Of all the planets, Earth is the only one for which there is extensive information about the dynamics of its spirits and their origins, although it is clear that the understanding of the phenomenon is far from perfect due to the large number of variables that affect the patterns of the spirits' behavior.
A. introduction
Of all the planets, Earth is the only one for which there is extensive information about the dynamics of its spirits and their origins, although it is clear that the understanding of the phenomenon is far from perfect due to the large number of variables that affect the patterns of the spirits' behavior. Another planet that has a lot of information about it, although not to the same extent as the Earth, is Mars, thanks to the spacecrafts that entered orbit around it and studied it in periods of years. Regarding the other bodies and their atmosphere, the accumulated knowledge is still very little.
The Earth's surface is divided into a terrestrial body that makes up 30% of the total surface area of the globe and a marine body that makes up 70% of its surface. To describe it succinctly, the continents are partly flat, partly mountainous and partly cracked as a result of tectonic and erosive processes that have shaped the landscape since the formation of the earth. The wind in its movement has contact with the land and with the body of water. When it comes to examining the dynamics of the winds over other bodies in the solar system, two groups of planets must be distinguished. One group is of terrestrial stars that have solid land with no marine presence such as Venus, Mars and Titan. On Mars it is possible that in the past there was an oceanic presence and regarding Titan there is no information that would confirm the presence of liquid water, although it is possible that there could be a liquid presence of oceanic methane on its surface. If this is indeed the case, the viscosity of the liquid methane will be different from that of water and this will probably have an effect on the interaction between this liquid body and the atmosphere regarding the dynamics of the winds. A second group of planets includes the gaseous stars where there are no continents and no oceans. Here, the winds move only within the gaseous body. However, it is worth noting that as you go deeper into the atmospheres of these planets, they become more and more dense. It may be that in deep layers where the pressures reach hundreds of atmospheres similar to the pressures that prevail in the Earth's oceans starting at a depth of 1 kilometer, the atmospheres receive behavioral characteristics similar to those of a liquid. If we schematically describe the dynamics of the winds on the surface of the earth, it is the equator that absorbs the most heat radiation from the sun. The air heats up, rises up and moves towards the poles. Since it is colder in these areas, the incoming air currents cool, and sink downwards. The result is that in these areas the air density is higher and its movement will begin towards the equator, where the air density is lower and God forbid. In practice, the system is much more complex due to the activity of many variables, some of which are still not understood. Since the climatic systems of the atmospheric planets are not well known, it would be convenient to use this model to understand fundamental processes related to their wind dynamics. A basic factor to consider is that these stars are far from the sun and therefore receive very little heat from it, which means that they must have an internal factor that creates winds in their atmospheres. It would be wise to develop new concepts that could serve as a basis for understanding what is happening in them from a climatic point of view.
B. National bodies
Excluding the Earth, the rest of the terrestrial bodies in the solar system with atmospheres are Venus, Mars, Titan, Triton and Pluto and they can be divided into two groups: one group is of stars with a stable atmosphere and stars with the presence of a cyclic atmosphere (a term that will be clarified later). The stars with a stable atmosphere are: Venus whose atmospheric pressure reaches 90 bar, Mars whose atmospheric pressure reaches 7 millibars and Titan whose atmospheric pressure reaches 1.6 bar. A second group is of the stars with a periodic atmospheric presence: Triton whose atmospheric pressure is 15 millibars and Pluto whose atmospheric pressure is 10-6 bar.
1. Venus
In the atmosphere of Venus, three vertical domains can be distinguished in terms of their temperature drops. The upper domain starts at its "point of contact" in space and ends at an altitude of 100 km above the ground. In this area the temperature drops from -25oc per day to -150oc. The middle area is between an altitude of 100 km above the ground and an altitude of 60 km m. The temperature area is -100oc and above the top of the clouds the temperature is -10oc. The lower area extends from an altitude of 60 km to the ground. On the ground and near it the temperature is 460oc.
