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How do emissions of pollutants and carbon dioxide affect the climate of the Sahel

Surveys show that in the last hundred years there have been major changes in the Sahelian climate: scattered rains in the fifties and sixties followed by years of drought in the seventies and eighties. Since the XNUMXs there has been a cycle of alternating rainy and dry years * this cycle is attributed to emissions from burning mineral fuel

The Sahel region on the map of Africa. From Wikipedia
The Sahel region on the map of Africa. From Wikipedia

The Sahel, the semi-desert strip that stretches south of the Sahara desert from Senegal to Eritrea. In recent decades, the countries of the Sahel have been involved in violent frictions, the main reason for which is a population explosion that leads to a lack of resources, which is intensified due to the severe impact of global warming.

Surveys show that in the last hundred years there have been major changes in the Sahelian climate: scattered rains in the fifties and sixties followed by years of drought in the seventies and eighties. Since the nineties there has been a cycle of alternating rainy and dry years.
According to research recently published,
This cycle is attributed to emissions from fossil fuel combustion.

Comparison of climate models in recent generations Shows that the number of drought periods in the Sahel is caused by the warming of the ocean water as part of the global warming in general, which causes confusion in the seasons. The rains come with an intensity that causes floods and damages, and after the rainstorms come years of drought.
According to the researchers: "This is the first time that the changes in the Sahel can be attributed to emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants," and this is also the first time "that a single argument is offered for changes in the weather that are caused by human activity."

The Sahel receives rainfall from moisture accumulated over the Atlantic Ocean and carried by the monsoon winds. The air that rises cools, condenses and rain forms. The more moisture evaporates from the ocean and is carried in the direction of the land, the more rain there is in the Sahel, but the rise of moist air in a certain place depends on the general movement of the winds, so for example when El Niño occurs, more moist air rises over the equatorial region of the Pacific Ocean, the wind regime changes and the rain falls elsewhere, And the result is thatLarge areas are hit by drought.

In the second half of the XNUMXth century, greenhouse gases caused the oceans in the equatorial regions to warm, which drove the rains away from the Sahel. During that period, the amount of sulfurous sprays emitted from burning coal increased,
Which resulted in a cooling of the North Atlantic Ocean due to the return of energy from the sun. At the same time, the sprays cause the formation of clouds which also reflect the sun's rays and cause a cooling in the North Atlantic Ocean which indirectly causes drought in the Sahel.

The study that collected data from thirty climate models in the world showed how the unique combination of the warming of the equatorial regions in the oceans due to greenhouse gases and the cooling of the North Atlantic Ocean due to sulfur sprays caused drought changes and the drying of the Sahel At the end of the second half of the twentieth century.
The researchers continue and claim that despite the effect of greenhouse gases during periods of drought, the current drying trend in the Sahel will not always continue, because following the decrease in the accumulation of sulfur sprays in the North Atlantic Ocean, and also following environmental regulations which contributed to the reduction of the acid rains The region of the North Atlantic Ocean returns and warms up, therefore there is a tendency for the cycle of moisture from the Atlantic Ocean that condenses and falls as rain in the Sahel to renew itself.'
Added to this are the predictions that due to global warming the water cycles will be more vigorous, that is, events in which a lot of rain falls in a relatively short time, heavy rainfall events even if sometimes less often will become more frequent, which has already caused flooding events in the last decade.

Associating drought periods with pollutant emissions is proof of the impact of climate change on the Sahel, which requires a technological adaptation that will allow human existence to continue. Thus, there is a need for periodic weather forecasts, land management methods such as "forest farming", soil conservation and conservation tillage. Except that today the main means of subsistence are agriculture and grazing. The pressure of population explosion requires diversification of means of livelihood. To implement this, energy is needed and this is the solution, since the Sahel is suitable for the development and production of sustainable energy from wind and sun, which will allow the inhabitants of the Sahel an additional branch of subsistence to agriculture.

So much for the research that refers to the Sahel, and what about us? As in the Sahel, conflicts, struggles and wars continue in our environment. As in the Sahel, we have a population explosion.
I do not pretend to know how to resolve violent conflicts, but I have referred to the issue of population explosion many times when at the end of a list I added the motto: "It is appropriate that: instead of controlling the environment for the sake of the human population, there should be control of the human population for the sake of the environment." And every time I was attacked with mean reactions that stem from lack of understanding, lack of knowledge and ignorance.
As in the Sahel, the warming also causes periods of drought, which are followed by a period of torrential rains that cause floods and floods, periods in which rains fall above the multi-year statistical average, an average that does not illustrate the real situation.
As in the Sahel, the possibilities for the production of sustainable energy are many and varied, therefore it is appropriate that the transition to the production of energy from sustainable sources receives a significant acceleration. It is appropriate that the bodies that are supposed to be entrusted with the management of our water system learn and internalize the difference between the statistical data and the constant need for water for the economy, learn and act to prevent the waste of flood water and flows in the streets, learn and act to store water that flows into the sea, learn the effects of global warming on the climate and act to to ensure water supply for the entire economy.
Unlike in the Sahel, our agriculture is one of the best and most developed in the entire world, but in recent times, instead of supporting the magnificent agriculture that has developed here, the authorities abuse the farmers and cause plots to be abandoned and turned into wasteland. It is to be hoped that there will be someone who will be able to understand the importance of agriculture and instead of resentment there will be support.
And one more comparison. While along the northern border of the Sahel (and the southern border of the Sahara desert) Millions of trees will be planted to create a "green wall"
We initiate construction in green areas and destroy forests for real estate, the question arises who is developing and who is being developed?

3 תגובות

  1. It is not clear why people like "Hebrew" even bother to read the articles in Hidan. After all, they know almost everything, especially to mark information with "political" labels. You can, of course, disagree, deny, add and improve, but to descend to the level of flamboyance accepted in the media is really neither serious nor respectable.

  2. Indeed, science is always a source of knowledge, because the things he collected are backed by studies and there are links to them. It's a shame that the self-interested side has taken over the public discourse and distorted the public's understanding of what science is.

  3. Another article with a political agenda.
    Too bad, science used to be a source of knowledge.

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