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Endangered plants

Dr. Assaf Rosenthal quotes one of the participants following the climate conference in Dubai: "Humanity must stop using nature as a toilet", "Humanity has become a weapon of mass destruction".
This is according to a report by the UN's IPBES committee, the equivalent of the IPCC that reports on the climate crisis
A new study found that genes from an Israeli wild plant may help protect wheat from one of the biggest threats to its existence
This is according to an article published by researchers who examined the mass extinction of apes over the past tens of thousands of years. The researchers found that the brains of large extinct species were on average smaller than those of large species that survived * Their relatively high intelligence helps them deal with the main cause of extinction - human activity
Researchers from the Hebrew University found that nitrogen pollution caused by human activities has a direct effect on the decline in the variety of species in about a hundred sites in the world, including Beit Govrin: "Not enough efforts have been made in Israel to gauge the severity of the problem"
The climate crisis is followed by the collapse of many living systems in large areas of the earth. It is fitting that humanity acknowledges the damage done to humanity and the vital need to remedy its consequences
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