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Search for ET - no evidence yet

Phil Larson, of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy responds to two petitions calling for the disclosure of the US government's ties to aliens 

"The Third Day" movie poster Flying saucer over the White House - only in movies.
"The Third Day" movie poster Flying saucer over the White House - only in movies.

The White House's official response to petitions calling on the administration to admit an encounter with aliens: "Official acknowledgment of the presence of extraterrestrials involved in the activities of the human race"And"Immediate disclosure of government knowledge about communication with extraterrestrial beings"When the first petition has so far received over 5,000 signatures and the second - over 12.

Phil Larson, one of President Obama's advisers, wrote
Thank you for signing the petition demanding the Obama administration acknowledge the presence of aliens here on Earth.
The US government has no evidence that any life form exists outside of Earth, or that aliens have contacted or are involved in the activities of any people. In addition, there is no reliable information that proves the existence of any entity that is hidden from the public eye.
However, this does not mean that the subject of life outside our planet has not been discussed or researched. In fact, there are several projects striving to understand whether life can exist or actually exists outside the earth. Here are some examples:

  • SETI - the search for extraterrestrial intelligence project, was initially established with the assistance of NASA, but has since moved to private funding sources. SETI's main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing through an array of ground-based telescopes into space to listen for something from other worlds.
  • Kepler is a NASA satellite whose main purpose is to search for planets similar to Earth. Such a planet found in the life zone of a distant solar system - not too hot and not too cold - could potentially be home to life as we know it. The Kepler mission is designed to scan our region of the Milky Way to discover rocky Earth-sized planets in or near their Sun's habitable zone.
  • Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity is a vehicle that NASA is supposed to launch soon to Mars. The laboratory inside the vehicle will investigate rocks, soil, and other geological features in order to discover the chemical building blocks for life (i.e. carbon compounds) on Mars and assess whether the environment on Mars was good in the past to see if there was once life on Mars.

One last point: many scientists and mathematicians have examined in a statistical light the question of whether life can exist outside the earth and have come to the conclusion that the chances of discovering life outside the earth are high, meaning that there is a reasonable chance that somewhere among the trillions upon trillions of stars in the universe there is another planet that is a home for life. Many have also commented, however, that our chances of making contact with any of them, especially the intelligent ones, are very low given the distances involved.

However, it's all about statistics and estimates. The fact is that we have no reliable evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial life here on Earth.

Phil Larson works in the field of space and communications policy in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

For a message on the White House website

By the way, it turns out that the issue was raised in the past in the Knesset as well, and was immortalized in one of the first news items posted on the Hidan website - Question: Have UFOs landed in Israel?

47 תגובות

  1. I recommend watching the movie that appears on YOUTUBE in parts, and not the movie that appears in the link I posted, because the quality of the movie is better in parts.

  2. Hope I haven't missed the climax of this discussion yet 🙂
    Anyway, I, for example, do believe that aliens came here, but, I "don't know" that aliens came here.
    Why do I believe? Because there is in the existing "evidence" (those 5-10% that cannot be explained) enough to indicate that there is something here that cannot be put in a neat little box that science today can call it by name.
    If the commenters here had made this distinction between "believing" and "knowing" we might have succeeded in reaching the equal valley.
    Not for nothing does the famous Fermi paradox ask "so where are they all?", because statistically we should have noticed their existence a long time ago. Maybe the answer is that they really are already here, but we ignore them?
    The question you are asking now is probably: why would we ignore such a thing? After all, this is the scientific discovery of the century!"
    So this is it, that this discovery is not like any other scientific discovery for several reasons, and in order to understand them, one must enter into a hypothetical discussion based on the assumption of "they are already here":
    1. We didn't make this discovery, the discovery made us: they came to us, and the choice of how and if at all there will be a relationship between us, depends entirely on them (even though we may not understand their logic, and despite the loudest protests...).
    2. It is not possible to put this discovery in a laboratory and perform experiments on it - they have the high technology, and we cannot make them behave according to our rules.
    3. It is not possible to make predictions in this discovery, and to confirm our theories: we do not know why and how they get here, and it is likely that this knowledge is beyond our scientific understanding.
    4. Science advances in small and safe steps, and this discovery requires us to "jump" beyond current scientific knowledge.
    In conclusion: I am not sure that the science we have today can give us answers if and when it really needs to for the reasons I mentioned.

