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How to deal with corona deniers - and why it (usually) doesn't work

An attempt to explain the obvious. Ehud Amir goes over the conspiracy theories created around the corona epidemic and explains why they are unfounded

Demonstrators against the corona restrictions, and claim that there is no epidemic. Illustration:
Demonstrators against the corona restrictions, and claim that there is no epidemic. Illustration:

I once spoke to an ultra-orthodox mine about Torah and science. I brought her Jerry Coyne's book, "Why Evolution is True". She burst into an instinctive laugh. The name of the book was enough to block any willingness on her part to discuss. It was as if I offered her to eat pork. It doesn't matter that she doesn't know the difference between evolution and atheism or the abolition of morality and the war of all in all. What matters is my mistake: I collided head-on with her faith. I have no idea if damage can be minimized or if she is already automatically biased against every word I say.

This is what happens in the fight between the science media and the deniers of the corona, who advocate the conspiracy theories according to which the corona or as it is officially called COVID-19 is a fake epidemic, whose purpose is to bring profits to the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals, to strengthen the rule of the political establishments, to develop biological weapons or to conduct experiments on children A man in the guise of mass vaccinations.

Each of these claims is unfounded: does the corona virus bring profit to the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals? There is still no vaccine for Corona, and in the meantime the pharmaceutical companies are only losing money on attempts to develop vaccines, attempts that fail quite a few times. The hospitals do not profit from the corona. vice versa. They lose income on elective surgeries, which are canceled due to the corona crisis.

Do the death certificates list corona as the cause of death even when the cause of death is different, and this is to falsify data and thus create a presentation according to which the dimensions of the disease are inflated than they really are?

The source of this claim is a common confusion between the report certificate to the Kadisha company and the death certificate. Every day about 120 people die in Israel from causes not related to Corona. At the peak of the second wave, 30 people died in Israel a day from Corona. If so, the chance that the deceased passed away from Corona during this period was 30 out of 150, i.e. 20%. Therefore, it was necessary to protect the employees of the Kadisha company more than usual, and therefore it was recorded in the report form to the Kadisha company that there is a possibility that the deceased died of corona. These reports are separate from the reports on the deaths from Corona in the death certificates, and were not included in the number of deaths from Corona that the Ministry of Health listed.

"But dozens of people tell their personal story. Irrelevant documents here."

vice versa. In cases of such a serious allegation, the best way to verify these statements is by requesting documents. The people who claim forgery are upset by the death of the relative, the grandfather, the father, and are therefore angry. It is difficult to expect objective and qualified reporting from them. They are just looking for someone to blame. This is a natural tendency and they are not to be blamed. When the cases are examined, it turns out that the claim is wrong.

Does the corona strengthen the rule of the political establishment? It is difficult to see how closing the economy and increasing unemployment, closing educational institutions, closing cultural institutions, closures and creating huge demonstrations improve the image of the political establishment or its ability to control the public. Even the government's supporters are outraged by some of its measures - in Israel, Germany, the United States, Spain, Italy and in almost every country that is forced to limit individual freedoms these days to protect public health.

Was the corona virus developed as a biological weapon? As a biological weapon, the corona virus is horribly ineffective. When a country wishes to use a biological weapon, there is no point in doing so if it does not meet at least two conditions: first, that its degree of lethality be high, and second, that the country distributing the weapon also has a vaccine against it. Corona does not meet any of these conditions. Its degree of lethality is very low, compared to biological weapons. Only one in a thousand infected dies. It is indeed a lot, but much less than the degree of lethality of the AIDS and Ebola diseases.

Is it China that spread the corona virus because it has a vaccine and wants to profit from it? The absence of a Chinese vaccine disproves this possibility.

