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NASA: The year 2014 was the hottest in history

NASA Deputy Administrator: The observed trend of long-term warming and the ranking of 2014 as the warmest year reinforce the importance of NASA to the study of the Earth as a whole system, and in particular to understand the role and impact of human activity

Color map of temperature anomalies in 2014. Source: NASA
Color map of temperature anomalies in 2014. Source: NASA

2014 is the hottest year since measurements began in 1880. This is according to data published separately by scientists from NASA and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA).
The ten warmest years on record, with the exception of 1998, have all occurred since 2000. This is a continuation of a long-term warming trend. This is according to an analysis of surface temperature measurements by scientists from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Research (GISS) in New York. An independent analysis of the raw data was presented by NOAA scientists on Friday, and they too came to the same conclusion - that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

"NASA is at the forefront of scientific research into Earth's climate dynamics on a global scale," says John Grunsfeld, NASA's Assistant Administrator for Science Missions at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "The observed trend of long-term warming and the ranking of 2014 as the warmest year reinforce the importance of NASA to the study of the Earth as a whole system, and in particular to understand the role and impact of human activity."

Since 1880, the average temperature on the surface of the earth has increased by about 0.8 degrees Celsius. It sounds little but it is enough to upset the balance in many systems. The warming, according to both agencies, is due to the increase in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the specialization took place in the last three decades.
"This is the last in a series of hot years, in a series of hot decades. While a particular year's ranking can be affected by chaotic weather patterns, the long-term trends of climate change can be associated, and now the main influencing factor is human-caused greenhouse gas emissions." says GISS director David Schmidt.
While temperatures in 2014 continued the long-term warming trend, scientists still expect changes in all directions from year to year due to phenomena such as El Niño or La Niña. These phenomena of warming or cooling of the tropical region of the Pacific Ocean are considered to play an important role in flattening the long-term trend for 15 years and yet the peak of 2014 occurred in a year when there was no El Niño.
"NOAA provides decision makers with science-based and reliable information about our changing world," says Richard Spinrad, NOAA's Chief Scientist.
"As someone who monitors climate change, the demand for environmental intelligence is only increasing. It is essential that we continue to work with partners such as NASA to anticipate changes and provide the information that the community needs to strengthen its resilience."
Local differences in temperature are more influenced by weather dynamics than by the global situation. For example, in the US in 2014, parts of the Midwest and the East Coast were unusually cold, while Alaska and the three western states - California, Arizona and Nevada experienced the hottest year on record, NOAA says.

The GISS analysis combines surface temperature measurements from 6,300 weather stations, shipboard and buoy measurements of sea surface temperature, and temperature measurements from research stations in Antarctica. These raw data are analyzed using an algorithm that takes into account the variation in measurement between different measurement stations, and the urban heat effect that may impair the calculations. The result is an estimate of the difference in global temperature measurements from the baseline - the years 1951-1980. NOAA scientists used the same sources, but compared them to a different baseline. They also employed their own methods to estimate global heat measures.


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32 תגובות

  1. skeptic,

    The man you are talking about is called Lord Monckton. I recommend you go to potholer54's YouTube channel and start watching videos there.

    potholer54 is a former journalist who worked for scientific magazines. His YouTube channel is dedicated to the critical observation of ideas - basically what he does is take an entire lecture (or an entire article, or anything of the sort) by a person with some scientific claim and simply test it. I mean, actually go to the articles he cites and see what exactly is written in them. Locate the fossil the lecturer is referring to and see where it was discovered and under what conditions, things like that. His videos are quite amazing in terms of the research work he does to deliver a serious critique of the topics he deals with, and he is also an eloquent and interesting person.

    Anyway, he has a series of five (if I'm not mistaken) videos about Lord Monckton and his theory regarding global warming. Do you want to see them for yourself or will I spoil it for you and reveal what happens to his arguments when compared against the relevant scientific publications?

  2. safkan

    Then continue to a YouTube segment that tells about alien buildings and ships on the moon that the governments are hiding from us? Another part with people's opinions that are based on no evidence?

