this, where do the rumors about planet X come from? In 1984, astronomers detected an indistinct patch of infrared light that they could not explain its origin. Some charlatans immediately declared that this spot is a planet that is rapidly approaching us, and even hurried to find references to another planet in the solar system, which was mentioned (perhaps) in the ancient Sumerian culture. Hahaha... what a wonderful story this is - "the ancient guards who had incredible astronomical knowledge predicted the end of the world that would come through a planet that would crash into the earth". Sound familiar?

A short time later the same mysterious light was proven to be coming from a distant galaxy and the mystery was scientifically solved without any connection to ancient guardians or angry gods. But the rumor is already widespread and all kinds of fraudsters and supporters of far-fetched theories have taken advantage of it for their own purposes.

But those charlatans lacked a date for the apocalyptic vision they developed. They initially tried to claim that the end of the world would come in 2003, but since we are all still here, it can be safely argued that the end of the world has not yet come and that the rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated.

Later someone came up with a brilliant idea and connected the Sumerian apocalypse with the apocalyptic vision of 2012. I wish these stupid rumors would go away after we all survive 2012, but I'm pretty sure after 2012 passes without any particular problems they'll just find a new target date for a future apocalypse. Maybe in the spirit of globalization they will adopt some ancient Chinese mythology this time?

Is there a conspiracy by NASA and Google to hide information about Planet X? Did Google erase an entire area from their telescope maps for fear of discovering the star or comet there that would destroy us?
Conspiracy theorists have developed a whole world of convoluted theories, according to which NASA is hiding information from the public in order not to create mass panic. Some even go so far as to claim that Google has copied a certain area in the telescope image software to help NASA hide the information.

Even if Google wanted to delete a certain star, why disappear an entire area on the map and not simply delete the star from the image in Photoshop? Isn't it simpler? But what about logic and conspiracy enthusiasts? After all, such theories, just like religions, cannot be proven or disproved. Of course, this does not make them correct.

In an article from the scientist (originally from "Universe today") the following striking quote appears:

"Conspiracy is the downfall of Planet X supporters. When confronted with the scientific facts, they reply that "governments are spreading disinformation and covering up the real sightings of Nibiru". If the scientific basis of Planet X is wrong, to claim that the government is hiding it is a particularly weak argument."

So maybe a big meteor will pass through our area in 2012 and hit the Earth? After all, this is what wiped out the dinosaurs in the end.
There is always a slim chance that a meteor will hit us exactly on 21.12.2012, but it is the same slim chance that it will hit us every day and at any stage. For example, on March 16, 2009 or April 13, 2013. As we know, small meteors often enter the atmosphere, and indeed, in the past, several huge meteors hit the earth causing enormous damage, but today we have no information about any meteor or planet making its way in our direction If you sleep well and without fear of meteors today (and throughout your life to date), there is no reason to start developing a 2012-specific paranoia. There is nothing special about this date that will attract meteors in a special way.

And what about prophecies from the Torah? Skipping letters? Messiah's death? The vision of the dry bones?
Apocalyptic prophecies are a very common concept in mythologies, legends and religions. It is very easy to scare a public of innocent people and tell them that if they don't "mend their ways" (and give you a few shekels on the way) - the end of the world will come. The same idea also refers to "insurance for life after death" in the form of the stories of heaven and hell. But here too, thousands of years have passed since the prophecies of destruction in the Bible were predicted, and every few years someone jumps in and says that this is really going to happen, if we don't do something fast. But to date this has never happened, and there is no reason to assume that it will. Yes - we will all die in the end, but it will not be related in any way whatsoever to what is written in the Torah explicitly and certainly not by skipping letters.

And if we have already mentioned the matter, skipping letters is a method that has been refuted dozens of times and found to be false by any scientific standard. By skipping letters it is possible to find any word imaginable in any book of similar length. The ability to find mysterious words by skipping letters in the Torah is the same as the ability to do so in "War and Peace" or the Yellow Pages.

And even if we assume that someone really wants to believe in the prophecies of destruction from the Torah, how exactly are they related to the prophecies of the Mayan culture? Did someone in the days of Ezekiel build a large wooden ark and sail to South America, learn the Mayan language and explain to them about the expected destruction in 2012? Or maybe it was the other way around and the Mayans visited Israel?

