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Memories of near-death experiences, more real than reality, but caused by the brain

Disruption of the parietal lobe is the cause of such detailed hallucinations caused by comatose or near-death patients, and it has nothing to do with religion

Visualization of a near death experience. Photo: Jesse Krauß from wikimedia commons

Researchers from the University of Liège in Belgium have shown that a physiological mechanism in the brain that operates in near-death states leads to a vivid perception of imagined events in the history of the person in this state, but also real events that occurred in his life. This amazing finding, reported in PLOS ONE and obtained using an original method, requires verification by other researchers.

People in a state of clinical death or near death (NDE - Near Death Experience), reported passing through a tunnel, and feeling a transition to another reality or 'leaving the body'. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as a near-death experience or a near-death experience. Is this experience a product of the brain, or perhaps a psychological defense mechanism? Maybe it's hallucinations?

These phenomena were widely documented in the media and inspired all kinds of beliefs and theories. From the scientific point of view, these experiences are difficult to understand since they come in chaotic situations, which make real-time research almost impossible.

The researchers at the University of Liège tried a new approach. Attacking the problem with the combination of two different groups: the coma science group (Coma) led by Steven Loris, and researchers in the field of cognitive psychology (Prof. Serge Bernard and Doug Dahon) examined the memories of near-death experiences through hypnosis, assuming that these are products of the imagination, as well as the characteristics The physiological ones (sensation, self-awareness, emotions, etc.) which are supposed to be close to those of imagined memories. On the other hand, if the NDEs are experiences similar to those in reality their cookies should be similar to memories of real events.

The researchers compared the responses of three groups of patients, each of whom survived a state of coma in a different way, and a group of healthy volunteers. They examined the NDE memories and the memories of real and imagined events with the help of questionnaires that assessed the characteristics of these memories. The result was surprising. From the perspectives studied, not only is the NDE unlike real or imagined memories, but also the characteristic phenomena that characterize memories of real events (detailed memories of sensory input) were more numerous in NDE memories than in memories of real events.

The brain, under the conditions that create these phenomena, falls prey to chaos. The physiological and pharmacological mechanisms are completely disrupted, worsen or in some cases disappear. Other studies have shown that there are physiological explanations for some components of the NDE, such as the feeling of an out-of-body experience, which can be explained by a dysfunction of the parietal lobe. In this context, the new research suggests that certain mechanisms can also create a perception - which the person interprets as if it were an external experience or in other words - reality.

This is a certain way in which the mind lies to a person, as in hallucinations. These events are particularly surprising and especially important from an emotional and personal perspective, these are developed, detailed, precise and tangible memories.

Countless studies have examined the physiological mechanisms of the NDE, a product of these brain phenomena, but when they are done separately, the two theories are unable to explain the phenomenon as a whole.
The study published in PLOS ONE does not claim to offer a unique explanation for NDEs but contributes to opening a new path of research that takes into account physiological phenomena as factors related to and not only contributing to physiological phenomena.

Although apparently this is a waste of resources, since there is no logical reason to believe in the existence of a soul and therefore there is no point in proving its non-existence, but there are several reasons why the research was worthwhile: one reason is simply to better understand what happens to the brain in the most extreme stress situations there is and another reason - Another nail in the coffin of popular and institutional religions. Even in this situation it is possible to manage without God.

88 תגובות

  1. Shmulik, Nissim, and all the rest.
    None of us have seen Napoleon either, but we rely on history books that he actually was.
    Well: all the great ancients (and not only) spoke in detail about life after death and explained in detail what happens there, these are very wise people, this can be proven from their compositions full of wisdom and knowledge when the world-wide science was still in its infancy, for example like Maimonides (and other first It's worth mentioning here, the common secular ostrich won't understand what I'm talking about)
    By the way, basic logic also leads to this, otherwise who created us? And for what? And if we are already alive, why is everything here temporary and not permanent?
    More than that, there are enough people (Jews) who were complete infidels, strictly secular atheists, who repented due to clinical death they experienced, all of them idiots?!
    If it makes you feel good, Yossi Sherid also experienced clinical death, (can be listened to in the GLAZ archive on the Bnei Bashan program)
    And just as I don't expect to see Napoleon, since he died a long time ago, so also the upper world cannot be expected to be seen with the eyes, but those who were there and came back to tell us.