    And for all those who ask for proof or a "photograph", I recommend that you watch the program secret access UFOs on the record that is on YOUTUBE - an excellent program that explains, among other things, how it is possible that we "ignore" the information that exists...
    I would be happy if my father would bother to watch the film even though I know he is very busy:

    And the real mystery here is: where is Michael in this discussion??? 🙂
    (I am joking, but in a strange way I missed your skepticism...)

  3. Noam, don't you have a wider vocabulary than curse words?
    Maybe it's better to be a plant and shut up.

    Today they launched Curiosity to Mars at a cost of 2.5 billion dollars!!
    If aliens had landed here, there would be no need to send 10 billion to Mars because they would have given us the answers
    If there were or it is possible to live there and if there are other stars on which it is possible to live...

    Why throw billions away if there are aliens in area 51 while they are still alive that can be questioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If they told us where Gilad Shalit was being held, then in your opinion would we release 1000 prisoners and invest heavily in the search for him? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idiot!!!!!!!!!!! We already have his location.
    The same goes for aliens, if they had been here a long time ago they would have already told us about Mars and much beyond.

    And finally
    Yes, there are aliens
    But we are as dumb as you and they are too intelligent to come here!

  4. Lafi, Civet, Ronen and the like,
    I have heard this infantile argument both from those American charlatans on the History Channel and from their substitutes in the land of Civet and Ronan.
    Apparently in the eyes of these "wise men" their readers are stupid enough to accept such an idiotic argument with understanding and agreement.

    But not all of us are stupid. Some of us will answer you like this: advanced aliens who will arrive on Earth, are they not smart enough to distinguish between ants, lions, giraffes, sheep and humans?
    Will they not be noticed in huge cities, in cars, airplanes, television broadcasts? Wouldn't they be curious to try to make some kind of contact with that living creature that seems to be advancing hundreds of meters from the string of animals?

    This argument you raised indicates (if you and your ilk really believe in it, which I don't...) of shallow thought if not stupidity.

    And what is "that there is no reason to come here" in your words? So do they come here or not? And if they do come here, read my words from the beginning.

    By the way, you and your ilk surely also believe in the "Calendar of the Mayans" and you believe that in a year and two days we will all perish.

    In short, as long as there are fools, innocents and fools - you will continue to make money and the X-rays and other charlatans.

  5. We are like bacteria to them...we are not that important.
    It's like we'd find bacteria on a wouldn't make us want to communicate with them.
    So are intelligent aliens....they are a thousand times more advanced than us and we are like small and stupid insects
    There is no reason to come here.
    We are another small and boring star for them... there are many more like us, just as there are wiser and less wise...

  6. “The Alien Industry”…….
    Some make a living from reading in coffee, some make a living from "communication" with extraterrestrials, some make a living from crystal balls,
    Some make a living from God (the religion industry) and some make a living from the extraterrestrial industry. Almost every day there are programs on the History Channel (on television) in which 4-5 charlatans appear who bring "proofs" that Elijah the prophet was taken by aliens, that the pyramids were built based on information given by extraterrestrials to Egypt, that there are alien bases under the sea in the Caribbean Sea, Shamacho Fitz And it was built by extraterrestrials (of course) and dozens of other "based proofs"
    About dozens of phenomena and other findings on Earth that... are the result of the activity of extraterrestrials.

    Those 4-5 charlatans innovated the entire planet and live very well from selling their programs to the television industry, which itself broadcasts to the millions of deluded and innocent (and stupid) people who buy their stories.
    Even in Israel, like many places in the world, there is an extraterrestrial "industry" that people, if they don't make a living from, at least spread themselves by it.