The star is covered by a massive layer of clouds that starts at an altitude of 45 km above the ground and its lower limit is at an altitude of 70 km. In addition, there are two layers of haze. One below the clouds and one 20 km above the upper layer. The upper haze layer is denser at the poles than at the equator. The clouds surrounding the star create a greenhouse effect that raises the ground temperatures to an extreme degree. Near the top of the clouds at an altitude of 60 km, the wind speed reaches 360 km Q and they move from east to west. The clouds in this region circle the star once every 4 days. Near the ground, the wind speed is Less than 4 km/h. This low speed can be understood against the background of the high density of the atmosphere near the ground. What is interesting is the speed of the winds at altitude, and this is due to the fact that the axial speed of Venus is 6.5 km/h, which means that these winds are 55.3 times faster than the axial speed of the star.
2. Mars
Regarding Mars, winds were measured by the Viking landers at speeds between 7.2-25.2 km/h, when dust storms occur the wind speed reaches 54-108 km/h. Peak speed was measured when Mariner 9 entered orbit around Mars, 480 km/h. The axial speed of Mars is 878.3 km/h, which means that this peak speed was at a rate of 54% of the axial speed.
3. Titan
For Saturn's moon Titan, there is indirect evidence for the presence of winds, although their velocity has not yet been measured. From a number of thermal measurements, temperatures of -175oc, -179oc, -180oc were observed on the ground. In the troposphere, a temperature of -200oc was measured. Its axial speed is 42.1 km/h, which is 6.47 times higher than that of Venus. Since the solar heat reaching Titan is 90 times less than the Earth receives, there must be another factor of great significance regarding the formation of winds on its surface.
4. Triton
Neptune's moon Triton has a thinner atmosphere than Mars with an atmospheric pressure of about 15 microbar near the ground. Its axial speed is 60.2 km/h, the surface temperature is -235oc and at an altitude of 600 km it rises to -173oc. The geometry of its orbit around Neptune, Neptune's orbit around the Sun and its inclination angle create a very long season cycle of 680 years1. This has an effect on the atmosphere and the ground. In the UHLANGA REGIO (20oS-35oS). The summer season began more than 100 years ago and will reach its middle in 2006. The frozen nitrogen and methane will then evaporate and move towards the northern latitudes where the winter season now prevails. There they will condense, freeze and reach the ground in the form of snow or frost. With the change of seasons they will evaporate and return to the UHLANGA REGIO. Measurements made on November 4.11.97, 50 using telescopic observations showed that the density of the atmosphere at an altitude of 1995 km has increased significantly since 20. Using extrapolations, they came to the conclusion that near the ground the pressure increased from -45 microbar to -14 microbar, compared to a pressure of 12 microbar measured by Voyager 2. This means that during this time span the surface temperature has increased since then Voyager 2 and the telescopic measurements at -2. The increase in temperature is probably related to the increase in the density of the atmosphere due to the evaporation of the nitrogen ice on the surface and the increase in heat in the air due to this. This change must have had an effect on the strength and direction of the winds.
5. Platoon
Pluto is the smallest body in the solar system that has an atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure is 10-6 bar and its axial velocity is 44.9 km/h. The surface temperature is -203oc. Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit. Its perihelion is 30 astronomical units and its ephelion is 50 astronomical units. When Pluto reaches its aphelion the atmosphere thickens, freezes and "falls" to the ground. The surface heats up and returns to the form of a gaseous envelope. The temperature at the coldest place was -238oc. This phenomenon was measured at -233oc of the condensation and freezing of the atmosphere and its evaporation with the warming of the surface is defined as a periodic atmospheric presence.
Partial presence occurs when part of the atmosphere freezes and with warming reenters the atmosphere, as we saw on Triton. This is what also happens on Mars when in the summer seasons, whether it is the North Pole or the South Pole, the CO2 ice evaporates, the density of the atmosphere increases and as a result the atmospheric pressure increases. Since these are thin atmospheres, any change becomes significant. If we take Mars for example, the evaporation that will cause the atmospheric pressure to rise from 7 millibars to 10 millibars, means an increase of 42.8% and therefore a strong effect on the winds.
third. gaseous bodies
These bodies include the four major planets in the solar system Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In terms of orders of magnitude, they can be divided into two groups: one group includes Jupiter and Saturn. A second group includes Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter's diameter is 140,000 km and its axial speed is 45,153 km/h and Saturn's diameter is 120,000 km and its axial speed is 35,347 km/h. The axial velocity of Jupiter is 27% greater than that of Saturn. The diameter of Uranus is 52,400 km and its axial speed is 9384 km/h and Neptune's diameter is 49,528 km and its axial speed is 9,653 km/h. The axial velocity of Neptune is only 2% greater than that of Uranus. These are almost equal speeds.