Was the virus developed in Chinese laboratories? First, the source of the mutation was identified, and it is not in the laboratory but in nature. Second, 30,000 dead to develop a virus is not an easy price, not even for a communist country where the value of life is not very high. And thirdly, the way in which the outbreak in China was eliminated was a painful closure of 11 million inhabitants, a closure during which life was silenced and the economy damaged, a closure that was only possible due to China being a totalitarian police and surveillance state. If the virus was developed in a laboratory, what was the point of the Chinese government in causing all this damage?

If you want to do mass experiments on humans under the guise of mass vaccinations, why bother and develop a new virus for it, when so many viruses are available on the shelves of pharmaceutical companies, such as influenza, measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella and more? Why bother confronting the public by spreading a new virus, when you can work, seemingly "under the radar", with vaccines against influenza, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), whooping cough, jaundice and others, which have been routinely given to hundreds of millions of people for decades? If there is a conspiracy, why is it so obvious? One of the basic conditions of any conspiracy is that it works in secret. If the corona is covering up some kind of conspiracy, then it is doing it in a noisy, public and horribly ineffective way.

Is the person responsible for giving the vaccines in schools the Natalie company, which was purchased by a Chinese company?

The meaning of the purchase is that an Israeli company will influence China more than China will influence Israel: "The motive for the purchase of Sunpower is the desire of the Chinese company bring Natalie's activity model to China, where she will market medical services to organizations as well as the private sector. The Chinese activity will target the highest deciles in the country. In order to promote the activity in China, Sunpower has since the beginning of the year completed the purchase of several large hospitals in China that will form the basis of the activity. The activity in China will be managed by the Israeli company, and CEO Nathalie Nimrod Altman will manage the activity there as well. It has been a long time since Natalie's company has been trying to expand into the Chinese market, where there is a demand for medical services at home, mainly due to the nature of the population."

Are the Chinese responsible for the vaccine? exactly the opposite. The control of the medical policy in Israel is in the hands of the management of the Israeli company. The purchase was intended to bring Natalie to operate in China, not China to operate in Israel.

Will they start injecting chips into people under the guise of vaccines?

Bill Gates made over a hundred billion dollars with talent and hard work. He donated 35 billion dollars to charity and scholarships for underprivileged populations. He founded a foundation that fights diseases in the third world, vaccinated hundreds of millions of children and saved millions of people from certain death. Is it likely that a person who did all this, is behind a plot to implant chips by vaccines to control the world's population, and behind a plot to mass murder, birth control, endoviruses and vaccine poisoning? Is he behind the global warming conspiracy, to depopulate the world? These connection theories have prominent anti-Semitic and Nazi elements: they claim that international Jewry - bankers, billionaires, businessmen, cultural figures and political and spiritual leaders - is complicit in the conspiracy, which does not prevent many Jews from believing these theories.

Is the Corona a conspiracy coordinated by the governments of the world to strengthen their control over their citizens?

It is true that many regimes have an interest in increasing centralization. But in Brazil it is more corruption than centralization. There are almost no corona reports in China. If the Chinese regime was interested in scaring the public over the Corona virus, it would not have announced so quickly the solution to the problem in China. And secondly, the Chinese regime is totalitarian. He does not need an excuse such as illness. He can act in much harsher ways without any excuse, as he demonstrates in the cases of Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Uyghurs in eastern China and Tibet. And as for the United States, are they cooperating with the governments of the world? After all, the Trump administration has walked away from almost every international treaty, the Trump administration has started a trade war against China, the Trump administration has consistently underestimated Corona and rejected any proposal to act against it, at least in the early stages of the disease. The facts contradict the assumption of connection.

Ways to deal with connection theories

But the logic, the information and all the refutations of the connection theories - all these do not convince the supporters of the conspiracy theories. The New York Times published An article that acknowledges this problem and offers ways to deal with and try to convince deniers, skeptics and people who are afraid of the unknown. Here are some of the ways:

Ask where the information comes from. Explain to the child that Google's algorithm only displays results that take into account what it already knows about the surfer, his political leanings, his gender identity (so that it knows whether to display motorcycle or fashion advertisements) and his consumption habits (so that it knows which stores to direct the surfer to and which price levels to present to him). Google does not reveal objective information to us. He only reveals to us information that is in advance in sync with our belief system, perceptions and desires, thus keeping us in a bubble. Those who deny science, will not see on Google scientific evidence, debates, doubts and opinions - the lifeblood of science. He will only see science deniers like him on Google.

