A deadly combination: the climate crisis and human species extinction

According to the assessment of the "conservation group", the latest update of the Red List confirms the fear of global deterioration in the state of nature, on a larger scale than anything known in history. More than a million species of animals and plants are threatened with extinction, many of them will disappear within a decade if there is no action to reduce the damage

A protest sign of the "Extinction Rebellion" movement. Photo: shutterstock
A protest sign of the "Extinction Rebellion" movement. Photo: shutterstock

The greatest challenge facing the world and humanity is the fight against the deadly combination of the climate crisis due to global warming and the mass extinction of plant and animal species, species in nature are disappearing at an unprecedented speed and at an increasing rate.

A few months ago, the last of the wide-lipped (white) rhinoceros of the northern subspecies (C. s. cottoni) died. The last Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) living in Malaysia recently died. Sumatra rhinoceros were common throughout Asia and were hunted to extinction and today the number remaining in other areas is estimated at about 100 individuals and so on animal and plant species become extinct and disappear from nature.

According to a survey in Science Advances, large parts of Africa will soon disappear 40% of the flora species, trees, shrubs, flowers, grass species and climbers. This disappearance will harm nature and the well-being of the human population, since today it is clear that biological diversity enables human existence. The reviewers used methods to assess the survival of 20,000 plant species and found that a third of the species are rare and another third are threatened with extinction. The main causes of damage are: deforestation, abusive land use, infrastructure development and predatory economic development. Most of the reasons are related to the explosion of the human population and climate change due to global warming.

In the past, I have already referred to the fungus (Chytrid fungus) thatDestroys amphibians,

This fungus is spread through the "pet" trade and it manages to spread because of global warming. Recently, a frog (Xenopus longipes) from Lake Oku (Oku) in Cameroon was added to the victims of the parasite. The frog joined 28 thousand species on the red list Increasing number of species in immediate danger of extinction.

According to the "Union for the Conservation of Nature" (IUCN), the parasitic fungus harms amphibian populations throughout the world and as such is defined as the deadliest global invader that has caused damage to more than 500 species and the extinction of 90 species of amphibians.

According to the red list that reviews more than 100,000 species that was recently updated (in July) it was found that 27% of the species in it are in immediate danger of extinction and not a single species has been found whose condition has improved. Most of the causes of extinction stem from the behavior of the human population: wild hunting, damage to habitats, pet trade, global warming and climate change. All together constitute a fatal injury to many species.

In an attempt to stop the loss of species, the Union (IUCN) initiated a multifaceted approach where the "first line of defense" is activity against the pet trade. As part of the activity, rural populations throughout Africa are integrated and involved in fighting the traffickers. But this is only a small part of a much bigger challenge. The Union spokesman claims that there is a need to understand that The preservation of natural diversity is a fundamental and essential need to enable and implement sustainable development.
"States, businesses and civil organizations must act urgently to stop the overexploitation of nature. It is necessary to respect and support local and native groups to strengthen their well-being, existence and survival in a sustainable manner."

according to estimate "The conservation group" The latest update of the Red List confirms the fear of global deterioration in the state of nature, on a larger scale than anything known in history. More than a million species of animals and plants are threatened with extinction, many of them will disappear within a decade if there is no action to reduce the damage."

According to the "conservation group": the rate of species extinction is hundreds of times greater than it was in the last ten million years, and the rate will increase if there is no real action to stop it.
In a report submitted to the UN

The assessment of the changes in the last fifty years and the forecast for the future is presented. The report presents frightening statistics detailing how between the years 2010 and 2015 320,000 square kilometers of equatorial forests were created, environmental systems are damaged, populations of animal and plant species in many areas are shrinking and disappearing, life systems are tangled in a tangled web and dependent on each other lose their immunity, become fragile , vulnerabilities and collapses.
Although today it is clear that loss and damage to nature is a direct threat to the well-being of human populations in large areas of the world. All loss is a direct result of human activity. In light of the reports that highlight the risks, more than 11 researchers have issued a call to address the causes of the global disaster.

According to them, the main reasons are: offensive and wasteful changes in the use of land and water, overexploitation of ocean resources, direct and offensive exploitation of living systems in nature, global warming and climate change, and the invasion of alien species.
It is clear that all the reasons are connected and integrated with each other and therefore it is necessary to deal with all of them as one, what's more, for many species the combination of some of the reasons is fatal.

According to the warning of those researchers and scientists: "Despite many years of discussions on global warming, most countries continue with 'business as usual', which is a colossal failure," this despite the fact that the risks of warming are accelerating to the point of no return, from which it will be difficult to impossible to moderate the warming and large areas of the world will become impossible for residence".

Species loss and climate change are two challenges facing humanity. It is clear that both of them must be stopped. Again and again we will add that instead of controlling the environment for the sake of the human population, there should be control of the human population for the sake of the environment.

2 תגובות

  1. There is no climate crisis because of man….
    This is the natural approach of the earth to the sun.
    It will soon swallow us...
    Soon we will turn into a red ball...

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