In conclusion, I hope the message is clear - charlatans are everywhere and in every generation, new ones rise up against us, and contracts that we face on Judgment Day. It has not happened yet and there is no reason to assume that it will happen soon - the Mayan culture did not predict the end of the world, planet X is an invention, astrology has not yet been proven correct and by skipping letters you can find anything you want to find..

2012 will be a completely normal year. It is certainly possible that we will see disasters such as earthquakes and floods and perhaps there will also be major wars (in the end, a war between Israel and Iran is probably a matter of time), but wars and disasters happen every year and there is nothing special in 2012 and especially not on the specific day of 21.12.2012 .

So enjoy life and leave your worries for the real troubles.

[1] You can find more information in Hebrew about the Mayan counting and calculation method in the following article called "The end of the world will not come in 2012"

53 תגובות

  1. That way, I'm on the 21st (the date of the rumor) and it's not true,
    But they say that in about 50 years an asteroid will come and blow up the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that's scary!
    Luckily, we still have time and I'm almost sure they'll be able to find a solution...
    Don't worry we still have time before the end of the world!

  2. It is not
    True, whoever invented this rumor is probably a bored thug who wants to see children
    Afraid only our Lord our God knows when the end of the world I trust in God

  3. sparrow:
    1. I have never heard of this - I heard that scientists believe that in about 50 billion years the "Big Collapse" will begin - when the universe will expand to such an extent that it will collapse in on itself and that will be the end, or something similar.

    2. The Maya was a tribe that existed approximately in the years 200~900 AD.

    3. There is no proof that the Mayan gods exist. Maybe there are statues of Mayan gods but there is no proof of their existence. And by the way, how exactly will they return?

    4. I didn't understand what you are talking about, explain.

    5. It is not relevant what they believed then about UFOs because there is no documentation about them nowadays, and if there is - it does not prove their existence.

    6. I don't think that countries would have been able to hide from the citizens secret information about UFOs, aliens, classified weapons, etc. for so many years. I ask again - have you ever thought that countries do not hide anything from their citizens because they have nothing to hide? (You did not answer the question earlier, you stated a fact and did not present a basis and proof)

  4. * The Mayans said that the age of the universe is 15~18 billion years without electric tools
    * The Maya do not live for thousands of years
    * The Mayan gods promised them that they would return at the end of the next cycle (21.12.12)
    * At the end of the previous cycle, an entire area was buried overnight in ice and now it is melting and you can see plants that were buried exactly 5200 years ago (according to carbon dating) and this affected the global climate
    * Early man began to develop from the Asian region and during the Ice Age he moved to America thanks to the fact that the sea level dropped and a bridge was opened from Asia and Europe to America.
    * In the ancient world people did not know exactly what technology was so if they saw a spaceship they said it was a flying snake for example, there is only one culture that said there were metal objects capable of flight...

    To the one above me:
    There are many countries in the world that hold secret material
    Some of the classified information is about UFOs and some is about classified weapons that absolutely must not even be mentioned
    Governments will deny anything from these arrangements except for certain countries that revealed their knowledge of UFOs and the like...

  5. Why do you think all countries hide secret material from citizens?
    Did you perhaps think that the countries are not hiding secret material from you, perhaps because they have no secret material to hide from you?

  6. You didn't understand, maybe it's not astronomy, it's just a prophecy that really predicts the end of the world
    In my opinion, all the countries that hold the material that I don't want to say will press the red button and it will really be the end of the world

  7. A. It is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible that there is an end to the world, but there are prophecies of the end of the days (the end of the days, i.e., after the days that were without a Messiah, and rather according to the Torah, these will be better days and not the end of the world at all) some of which have already been fulfilled, for example the Melbim (one The real commentators on the Torah (writes that when Babylon, which is Iraq, as is proven by several writings and places in Iraq, will fall into the hand of Adom, which is the USA (there are some old maps where the USA is referred to as the 'Red Land'), the era of the Messiah will begin, which includes several prophecies that the world is marching towards) And it is also written that the Gentiles will come to us and demand Jerusalem, meaning that the land and Jerusalem will be in the hands of Israel, which was unbelievable until it happened
    B. The whole matter of hell and heaven is proven to be true in the studied 'clinical death' phenomenon

  8. Hello everyone, first of all, there have always been landmarks for the end of the world in history, the point is that these are just points as a metaphor for a seed that rots in the ground and from which a sprout develops, that is, these landmarks are points that symbolize an opening for the beginning of something new.... Of course there have always been natural disasters and therefore always be supervised and pay attention of course to equip yourself with everything necessary for such cases, I think that 2012 is the beginning of something good that will actually show us that the world is still spinning...