Try to make your interlocutor understand that the question of where his information comes from is important. Information is not always objective. Information usually comes with context. Ask your interlocutor: "The information you receive - whose interests does it serve?"

Recognize that some conspiracies do exist. Jeffrey Epstein did create a network of sexual exploitation of minors. In the Watergate case, there was indeed a break-in to the offices of the Democratic Party and an attempted cover-up by the administration. The Catholic Church did cover up a mass phenomenon of rape of minors by priests. The thing is, as he pointed out Yuval Noah Harari, that if such conspiracies remain secret, their effectiveness decreases dramatically, because for extensive action they need extensive cooperation. When Stalin came to power in the Soviet Union, he did not rule conspiratorially and secretly. On the contrary - his pictures hung in every factory, school and home.

Try to see how it works. Ask your son to explain how the conspiracy really works. Who drives her? What is the establishment behind it doing? The government in Israel barely manages to hold a coalition and three elections are required within two years. So how does she manage to maintain a secret and coordinated conspiracy that no one knows about? How can a group of people act in perfect coordination, for a secret purpose, and without any leaks or disputes, when every human experience, starting from a house committee or a class committee to states and armies, is contrary to this assumption?

Paradoxically, even if a conspiracy begins in the dark, its success depends on as many people as possible knowing about it and fearing it. If there is a conspiracy, at some point the mice come out of the holes: defectors, rivals at the top of the conspiracy, refugees who have been harmed by it - and the journalists look for evidence on everything. Ask Ben to produce this evidence: documents, correspondence, any record of the conspiracy.

For example, if there was a document reserved for doctors and department managers to report corona even when there is no corona, there would be doctors publishing it. In order to claim that there is a conspiracy, you have to believe that all the doctors and managers of the hospitals and departments are complicit in the conspiracy and reporting false reports. If there was a conspiracy, a diligent journalist would have already discovered at least one document in which the Ministry of Health instructs doctors and department managers to report false reports about Corona. There are dozens of hospital managers and managers of corona and intensive care departments. At least one of them, the director of the emergency department at Nahariya Hospital, believes that there is no need for a lockdown. If he had received such an order from the Ministry of Health, he would have been a natural candidate to reveal it, which would have allowed him to become a national hero, the conspiracy reveals. None of this happened.

Talk face to face. Move the field of discussion from social networks - which by their nature encourage polarization and clustering around militant camps - to the personal level, face to face. In this way, it is possible to identify nuances of attention or resistance, and gently tilt the discussion according to these non-verbal signals. On the other hand, the corona era creates a unique problem: if your interlocutor wears a mask, he is probably convinced that there is corona. You don't have to make an effort to read his facial features, and that's in order to better convince him. He is on your side. On the other hand, if your interlocutor does not wear a mask, he believes that the corona claim is a conspiracy anyway. What's the point of reading his facial features? Go to the following tips.

Don't be arrogant. try to understand No advice will work if your interlocutor becomes hostile. This is what may happen if you approach him with the attitude of "you are being worked on - and you let them be worked on you." You have to understand where the urges to believe in the conspiracy theory come from, and above all you have to not present yourself as a knower, but as a questioner, as someone who is also genuinely trying to understand what is going on here. Don't say: "Here, this is how Google works." Ask: "How does Google work?" Don't say "You're getting fake news." Ask: "Where is this information from? I really want to understand.”