1. Justice
From measurements made regarding Jupiter, it became clear that in the range of 0.5-21 bar the wind speed ranges from 256-352 km/h. At a pressure of 22 bar at the top of the clouds the wind speed increases from 360-km/h to 540-km/h and at a pressure of 24 bar the wind speed increases and reaches 684-720 km/h. Near the equator the winds move towards the east and from the equator and at the poles they move towards the west4. In terms of temperatures, in the 5-10 millibar range a temperature of -113oc was measured and in the biosphere a temperature of 827oc5 was measured.
2. Saturn
At pressures below 1 millibar the temperature is between -133oc - 123oc. In the stratosphere in the range between 1-60 millibars, the temperature drops to -191oc. In the troposphere, with the increase in temperature, there is also an increase in atmospheric pressure in the range of 1 bar, the temperature is -138oc. The critical temperature at which hydrogen can exist both as a gas and as a liquid is at the meeting point of 13 bar and -240oc. Since the temperatures in Saturn's atmosphere are higher than -191oc, the hydrogen behaves as a supercritical fluid when it is compressed either absorbing or emitting heat. Therefore there is no distinct transition between the upper layers of the atmosphere where hydrogen behaves as a gas and the lower layers where it behaves as a liquid6. Saturn's troposphere does not end at a point of contact with solid ground, but extends for tens of thousands of kilometers below the low cloud zone and reaches temperatures of thousands of degrees and pressures of a million bar.
Contrary to Jupiter, the movement of the winds is towards the west. At a depth of 0.1 bar near the equator in the area between 20oS-20oN a temperature of 1800 km/h was measured, 4 times more than Jupiter. Another high speed measured is 1600 km/h. The zonal winds are symmetric in terms of their latitudes, both in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. East winds were observed at latitudes 40oN and 40oS- and their speed is 360 km/h. It seems that the winds also operate at a depth of 2000 km7.
3. Uranus
The average temperature radiated from Uranus is -214oc. This heat radiation is equal to the temperature of the gases of the atmosphere at -400 millibar8. The temperature decreases with the increase in altitude up to a point of 70 millibars, where it reaches 221oc-. From here, the temperature rises and at the top of the clouds pressures in the range of 10-12 bar it reaches -477oc. Two horizontal bands were distinguished in the atmosphere, contrasting in terms of temperatures, one band is in the range between 60-200 millibar and the second band is in the range between 500-1000 bar. In these two areas, the polar contrast between the poles is less than -1oc, even though the south pole was pointing towards the sun when Voyager 2 passed by the star. In the pressure range of 200-300 millibars, the North Pole was 2o-3o warmer than the South Pole. In the high latitudes the movement of the winds is with the direction of the axial movement of the star. At latitude 55oS, the wind speed is 720 km and it moves with the direction of its axial movement. At the equator, their speed is 396 km/h and against the direction of the axial movement.
4. Neptune
At a pressure of 100 millibars above the clouds the temperature is -223oc and from here it begins to rise gradually. At a pressure of 1 bar the temperature is -198oc and in the biosphere the temperature is 687oc. In the stratosphere at the equator and at the poles the temperature is -215oC. In the latitudes in the intermediate areas the temperature is -220oc. Neptune absorbs less than half of the sunlight that reaches Uranus, but despite this the average temperature is equal on both planets. Both Uranus and Neptune return the same ratio of the sun's heat reaching them, but despite this, Neptune emits twice as much solar energy to it as Uranus.
As in the other gas planets the winds blow along the latitudes. Their speed varies from 360 km/h with the direction of the star's axial movement near 70oS latitude to a speed of 2520 km/h against the direction of the star's axial movement at 20oS latitude.