    These stories about extraterrestrials and flying saucers (why not flying pots?) are spread by generally intelligent people, who themselves do not believe the nonsense they spread, but because most people are not very smart (proof of this is the one and a half billion Muslims who believe that Muhammad came with His horse "El Burak" ascended to heaven, where he met God and the ancestors and prophets.
    And two billion Christians, most of whom believe that Jesus is the son of God and that three days after his crucifixion he was resurrected. There are, of course, the religious and most of the traditional ones among us, who are sure that God is real, but it is really important to him that the toilet paper be cut into pieces before Shabbat begins and that it is forbidden to pick one's nose or remove lice on Shabbat) after all, there will always be sages who will make a good living at the expense of the millions of ignorant people.

    And of course there is the lack of consideration by Mr. Sabat and his friends "the paleontologists" to the simple question that was already mentioned above: Why don't the advanced aliens who managed to get here show themselves and create a real and genuine relationship with humans??????

    Isn't this similar to the example that Columbus, when he discovered America, would hide and not reveal himself to the Indians?

    Well, I'm not naive to think that the people who believe in the conspiracies of the people will stop believing in their own nonsense, but actually what does it matter??????????? After all, in a year and three days the world will be destroyed anyway!!!!!!!! H E L P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. To all the respondents who asked me questions -

    As I requested above, this is not the place to develop discussions on this issue.

    To this end, I will be happy to answer any question and refer to the sources, in the forums of the association for UFO research:

    Registration is simple and free...

    Hanan Sabat

  8. 1977 - The number of alien reports in Britain almost doubles.
    1982 - the same phenomenon on a small scale
    1996 - the number of reports is multiplied fivefold.

    Why in these years? Because in these years, meetings of the third type, ET, and "The Third Day" came out together with X-FILES respectively.

    Also, in the years 2000-2005 the number of reports drops to a low after the September XNUMXth attack.

    Plant the idea in people's heads, and they will still find it somewhere.

  9. Archimedes.
    I didn't see the same small shot I asked for in the movie.
    When the number of viewers of this sensational film reaches 2100 - let me know again.
    Right now there is less, and that includes both of us.

    Nice, nice, nice.

  10. Hanan joins Israel and R.H.

    From the time that I did devote to the subject, I actually got the opposite impression, I would appreciate it if you could provide a link, or provide some evidence that the solution involving Abami is the most likely.
    I feel like I have to search forcefully..

  11. Assuming that the Apollo mission was a fibruck and did not land in 69,
    Since then there have been many Apollo missions, and a total of 12 people have walked on the lunar soil.

    Israel, just two days ago my friend told me that his mother saw Lot's wife near the Dead Sea..
    And another friend of mine told me that his mother used to engage in séances, and she stopped as a result of the household utensils starting to float in the air.
    And they ask me: What interest does my mother have in lying?
    Now I don't feel comfortable telling them what kind of treatment I would send them to 😉

  12. Hanan

    2. "UFO research relies on reliable evidence, documents, official studies and physical artifacts found."

    I believe that all opponents of UFOs will go over to the side of UFOs as soon as the same unequivocal evidence is presented. I sure am.

    I don't know if you bothered to look at the video I attached - it is very convincing. Mainly the image of the American flag waving on the atmosphereless moon. It really looks like a conspiracy.

    Then came the explanations and explanations - including those of Armstrong himself - and my troubled soul found calm.

    By the way, I personally know a woman who claimed to have met extraterrestrials.
    She also claimed to have met Jesus, but that's not necessarily related.

  13. Hanan Sabat,

    Why and how is it possible that so many people hide such meaningful information? The claim of "not to cause panic" does not hold water in my opinion. Since when do governments show such responsibility?
    Is the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs less frightening? Nevertheless, the Manhattan Project, which was top secret, was finally revealed.

