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If anyone had any doubts - the aggregate data also raises the blame of man for the warming as it is

A NASA study links human activity to changes on Earth

Glacier retreat. The result of global warming
Glacier retreat. The result of global warming

A new study led by researchers from NASA published in the journal Nature showed that man-made climate change affects a wide variety of natural systems on Earth, including the retreat of areas from the ice caps, early flowering of flowers throughout Europe, and a decrease in the fertility of lakes in Africa.

Researchers at the Space Science Institute at NASA's Goddard Center and 10 other institutes have linked a variety of effects since 1970 and the rise in temperatures during that time. "Humans affect the climate by increasing greenhouse gas emissions," said Cynthia Rosenzweig, the lead researcher in the project. Warming affects physical and biological systems and this is now evident on a global scale in North America, Europe and Asia.

"This is the first study that links the temperature data series, results from climate models and observations of change in a wide variety of physical and biological systems to identify the relationship between humans, climate and impacts" says Rosenzweig.

The researchers built and analyzed a database that includes over 29 data series in order to examine the effects on the Earth's natural systems. Data were collected from 80 studies, each of which included at least 20 years of data between 1970 and 2004.

Among the observations analyzed in the model are the changes in physical systems such as the shrinking of glaciers, the melting of ice and the increase in temperature in lakes and rivers. Biological systems have been affected in a variety of ways such as early spring leafing and flowering, earlier arrival of birds during migration periods, and movement of plant and animal species towards the poles and higher areas. In arctic environments such as in oceans, lakes and rivers, there is a replacement of fish and plankton from those adapted to a cold environment to communities of creatures adapted to warmer environments.

About 90% of the observed changes in the physical and biological systems are consistent and indicate warming. However, there are also some driving factors, such as changes in land use from forestry to agriculture, when they caused significant effects on the observed results.

In the next step, the researchers conducted statistical experiments and found the patterns according to which the observed effects match the trends of temperature changes around the world, to a level that is beyond that which can be attributed to natural variation. The final conclusion is that the likelihood that these changes are the result of man-made global warming.

To report on the research on the NASA website

7 תגובות

  1. It's unfortunate to hear what will happen to the earth and I want to say that anyone who really cares should look back at the people who lived after him and think if he would like to have the world the way they will, try to reduce the dirt and not pollute the environment and keep a cleaner world for future generations and for us... ….


  2. All in all, we need to go through this stage of technology where the technology was outdated, polluting and very expensive, in the coming years we will see an expansion of the trend towards better, cleaner and cheaper technologies.

    I really don't think that people are against the development of science - simply against the enormous damage to the earth, that I see today the amounts of dirt that come out of factories, trucks, buses, cars and other vegetables I am really shocked, it doesn't make sense that we live in 2008 and this is how the world still looks, which is I am very happy about the growing trend in recent years of research and development in the field of geothermal energy, sea waves, solar, hydromanic, wind, biofuel, etc.

    Lee Y:
    Solar energy is the greatest energy that reaches the earth, its potential is the greatest, in terms of reliability and price - it is much more efficient and much cheaper than the energies that are used today, in terms of space - it is true that solar energy consumes a lot of space, but it can still be used effectively by Covering solar collectors with roofs for example and many other things.

    In a few years of development the energy utilization will increase more and more and then we can really start to reap the rewards.

  3. You burned me an hour and a bit..

    I was waiting to see reactions from the other side in the movie.. Nada..

    Interesting.. but maybe the movie itself is bullshit?

  4. As far as the greens are concerned we will all live in caves and even then we will disturb the bats.
    This is a dangerous trend without energy the third world will starve and then wars will break out on this background. Solar energy and wind energy are unreliable, expensive and take up land and most importantly there is no need for it! Carbon dioxide does not interfere at all as a result of warming there is an increase in carbon dioxide and not the other way around...

  5. Bullshit!! This is a conspiracy of people against human development like in the Middle Ages when the church ruled and opposed science so the "greens" oppose all development, especially the development of the third world. Global warming is not because of man! This is a natural phenomenon... in the Middle Ages it was hotter than now and thousands of years ago too! In the 70s there was a decade when the climate cooled and the world feared that the world would enter the ice age and freeze. There are cycles in the world. The main influence on the climate is cosmic radiation and the sun! Watch the movie: The Great Global Warming Swindle
    And you will also be convinced.. it is available for free online at the following address:

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