    Yes, I know it's super cool to be a free and happy liberal who owes nothing to no one and believes in nothing
    And even cooler to declare and fight for it at every opportunity.

  2. Asaf
    What you say is very interesting. The problem is that there is no connection between what you say and reality. There is no known case that even comes close to what you say.

    But don't let the facts confuse you!

  3. As many of the commenters noticed at the end of the article, it is clear that there is no real inquiry here, but only a desire to prove that a soul does not exist. The reason for this is simple because the author of the article fears that if there is a soul and he does not invest in it, he has a serious problem with himself.
    As a matter of fact, those who read studies on the subject that have studied thousands of cases will see that there is no comprehensive answer in this study at all. For example, in many cases the people testify that they clearly saw the medical staff and even gave exact details about the clothing and the like when in some cases they are blind people!
    In any case, it is very difficult to get to the truth when the researcher starts from a certain point of assumption and is not ready to be open that he may be wrong since this will require him to make a fundamental change in his life.

  4. As many of the commenters noticed at the end of the article, it is clear that there is no real inquiry here, but only a desire to prove that a soul does not exist. The reason for this is simple because the author of the article fears that if there is a soul and he does not invest in it, he has a serious problem with himself.
    As a matter of fact, those who read studies on the subject that have studied thousands of cases will see that there is no comprehensive answer in this study at all. For example, in many cases the people testify that they clearly saw the medical staff and even gave exact details about the clothing and the like when in some cases they are blind people!
    In any case, it is very difficult to get to the truth when the researcher starts from a certain point of assumption and is not ready to be open that he may be wrong since this will require him to make a fundamental change in his life.

  5. Miracles, our knowledge of "how the brain works" is definitely limited. There are some clear single points, there are some mechanisms that we have understood... not beyond that... for example, we are very far from understanding even basic processes of memory. The main thing you forget is that an understanding of physiological, molecular and electrical processes in the brain does not bring us any closer to even a basic understanding of perception (experience). For example, we understand quite well the processes that happen in the brain when a person sees a certain color (eg red). We know that when a wavelength corresponding to red is recorded in the retina and from there continues, without detail, to upper visual areas. It is possible to measure neuronal responses in one way or another and state with full confidence that this person sees red... but what is not possible even approximately (at least at this stage) is to understand why the activity of a certain neuron or region causes the experience of red... Today it is not completely clear how brain (physical) activity causes (non-physical) experiences. Since it is very difficult, if at all, to deny the fact that an experience "exists" and that it is not a physical thing, then it is also impossible to deny the possibility that other non-physical "things" exist, such as a soul... There is no doubt that this is an amazing machine... It may be all that is needed... but it is also possible that it is not …

  6. Michal, and all the rest
    The word faith is irrelevant. If you want us to investigate, first define "soul" and then provide any evidence, as flimsy as you like or an argument that will explain why a soul is bound in reality, but you need to take the first step for us to investigate. No one is researching the existence of leprechauns or flying unicorns or endless words that I can make up in my head and pronounce, just because you did.

    You want research, take the first step

  7. Container[
    There really is no reason to believe in a soul. The curiosity is to understand how our brain makes certain people think that there is something beyond our brain. Don't forget - we know how the mind works.

  8. ".. Although apparently this is a waste of resources, since there is no logical reason to believe in the existence of a soul." Such a sentence is not suitable for investigation or the curiosity and objectivity that should lead scientific experiment and investigation.
    And in my opinion - when science and spirit come together, many open questions will be explained and solved.

  9. Interesting article
    I didn't like the line: "...there is no logical reason to believe in the existence of a soul and therefore there is no point in proving its non-existence"
    The fact that there is no logical reason does not mean that it cannot be true that there is a soul
    It does not rule out
    I think it used to be thought that it didn't make sense that the earth revolved around the sun, so studies conducted revealed that it is so.
    "Impossible" is not an excuse not to investigate, if you had said "impossible" it would have been more appropriate (even though you have no proof that it is impossible to have a soul and it seems to me that neither does anyone else).