    Second point, assuming you know the scientific world and scientists, could you describe a situation where a scientist has an unequivocal finding for the existence of aliens and he hides it? I know that I and those around me would find light by hook or by cook as they say.
    and why? What interest?

    And don't tell me there's a lot of evidence either. It is a fact that the issue is very controversial and it is not at all clear to say the least that there is such evidence.
    By the way, I'm really asking and not to tease.

  14. post Scriptum. Israel - there are very clear photographs and documented information... You just need to know where to look and who to ask 😉

  15. Israel -

    1. UFO research does not rely on photographs or videos.

    2. UFO research relies on reliable evidence, documents, official studies and physical artifacts found.

    3. The amount of reliable research and information found that supports the argument that extraterrestrials visit the earth and that some UFOs are artificial objects not built by humans, is above and beyond any negligible possibility.
    It is about the amount of cross-referenced findings that confirm the issue of furniture for any doubt. Since it is a highly classified matter, it will be dealt with accordingly.
    Many countries have started to publish a lot of information on the subject on official government websites. The US has not done this and will not do so. For some reason, we are hung up in the US or the desire for someone to stand up and present to the entire public advanced technology or findings that may turn history upside down and cause sweeping changes in the economy, in religion and in everything we know about human history - all the more the need to explain why the information was effectively hidden dozens years and why mainstream science refused to openly investigate it.

    4. The subject of UFO research is not related to beliefs or photographs, but to pure scientific research. Therefore, it is advisable to attack the findings that exist and not continue to focus on nonsense such as YouTube videos...

    Hanan Sabat

  16. Some people deny the Holocaust.
    And there are people who deny all the "proven and clear" documentation for meetings with aliens.

    The difference is that Holocaust deniers encounter an abundance of facts, photos and unequivocal evidence that contradict their claim that there was no Holocaust.
    And the deniers of meetings with aliens do not come across even one unequivocal proof that would contradict their claim.

    (For example: there isn't even a clear one-shot of an alien, or a flying saucer, which, if possible, would also include its license number, for the avoidance of doubt).

    But why go far? aliens? About a quarter of Americans do not believe at all that a man landed on the moon. See:

  17. Hello stupid people. I am an alien I came here before the flood and I was in a coma now I wake up and see unwise people saying I didn't come.
    So I did come from the planet Proxima Taurus which is very far from here. I came to learn Hebrew, but the Akiva school is closed, so where do I study?

  18. R.H. Expensive -

    1. Writing in the forums does not require any payment, but only free registration, as well as access to research.

    2. There are parts of the website and activities of the association that require a subscription, but these are not included in the points you raised.

    Happy surfing…


  19. Hanan Sabat and Galian,

    You refer everyone to serious and reasoned answers on your association's website. However, to see the articles or participate in the forum you must register and pay a membership fee. Do you think that way you will convince or at least create a fruitful discussion?
    Would you make the forums conditional on registration and block offensive messages, but require you to pay membership fees?

  20. There are aliens, and they found a way to reach our planet and whoever claims otherwise is living in a movie...

  21. Hello everyone

    I think it's pretty clear, at least that's how I understand silence.
    Our brothers "the aliens" will not appear in the near future because we are not yet ready.
    "They" know everything about us, they have millions of years of technology and they have knowledge and understanding of what might happen if they show up.
    The question is when will they appear?
    The answer is quite banal and unfortunately, as it seems, they will not appear at all because most of the inhabitants of our sphere believe.
    Belief rules our little ball as soon as the situation changes they will appear or in other words they will never appear…………

  22. Hanan, did you think for a moment that the whole alien theory started out of a governmental interest to cover up experiments with aircraft!
    In fact, this is how they diverted those interested from the main issue and in addition deterred foreign governments during the Cold War.
    Then the belief was born and developed by people like you who make claims supported by dubious evidence.

