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environmental issues

Futuristic water purification? An Israeli company is developing a new desalination method in which nano-robots will clean seawater of problematic salts; This, without removing from them substances that are important for our health
Special for the holiday: these are the stories of some of the most polluted places on our planet, which would not be harmed by a "Pesach cleaning". A dirty trip around the world
A transformation is currently taking place in the Amazon forest, and behind it stands a researcher: Prof. Paulo Artaxo, one of the most important scientists in the world, put together the plan that is currently being implemented in Brazil to rehabilitate and glorify the wounded rain forest. On the occasion of his visit to Israel, he tells how change is being made, explains why the deforestation carried out by the Bolsonaro government was against the constitution - and in fact unnecessary, and delivers a message as clear as the sun in the forest: "It's not too late yet"
Special for Passover: It turns out that slavery is not limited to humans, and various insects survive and multiply in nature thanks to the "slavery" of other species. So what do an army of small ants and Sparta have in common? What were the ladybugs telling their psychologist? And who survives thanks to an army of drugged security guards?
Researchers have succeeded in developing a flexible sensing sheet that is inside a pipe in order to continuously monitor the quality of the liquid in it. By measuring the voltage induced within a layer of carbon nanotubes, it is possible to determine the concentrations of various substances. This research could lead to significant improvements in the field of food quality and environmental cleaning
For several decades dolphins and fishermen have been hunting together on the beaches of southern Brazil. A new international study reveals how this cooperation contributes to the marine mammals' chances of survival and what we must do so that it does not disappear from the world
Opinion: The human relationship to the climate and the environment is similar to intensive borrowing - except that we have no intention of regaining our peace. We must change our ways of working with the "bank" - because otherwise, we will sink into "bankruptcy" from which we will not be able to rise
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources alone is not a solution without reducing demand and radical changes in energy consumption
Guarding the house: a Japanese architectural firm has designed a private house that will remain stable and protect its residents - even if the floods hit it hard
Global warming affects life in the sea in many ways when it causes a decrease in dissolved oxygen in the ocean water on the one hand, and on the other hand, an increase in the metabolism of marine animals, which further increases their need for oxygen
It is important to promote legislative policies and effective regulations aimed at solving the global plastic problem. Consumers should also be encouraged to choose sustainable products and producers should be required to produce environmental and recycled products. In addition, emphasis should be placed on education and information
This is according to a monitoring report of the findings of the sixth report of the International Panel on Climate Change IPCC. In the last decade, the global surface temperature reached 1.1 degrees Celsius above the average in the years 1850-1900
New research suggests that this is because the standard model does not take into account the slow nature of technological progress. As a result, the standard model overestimates the reduction in cumulative energy use achieved by a given energy tax
For the past hundred years, the chemical trichloroethylene [TCE] has been used in decaffeinated coffee, metal cleaners, and dry-cleaned clothes. The substance itself is known to be a carcinogen, it is associated with miscarriages, congenital heart disease and a fivefold increase in the incidence of Parkinson's disease
The Permian Mass Extinction (LPME) that occurred approximately 250 million years ago was the largest extinction event in Earth's history to date, resulting in the loss of 80-90% of life on Earth. Despite extensive research, the exact cause of the dramatic changes in climate during this period is still unknown, but researchers now believe that volcanic eruptions caused the slow death of the animals and plants
New research points to an alarming future increase in extreme heat waves, which could increase mortality tenfold. "One heat wave is expected to cause excess mortality equal to the number of deaths in road accidents in a year"
Plastic continues to dominate every good plot: new research reveals that the amount of microscopic plastic on the ocean floor has tripled in just 20 years. Moreover, the microplastic at the bottom of the sea almost did not crumble or break down even after decades
The decoration of chameleons is not limited to their outer part - and the bones of many of them glow through their skin under ultraviolet light. This is how the chameleons never stop surprising with original costumes that can be an inspiration for our most colorful holiday
Poisoning in Israel - like mushrooms after the rain? A new study reveals the patterns of poisoning from wild mushrooms in our country. The main victims: children up to the age of 6, and also men. And what is the space where most poisonings occur? No, we are not talking about dense forests - but rather the lawns that we all know
There is lab2 – a new sustainability initiative putting used scientific equipment back into the market
The biomass of cows, pigs, sheep and other farm animals is currently 30 times greater than that of all elephants, elk and other wild land mammals combined
Special for Polar Bear Day: American researchers have discovered the reason why polar bears walk without difficulty on ice and snow surfaces that would cause each and every one of us to slip - microscopic bumps that line their furry feet
The American company Ocean-Based Climate Solutions has developed a pump system that will pump nutrients from a depth of 400 meters to the surface and allow the growth of tiny algae that will carry out the process of photosynthesis and absorb the carbon in the atmosphere, so that it will eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean
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