  10. Blowing water, why just make up imaginary inventions, why is it good?

    There is no other world and there are no souls, you will already be cut off from the nonsense of the past.

  11. for miracles,
    Because a small cut can develop into a large infection and since we all agree that the brain "needs life" it warns and how does it warn because it is "the brain" that feels threatened.
    to blowing water,
    This is what a man in his faith will say will live.
    I have a theory in orderly subsumption that explains the reason for the "birth" and the continuity of religion (and it doesn't matter if it is Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, etc.). By the way, I respect the traditions of my people, including the Jewish religion, and consider myself a link in an endless chain of The Jewish people that must not be cut off.
    Unfortunately, I do not believe in the existence of a soul, even though the secret of creation and the formation of life escapes my sight.
    Maybe this should be written in another forum.

  12. Dear Mr. Anonymous Hello
    Try to accept the difference that I experienced, there is a world beyond, it is the world that after returning time, returns after correction.
    And regarding the pain, the souls see and correct both the pain for you and direct you to a physical correction, (I see that you understood that this is unusual from the body's treatment of the pain only), you need to enter the human computer - the brain - to have an effect.
    I hope my experience will not be ridiculous. Thanks.

  13. anonymous
    Your third insight is very interesting. You hear a lot about people with serious injuries who say they didn't feel any pain at all. It makes sense that the brain would avoid feeling pain when there is no benefit to it.

    But why when you get a stupid paper cut on your finger does it hurt like hell?? Is the blood on the white paper not clear enough? 🙂

  14. To all the respondents and especially to Gilad, thank you
    With your help I came to the following insights:
    Since I was probably in an NDE state (according to the doctors, the person who found me in the field and my family members) I got to experience what I experienced. Of course I would have given up the injury that left me with mental scars (even though as mentioned I apparently returned to normal functioning including the activity that caused my injury) but I am lucky to have experienced the amazing sight which is all peace and endless white surfaces.
    First insight: apparently there is no other world (unless proven otherwise and not by way of blind faith)
    Second insight: It is likely that the experience has a very high correlation with personal memories or beliefs of the farm. in my mind
    Third insight: the brain knows how to recognize situations of critical existential danger and acts accordingly, whether by a certain reduction of the pain and "transmitting" images of relaxation and preparation. Regarding the pain, I believe that it is intended to warn of one danger or another, but when the brain "realizes" that the end is simply approaching There is no point in transmitting pain and then he just stops transmitting the pain.
    Fourth and final insight: Those who have experienced such an experience better understand the meaning of life and are less afraid of death (whatever it may be)

  15. Regarding experiments - details here:
    As far as I was updated recently, the results of the big experiment that has been going on for several years have not yet been published....
    Anonymous, I haven't read your comments yet, but please note - what I posted spans 10 parts, you might find more interesting information in other parts.

  16. monument,
    I read very carefully and I think that some of the theories correspond to my personal experience.

  17. Hi Gilad, I remember reading a few years ago about a controlled scientific experiment that they intend to conduct in a trauma department in one of the world's hospitals, the intention was to place a painting in a high place in a room and see if someone who is going through clinical death manages to see what is painted there. Since that article I have not come across any update on the subject, do you know if the experiment was carried out at the end and what were the results?

    It is also interesting to know what the painting was, if it is something banal like a tree or a house then it is not difficult to guess even without seeing the painting...

  18. someone,
    I am not attracted to the mystical direction, I am secular and do not believe in "the next world".
    At the same time, since the sights I "saw" were very similar to pictures from similar situations in many, many movies, it is possible that the brain "recognized" the state of physical danger I was in and "pulled out" the above-mentioned pictures to "prepare" me for what was to come.
    Therefore, probably a person in a similar situation will see images or visions according to his belief and previous background.
    Perhaps this is precisely the proof that our brain knows how to identify situations of fundamental existential danger and prepares it for the case where, if we stop, it will be with a good feeling.
    And again, I don't believe in mysticism and try to find a logical solution as much as possible.

