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Autistics with Asperger syndrome tend to have an exploratory decision-making style

This is according to a joint study by the researchers of the Technion, Rambam and the University of Haifa * Their law of choice is more fundamental and driven by their desire to sample the environment, more than by the results of the sampling

Vernon Smith is a Nobel laureate in economics and has Asperger's syndrome
Vernon Smith is a Nobel laureate in economics and has Asperger's syndrome

The stigma about people with disorders on the autistic spectrum is that they are people immersed in their world and afraid of the external environment. A new study by researchers at the Technion, the Rambam Medical Center and the University of Haifa reveals, however, that autistic people with Asperger's syndrome tend to have an inquisitive decision-making style that examines their environment in a rigorous manner. The study was published in the scientific journal Brain and Cognition.

Nobel Prize winner in economics Vernon Smith said in a press interview that his Asperger syndrome improves his ability to make scientific discoveries. The new study examined whether the decision-making style of those with this syndrome is indeed characterized by inquisitiveness.

In a previous study that examined the phenomenon and was conducted by Dr. Eldad Yachiam and colleagues from Indiana University, the decision-making of young people with Asperger's syndrome, who are characterized by relatively high functioning and have the ability to speak, was examined. It was indeed found that these young people have a unique decision-making style. "We found that they have a strange style of making decisions," says Dr. Yachiam from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technion. "The style is very bouncy and they jump between the decks of cards we put in front of them." The task they performed is known as the "Iowa gambling task". The researchers placed four decks of cards in front of the subjects - two "good" ones (with a good chance of winning by choosing them) and two bad ones.

In Israel, Dr. Yachiam continued his research, in collaboration with Professor Yehudit Aharon from the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion and the Rambam Medical Center, with Dr. Simon Shamai from the University of Haifa, with Dr. Shoshana Yaniv from the University of Haifa and Rambam, and with the master's student Olga Arashevsky. They examined 45 young people, 15 of whom had Asperger's syndrome. Six decision-making tasks were given to the participants. Among about half of the autistic participants, the adaptation process did not match the standard learning model. They were only slightly influenced by the results of their choice and were more interested in the investigative value of the process and were attracted to alternatives that had not yet been explored.

"Our goal in the research was twofold," says Dr. Yachiam. "First, we wanted to continue to check the findings found in the American population, and second, we tried to understand what makes people with Asperger's syndrome 'jump' from pack to pack."

The researchers discovered that even in Israel, the frenzy of people with Asperger syndrome returned. They examined two reasons for this: 1. A type of mistake, insecurity and "noise" in behavior. 2. A desire on the part of those with the syndrome to check all the alternatives. The researchers ran mathematical models of learning through reward and found support in explaining the desire of those with the syndrome to learn more. "Their law of choice is more fundamental and driven by their desire to sample the environment, more than by the results of the sampling," says Dr. Yechiam.

In the end, the level of performance of those with Asperger syndrome was lower than that of the other participants in the experiment.

"Our findings imply that autistics have a unique adaptive learning style, which may benefit them in certain learning environments, but harm them in others, especially in social contexts," emphasizes Dr. Yachiam.

33 תגובות

  1. To MouthHole - I'm not responding because I wrote a well-thought-out and intelligent response that is not at hand at the moment. And I don't want to just answer you after the investment in speaking out.

    Yes, there is always a mess inside the head. Even with the methylphenidate, only then it's just more coherent, so I'm able to understand the line of thought in its entirety despite the chaos.
    And the best for me recently, indeed.

    I am not sure that this is indeed a syndrome, but I know that I am programmed differently and that I am not biologically "adapted" to human society and all that is involved. And although I'm not looking to be cured, since I don't think there's anything wrong with me; However, I talked to my mother today about her wanting to be 'tested' to find out. I've lived with this existential doubt for so long and I want to find some sort of certainty.

  2. God. Holmes
    I meant it. I don't know you, I just read what you wrote here. An important thing for me is to talk, just like you are doing now. When you say things it's different than when you think about them. The need to put feelings into words makes you organize your thoughts. Inside the head there is always a mess... Right?
    I'm glad to hear (at least that's how I understand it) that you're managing to find your place in the world and that you'll be better. I'm right?