Within the range of these velocities, 2 different velocities have been measured since Voyager's observations. In the Northern Hemisphere, speeds between 360-720 km/h were measured by this spacecraft. This spacecraft also measured a wind at a speed of 1440 km/h in the east direction. Observations made by the Hubble telescope noticed wind at a speed of 1360 km/h south of the equator and in another measurement speeds of 1410 km/h and 1280 km/h were measured in this area.
d. discussion
Two fundamental factors of great significance in the global wind regime are the Coriolis force and the Headly Cell. The Coriolis force is a force that results from the Earth's rotation around its axis and causes the winds in the Northern Hemisphere to be deflected east with the direction of the Earth's axial movement and the winds in the Southern Hemisphere are deflected to the West - against the direction of the Earth's axial movement. The winds do not move directly from the high pressure areas to the low pressure areas. A process is taking place here that makes the spirit system more complex. The winds approaching the low pressure areas are deflected around these areas and as a result, both high pressure and low pressure air systems develop and the winds in them move around the center - turbulent air movements. Horizontal movements of the air are of great importance around cyclonic systems (low pressure) and anticyclonic systems (high pressure). It is the combination of the vertical and horizontal movements that creates a common ghost feature. "Along the equator extends an area known as the equatorial calm area. The air rising from this area is heated by the sun and moves towards the poles. Upon reaching the latitudes 300 north and 300 south, this air sinks and creates subtropical pressure belts. From these belts come the winds (the gusts) that blow Back towards the equator and the western winds, which blow towards the middle latitudes"9.
The Coriolis force is expressed in the formula:
C = 2OMEGA sinPhiVro
where C is the magnitude of the force per unit volume of air.
OMEGA - frequency of rotation of the earth around its axis.
PHI – air density.
ro the air density.
V – wind speed.
The Hadley cell is a cell of heat transport (similar to convection currents) that is created due to temperature differences between the equator and the areas remote from it on the earth, it operates from the equator to the 300 north and 300 south latitudes. At higher latitudes, the Hadley cell ceases to be effective due to the Coriolis force which results in a strong deflection of the winds, as the latitudes rise. The range of influence of the Hadley cell is expressed in formula 10:
phi = 57 square (5/3 R)
where phi is the latitude angle that the Hadley cell reaches R is an expression for the formula:
where g is the acceleration of gravity in the planet.
H – tropopause height.
(DELTA(H) - the temperature difference in degrees Kelvin between the poles and the equator divided by that of the equator.
OMEGA – the frequency of rotation of the planet around its axis.
a – radius of the planet.
1. Venus
From what is known today about the planet Venus, it appears to have two distinct atmospheric domains, the lower atmosphere and the upper atmosphere. The lower atmosphere is very dense and therefore the wind speed is extremely slow. Since the greenhouse effect works here, the high temperature is characteristic of the entire surface. The fact that the axial speed of Venus is very low also contributes to this. A day equal to 243 earthly days means that the day lasts 121.5 days in earthly terms and so does the night. Heat transfer from the lighted area to the dark area is extremely slow. It may be that due to the greenhouse effect the concept of "cold areas" on the surface of the earth is not relevant here. Placing the value of the axial velocity in the Coriolis formula will express a low value of this force. The same goes for the value of R in the Hadley cell formula. In a situation where there is a permanent greenhouse effect, if is zero, then R = 0 too and in fact this will be valid for the entire planet regardless of latitude. The Hadley cell is actually irrelevant.
In the upper atmosphere there are high temperature differences between the day area and the night area. Considering that with the increase in altitude the density of the atmosphere decreases, there is a possibility of the development of high wind speeds. And it is true that space observations have shown that the winds reach up to 360 km/h, far beyond the axial speed of the planet. But here a problem arises. Since the day is very long, the transfer of heat to the cold area should be very slow due to the low axial speed of the planet. What if Performs the heat transfer? It is a 175o difference. A similar situation exists in the vertical field between 100 km above the ground to 60 km above the ground. Although in this area the temperatures are below zero, there is still a large thermal gap of 900. Not as large a gap as in the upper atmosphere, but enough to cause the development of winds. In addition to this, the high clouds surround the star at a speed of 400 km/h, which means that it is possible, based on preliminary observational information, to distinguish two types of movement, the movement of the atmosphere and the movement of the clouds. What is supposed to speed up processes that according to the basic data were supposed to be slow or close to static (most likely these speeds are also supposed to affect the ground wind). In the same space between the cloud layer in the pattern of random intensity changes.