  19. anonymous
    I recommend that you look for a neuroscientist who specializes in near-death cases and talk to him about what happened to you to get a more in-depth answer
    Because despite the good will of everyone here, no one (I think) does brain research

  20. On the side of the article there is a link to an article from 2003, called "British research will examine claims of near-death visions". I think there was a similar attempt by an Italian scientist not long ago. Does anyone know what came of it?

  21. Anonymous, you are trying hard to pull the answer in the mystical direction and it's a pity, it's not about any "implanted memories" but only hallucinations of the brain, I can't tell you exactly which part of the brain causes these hallucinations because I'm not a brain researcher and I don't have enough knowledge, just as I don't know To tell you right now which part of the brain causes the feeling of hunger or which part causes the feeling of anger (I think it's the amygdala but I'm not sure).

    Please check the links I gave you earlier, there are many triggers that can cause these symptoms, lack of oxygen in the brain, trauma situations as was the case in your case, medications, electromagnetic fields and more.

  22. Water blowing.
    Our brain is not at all similar to a computer and such analogies are only confusing. Our brain has neurons. Lots and lots of neurons. that's it.

  23. There are things that are done to computers that have broken down, for example transferring software to a similar computer and restoring information, two things that can happen if the computer-person relationship is similar to the person-soul relationship, they can repair the brain by restoring the information or transfer it to another brain that has "grown" by returning time. And because the brain is more sophisticated, the on-key disk on the way will appear to you as endless white corridors, by and large this is also a return of time in the connotation of computers-man-soul. (don't laugh, you are not alone) thank you

  24. OK, let's assume that everything is in the brain. But from which part of the brain? Is it possible that memories of a different kind are "planted" in the brain?
    Why does this only happen "almost" in death? Which trigger releases the relevant brain cells?
    To say that everything is in the brain is not enough.

  25. Again, you had a certain experience, you saw things, there is no reason to assume that all these phenomena were not created in the brain and there only.

    Believe me, I deal a little with dreams and I have had some super realistic dreams in the past, I know what our brain is capable of, I remember some article on TV about a surgeon who performs full operations without the use of anesthetic but only by hypnosis with the help of which he makes people stop feeling pain.

    All in your head.

  26. First thanks to the answers.
    At the time of the accident, I was alone in the field. I was probably in a serious condition for several minutes until a cyclist happened to pass by and called the ambulance. It is very likely that if that person had not found me, I would not have written these lines. I may have received a considerable amount of morphine, but as we suspect, after the accident, including in the hospital, I was Quite a "consumer" of morphine and I have not had any similar experience.
    Since the sight of the "infinite white spaces" remains etched in my memory not at the level of a dream (I dream a lot but forget the dreams shortly after waking up) it seems to me that it was not a dream.
    what do you think ? Is there a way to check what exactly the phenomenon was? As I wrote, the feeling of peace enveloped me and I told myself that if "on the other side" this is the situation, then it's not bad at all and it's better to be "there" and without pain.
    I repeat because I don't think sedatives are like morphine (I gained a lot of experience and completely weaned myself off both morphine and sleeping pills)

  27. anonymous
    It is very easy to explain. Your body has gone through a very severe trauma and probably your brain as well. In addition, you must have been under the influence of strong drugs that directly affect brain mechanisms. Your mind tends to interpret things it doesn't understand. It is familiar from conversations with small children, it is familiar from the study of dreams and it is familiar from the study of optical illusions. It also sells brain research, from performing brain surgery and consuming drugs……

  28. someone
    I believe in miracles 🙂
    A "miracle" is something that happens against the laws of nature - I don't believe that there has ever been such a thing, or that there ever will be

  29. Yes, these are hallucinatory states of the brain, if you happen to experience for example a "lucid dream" you should know how powerful your brain is and how realistic the landscapes it is able to create for you during the dream can be.

    In trauma situations (such as during an accident) the body releases various chemical substances in order to relieve the pain and calm the body, among other things these substances can also cause various hallucinations like the ones you described, it is also possible that drugs that the doctors provided you during the treatment (perhaps morphine?) contributed to the symptoms and feelings.

    Check out the episodes titled "At the Gates of Death" here:

    And also see the following video:

  30. Later, it was not by chance that I registered anonymous because I was brought to the hospital without documents and for two days I was registered on "anonymous" forms.