  23. My friend, anyone who thought even for a moment that the White House might issue a message different from the one it issued - unfortunately, he is nothing but a fool. On the other hand, being a girl will answer and bury your head in the sand (because it's convenient) as you usually do on various issues, and not only on the subject of UFOs, does not indicate excessive intelligence either.

    In science, as in science - research must be conducted without bias and without prejudices. This is the first thing every student is taught, only that, unfortunately, beauty does not demand beauty in many cases, and the politics of science often results in scientists acting according to religious criteria and following gut feeling, private beliefs, and marking a goal, just as all mystics of all kinds do.

  24. post Scriptum. - Gilad, Yossi, Batya and Avraham: I would be happy to personally answer your questions and the arguments you raised, because they are based on arguments presented by those who deny the phenomenon and therefore must be considered....

    You are invited to the forums of the website of the association for the study of UFOs...


  25. Wow... some comments...

    Unfortunately, I would be happy to respond to all the arguments put forward and those taken from the world of media imagination and based on nothing but studies that did not examine the entire phenomenon (such as sleep paralysis - which did not examine cases of multiple abductions/daylight abductions/abductions that left clinical signs, etc.) , the subject of "belief" in UFOs that has nothing to do with research, etc.).

    Unfortunately I cannot reply in this forum, as this is not the place to do so.

    I would be happy to try and answer any question that is asked in the forums of the association's website - which are the appropriate place for discussion on this topic (a discussion - and not a debate, as I do not usually debate beliefs, gut feelings or nonsense from the press. Discussion is only done on the basis of presenting research and scientific information).

    Hanan Sabat

  26. Hanan,
    Are there any unidentified objects? Or is everything undetected necessarily an alien spaceship? How do we tell the difference between a spaceship, ball lightning, a prank by photography students and just something flying in the wind?

  27. The real Yossi, I can give endless reasons for your question
    In general, the whole thing about getting into an alien's way of thinking is fundamentally wrong, and shows fixed thinking..
    Because we are not at all able to imagine what they look like (that me and a worm are two creatures created on the same planet that share a common part of DNA and look at the differences), so of course I won't start thinking about how they think..
    On the other hand, a more legitimate question, is why if they chose a secret way, then why don't they do it in a better way, without anyone feeling them, in light of the tremendous technology they have achieved, I find it absolutely possible..
    But this is a rhetorical question.

    I think evidence about demons and spirits is just as strong as aliens (in terms of people's stories), there is evidence about aliens in other areas as well because the possibilities are wider (like remains of...).

  28. To Hanan and to all those who believe in Abami
    Explain to me just one thing: if they exist and if they are here, why are they hiding?
    1. They are highly intelligent creatures (otherwise they wouldn't have managed to get here) and are more developed than us
    2. They are curious creatures (otherwise they wouldn't bother to go on a great journey through the universe).

    That is, intelligent, developed and curious beings, if they had gone on a long journey in the universe, probably to look for other cultures, other civilizations and here, after finally finding one, they hide from it!!!, why?
    What do they have to fear?

  29. I do not pretend to explain all the findings that Hanan can probably bring, and do not intend to start a debate on the subject.

    Just for general education, the experience of "sleep paralysis" is well documented in all eras and cultures, about a quarter of the population has experienced it at least once in their life, and its symptoms are strikingly similar to descriptions of alien abductions.
    I mentioned it here:


  30. Say just for the sake of it, because I entered the website that Hanan brought.
    In the matter of flying saucers, is there any advantage in building a spaceship of this shape?

    P.S. - I hear the conversation with David on GLC,
    If I started listening to every such story, I wouldn't get out of it, because then I would have to explain the other things like:
    demons and ghosts
    A miracle king monster
    Reading in a cafe
    Nostradamus and the other prophets
    People being abducted by aliens
    etc. etc. etc.……………………………….

  31. I don't understand these aliens visiting here
    Can't they do it a little more stealthily so they won't be noticed at all?
    I personally expected more from them..