    You supposedly complain that everyone is influenced by the opinions of propagandists who spread global warming propaganda for power/money/control, but you do so while uncritically listening to propagandists with other interests.

    Stop listening to the propagandists and start looking at the data.

  3. Here is a link to a conspiracy theory made by the British Lord Stunkton regarding the greenhouse effect.

    According to him the greenhouse effect is a communist plot to take over the world, by issuing orders to all countries how to live and what to do. There is no man-made greenhouse effect according to him.

    Lord Stonkton (I hope I didn't mess up his name), was a journalist and advisor to Margaret Thatcher, the extreme conservative prime minister in Great Britain, 30 years ago I think.

    Anyone who likes to hear a conversation in a fine British accent is welcome, even if he disagrees with it.

  4. To reduce carbon emissions, we must switch to nuclear energy. Since uranium is relatively rare, we need to develop the thorium-based nuclear industry (the most common of uranium). Perhaps Israel will be able to break through in the field, in cooperation with India, the United States, or Japan.

  5. safkan

    come on, you can just as well say "there is no clear proof" for anything that is not math, there is only a mountain of supporting evidence. You're just in denial. Do yourself a favor and look at the data and the interpretations given to it from all sides and then look at it again in a more informed way.

  6. safkan
    Please, keep denying the facts. There is warming, a large part of which is the fault of man, and there is a real danger to the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

    It doesn't fit your agenda? I'm fed up with you. But, why do you insist on destroying your children's world?

    You, and your ilk, are just like the frog who doesn't feel that the water is being heated. The funniest thing is that the story about the frog is simply not true. The saddest thing is that the story about the man is true.

  7. Stop intimidation.

    This year's warming does not change the trajectory of multi-year global warming since approximately 120 years. Sometimes the warming is very slow and sometimes it erupts for a year or two as part of the El Niño phenomenon. El Niño may have already started in 2014 and will continue in 2015. When El Niño ends there is usually a year or two of cooling, the cooling phenomenon is called Niña. If the El Niño continues and intensifies in 2015 - it is possible that La Niña will erupt in 2016 and then there will be a slight cooling or stop of global warming.
    After El Niño eruptions followed by La Niño, the warming returns to the normal pattern which is very slow.

    There is no clear proof that global warming is the result of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (global warming due to human activity is called anthropogenic warming). There are a lot of fears that global warming is anthropogenic, but there is no serious scientific proof. The weaker the scientific proof, the greater the level of intimidation.

    There is no serious scientific proof that slow warming (on the order of one degree Celsius over 100 years) is a danger to humanity. Again: the weaker the scientific proof for this claim, the louder the intimidation.

    It is likely that within the next 100 years they will find cheap ways to produce energy from sources other than fossil fuel. Until then no disaster will occur. Stop intimidation.

    Alternative sources for fossil fuel:

    1. Conventional nuclear fission reactors (a solution suitable only for some countries). immediate solution.

    2. Quiet nuclear reactors of the LENR type (if it is scientifically proven that they work). Estimated solution in about 50 years or less. Rossi's Ikat reactors, if scientifically proven, will provide electricity within 30 years.

    3. To include electric power plants from solar collectors, an estimated solution within 100 years. (Today's solar technology is not efficient, therefore it is not an immediate solution to global energy problems)

    Bill Gates donates a billion dollars to an Italian research institute for the development of modern (non-traditional) nuclear energy sources, especially for the research of LENR reactors.

  8. The chicken is not a wild animal - quick death for the chicken that was eaten (not killing for the sake of killing). In my opinion, it is legitimate. "Send a nest" is atonement - and some bet it with money." The discussion" drifted beyond the issue to global warming (also my fault). Science allows a wide field for thoughts.

  9. Golan
    Yes and no... the chief scientist of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Gabi Avital, said outright that warming is nonsense and that recycling is unnecessary, because God protects us. I was also "privileged" to see ultra-Orthodox people looking at birds to perform the mitzvot of moving the nest.
    So even in Judaism there are good things and there are bad things.

    Regarding America - I didn't understand what the point was. You are right that not the whole world is American, but how does that relate to warming?

