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April 1 Hoax: The first ever graphene-based processor is developed

Thanks to the responders. The issue was clarified, and indeed the article was supposed to appear on April 1, 2013. Even then it is expected to be futuristic.

A graph depicting the energy consumption of the new processor compared to known processors over 4 years.
A graph depicting the energy consumption of the new processor compared to known processors over 4 years.

The material graphene is different from most of the materials we know - pure graphene is a semi-metal or semi-conductor. Thanks to its structure, conductive materials based on graphene are able to transmit electronic signals at the highest speed known to mankind
The Digital Core Design design laboratory from Poland developed the first ever graphene-based processor.

The material graphene, discovered in 2004, is an allotrope (different configuration of a component) of carbon. Its structure consists of one-atom-thick planar sheets of carbon atoms densely packed in a honeycomb-like crystalline lattice structure.

The material graphene is different from most of the materials we know - pure graphene is a semi-metal or semi-conductor. Thanks to its structure, graphene-based conductive materials are able to transmit electronic signals at the highest speed known to mankind so far, while graphene-based transistors are able to perform switching processes at speeds many times higher than their silicon-based counterparts, all while consuming minimal energy. In fact, graphene is such a fascinating material that the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Andrea Guillaume and Konstantin Novoslov from the University of Manchester for "groundbreaking experiments on the two-dimensional material graphene".

The use of graphene in the processor of Digital Core Design is a breakthrough in the field of electronics. The traditional silicon structure used in the construction of conventional integrated circuits has been replaced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon type materials. "We started our experiments right before the end of 2011, and the results far exceeded our expectations," says Tomasz Ćwienk, the spokesman for the Polish company. "We replaced the existing processor in one of the newest tablet devices available on the market with our own graphene-based processor. We knew that the energy consumption of our processor should be minimal, but we were amazed to find that the tablet worked continuously without charging the battery for three whole months."

Obtaining these revolutionary results was made possible thanks to the combination of the company's unique architecture (which is the result of the company's 12 years of experience) and graphene itself, where these results provide new possibilities for the electronics industry. The architecture used in the new processor is called the second generation of CISKoRISK and with its help all operations are carried out at a speed reaching up to 99.13% of the speed of light, while using energy consumption that is significantly lower than all the usual silicon-based processors.

[Editor's Note: Rumor has it that the ten largest FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) manufacturers in the world are already in secret negotiations with the company regarding the application of the new transistor structure based on the graphene as a basis for the next generation of FPGA type integrated circuits. The great advantages of the technology are the high switching speed of the transistors and the higher compression while consuming almost zero energy. In addition, graphene-based transistors are resistant to radiation events, a fact that makes this technology ideal for space applications, including detectors that could be used in deep space.]

15 תגובות

  1. The story is quite simple, the article was prepared following a news story published elsewhere on April 1st, and was pushed back to April 1st, 2013. Due to a mistake, it was released on April 10th, 2012, so there was no warning about it. Until next year we will think about another prank.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. Come on... a Polish company Kikionit managed to create an advanced processor that is completely compatible with new processors on the market and more with a material that was discovered two years ago and not only that, they managed to run the tablet for three months just to check how long it would take before it shut down?
    Even for an April Fool's joke it's a bit unbelievable.

  3. It sounds suspicious from the moment I read that they replaced a tablet's processor with a new type of processor... (actually a tablet? Interesting!!)
    Then I read the comments and realized...

  4. And again he will say
    Is it a vine in the sense of graphene, or graphene in the sense of a vine?

  5. Sometimes the wishful thinking overcomes the thinking...sadistic on their part....

  6. Hahahaha like Professor John McLachlan worked on integrative medicine in Israel with the 'buttock reading' method
    succeeded in working on the science site.

    Don't you have any means of control and review?

    See the link provided by commenter Alon. They declare with a committee that this is an April Fool's joke

    No matter how you call it – Prima Aprilis, April Fools' Day, All Fools' Day, Aprilscherz, Jour du poisson d'avril or Hunt the Gowk Day – thank you for your sense of humor and thank you for taking our joke.
    yours sincerely,
    DCD Team

  7. I already started dancing in the room, so is this a prank or not? And if it is possible for someone from the science to answer, that would be great... thank you and have a good day... regardless of whether I'm already here, Fargan, the science is my home page!!!

  8. A tablet that lasts 3 months?
    Even if the power consumption of the processor was zero, it is known that most of the energy consumption in a tablet is the screen, not the processor.
    Happy April XNUMXth to everyone

  9. It's a bit strange to post a good joke on April 1st, 10 days after the deadline. And without any introduction or warning. Definitely not respectable.

  10. Such knowledge is a huge technological breakthrough of the kind that only rarely happens in a rogue lab like AT&T. Something like Henry Moore's first chip from Intel, or the discovery of the transistor by Berdin Shockley and Reid.
    The Poles usually do not have the technology for such a project. In my opinion there is still no technological maturity for such a product.

    Annie slanders the system that searches for news on every website in the world, on the contrary.
    We all fall victim to April Fool's jokes.
    Just check if it's April 1 news and move on.

  11. I would expect some critical editing from a site like yours. This is an April 1 prank.

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