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Car fuel from thin air

Researchers from universities in England are working on a project that could take carbon dioxide from the air and turn it into vehicle fuel.

Scientists and engineers from three English universities (University of the West of England, University of Bath and University of Bristol) are collaborating in a project aimed at developing porous materials that can absorb the gas that causes global warming (carbon dioxide) and convert it into other materials useful in making fuel for vehicles or plastic products by a process based on renewable energy - solar energy.
The researchers hope that in the future their porous materials can be used inside factory chimneys to adsorb pollutants containing carbon dioxide from the air and thus reduce its destructive effects on climate change.
Explains one of the researchers, chemist Dr. Frank Marken: "Existing processes are based on the use of separate methods to capture and use this gas, which makes the process ineffective. By combining the separate processes, the efficiency can be increased and the energy required to reduce the gas concentrations can be reduced.
"It will be a big challenge, but we have an interdisciplinary team that includes chemists, chemical engineers, biologists and life cycle experts."
Adds one of the researchers: "We hope that the use of renewable energy to cycle carbon dioxide will be an effective way to reduce the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere." And another researcher says: "One of the great advantages of this research will be that it will be able to utilize the natural abilities of microorganisms to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and at the same time produce electricity or hydrogen, as required." "Currently, there are no industrial methods available to capture the gas from the air and process it. The facts are that carbon dioxide is quite rare in the atmosphere and its chemical activity is very low. By combining a sophisticated design of material and the use of heterogeneous catalysts, electro-catalysts and bio-catalysts, we intend to develop an effective natural carbon technology."

The news about the study

27 תגובות

  1. I know a very old method for recycling carbon dioxide (non-industrial), and that is planting trees.

  2. Probably another hoax like all the others.
    They didn't check if the parts they took out weren't accumulators and that's just one thing they didn't check.
    If and when something works there will be no need to present it at the university. You just have to start selling it like hot cakes.

  3. In my opinion, NASA should establish a multidisciplinary team like this, with a huge subsidy from the UN. After all, this is about solving the two biggest environmental problems, why should England lead the research into it?!
    Why isn't there an international competition between Europe, the USA, the Arab countries and the countries of the Far East for who comes up with the most effective solution in a limited time?

  4. Chesty, right? But unfortunately the cartels are part of the market forces. In a completely free market without government supervision they rise and flourish and take over every good plot. See for example the chains in the USA that suffocate with inferior but cheap products the elite small business owners who cannot stand up to the competition. market forces.

  5. Chest:
    Why ignore reality?
    You can buy it and no one is stopping you from doing so.
    It's your money, and if you decide to disconnect from the electricity company as a result of being equipped with technology - at least we'll gain some peace from you because you won't be able to comment here.

  6. Rach
    To 15

    The point is that it's not market forces.
    Because the market would prefer long-lived products to continue to be sold.
    There are cartel forces here that determine the market.

  7. Of course the engine is installed at my house! I received an initial prototype so that I could demonstrate its vigorous operation in the Holy Land.

    I'm not Ron.

  8. Ron:
    Can you please say to whom your words are directed?
    Right. This is also a question. But your request that I learn not to block comments is similar to asking if you have already stopped hitting your mother.
    I did not block any comment from you and you are just avoiding an answer because you know that your response will reveal the fact that even you do not believe the nonsense you are selling to others.

  9. First you will learn what it is not to follow and block comments

    Then there is a place to ask me questions.

  10. Chesty, right? Also the pantyhose without trains. Actually when you think about it, a lot of long life products have disappeared in favor of short life products. But there is no conspiracy here, just marketing and market forces.

  11. Rah,

    Regarding Microsoft software,
    I agree with her one hundred percent.

    By the way, those who do not yet rely on Google's browser are advised to do so.
    Try to get precisely the old version 2...

    I know another area, where textile manufacturers disappeared products because they were good: the stretch fabrics from 30 or more years ago...

  12. Ron conspiracies again?
    Do you think that if something like this worked wouldn't all the companies in the world jump on it? Do you know what business potential lies in this?
    How do you think the CD trumped the record? Why then were the record companies unable to shelve the CD?
    It is very rare that a good product will disappear because it is put away. The only example I can think of is in the software market when inferior Microsoft software caused the disappearance of better software such as Netscape Lotus and Word Perfect. But even then there was no conspiracy but aggressive marketing.

  13. Where did it say in the article that there is a book for sale?

    There is no connection between the uploader of the clip to YouTube (you will know who he is and what he is) and the interviewees on Sky News.

  14. Ron Ron Ron Ron……..
    It is interesting how they managed to disprove the basic laws of thermodynamics.
    In the booklet that they sell for only $179 (sale) it says for sure.

    By the way, I have a fine wetland for sale....5 minutes from Santa Claus' house. 

  15. Hi, the patent works.
    The fact that there are parties who are not happy that it exists and will do everything to shelve it - that is something else.

    For the climate question:
    No, I'm still on the side of the scientific majority.

    which states that there has been no warming for 15 years and there has been cooling for 8 years.

    (Over 30 scientists signed a petition that the theory that humans release greenhouse gases - and the Earth is warming - is a bluff among the signatories, 3,803 with professional training in the field of the atmosphere, environment and global sciences 9,029 with a doctorate degree, and all of them have knowledge and training in fields such as chemistry, physics and mathematics to evaluate and draw conclusions from the scientific information.)

    And as the world-renowned expert and professor of meteorology, Richard Lindzen says

    And as former IPCC Professor Phil Jones has finally decided to reveal.

  16. Thanks Ron. However, I already received the news from someone by email, I forwarded it to an expert and I realized that this is one of the old claims of the supporters of Perpetum Movila or in other words a fraud. Unfortunately this is only applicable in fantasy books. But what happened to you that you switched sides? Were you not on the side claiming that global warming is a conspiracy?

  17. Ron:
    How come you only believe nonsense and you don't believe anything real?

    Have you already stocked up on the top perpetuum described in your link or are you just using it to cheer yourself up?

  18. There is no problem with CO2. Throwing away money and hours of work for nothing. Instead of working on solving real problems, they work on fictitious problems.

  19. It's definitely an amazing idea how they didn't think of it before, the trees and plants have been doing it for 400,000 years!

  20. Just from the title you can understand that the idea is genius.
    It would be possible to apply this idea, for example, to robots - which would be able to 'breathe' carbon dioxide and produce energy from it and essentially become a kind of 'biological machine'.

    (R*H R*Faim)

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