Try to identify yourself With those parts of your interlocutor's story that you can identify with. Even if your interlocutor claims that the corona is an invention designed to cause a world revolution, you will still be able to identify with some of his claims: the plight of the business owners who are closing, the parents of small children who are going crazy with the constant loneliness and the impossibility of bringing children and friends together, the elderly in their loneliness and the unemployed youth; The inconsistency of the government's instructions regarding closures, the education system and the opening of businesses; The justified anger at the lack of equality in enforcement and the violation of the regulations by senior government officials.

All of this may help. Maybe one day a conversationalist will open up enough to watch a video of it Explains Dr. Lior Ungar on the importance of vaccinations or read articles by the association "aware", the Davidson Institute, the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute, articles on the "Hidan" website (which has Hundreds of articles on the subject of the Corona) and the articles of other bodies of the science communication that work to spread reliable information about the Corona and vaccines. Maybe this way he will understand that the corona is a real disease, that the reported mortality rates, not only are real but usually underreported (due to underreporting in countries that lack the means or desire to check, or in sectors whose degree of compliance with the authorities is low), and that the best way to deal with the epidemic is through Science and not by belief in conspiracies.

The author uses the masculine language for convenience, the recommendations are of course the same for both genders.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

22 תגובות

  1. Another one of the people of Israel, the chosen people of... Pfizer,
    eat movies with blood clots, then talk
    Bullshit without any basis!

  2. "Both sides have convincing claims" - this as someone who doesn't understand much about electricity, I assume every electrician would know the answer right away?

  3. Here is a practical test to summarize your course, Ehud.
    Do electricity savers (those that you plug into the socket and forget about, sold in the chain) work??
    fact or fiction?
    which witch is conspiracy?
    Says - yes, they straighten the current, which is subject to fluctuations, store the excess (when the power in the network is too high) in a capacitor, which releases it when there is a shortage (because the home network operates within the limits of a given power factor).

    Google questions and answers claims: "In short - yes! - Some of them reduce the electricity consumption of your facilities, such as air conditioning systems, others correct the (power factor? C.L. the power of the current, no?)." In another place - "...protect your devices, extend their life and even regulate the power factor. " Somewhere on the network that I can't find a second time, they explained that *even devices that are turned off consume electricity* in some amount, and therefore power savers help (or can you just pull out the outlet when the TV is turned off? - What I do, the little red light annoys me, maybe because It is a Big Brother device that follows the viewer (Staaam, a conspiracy... Oh, no! In Yediot Ahronoth they wrote that it is possible to watch the viewer on TV... but is turning it off enough to prevent this? After all, a cell phone continues to activate GPS even when it is turned off? Well, the truth is, I also hang a towel on the screen of the off TV.)

    Here, however,
    Someone who sounds like an unbiased professional claims that apart from one case, where savings of the order of 0.1 percent on a home electricity bill are possible, all are shameless bluffs.
    (I left the page and found it very difficult to return to it - Google had already recognized me as interested in buying the device and insisted on showing me only positive opinions - even when I entered the URL, it took me to search, which is all charged. I was only able to find the link in my history.)

    So -
    Do electricity savers actually save electricity, or is this another conspiracy?

    Are those who sell them, claiming that they save significant percentages of the electricity bill, wrong and misleading/liars and thieves?

    Is the person who writes the quick answers for the Google search wrong and misleading? A liar and a bribe taker?

    bribe from whom?
    (From those who sell medicines - that is - electricity savers?)

    On which side are the thieves? On which side are the conspiracy theorists?

    As an expert (on his own behalf at least) for identifying conspiracies and subtly refuting them - what do you say?

    (I honestly don't know what the truth is - both sides have convincing claims, on the face of it, and they sound much less cynical liars than the drug companies, medical institutions or Israeli and international government officials...

  4. You are mind-boggling and that's how you make fake news. You are the conspirators. You are in the mobilized media who are hiding the truth about how the vaccination started exactly when the "epidemic" broke out. How there was intimidation in the beginning before all the hospitals faced collapse.
    How the virus came from bats (it's a conspiracy if anything) when the virus was deliberately released from the laboratory to invent a reason why to dilute the population with a false vaccine!
    A vaccine that contains tiny robot particles that are supposed to penetrate the body and kill it in different ways.