  32. Hanan,
    I don't have a problem with unidentified objects, I am clear that there are such, and that space is full of them, but an encounter with an alien, with an emphasis on an animal, and also on interference in the affairs of the earth, seems to me a bit far-fetched (at least until proven otherwise). Evidence of interpersonal encounters is also a dream doubt - a reality doubt. And that brings me to the thought that the universe is made up of materials we don't know, and that we actually have no idea what the universe is made of, or what we are made of. For example: what is a soul, etc.

  33. Hanan, what do you think about Stanton Friedman and Steven Greer? (Unlike).
    I had the opportunity to listen to several interviews with them and the feeling is that, okay, there are several hundreds of testimonies of military personnel and pilots that can be called reliable, but what is beyond that? It looks like that's where it ends.
    It is not like the controversial subject "cold fusion" for example (or in its modern name LENR) that today a scientist can try to reproduce the experiment or reexamine the phenomenon in the laboratory.
    How do you see the day after the "disclosure"? (by the US government) What's next?

  34. her daughter

    A study and even a glance at the information will make it clear to you that unidentified objects have been observed and documented all over the world.

    The above argument and many others are frequently raised by those who have never examined or even tried to examine the existing picture.

    I will even recommend the entry "UFO", in the English Wikipedia as a start:

  35. What interests me is why the aliens only visit the United States. Why does none of them land, for example, in Tel Aviv, even though there are several creatures in this city that could be said to have come from outer space.

    And a real question: Wasn't the Sati project closed? If I remember correctly, their funding was stopped - maybe not?

  36. Good morning my father - of course I didn't suspect either, that one could expect otherwise from the people and entities mentioned in the article.

    As you know, I am always ready to answer... except that unlike the people and entities mentioned in the article, I at least have studies, documents and information on which I base my answers.

    I do not start from the point of view of theories based on beliefs, gut feelings or statistics, but base everything I wrote on research - for better or for worse. At least studies can be debated and try to take one position or another.

    I would expect that at least, for the sake of fairness, the US would try to back up its arguments by presenting findings and research and not by refuting theories or arguments, since it is easier to spread arguments to the world, than to try and back them up with research - and that is exactly what was done in this case....

    Have a wonderful week (even though tomorrow will be rainy)…….


  37. 1. The US government should not be expected to claim otherwise, after decades of denials, which included cover-ups and lies, some of which have been proven beyond any doubt, and it is enough if we compare the official studies, such as Report 14 of the Blue Book and the Condon Report, compared to the affidavits submitted to the press and which constitute To this day there is proof of the cover-up that was done (the affidavits and summaries are completely different from what is written in the reports themselves and this is because the advertisers assumed that the media would not read the report, but the press summary).

    The US government cannot therefore, despite steps taken regarding freedom of information in many countries in the world in recent years, confirm the information they know.

    This action by the US government makes sense according to the existing circumstances, therefore we should not expect them to disclose information officially in the coming years.

    2. Organizations such as SETI, whose contribution to humanity is embodied in a screen saver, are nothing more than bodies that behave as a religious cult and whose contribution to research is zero.

    It cannot be said that SETI does seriously investigate the subject, as long as it ignores the study of the UFO phenomenon and ignores the reliable, official and scientific information available on this subject.

    3. As long as the mainstream in science ignores and refuses to openly investigate the existing physical findings, the evidence (over 500 most senior witnesses who testified in the "DISCLOSURE PROJECT") and the existing studies on the subject (such as the French COMETA study), then we should not expect a serious response.

    4. Gimmicks like the query in the Knesset, which was answered by Zvi Yanai (who has not even the slightest knowledge in this field and has never tried to examine the scientific information on the subject), only demonstrate the way in which the pseudo-information system operates in Israel.

    5. All the arguments of politicians and government officials are refuted one by one, when you look at the findings that exist today. For more information, it is highly recommended to read the following books, where all the arguments mentioned above in this article are refuted:

    A. "Flying Saucers and Science" - by Stanton Friedman.
    B. "UFOs" - by Leslie Keane.

    Hanan Sabat

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