
Demonstrators against the corona restrictions, and claim that there is no epidemic. Illustration:

How to deal with corona deniers - and why it (usually) doesn't work

An attempt to explain the obvious. Ehud Amir goes over the conspiracy theories created around the corona epidemic and explains why they are unfounded
If you did not recognize this bone - it is an unidentified bone

Illusion detection kit - 10 warning signs

United Airlines Flight 93 crash site in Pennsylvania. From Wikipedia

The 11/XNUMX attacks: fertile ground for conspiracy theories

The image as it appears on Google Mars after processing

Cylindrical structures 250 m long on Mars? Just a hole in the photo

German poster from 1935 showing a Jewish conspiracy with the Freemasons for world domination

The voice of the skeptic - the conspiracy detector / Michael Shermer


The flu epidemic - was or was not

Planet X that could apparently hit us in 2012. Illustration: universe today

2012 - Is the end of the world really coming?

The Five Enlightened Emperors - Trianus in the middle of the top row

The priesthood as you did not know it - XNUMX: a priestly conspiracy?!

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

want to believe

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Conspiracy: "The US did not prevent the September 11 attacks on purpose"