  10. Miracles, global warming - the United States is a world power, therefore they (like you perhaps) think that what they think everyone needs to say Amen. Sometimes they deny that they are a power (there was a program in educational). America is enough by itself, but not the whole world is American.

  11. The chief rabbis can and need to speak out on environmental issues. As a general rule, in Judaism there is an obligation to preserve nature.

  12. Golan
    Please, stop pulling from the waist. You probably don't know as much about Christianity as you think. I gave you numbers, how much cake can I feed you with a spoon? 🙂

  13. When talking about Muslims, Shiites / Sunnis. The majority of Christians are Catholics, and the Protestants will have to give a position against the Catholics. The Catholics are known as conservatives, i.e. Republicans - Hispanics.

  14. Golan
    What does eating pork have to do with it? Republicans are 68% Protestant - so don't make it up 🙂

    In any case - both of us, as well as the Pope, know that there is indeed a serious problem of warming. That's what matters, isn't it?

  15. Why is astrology better than Islam: because it is not violent, because they do not persecute members of other religions, because astrology does not discriminate against women, because astrology talks about complex processes, and not like Islam which talks about a bipolar world of heaven/hell. In the end, believing in astrology is not Requires a change in the identity card.

  16. Religion will remain with us. Religion can be likened to music, seemingly a collection of sounds. But man gives them meaning. God is a psychological need, because even if there is no "God". There is spirituality, there are dreams. Judaism is ancient and it is a strong "brand" - in my opinion, a true Jew is not afraid of other religions and criticism, because we have confidence in our religion. If religious people take care of the weak, then they are legitimate. But if religious people take advantage of the weak and lie (disbelieve in scientific facts) then they must be condemned and hidden, because they have no place.

  17. Catholics are dominant in the Republican Party, and they didn't like the Pope's statement that there is global warming that man is responsible for, and that the poor are suffering from it.

  18. The Catholics are the strongest Christian denomination among Christians. The most consumed meat in the world is pork. The calendar is from the birth of Christ, world trade stops on Sunday, and if the countries with a Christian majority did not trade with us, we would not exist, (although Arab countries do not establish official trade - including Syria)

  19. Golan
    In the USA the Protestants are the strongest, in England the Anglicans and in most of Europe religion does not have much influence, Christianity today. There are many Catholics in Brazil, but Brazil does not have much influence in the world.

    So what are you even talking about?

  20. Golan
    What do you mean by "strong religion"? The Catholics are not as scary as they used to be, and Islam is. In Islam there is no single leader like the Pope, but there are very powerful groups, which have a much greater influence on the world.

  21. Even a Jew can appreciate integrity. The Pope is the most powerful spiritual figure there is. In contrast to the rejection of Islam, the most powerful religion is Christianity - especially Catholicism.

  22. Or in other words the things that are done to try to stop the avalanche. The Pope is simply trying to give people an excuse that will allow them to remain good Christians even in these days. In the world of religions, when reality does not match religion, then reality is wrong, but when reality causes people to leave their religious beliefs, then suddenly religion actually meant exactly this thing that it denied and said was not realistic, and it completely matches its worldview.

  23. Samaritan Golan
    really? 🙂 See –

    In particular -
    Pope Francis continues to shake-up the Christian world with his latest public revelation, announcing that evolution and the big bang theory are in fact real, and that god is no 'magician with a magic wand.'

    Speaking to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Francis' words lessened the divide between the Christian faith and science with his shocking assertion about mankind's evolution.

    Francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator - arguing instead that they "require it."

    "When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so," Francis said.

    He added, "he created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment."

    "The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it. Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.”

  24. Samaritan Golan
    What do you take the Pope as an example? He believes in all nonsense - like evolution ... like the big bang …… 🙂 🙂

  25. D! Fu, don't you know that the United States is a powerhouse. And it is better than countries like China. Global warming is a fact that even the Pope is aware of.

  26. The National Agency | American for oceanography and atmosphere

    Or have they already finished the takeover and all of us (not the party) officially belong to them?

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