  3. God. Holmes

    I like your logic,

    So let me challenge him a bit 🙂

    "I am responsible for my actions, but no, I am not ready to take responsibility for who I have become through no fault of my own"

    Do you think something will happen to something that is his fault? Do you think that now, after the change of mind you've made, it's only your responsibility?

  4. Thank you miracles. It's nice to hear (or read).

    It's a shame that with an amazing person you can't tell the only person who was hurt by the abnormal girl that I didn't choose to be then, that I'm sorry.

    There is no point in regretting what was and is over, but it is ironic to the point of cruelty that the only one who was willing to accept all the mess that I am, and so he did, was the only one who did not receive the thoughtful and understanding treatment that he so deserved. He might be the first in my life who was worth the treatment I've faked so far for everyone else.
    I'm trying so hard to keep calm and logical and I understand so well there's no point in even thinking about it but this is the first person who wasn't obligated or committed to me and stayed and absorbed the whole volcanic eruption, avalanche or whatever crap you want to call it - absorbed the collapse of The mess that created the whole world and its sister, and I simply chose for me when to fall apart and become the emotional cripple that they always made me to be.
    It's not fair. It really just isn't. I am responsible for my actions, but no, I am not ready to take responsibility for who I have become through no fault of my own, that reached the pattern of thinking that created this pain and hole that now harasses me and that then was the stupidity that caused me to really behave terribly and react clearly out of proportion
    That's what I call Hogan

  5. Svardamish:
    You're wrong. The answers should be very precise (black or white, no shades of gray).
    But to answer in the (only) correct way you must know the style of the test's questions.
    For example, in the question of the face of the moon that you mentioned.
    Any reasonable person who asks you means the answer that when you look at the moon from the earth then it is most illuminated around the middle of the Hebrew month and not at the ends of the month.
    But you have to understand that the questioner in the case of an IQ test is not a reasonable person from the street.
    The purpose of the question is to get smarter.
    And if someone wants to get a high score, he must know this style of cleverness and answer accordingly.

  6. I didn't say I can't communicate with people. I do, but this initiative is not natural to me, it is. I explain that as a child, I remember quotes, when I was told that I was not sociable enough. All my life I only hear how much of a sociopath, a snob I am. I need to be nicer at family meals, stop shutting myself in the room, which is not enough to fulfill my family duty of sitting down to eat with the family. Stop avoiding holiday meals. 'Enough reading now, it's not appropriate.'

    Can you imagine the feeling of being accused all the time of everything that is the complete opposite of who you are or what you feel? To be the best with everyone because that's how it seems you're supposed to be, and to hear how ungrateful you are, and how self-centered you are?
    And you don't know what words to use anymore and you start to wonder if you and the rest of the world even speak the same language because they always get mad at you for not understanding anything that was said to you. And you're sure you're doing exactly what you were asked, but you don't even know for sure if it's true anymore, maybe they're right and you don't internalize anything and you don't have the basic ability to understand anything or half a thing.
    But I understood everything. I understood, and I couldn't explain that I understand, that I'm not opaque. and the frustration. So it would translate into screams and nerves from desperation. Then they yell at you that you are hysterical and not normal and that you must calm down and stop losing your temper. More frustration and more shouting. And enough with this excessive hysteria. Why don't you have proportions?!' 'Wow, calm down, take things in proportion! You can't act like that when something doesn't work out for you' and how many people can hear that he is exaggerating in reactions over which he has no control?! Or he makes up nonsense and has to learn to control himself.
    And how many times have I tried to say that I'm trying and that it's terrible and ends me, and here I am again out of proportion and turning every comma into tragedy and drama and the end of the world. And I beg with tears of frustration that I can't do this anymore and please just try to understand that it doesn't help and that I want to stop and relax instead of freaking out and all you get in return is more oppression. Because I am again, psychic, I am not normal. I don't have to expect the world to stand still when I want to take a deep breath and not lose my temper because the world doesn't revolve around me.

