Angle - a news agency for science and the environment

A herd of elephants graze in a reserve in Kenya. social animals. Photo: shutterstock

The social network of the elephants

The water level in the southern part of the Dead Sea is constantly rising due to human activity, which is the use by the countries of the region of the water of the Jordan River and the production of potash in the Dead Sea factories. Photo: israeltourism, Flickr

Harvest time has come

renewable energies. Illustration: shutterstock

Nike is moving to renewable energy

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Paris. Photo: COP

The exterminator set himself a new target - carbon

For the first time almost all the countries of the world commit to act together in favor of one idea. Photo: COP PARIS

Paris Conference: There is an agreement

Protest at the conference. Who will pay for the agreement? Photo: Cop Paris

Paris Diary: Final Drafts

Children are dealing with climate change. Photo: shutterstock

We are all children of climate change

UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon and US President Barack Obama (both now former) at the climate conference in Paris. Photo: COP PARIS, Flickr

Climate change does not hold a passport - Paris diary: the week of decision

Prof. Yoav Yair. Private photo

Paris of hope

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the start of the climate conference in Paris, December 2015. Photo: Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

Paris Diary: Summary of the first week

Bill Gates, June 2015. Photo: shutterstock

Like for clean energy

The Norwegian government is mobilizing to reduce air pollution: in 2019, downtown Oslo will be closed to cars. Photography: Jeffrey Zeldman

Cars? Not with us

Heads of state at the climate conference in Paris. Photo: Drop of Light /

"All the warning lights are already flashing - now we just need someone to start taking them seriously"

Preparations for the opening of the Paris Conference. Photo: Ministerio del Ambiente, Flickr

Will the news come from Paris?

Two chimpanzees are in a zoo. Photo: shutterstock

The chimpanzees go free

The research system at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion. Photo: Liron Ofek

The end of desalination at first thought

Penguin couples in Antarctica. Photo: Tak, Flickr

Search Antarctica

Driving the future. Photo: Brook Ward, Flickr

I am not the driver

Drought in Africa in 2006: areas with abundant vegetation are shown in green, areas with less healthy and thriving vegetation are brown. Photo: NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using data provided courtesy of Jennifer Small, NASA GIMMS Group at Goddard Space Flight Center

Why does NASA follow cows?

Eucalyptus grove. Photo: jar [o].flickr

Eucalyptus, full tank please

An illustration of the amount of carbon dioxide that man emitted into the atmosphere in 2012, next to the Statue of Liberty. Image: Carbon Visuals, flickr

Add green to the dollar

Piles of grass clippings in Nahal Yashpin, Lev Hasharon Regional Council. Photography: Aviv Avisher

There is life on the margins

The remains of the volcano on the island of Santorini. Photo: shutterstock

on mountains and holes

African golden wolf. Photo: Profberger, Wikipedia

The jackal that turned into a wolf

A bumble bee sucks nectar and in the process pollinates a flower. Photo: shutterstock

Everything is honey (but only for now)

The hole in the ozone layer above the North Pole. Photo: NASA

Good news from the ozone layer

Automatic car park in Walsemburg, Germany. Photo: DooMMeeR, Wikipedia

Robot or bus?

Modern transportation brings with it progress, but also a faster spread of epidemics. Photo: Judhi Prasetyo, Flickr

The train of surprises

A passenger plane. Photo: shutterstock

sweet flight

Bright blue poison dart frog. Photo: Valerie, Flickr

Fly like a frog, navigate like a bat

A common fruit bat eats a fig and thus spreads its seeds. Photo: Вых Пыхманн, Wikipedia

Eco-friendly vampire

A Maglev train hovers in Shanghai. Photo-Jody-McIntyre-Flickr[1]

A new accumulation mode will make you float

A landscape of olive trees in Italy. Photo: Kite_rin/Shutterstock

The state against science

Ivanov Gleb/Shutterstock

save the elephant

Cecil, a lion that is a national symbol. Photo: Daughter#3, Wikipedia

White Hunter, Black Silver

A dream that became a reality in less than a year. Photos: Google Earth,

Suez Canal 2.0

The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Photo: from Wikipedia

The nuclear program

Risk from marble. Photo: Rennal Pickholz

Algae killers from the Red Sea

Opening of the Suez Canal, November 17, 1869. Image: shutterstock

An immigrant's point of view

An American study revealed the secret of the success of the furry predator from the north. Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash

Single-use plastics, "magical" creatures - and war: summary 2023 in the environment