    Threatened vaccine approved by the FDA.
    Every head of a medical system in the world said Barish Gali
    1. The masks are unhealthy
    2. The closures are more harmful to health than the virus itself.
    3. The virus is not contagious as described
    4. 99.98% recovery percentage from the virus which is among the highest in the world along with dozens of other common diseases that exist.

    You are the pike, scumbags. And you are temporary

  5. The article is correct in my opinion, but I think it is missing one point: (you can see a bit of it in the comments of the supporters of the conspiracies).
    If you hear a claim that seems to you to be unfounded, it is often only the tip of an iceberg of a broader way of thinking/worldview, therefore what seems to you to be a "clear refutation" will not convince, nor should it convince, logically, those who said otherwise.
    For example: the article claims that conspiracies accusing Bill Gates are unlikely because he donates a lot to the needy, but (at least some, maybe all) of those who believe in these conspiracies believe (at least some of them from years ago) that Bill Gates has been engaged in all kinds of evil schemes under the guise of helping the needy for years.
    It seems to me that if you are interested in fully dealing with such a conspiracy theorist you will first have to spend a lot of time understanding what the worldview that the conspiracy is integrated into, it is doubtful that this will help, since there may be a lot of consistent world-evidence for their assumptions, but it seems to me that this is the basis).

  6. Thanks for the article.
    He is the best proof of the hypocrisy and stupidity of pseudo-scientists
    who are convinced that a mass-murdering epidemic is raging that endangers humanity,
    And instead of going to a psychiatrist to treat the symptoms, they shout and insult
    Everyone who does not share their delusions.

    Take advice: if someone tells you that you are drunk, then maybe they are wrong,
    But if 3 people tell you that you are drunk - go to sleep until you sober up.
    If there was an epidemic here as dangerous as your corrupt politician god
    Lying in order to close (again!!!) the courts and avoid prison,
    You wouldn't have to convince millions that there is an epidemic here.

    Each of these millions (and certainly all of them as a group) is smarter than you, period.
    And the proof of their wisdom is your own words in this article.

  7. Oh oh, the dark, ignorant, ignorant ultra-Orthodox who knows nothing compared to the intelligent Homosfians.. Well, you have chosen an appropriate target audience to conduct objective research on. Shows how much you understand research methods and science in general. Why didn't you interview her black cat? He would scratch you.. and you would have material more anti-Semitic than the idiotic laughter of the "Orthodox".
    And for our purposes. in remission from the brainwashing you went through. Many ultra-Orthodox Jews are among the best scientists in the world. They will also be able to explain to you in your enlightened language how unscientific is Darwin's concept of the evolution of species from each other (the basis of biological evolution, which is simply something that has never happened/proven, including the multitudes of generations observed on microorganisms with a short life cycle, which allows viewing many generations in a short time Even with them - a new species has never evolved from another species. And please do not mix mutations or adaptive changes of members of the same species with the aforementioned evolutionary theory.) Happy Hanukkah to you!

  8. All of the above commenters are exactly the same audience that this article was aimed at. It's a shame you give a platform to talkbacks. All kinds of people who believe in superstitions are always creeped out by them - what should have been told to them was to sprinkle salt on the table and spit three times in every direction, maybe that would have dispelled some of their fears

  9. I'll start by saying that I really enjoy reading articles on the site, and I started reading this article out of a great willingness to hear some sense in the madness.
    And what a disappointment, what shallowness, what arguments missing in the horse that sound like brainwashing in the shekel.
    You failed to represent the opposing arguments and you failed to provide an intelligent response.
    The scientist - expects a higher level of articles from you

  10. A lousy article won't help you people are finally starting to pick up, no one is claiming that the political establishment is going to get stronger the politicians are the murdered slaves of the tycoons and the corporations who also control the institutionalized media which is busy engineering the minds of the masses, the politicians work for the tycoons not for the citizens the addicted media gives us a distorted picture of reality As if the masses have a choice. And your site is another propagandist in the style of the Soviet regime.