  31. A completely real event.
    About a year ago I had a serious accident and was taken by ambulance to Meir Hospital.
    I suffered from terrible pain due to fractures including the clavicle and a collapse of the left eye due to perforations caused by fractures in the ribs. At some point, for a reason unknown to me, I suddenly felt enormous relief, the pain stopped completely and I "saw" endless white surfaces. I wasn't sure which "side" I was on, but I calmed down Myself, if "there" is so pleasant and good, then there is nothing to regret at all.
    After "spending" about a week in respiratory intensive care and then about another week in the vision department and about two months of recovery, I am now fine and have returned to the sports activity that caused my injury, but the sight of the endless white surfaces, the silence, the calm and the peace do not let me down to this day.
    I don't think it's a miracle, but something else that I can't explain.
    Perhaps one of the readers or the writer of the article has an idea what it could have been?

  32. Yes, I am very familiar with this method of excuses, these people who claim to be endowed with all kinds of "supernatural" powers or those who communicate with "souls" demonstrate their special skills every day in front of an audience of hundreds of people, and also make quite a bit of money from it, but When they are asked to repeat the exact same demonstrations under laboratory conditions, in a way that makes it impossible to cheat - suddenly they feel "weak", suddenly the spirit is not interested in being tested...

    "Sharp thinking" is the whole point (search on Google if you don't know)

    It is also recommended to click on my name to see one of the coolest movies created recently.

  33. I meant that when someone believes in something that can't be tested in any way that you can argue on both sides (because he can always claim that the soul doesn't "give" to be seen with scientific tools)
    You won't be able to convince him even if no evidence of outside interference is found
    This is especially true in complex systems like the brain
    I don't know if I believe in the soul because believing in something like that is (in my opinion) in the end blind faith because there is no basis for it despite attempts to consider the soul and what not

    I agree with you, you have to understand that people do not always follow logic
    I agree with you what I wanted to

  34. someone
    very accurate And there is a million dollar prize for those who succeed in such an experiment...

  35. Even the existence of an "immaterial" thing can be proven through a simple scientific experiment, do you claim to have telekinesis powers? Let's see in a controlled scientific experiment under laboratory conditions that you are able to move a NIS 5 coin using only thought, are you claiming to read minds? Prove that you can read what the word is that a person in the other room is looking at, are you claiming to communicate with souls? Come see if your soul can tell what random object is hidden behind a black curtain.

    There is almost nothing that cannot be proven through a simple scientific experiment.

  36. I just asked
    Why is the soul immaterial?
    What you are doing here, is assuming that something exists, without evidence (according to you) and then you claim that this thing has properties. So what do you base that on?

  37. The debate here somewhat misses the idea that "soul" is not material and therefore should not be measurable by any material tool
    It is true that I can equally claim the existence of the spaghetti monster and its sister the pasta monster
    But the belief in the existence of such a being cannot be confirmed or refuted

  38. Lior
    The question is whether the spaghetti monster has a soul... Go prove it isn't??

  39. So what are you actually saying that the spaghetti monster doesn't exist?

    I'm really surprised (and it doesn't make sense to me either)

  40. Yair
    You are confusing measurement with observation. Today there are many unmeasurable things, hunger for example. That doesn't mean I'm not hungry right now.
    But it is certainly possible to see my hunger, with the help of nerve signals, or secretion of substances in the body.

    The soul has nothing observable. Therefore, pragmatically, it does not exist.

    that's it

  41. Yair
    So let's find out what is the essence of Santa Claus, Bigfoot and ghosts.
    We call something that people believe in without any evidence a superstition.
    Where do you see the difference?

  42. Yair
    So let's find out what is the essence of Santa Claus, Bigfoot and ghosts.
    We call something that people believe in without any evidence a superstition.
    Where do you see the difference?

  43. My dear Nissim, if you go over what I wrote again, you'll see that I didn't write anything about a soul, but only that the reason there is no measurement for this hypothesis is not a sufficient reason to avoid clarifying its essence.

  44. I mean - you agree with me that all the chatter about "near-death experiences" is meaningless when it comes to "soul".