    And the only thing, which I always saw as a despicable flaw, that I was good at was saying everything. Everything.
    Emotions are part of 'everything'. Even without speaking. I couldn't hide my feelings. It was impossible to understand me, but people always thought with such confidence that they see exactly what I feel and think that I manage to hide. After they demanded that I behave like a civilized person and communicate with the outside world; So yes, great, now they complain that I don't know how to behave
    How much can you absorb?
    A man strives to satisfy everyone's desires, is torn from the inside and wants to die because inside he is echoing a voice that tells him all the time 'them.' How everyone should be like this too; And you're already so lost that you start to slip and you're sure that this voice is dangerous and it's trying to isolate you and it's a disease and you call it a cockroach. The jock in the head. Delusions. So you resist him and behave in complete opposition to who you really are, and therefore every such horrible day that you behave as you see outside because you are told that this is true, you pass with the emptiness and the existential fear of your thoughts or of the outside world because you are so afraid of the damnable fact that precisely when you do Exactly what this voice "tells you"; Your "Jock"... Only on these rare occasions are you complete and peaceful, until the voice of the humanity that you mistakenly thought was the real one begins to peck at you and that for some reason, in your nature, you are not at peace with it.
    So when for the first time you stop apologizing, stop living like others need you to live for them, when for the first time in your cursed life you manage to breathe, and tiny, warm sparks that you forgot you once knew; Buds of happiness, of self-love, only then do you begin to notice exactly what has changed.
    You realize that you're starting to behave the way you feel, in a way that doesn't quite match who you were, in a way that people simply don't understand what kind of engine you're working on; You also slowly stop apologizing for who you are because somehow the need is easily communicated.
    So suddenly when I stopped resisting, and put up with my jock, my common sense, the smoke mask cleared up for her and wonder and wonder - I wonder why I called my natural and authentic and exclusive logic a "disease". It's interesting how it is that I do exactly what makes me feel good and I don't adapt my character to the company around me because I don't need to. And those who are not interested, do not approach. And I'm not harming anyone and there are no casualties and everything is good. And I'm almost happy, and I'm at a point in my life that may be many things but certainly not easy or pleasant. But I'm fine. And I don't care that my main thing is at all their blandness. Because I have no idea what they think is so important, or good, or interesting. And I don't care anymore how it is acceptable or not acceptable and my priorities are my own and I don't apologize for what I am and what I like and certainly not for how I behave.
    Because if I have been granted one privilege in this life, in my eyes, then it is the right not to be accountable to anyone in the entire world. And yes, I don't bend for one more person, one almost-psychiatric-hospitalization is one too many for me.
    Except that I haven't heard anyone emphatically declare that with absolute certainty, I am the exception. I behave inappropriately.
    If anything, I'm not fake, I don't pretend (anymore) that I enjoy something that dumbs down my soul because I just don't do what I'm not okay with. I've been fired/resigned too many times recently and one on one with slamming doors and ringing bells. At least mostly on a metaphorical level
    I am studying to complete my matriculation because for the first time I am the one who wants it. And I want to study physics and I want to go to the Technion
    And I don't think I need to apologize for my nature because it's not comfortable for the majority who are different and certainly don't feel the need to apologize for what makes me and others like me (I'm not talking in definitions and scholarly titles, this is about everyone who falls outside the definition of the norm of the determining majority) to feel that something in us is not right and tries to infect All the time labeling and producing more smashes to fix us so that we can (perhaps, because sometimes we are hopeless or broken condemned to incurable suffering) also be okay. Because we also deserve a normal life. Quality lifestyle, you call it?
    Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with Kansas, but this high-quality lifestyle doesn't sound too exciting to me either way, so I'm fine, thanks.
    I have a few female friends who, even though I'm not easy and they're not ashamed to remind me (and I don't argue), these are three completely different relationships and each of them "fits" a different "caprice" of mine and all of them love me despite my extreme swings and frequent disappearances and my long
    And it's not someone who approached the second and tried to please my second; It just fit.
    No contact is made, this connection will be made or not. You can't force things just like you can't approach a child in a kindergarten, classroom, army or office for that matter - and simply "start with them" in order to create interaction. I have done this for years because I have been told many times that it is a good and important thing. I didn't understand why. Today I understand why I didn't understand.