  9. Carrie (39)
    Who exactly are those "many people" because of whom you are afraid? Can you explain why you prefer the opinion of those unknown people over completely different opinions voiced by professional scientists, opinions that make it clear that there is nothing special about the date in question, after all tomorrow could also be your last day, are you walking around eating anxiety too From this option?

  10. How can you know that nothing will happen, many people claim that something will happen on 21.12.2012 and I am already really afraid that something will happen, how can you know that nothing will happen?

  11. Friends, I left you from the Maya on 21.12.12. All the stars will be in one straight line, something that can disrupt the magnetism in the scriptures and cause earthquakes, melting glaciers, tsunamis, etc...
    It is no longer cultural, it is already scientific

  12. This text is much longer than it should have been, written in an argumentative manner and gives a platform to arguments that are nothing more than a circle of reality just to convey a message. Just unpleasant to read.

  13. Sorry dear sir, but you can't predict what will happen so you can't say for sure that the end of the world won't happen on that date. You yourself wrote that theoretically every day a catastrophe could happen, so the world wouldn't end? Did you even go through what you wrote?

  14. listen…..
    It has nothing to do with the movie! Do you think this is related to the movie (those who don't understand science at all!)
    And you think they "took from Photoshop" NASA calculations or other things that prove the end of the world and hammered it into our heads! But this is not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The calculations of Nasa, the Mayans of Egypt and the prediction of Nostradamus and our Bible are right and big! And whoever doesn't believe in your Bible, as far as I'm concerned, doesn't believe in our God, our dear God! God with his own hands recorded that when technology starts to develop radically that it has not yet happened that much but soon something spectacular will happen, and that technology will be developed very quickly!!!, but technology is one!!!! Of the things that cause the end of the world! And spiritually no one believes, right! So when they explain it to you from a scientific point of view, you will immediately understand why it is true! When you look at the photographs of NASA or the graphs on the fateful date of Judgment Day, you will see an amazing thing: mysterious tremors in the graph on the scale of the earthquakes that are greater than 10! And in the NASA photos you will see strange happenings in space of all kinds..., but now of course you won't!!!!! Now just see some signs that won't scare you at all! But these are just some theories from a scientific point of view! Now from a spiritual point of view there are: the Mayans with their tablet, our Holy Book, a prophecy of Nostradamus, and the Egyptians! And there is another people I haven't researched enough... But if you want to research it, write the following words on Google: the Mayans, Egypt and its prediction, the Nostradamus effect and that's it... and if you are so interested in a lot of information, write on Google in short: 2012 because I researched it a lot, I already know the numbers without seeing! That is, on the keyboard! Enjoy life and have nothing to worry about…. Because we have God and hope and love! And we were given the Torah! We are very lucky to have God! He is the one who gave us wisdom to build! We have life and things for our needs! 🙂

  15. Every article in a rhetorical style and on this topic, and on this specific website, falls into the category -
    Persuasion of the convinced.

    By the way - the article contains quite interesting topics about the Mayan culture and the Mayan writings and there was a place to share with the readers another article for example under the title "The Numerical Cycle in the Mayan Culture".

    As the words were presented they do not respect the writer or the intelligence of our readers.

  16. Response to Shay from response 24
    1. You wrote at length about things that are meaningless at best. For example: the pharaohs and the Mayans "knew more things about the universe than NASA knows" and voila? What, for example, did they know that NASA does not? Maybe give an example, enlighten our eyes. Apes, you probably don't have examples of things that are taken from imagination and assumptions. By the way, I really liked the idiotic phrase "...they predicted a collective change of mind" what prediction? What change? And how exactly do you measure a collective change of mind?

