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environmental issues

The United Nations declared November 15th as the date when the 8 billionth person will be born.* How should we as humanity avoid the kind of crises that have wiped out civilizations that overexploited their environment only this time it's all of us?
A year after the conference in Glasgow, in which countries such as the USA, China, Russia, the European Union and Israel, committed to goals of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and 2060 - the question arises: have the various countries acted to meet their commitments from the previous conference?
A new Swedish study reveals that the concentration of harmful chemical compounds of the PFAS type in rain has passed the point of no return. We will probably have to work hard so that the concept of "blessing rains" does not become a painful chapter in history lessons
The Ministry of Environmental Protection publishes for public comment the draft Israeli green taxonomy, for classifying economic activities according to their impact on environmental goals; The Israeli taxonomy will make it possible to define environmental and climatic effects of economic activities, will allow positive investments for the environment and climate and will prevent greening
Destruction of the beaches and serious damage to the marine environment in Eilat. The residents cried out, the authorities ignored
Three books from the past year offer us three different ways to fight the climate crisis. So what is the right way?
A new French study found that lizards living in France were born "older". It is not about a sequel to "The Amazing Story of Benjamin Button", but about another item on the list of damages from the climate crisis
The drop in sea level allows researchers to isolate, document, study and model the consequences of the impact of waves and storms on the coast and the creation of coastlines and coastal cliffs
A new Israeli study examined how the fish are doing in the Rosh Hankara marine reserve. Diving deeper into the issue showed that the protection of the fish decreases as they move away from its center. So how do we protect the locos that have fallen to the margins? We will protect the marine reserves
The collapse of the Amazon forests, the melting of the glaciers and frozen lands, the death of the coral reefs - these are some of the factors that may lead to irreversible changes * Some of them are happening at an alarming rate
In about a month, the UN's international climate conference will open in Sharm el-Sheikh, where world leaders will gather to try and fight the climate crisis. What is expected to be there? What opportunities does it hold? And what will Israel bring to it?
Opinion: Yom Kippur is an opportunity to take stock of our vulnerability to the environment. We must prioritize our well-being over more and more profits, and start the social change that will lead us from a culture of "use and throw away" to a sustaining reality of true abundance
As early as 3,000 years ago, man destroyed the regional vegetation for the benefit of the copper industry and caused fatal damage to the environment
In preparation for a recommendation to the government on a policy to stabilize the level of the Dead Sea: the Minister of Environmental Protection, Tamar Zandberg, led a multi-participant tour of the Dead Sea region to examine the public comments received on the draft policy document for the future of the Dead Sea published by the ministry
The researchers from the Technion and the Weizmann Institute developed a smart map showing the potential climatic benefits of planting trees in different sites
A new UN report indicates that lawmakers around the world only look at the immediate economic benefit that can be derived from nature - and ignore its value in aspects that are harder to quantify in numbers, such as its effect on the psyche and its cultural role. Is it even possible to put a price tag on the feeling of "green in the eyes", or on the technological developments that nature provides us?
When the car is barely making progress on the busy city roads, it is comforting to think to ourselves that at least within its walls we are protected from the urban air pollution. But a new study calls us to actually get out of the vehicles: it turns out that it's quite polluted inside - and even more than outside
A new development from MIT proposes to launch into space giant bubbles that will serve as a shield against solar radiation. A logical solution to the climate crisis or crossing a red line?
This announcement more than doubles the area of ​​protected marine areas in the maritime space in Israel and is a leap forward in the protection of the unique natural values ​​in the Mediterranean Sea
The deniers of the climate crisis can't get into scientific journals, so they try their luck using websites that pretend to be such journals. A communication researcher explains how to identify such sites
Dramatic drops in the level of the Dead Sea in the last hundreds of thousands of years may indicate prolonged dry periods in the eastern Mediterranean region. For example, in the time period between 70 and 14 thousand years ago, the lake level was about 270 meters higher than the current level.
Alon Zasek, CEO of the Israel Seas and Lakes Research Company: "This comprehensive survey, the first of its kind in Israel that uses advanced research tools, clearly shows the need to stop using disposable tools to preserve the sea and its biodiversity."
An American school used profits from placing solar panels on the building's roof and energy efficiency to raise teachers' salaries. Coming Soon? Ask your local authority
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