The brain - basic studies

Prof. Rafi Malach from the Weizmann Institute reveals how fast bursts and slow waves in the human brain are the basis for conscious and creative processes, and offers ways to utilize the brain's capabilities in the technological age
Researchers have discovered biological and psychological characteristics that increase the risk of suicidal behavior among teenagers and have developed an application that helps with mental coping
New research in mice suggests that the brain creates multiple copies of memories, allowing it to regulate their change over time
Creativity is a unique brain function. Local damage to the brain as a result of a stroke can lead to changes in creative ability—both positive and negative. This discovery suggests that the neurological basis of creativity can be narrowed down.
Recent research shows that babies use their period of helplessness to develop cognitive models, similar to the early training of artificial intelligence (AI), challenging old theories about the immaturity of the infant brain and even
Researchers examined how personal and group emotion, combined with positive and negative emotions, affect attitudes
This was found in a new study conducted at the University of Haifa and published in the prestigious journal Molecular Psychiatry from NATURE
A new study reveals a significant increase in the rate of people with autism in the community in Israel, which requires appropriate preparation
Research in field mice under conditions simulating a natural environment reveals the different strategies used by females and males in creating social hierarchies
Dutch researchers found that this process happens all the time and damages all genes, but the longer the genes, the more likely they are to be damaged because they have more sites. Especially the big damage is
Dr. Kathryn Vandorna from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion has developed a new method that allows the monitoring of the formation of immune blood cells in the bone marrow. For this purpose, she used tiny magnetic particles of iron oxide, which
Prof. Haim Sompolinski is the first Israeli researcher to win the prestigious award, he himself was born in Denmark whose father, Prof. David Sompolinski, was among the members of the underground who smuggled the Jews to Sweden by boat
Implanting a chip in the brain as recently done by Elon Musk's company Neurolink can, if done correctly, save patients with severe brain diseases, and that the patients no longer respond to drug treatment
Individual neurons could recognize, for example, when we are about to touch our tongue to our palate to say the letter D * This will enable the development of prostheses for those suffering from speech problems
Weizmann Institute scientists are challenging a 200-year-old doctrine about the formation of the gland from the secretion of hormones. Their findings may lead to new approaches in the treatment of various medical problems
The chip should provide a variety of health and scientific benefits, including the ability to measure brain activity and give people with physical or mental disabilities new abilities. However, Musk's company and Musk in general have a history
Krim suggests a close link between low levels of testosterone and anxiety disorder, although the exact nature of this relationship remains unclear. Clinical evidence suggests testosterone's potential in relief
Researchers have found that fulfilling a stereotype leads to a reward response in the brain and that people are even willing to give up money for it
Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science discovered that tears activate human olfactory receptors, even though they are odorless, affecting the brain activity associated with aggression - and leading to more peaceful and less vengeful behavior
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists reveal in unprecedented detail how trauma in newborn mice shapes their brains and impairs their social functions in adulthood * A corresponding behavioral expression in humans may take the form of
One of the most common treatments for bipolar disorder today is the drug lithium - a drug to which only about a third of patients respond. The research aims to understand what causes this
This new measurement method, developed by the doctoral student Shir Filo and Prof. Metzer, will allow the extraction of precise biological values ​​on the brain, so that it will be possible to derive from an MRI test similar indices to those obtained from a test
A new study, published in mid-August in the prestigious journal PLOS Biology, reveals a way to decipher the songs playing inside the brain. In doing so, he also provides an explanation about the way in which different areas of the brain differ
Chapter nine from the book: "The Free Man - Evolutionary Psychology, Brain Research and Understanding the Mind"
Following the oxytocin infusion, men's desire to compete increased more than women's desire to do so
Researchers at the Hebrew University and the University of Kentucky believe that a specific type of protein, which has not been studied before, substantially increases the molecular complexity in the brain and improves its function. "Such a discovery may have implications for the study of neurological diseases
Prof. Schwartz challenged the convention that nerve cells do not regenerate or recover, and discovered that the immune system also takes care of them. She also studied the blood-brain barrier and discovered that it is prevented
Perceptions of aging by elderly patients affect their health after hospitalization
The living brain project of Dassault Systèmes makes it possible to develop treatments for epilepsy patients who do not respond to drugs, says John McCarthy, head of life sciences and health at Dassault Systèmes in an interview with the science website at the CES conference
The new study contradicts the popular opinion that people with autism are apparently "indifferent to pain"
In a study now published in Nature Electronics, Prof. Kutinsky demonstrates the effectiveness of said technology in neural networks. Dr. Wei Wang and Dr. Louis Daniel, who were members of the research group of Prof.
Musk recently revealed this, and autism researchers seek to use it to advance understanding of the unique traits and different minds of people on the autistic stream
When the researchers played the subjects new stories, they found that their transcriber managed to produce sentences that described the stories "fairly well". The transcription is not perfect, but there is certainly a similarity
The ability to imagine future events and prepare for them increases the awareness of obstacles and the chances of success
New research done in bats reveals far-reaching dynamic capabilities of neural networks
The scientists were able to predict political behavior just by looking at an fMRI brain scan and published in the rigorous scientific journal -PNAS
As part of the study, the researchers characterized the psychological, social and medical condition of approximately 200 veterans and at the same time collected saliva samples from them. The research findings show that all those soldiers who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder have a picture
A new article did an interesting experiment related to quantum theory and the study of consciousness. The results show that one of the well-known theories that claims that consciousness is created as a result of quantum measurement, is probably not true.
The findings of a study conducted at Tel Aviv University show that the brain's response to sounds is powerful even during sleep, in all measures except one: the level of alpha-beta waves related to the degree of attention and attention. Meaning: the brain is in a state of sleep
A new study links a daily cycle in brain temperature and survival after traumatic brain injury
While silicon computers have changed the face of society, they are still dwarfed by the brains of most animals. For example, a cat's brain stores and can use 1,000 times more data than an average iPad
Reader's question: I am 59 years old, and in fairly good health. Is it possible that I will live long enough to put my brain into a computer? Richard Dixon.
Between the fetus and the mother: pregnancy that damages the mother's brain
More precisely a cognitive decline such as that which occurs between the ages of 50 and 70, which is also equivalent to ten IQ points
A new brain imaging study found that participants who had even mild corona showed an average decrease in the size of the entire brain.
Neuroscientists have reexamined hundreds of conflicting experiments on the relationship between brain activity and conscious experience. In the world of science today there are four leading and conflicting theories that deal with the study of awareness and the relationship to brain activity. In the researchers' study
A new study by Tel Aviv University found for the first time a direct and clear connection between changes in the G protein-coupled receptors and the brain's ability to get used to external changes
Researchers from the Hebrew University found that mothers respond by releasing dopamine to their baby's positive and negative facial expressions
"It seems that C. elegans placed a high value on the sensation of salt, using a completely different brain circuit configuration to respond," says the lead researcher. "This may be because salt often represents bacteria, which are food