  45. In order for us to say that a certain observation is empirical evidence for another thing, it is necessary that the identification of the observation with that thing be unequivocal. For example, shoe prints are empirical information about a person's walking. If the tracks are blurred by the wind and cannot be unequivocally identified, we have no empirical information about the maker of the tracks, we can only propose a hypothesis (=theory) about their origin.

  46. Yair
    You wrote that there is no empirical information for the Big Bang - I understand this as "no evidence". And that's where you're wrong. The Big Bang is indeed a theory to explain this evidence. It seems to me that there is no substantial debate between us here.

    The big bang is a theory that someone thought of. The theory offered observations to confirm it and indeed these observations were made. Other hypotheses have been put forward to explain the observations but, in the meantime, the Big Bang takes the lead….

    The "soul" is an ancient concept that provided (incorrect) explanations for what was once thought. Today we know how the brain works, and there is nothing hidden here. There are many observations that show that there is nothing "external" to the biology of the brain.

    It is worth filing the term "soul" together with "the ether" and "phlogiston".

  47. Miracles,
    The temperature and expansion are empirical information, the bang is a theoretical explanation for these observations. Gravitational dust without evidence of matter or energy is empirical information, dark matter and dark energy are explanatory theories for observations. If we accept the theoretical explanations as empirical information, we can also accept the empirical information of the people's testimonies about their experiences as empirical information about the soul. In other words, explanatory theories for observations (the big bang, dark matter, the soul...) are not empirical information.

  48. Yair
    There is certainly empirical information for the Big Bang. Penzias Wilson received a fax Nobel for exactly this in 1978. Not to mention many others. Let's add to this the expansion that the target saw and discovered by Hubble. Let's add to this the division of the elements in the universe.

    You write "no empirical information" and in the same sentence "but only observations". And for Tommy, I thought that empirical information was observations...

    And if you are trying to imply something about the "soul" then please explain...

  49. miracles,
    Empirical information is a solid thing for things known, and a slippery word for things not understood. There is no empirical information for the Big Bang, there are only known phenomena that allow us to infer it, and allow us to infer other things as well. There is no empirical information for dark matter or dark energy, but only observations that have no better explanation than the above speculations

  50. Oren books
    If there is no empirical information about the existence of a soul - what makes you think it exists??

  51. Someone
    Someone is right. You believe in something that you have been convinced is true. Convince with beautiful words and scary stories.
    You're really wasting your life... you're missing out on the real beauty in the world.

  52. There are unmeasurable things in the world that we use constantly, such as the meaning of words. The events of the formation of the image or the sound in the brain cannot be measured either. Desire is also unmeasurable. It is impossible to measure what it means to be a bat. And many other things in the world cannot be measured, therefore the denial of finding out if there is a soul based on the impossibility of measurement is fundamentally wrong.

  53. The mind can be compared to the universe. The light because of some kind of short circuit? Some kind of electric bang in it?
    And the hallucinations are accompanying stories and interpretations of those who experienced it...
    And our laws of nature, in my opinion, are like those of all nature on our planet: living and growing. There is growth and flowering until withering and death. The difference is that we have developed an awareness of ourselves and the environment.
    After death you feel like before the formation in the womb...

  54. Someone, if there is anything I know with absolute certainty it is that there is no God and no souls (nor the next world) and from this it follows that you are wasting your entire (disposable) life on complete nonsense.

    is not that a loss ?

  55. I don't know what happens in clinical death, what I do know with absolute certainty is that there is a G-d, there is a soul, and there is an afterlife.
    Everything that science cannot measure - it cancels. But you can't measure everything..
    So in this case, what I have to say to the scientists - we'll live and see.
    Or rather - we'll die and see:-)))

  56. Peace be upon my honorable father
    The power can be metaphorized and measured with the help of the relation man - computer and "power" - man.
    As you measured it in evolution, so will you measure it in the transition to life after death.