    There is no attack/slamming/accusation or anything directed towards you.
    I just wanted to point out that this is almost always the feeling you get. Just to clarify things as they are.

  7. point
    you are not alone
    There is indeed a lot of room for analyzing the normal person syndrome.
    Good Day

  8. Lenisim, L. B. and others
    That's exactly what I mean. It might be worth saying that the answers should not usually be black or white, those that have many shades of gray.
    Not only that. The very fact that you delay about the answer already lowers your grade compared to someone who answers what is expected of him!, he will have time to answer more questions.
    Good Day

  9. Regarding IQ tests:
    It is clear that the grade can be significantly improved if you know the style of the questions and the style of the requested answers.
    So the question arises as to what these tests test.

  10. Lesbradamish:
    What is the surface of the moon?
    Is the half of the shell facing the viewer's eye?
    If so we'll never see that half.
    Because if you pass tangents to the moon that pass through the point where the observer's eye is then they are not tangent to the moon at its equator.

  11. Yehuda
    And if we're on a Tiksherat satellite - can't there be a full moon even then?
    It doesn't seem to me that a satellite casts a shadow on the moon...

  12. I liked Ko's answer. But the problem is that American tests or IQ tests in which you have to choose a correct answer out of several, are done by ordinary people and cannot know what the answer is exactly.
    For example, if I ask: when do we see the face of the moon fully illuminated? And the answers are: a. At the beginning of the Hebrew month, b. In the middle of the Hebrew month, c. Never. The answer is not simple! Because in order for us to see the full moon, we must have the sun be exactly behind us, but then there is a lack of whiteness. So the question that a person asks himself if he knew a little above average what to answer, answer C or answer B? Normally I would answer B unless the person asking me was above average and then I would understand that I need to dig deeper. (If Mikal had asked, I would have answered answer C (:)))
    There are always the aforementioned small nuances.
    And by the way, there is a claim that Newton himself actually had all the features of Asperger's.

    Good Day
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  13. God. holmes,
    The goal is for you to be happy without being vulnerable to others.

    People often look for relationships to be happy. If you don't need it, that's fine. You don't owe the company anything.

    And in any case, in my opinion, people who don't hide their feelings (especially when they feel good) - it's much easier for them to make social connections.


  14. The lack of social skills is certainly easy to fix.
    Just please, tell me where to purchase this really arbitrary software update?

    Asperger's or BPD or whatever anyone wants to suggest (because I've exhausted the shiny psychiatric titles) - it took me a long time and pain to come to the irritating, yet reassuring realization that I have a shocking disability in social skills that fall into the category of the norm, and that my understanding of the human species may be amazing and brilliant but how I won't see how others do it, I can't adjust my behavior (which I know is considered very puzzling to most or unpleasant) to what I see and understand clearly.
    I tried for damned and exhausting years to adapt myself to the environment. Not only did it cause me a lot of mental damage that I only recently started to be able to repair, the worst thing is that these attempts failed a lot and I would always find myself isolated, cut off from people, quite a bit from the world. I realized that I don't fit in and I'm better off alone.
    With the second one I still agree here and there, but the shocking thing is that no one corrected me because I didn't want to tell the world 'I understand how you are programmed, behave and behave, but I can't imitate it well'. I remember one time from the age of 11 or so, that my mother was worried that I just wasn't making connections and friendships and that her divorce from my father was connected/would worsen my mental state.
    No one understood, and neither did I-that I had forgotten until now, that I was not told that the behavior I display is wrong and that if I have no success in the social sphere/I do not try to make interpersonal connections, this indicates that something bad is happening to me (depressed, anxious, maybe just sad ) I Kibinimat I was a happy girl!