  11. All those who need Google: switch to a browser that does not track your browsing and does not direct search to your opinions and preferences: re DuckDuckGo is a decent and fair browser. You should also surf in FireFox, which is extremely secure.

  12. What is very interesting about these conspiracies (not all) is that you can find everything that is happening today and every day what happened this year and before but the "conspirators" have been talking about it for years. More who it is they themselves who sought global control and started wars wrote exactly what their worldview is and how to rule. For example, Zbiganb Brzezinski, who was an adviser to the US president. You can also understand from what he writes why we have operations in Gaza every 4 years and many other things that are read in the world and where you can see the hands of people who were around him. By studying history and man, you can see that there really are people from generation to generation for hundreds of years who want to question, it's normal because it's part of a person's character. And it's also normal to be afraid to exercise control especially when your hands are covered in other people's blood. It is no surprise to anyone that in human history all this has happened. And the human being has not changed at all in terms of evolution in a thousand years, only the propaganda and manipulative means have been upgraded. Less than 100 succeeded with the propaganda to instill an abnormal ideology into people, so in 100 what was the human brain or the propaganda and manipulation more advanced. The fact that people have iPhones today does not make them smarter. In the field of conspiracies there is a lot of nonsense but when you delve deeper there is also much more logic than in the mainstream media where they just want to push the reality they want you to know. With everything he was such that mistakes as they say would not try to erase it from everywhere, it would be done by the human being. But they want you not to even delve into it because that's where the truth and logic is that they don't want you to know. Ask questions and look for answers themselves from all kinds of places and all kinds of languages. And not from someone who has an interest in control or money like the person who wrote this article)) with you choose a complete exit and believe the media so you don't need to call people who investigate in depth unintelligent or something worse. All these people do is research well from hundreds of places to get to the truth, and each of them wishes that it really was just mistakes in the end, but isn't it just mistakes?

  13. What is very interesting about these conspiracies (not all) is that you can find everything that is happening today and every day what happened this year and before but the "conspirators" have been talking about it for years. More who it is they themselves who sought global control and started wars wrote exactly what their worldview is and how to rule. For example, Zbiganb Brzezinski, who was an adviser to the US president. You can also understand from what he writes why we have operations in Gaza every 4 years and many other things that are read in the world and where you can see the hands of people who were around him. By studying history and man, you can see that there really are people from generation to generation for hundreds of years who want to question, it's normal because it's part of a person's character. And it's also normal to be afraid to exercise control especially when your hands are covered in other people's blood. It is no surprise to anyone that in human history all this has happened. And the human being has not changed at all in terms of evolution in a thousand years, only the propaganda and manipulative means have been upgraded. Less than 100 succeeded with the propaganda to instill an abnormal ideology into people, so in 100 what was the human brain or the propaganda and manipulation more advanced. The fact that people have iPhones today does not make them smarter. In the field of conspiracies there is a lot of nonsense but when you delve deeper there is also much more logic than in the mainstream media where they just want to push the reality they want you to know. With everything, it was such that mistakes, as they say, would not try to erase it from everywhere, it would be done by the human being. But they want you not to even delve into it because that's where the truth and logic is that they don't want you to know

  14. Hahahahaha won't help you
    The truth is already out.
    Most of the public is waking up. You are another mouthpiece of the establishment that wants a new world order...

  15. There is a lot of naivety in your analysis.
    You, like the ultra-Orthodox lady, assume your righteousness and don't bother to look deeper.
    First, you ignore the preparation for the outbreak at the institutional level, and those who knew Aliyah before that, something you did not investigate at all.
    Second, you think in terms of nation-states and private companies and their interests, which shows you don't understand the conspiracy itself.