  57. Father, you did not leave my mind.
    In the article there is a statement that "this is a certain way in which the mind lies to a person, as in hallucinations" meaning there is a mind + the observer
    You called the viewer "Adam"
    The second statement is "since there is no logical reason to believe in the existence of a soul.."
    The ancient language calls the viewer "soul"
    That is, there is a built-in contradiction between the two statements:
    Because the rational conclusion from the first statement is that of course there is an observer, not the other way around.

  58. No' -
    What about birth memories? In childbirth there is no experience similar to walking through a tunnel towards a light, the child is crushed in the birth canal with closed eyes and at an angle that does not allow him to see any light...

  59. Maybe these are memories from the pregnancy? From birth (tunnel and strong light)?
    But the world we experience is also the result of brain activity - a hallucination?

  60. There is no reason to believe in the existence of a force that cannot be measured in any way, just as the existence of the flying spaghetti monster can be assumed

  61. On the one hand, the article states:
    "This is a certain way in which the mind lies to a person, like in hallucinations.."
    And on the other hand:
    "For there is no logical reason to believe in the existence of a soul.."

    The statement that X is the one governed by the brain is of course in complete contradiction to the statement
    that there is no reason to believe in the existence of X.

  62. The truth is, I read the article just now and before I responded because I thought I would know what it was about, but. . .
    Just as evolution can be likened to a computer and a person, the out-of-body experience can be likened to the transfer of software from a computer to a laptop, for example. Thanks to all the skeptics and sleepers

  63. The article is only a theory, and there is much more research work to be done
    in order to prove what he claims.
    I thought there was a scientific purpose to this article, other than bashing the religious again....

  64. The soul is something spiritual, and its existence cannot be proven or disproved by empirical means.

  65. To Ofer:
    I know you are right. The question is whether the brain perceives an essentially objective experience or produces a virtual reality
    Is the knowledge of the world absolute, and the mind that is ready to absorb it, or is it?
    Sages believed, at least in part, that through this meditation one makes an inner journey to the inner worlds (this is documented in writing).
    The Buddhists also think so. Atheists believe that the mind is the

  66. You're right, sorry in advance. The truth is also that I and several other journalists talked about the hearts of Google people to bring back the channel. The ultra-orthodox took advantage of the fact that YouTube takes down videos if there is a hint of a claim of copyright infringement even though there have already been cases such as Tenderfoot and later in the US that managed to bring back films in a similar style that also quoted the rabbis in the same way.
    Apparently it's taking longer than we thought.
    Copyright law does not protect against legitimate criticism.

  67. Father, not everyone who reads the article knows what an NDE is, it was appropriate to write at least once what the main title is (Near Death Experience).

  68. And that there is one thing in our world that is accessible to our consciousness other than through the brain? At the end of the day, your entire world - whether it is real or not - is the fruit of your mind's activity. In this aspect, there is no difference between brain activity that originates from the sense of objective reality and that that originates from the sense of subjective reality.

  69. On this occasion, thanks to Science and Reason Israel. Together with the skeptical arse, they are doing a good job in that there is finally a place on YouTube to direct all kinds of brainwashed people with the nonsense of the pans

  70. One day I was shot in the stomach (it doesn't matter why) I put a piece of iron where they shot after the time rehearsals, and I went to watch TV

  71. The debate as to whether the visions that originate in the brain are objectively true, but are visible only to that person (and there is an internal contradiction here, because this is his subjective experience and how can it be objective truth) or in the creation of the mind, a hallucination and nothing else - precedes even the confused teacher of Maimonides. The only thing derived from the findings of modern times. That prophetic ability of some, or the vision of death of those who died a clinical death - is a matter of faith only, as well as faith in God and the survival of the soul. In other words, they cannot be proven with documented proof, any more than Kant's books "Criticism of Pure Reason", Rambam teaches nabukim and more. See Dr. Micah Goodman's story "Secrets of the Teacher of the Embarrassed". It's a kind of secret that cannot be shared. You know that what you see is the real thing but you have no way to show that it is not a deceptive truth but an objective truth.

    Both realities can be generated at the same time: the visions are also created by the mind and perhaps, but without any way to prove, they represent objective truth. My father's faith may be atheism and there is nothing wrong with that. The faith of others may be in God and if they do not force it on others, there is nothing wrong with that and it does not justify Jewish wars.

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