    So please, I want to hear how now I am supposed to produce behavioral skills, at the age of 23, that as a little girl I believed I needed because I don't adapt well and it could hurt me and in the end it turns out that this attempt to adapt myself to how everyone else "works" was exactly the boomerang that I have not seen until today .
    and moreover? I'm not sure how much I even want to have "normative" social behavior skills, in a society that doesn't deal well with what it doesn't know. Let them adapt themselves to me if anything.
    I got all the boring dupes all my life, I actually learned them. Not that it's too difficult, it's a regular and predictable mechanism, even when it "goes beyond" its norm, it's expected. And I didn't judge any of them for their stupidity because I didn't dare to bring it up even as a thought to myself from the majority of this "I don't like it" that they decided I should feel.

    I didn't even realize until now how hot it is. the audacity
    And with this, and you are officially witnesses, I am definitely and completely done apologizing for the way I behave or speak or to the hell - think!
    Finally a happy ending for me and not thanks to social codes that I'm not really sad that I couldn't get used to them.

    Wow, that was one of the most liberating speeches I've written so far.

  15. Could there be a situation where, due to their lack of understanding, they end up abusing their spouse within the framework of the marriage?

  16. If in old age, even though I read a lot about this syndrome, I could not understand how to recognize, diagnose, discover, or notice that a person has such a syndrome. Does this mean I suffer (or have suffered) from it?
    How do you even diagnose such a syndrome? The lack of social skills seems like something that is easy to correct and difficult to examine (it is difficult to reproduce different social situations) and therefore may lead to the fact that those with the syndrome will not be diagnosed.

    To me, this syndrome in general looks like an invention as a result of over-motivation of doctors.

  17. Agree with 'point' - the normal person syndrome deserves an in-depth examination, and preferably one hour before.
    It seems that these are some kind of human mummies...

  18. As someone who has Asperger's syndrome - there is some truth in this, but there is not. For example - when I was young, one of my problems was in 'American tests' because you wanted to try several answers (if several answers seemed suitable to me) and sometimes even choose a less suitable answer. If the time, I forced myself to choose 'correct', and yes, I came to the conclusion very quickly that it was stupid. One of the things that encouraged me not to choose the 'less likely to me' answer was the fact that in intelligence tests (probably always made up as 'American tests') people who do better in these tests tend to choose the 'more correct' answer, even if they are debating on several answers. By the way, this was a small example, 'and the multitude of alternatives to choose from' is not significant in my life. I can give more examples, but it doesn't really matter...
    In any case, no, I can learn from experience even without doing 'alternatives'. (That is, I can also bring examples that contradict the research....).

  19. They finally started writing about Asperger's syndrome in Israel too! Excellent!

    Asperger's syndrome, as we know, is an important part of the autism spectrum.

    AS - the community of people on the autistic spectrum in Israel, is an organization of and for Israelis from the autistic spectrum, for the purpose of self-support and self-help, independent and mutual. AC members are people from all shades of the autistic spectrum, who believe that society must recognize the basic right of the autistic person to live as an autistic person in recognition of the autistic essence as a different and legitimate way of life. AC members maintain a self-managed autistic community, which includes people from the autistic spectrum at all levels of functioning and at all levels of interpersonal communication. An AS member can be any member of the autistic spectrum, whether officially diagnosed or not, who identifies with the principles and goals of AS, whether or not they can actively participate.

    AS website - the community of people on the autistic spectrum in Israel:
    The forums of AS - the community of people on the autistic spectrum in Israel:

  20. On the other hand, they should not be prevented
    This should be their decision and if they see fit to give birth anyway
    So you should at least take full responsibility
    But it is not relevant at all to write it

  21. By the way, I agree with the claim of reproduction without a hint of cynicism
    There is no point in having children who will not have an excellent quality of life

  22. According to what I understood, the phenomenon is actually the character of Sheldon Cooper from the comedy series "The Big Bang".
    Worth seeing

  23. The same one who gave you the ability to write talkbacks (but this is a science site, so his name must not be mentioned)

  24. The normal person syndrome is the most common chronic severe acute disorder that has not yet been adequately and plausibly studied.

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