  16. First, I completely agree with 99 percent of what was written.
    Second, there is a well-known and published written instruction (if you want I will upload it) of the World Health Organization to classify everyone who died with Corona as having died from Corona. As mentioned, it is known and known and can be located with a short search on the Internet. More than that, well-known professors including Friedman talked about it and the phenomenon according to which those who die with Corona are classified as having died from Corona.

  17. A beautiful article that touches on some aspects of conspiracies and belief and the difficulty of convincing a person with a logical argument based on his perceptions
    does not allow him to accept the logical argument, this is a very complex topic on which articles can be composed,
    This is not only the property of a religious believer, also a very significant part of the secular people are attracted to the various conspiracy directions such as UFOs and flock in droves to the various voodoo shamans and gurus who are covered in a mystical setting with a fusion of names and different philosophies in most cases from the countries of the Far East, they believe it with all their hearts it fills them all your life,
    There are a variety of explanations that the article touched on, we can add the camping that we also see in politics
    There is nothing like camping to degrade and degrade even the smartest people among us, even those who are engaged in logical research all their lives, it is amazing how a person with amazing logical abilities is dragged into a cycle of shallow mantras without a logical basis that are more suitable for some guru from some remote sect, it may also remind a football team that Its fans hate the opposing crowd even though there is no difference between those people except that they chose a different team,
    Every person who wants to follow a logical path needs a bit of criticality, skepticism not for the sake of skepticism or extreme obstinacy as a tool that brings you closer to the real reality, as soon as you abandon this tool you lose the ability for logical thinking, and if this happens to people whose whole life is logical research and they are the dullards among us And a flame fell upon them, what will be said and done by the mosses of the wall,
    There may also have been an advantage especially in the past in the logic of illogical thinking in a world where most of the information is hidden from you
    And a diverse choice that is not only based on logic may also have given humanity a survival advantage in those times
    that some people chose a choice that is not logical but in the end it is the one that made them survive,
    And if that is the case, we are currently facing situations that require logical thinking
    But a large part of us are not only not there, nor do they have the ability to think logically in situations that are complex, and belong to a group that rejects this way of thinking because, in their opinion, this thinking could undermine their worldview,

  18. There are endless contradictions here
    Quoting from the "article":
    If there is a conspiracy, why is it so obvious? One of the basic conditions of any conspiracy is that it works in secret. If the corona is covering up some kind of conspiracy, then it is doing it in a noisy, public and horribly ineffective way.

    A few lines later:

    that Yuval Noah Harari pointed out, that if such conspiracies remain secret, their effectiveness decreases dramatically, because in order to operate extensively they need extensive cooperation. When Stalin came to power in the Soviet Union, he did not rule conspiratorially and secretly. On the contrary - his pictures hung in every factory, school and home.

    Did you hide yourself in that article? Too bad you didn't read it before posting.
    Your article is indeed condescending, yes, some of the conspiracies are false, and they are spread by the establishment itself to confuse you innocent people into thinking that any conspiracy or any questioning of the regime is ridiculous.
    That doesn't mean there aren't hidden things. The virus does exist, but it has a simple treatment, and it is not an epidemic
    The regime uses this opportunity for its own moves, each country and its own story. You don't have to be a genius to understand that politicians are motivated by personal, financial and other motives.

    Maybe you should open your mind a little, dear writer

  19. I will not tell you that your article is unfounded and unfounded and lacks foundation and knowledge.
    Start reading a little and learn what the other side thinks and why they think that way. Then disregard the opinions.
    Meanwhile the conspiracy is what you are trying to present!!

  20. How to deal with an approaching world war? With the help of turning a blind eye resulting from idle letters about corona deniers. Wake up delusional scientists. You are the ones who have to shout that viruses and diseases are a part of life, and that the future that the architects of reality are planning for us is going to be 10 times worse than any possible epidemic

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