    2. Which scientific article exactly proved that crop circles are real? Which article proved that batteries run out there? So you said! I agree with the writer, I can also say that right now the flying spaghetti monster is coming to bite your butt. So I said

    3. Sorry for the bite the monster is going to give you in the butt, I asked her to stop with scares.

  17. Sorry, sorry, no one will admit when the world will end, only God will know
    and thanks :]

  18. I didn't understand what was meant: the end of the world of my mind. If the intention is that in 2012 we will come to the consciousness that this is the end of the world, for example, due to the destruction that humans have created, then this is an end point but also a starting point. It can be positive. Go find out!

  19. The end of the world will not come in 2012, they say that the calendar will simply end in 2012, that's all, our world has a few good millions left to live, so those who write that the end of the world will come in 2012 are liars, even in 2000 they said that the world would explode, so I want to tell you not to be afraid!

  20. See you on New Year's Eve 2013, until then there is nothing to worry about. There is also a positive side to the belief in the end of the world.
    Those who believe in this, should pack their bags, go to have fun in the world, on an isolated island surrounded by shapely young women, until the bitter end. Whether the world is destroyed or not, in both cases he comes out with a profit and gains an unrepeatable experience.

  21. How much nonsense in one article... It is clearly seen that the author of the article did not really examine the subject in depth and decided to rely on a collection of nonsense from So Cold "believers". Here's my second cents on 2012, after years of objective research:

    A. The Mayans (and also the ancient pharaohs) had amazing astronomical abilities, they indeed knew more things about the universe and the earth than NASA (Never A Straight Answer) today knows (or at least shares). Whether they received help from an external source or not, they had the ability to predict cosmic events, and whether something will happen or not in 2012 they predicted a collective change of mind and not a "meteorite impact" or "world war" or any other nonsense rumor.

    B. The ancient pharaohs, who are hardly mentioned in the context of 2012, built the pyramids for a galactic purpose. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the dismantling of a huge part of the Red Army, the Russians had a lot of time and a lot of money to research, research and research. They had a huge budget dedicated only to scientific research, and gave scientists the freedom to research whatever they wanted. Two Russian scientists have discovered that pyramids attract enormous energy many times greater than any existing energy attractor on Earth. The research is huge and the findings are amazing, but I won't go into detail about the research here, what I will add is actually about the Giza pyramid, a calendar that was recently formed that is considered very relevant to today according to the collective conscious movement of humanity, and it also predicts a conscious leap in its consciousness.

    There is a tendency to belittle everything related to the knowledge of the ancient civilizations, it is best to think that we know better than them today because they lived in the past and we are in the present, but in fact this is not true at all. Those who want to know more about these cultures and how rich they were in knowledge are invited to look for studies by David Wilcock and Graham Hancock, in which they present all the sacred geometry of the pyramids and their connection to the universe (it's no coincidence that they both built pyramids, at the time they didn't even know they both existed in parallel!)

    third. True, in 1984 NASA found a star that produces a lot of heat and is not visible to the eye, so they launched an infrared camera that might discover the source of this unexplained heat. I don't care about NASA's research in the field, I personally found the decisive proof that there is something that NASA wants to hide after I saw a few years ago on Google Earth an object that emits huge heat that does not appear to be a planet and is not visible on a normal camera, and a few weeks later NASA simply put a huge black box on this planet, and when the 2012 movie came out and burst into the minds of many people, NASA released a number of answers to questions that were asked by all kinds of curious people, and about the black box it said that it was "a malfunction in photography, and it will be removed in the near future ". But guess what, she's still there! I don't know what exists or doesn't exist there, but there is definitely something there that the governments and NASA don't want us to know/see. Anyone interested in the coordinates of the black box is welcome to request and I will post it here.

    d. Has the writer heard of crop circles? Does he know what a crop circle is? Or does he rely on the opinion of the "believers" or "official" sources who will tell him what is true and what is not true, or what to believe and why not to believe? Every year, between April and September, there is the season of the crop circles. Inside the circle everything is dead, nothing grows and will not grow there, no matter how many full batteries you come there with, each pair of batteries will be drained for a few minutes inside the circle. The amount of energy within these circles is enormous and to this day no one has an explanation for how or why it happens and what causes it to happen, but in practice, in every circle there is a message, geometric, cognitive, collective, general mathematical, etc. A year before the explosion of the BP oil pipeline there was a huge crop circle with the BP symbol, these things have no explanations but they have very strong messages. In any case, they also have messages about 2012, and they are positioned geometrically in relation to the Earth. I am sure that anyone who investigates this topic a little more deeply, and does not go to ask NASA about everything they have doubts about, will find that there are things in the body. And many things!

    God. Michio Kaku, a senior astronomer and quantum theory researcher, was interviewed by the Fox network two years ago, and warned that in 2012 there is going to be an electromagnetic storm bigger than anything that has been recorded to date, and that the scientists to date have not understood it properly, but are beginning to foreclose that something big is going to happen and that We have to prepare."

    I don't really know what will happen in the end, I know that I have a lot of questions and that there is currently no one or body that can unequivocally prove that something will/will not happen. What's more, I'm sure that there are things that still have no explanation, and that NASA is definitely not the body to draw real or logical explanations or answers from.

    A quiet Saturday everyone,

  22. For Alma, there is a difference between believing in accurate things that have become disproved and that things that are disproved will become accurate. This is a postmodernist statement.
    After all, in the article there is evidence that all the things that are being talked about in the run-up to 2012 are a figment of the imagination of delusional people. The chance that they will be realized is lower than the chance of winning the lottery.
    For any practical need, they can be treated as stories and that's it.

  23. A completely unnecessary article. I did not like the disparaging tone in which you wrote your words.

    I also do not believe in "Judgment Day", or in prophets of any kind, but the fact that in the light of history, the scientists also believed in certain things that turned out to be unfounded should not be ignored.

    You cannot rule out an assumption until you have provided scientific proof of its non-existence.
    (as silly as you are)

    Until then…… don't pretend to prophesy either.

  24. In 2012 I intend to get married, on 12/12/2012, buy a house, open a business and many other plans for the future.

  25. You are wrong….
    Something must have happened then -
    This will be the shortest day of 2012
    Your mistake is your own, repeat this letter!!! 🙂
    In general, 21.6 is the longest day, 21.12 is the shortest day, 21.3 is the day of the middle of the lights. What about the 21.9 - there is nothing there - its name should be changed to the most unnecessary day of the year

  26. Tu. And Achish said to his servants: Here you see a man going mad, why do you bring him to me?
    XNUMX Lack of madmen, I, because-you brought-it, to be mad at me; This one will come to my house.
    (XNUMX Samuel Chapter XNUMX-XNUMX)

  27. There is a story about a man sailing on a huge ship and starts drilling a hole in the bottom of the ship where he is standing. One of the passengers turns to him and asks him what are you doing?! The man says to him: What is your business? This is my place..

  28. "Since all the crop circles that have been tested to date have been proven time and time again to be fake"
    No way
    As far as I know, some have been proven to be fake and some have been proven to be real, by the cuts it has been proven that it is not man made.

  29. I'm with Adi. Fed up. Especially since the debate will end in two years, so there is no shame in the wasted words. After all, there is already a huge and bizarre post on the subject. And even when 2012 passes, a new end of the world date will be found.

  30. And in the coming months we will also have to deal with the claim that at the end of August Mars will be the size of the moon...

    What to do, the ignorant public gets its knowledge from chain mail and Facebook groups, it doesn't have the strength to read sensible articles from sites like "Hidan".

  31. Mickey:
    It just takes time.
    I allow myself to predict that by January 2013 the claim will already be disproved.

  32. A clear and logical article, nevertheless a small correction concerning Planet X, according to the fiction of the believers, it is claimed to be in its own solar system, which revolves around a brown dwarf type star, meaning that the planet does not come alone but with its own solar system, thus the physical claim of our sun's ability to hold A planet in a distant elliptical orbit cancels out, doesn't it? Plus the other claim that our star would overcome the relatively weak gravity of the brown dwarf, even though logically two suns can't approach each other at such close distances that some of their solar systems would meet, right? And thus basically the scroll was closed on the second claim, correct me if I'm wrong.

  33. Great article for Ynet!
    The public that reads articles from this site is probably not worried about 2012, so you don't need to convince us.

  34. And by the way, regarding skipping letters - they can be found in any book of a similar length, and even in much shorter books. (I tried!!) A-B-L The thing with the Torah is that words are found (in skips) within matters that are related to them. And that's something else...

    In any case, no one can predict what will happen in a specific future, neither according to the Torah and the skips nor by any other method, so if someone claims to know this, they are at best imaginary. At worst - a liar.

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