A possible explanation, although difficult to test and confirm, is geothermal sources that break out through various cracks in Venus' crust and raise heat regularly and at different intensities to these heights. It is the thermal differences between these emanation sources that heat the upper layers of the atmosphere and create local thermal differences. Dynamics of this kind cause changes in the density of the atmosphere and as a result, winds inevitably develop, including the rapid movement of the clouds. Supporting evidence for the model presented here is the volcanic eruptions observed by the Voyager and Galileo spacecraft on Jupiter's moon Io, reaching altitudes between 70-280 km. Given that Venus has a greater gravity than Io's and a massive atmospheric presence, the products of geothermal activity here will reach lower heights.
2. Mars
If on Venus the possible explanation for the formation of winds is probably mainly related to volcanic activity, then on Mars you can find characteristics similar to those of the Earth. The inclination angle of Mars is similar to that of the Earth, 23.50 a figure that has a direct effect on the formation of seasons, what's more the axial speed of Mars reaches hundreds of kilometers per hour (although it is lower than that of the Earth). The short time difference between the lighted area and the dark area, like on Earth, results in a rapid transfer of heat from the hot areas to the cold areas. Placing the value of the axial velocity of Mars () in the Coriolis equation, will indicate a high C value, so also when we place the values of and for the calculation of R. However, it should be taken into account that the value of R for Mars will be smaller than that of the Earth because Mars Smaller than Earth and its gravity is less.
The ice cap at the south pole of Mars is mainly CO2 and when the summer comes here, a large part of it goes through a sublimation process into a gaseous phase (due to the low atmospheric pressure, liquid CO2 cannot exist on Mars and it immediately turns into a gas when the surface warms), which increases the density of the atmosphere. Both Martian ice caps have CO2 ice, but the difference between them is quantitative. At the North Pole the CO2 ice is nothing more than a thin layer covering the water ice and at the South Pole most of the ice cap is CO2. With the arrival of summer at the North Pole, the CO2 ice layer evaporates and the atmospheric pressure increases because the atmosphere absorbs a larger amount of CO2. The same thing happens at the South Pole, but here it is a majority of the ice cap and therefore the atmospheric pressure will increase significantly more than in the North. The inevitable result is that in the southern summer, the atmosphere in the southern hemisphere is denser than in the northern hemisphere when summer prevails. The distribution of CO2 with the seasonal warming is not uniform over the entire surface of Mars. The CO2 from the North Pole will migrate shorter distances southward than the CO2 from the South Pole will migrate north. Southern CO2 has a greater chance of reaching latitudes north of the equator than northern CO2 reaches latitudes south of the equator. Since it is a thin atmosphere, any change in atmospheric pressure can be significant. As an example we will refer to Viking 1. This spacecraft landed at 19.5oN 34oW-, when the southern ice cap was in its full geographic retreat (in winter), at the landing site an atmospheric pressure of 6.9 millibars was measured and when this ice dome was in minimal geographic retreat (in summer), the atmospheric pressure was 9 11 millibars, an increase of 30%.
From this dynamic, the conclusion is required that, taking into account the topographical structure of the surface, there will be a vertical movement to the equator north and south and parallel to the latitude lines of the interface lines between the barometric levels and the barometric depressions as a function of the change of seasons on Mars. Particularly strong winds will develop in the interface areas. We saw an example of these differences at the Viking 1 landing site.
The movement of the warmer air in the north and south directions is a function of the retreat of the ice caps towards the poles. As the summer deepens in the entire hemisphere, be it northern or southern, more and more areas are exposed. The direction of exposure is vertical to the latitudes, which means that the warming on the surface moves north or south accordingly. The result is that the hot air convection line of the Hadley cell towards the poles gets longer and longer until it reaches the cold regions. Heat convection in the Northern Hemisphere will be easier than in the Southern Hemisphere because the North is more flat than the Southern. The topographical structure has a very strong influence on the direction of the winds and also on their strength. On Mars the topography has a stronger influence than on Earth because, relative to the size of Mars, its relief surface is higher than on Earth and in some cases absolutely higher. It is enough to mention the Tarshish relief, which is 10 km high on the western side and 4 km high on the eastern end, and on the summit there are three volcanoes that rise to heights of 15-17 km from the surface of the relief. To the west of them is a volcano that rises to a height of 27 km (Nix Olympia). Such massive and large reliefs can affect the strength of winds and the direction of their movement.
The relief on the surface of Mars is extremely diverse and it should therefore be expected that, like on Earth, there are also local wind characteristics on its surface. If we take the Tarshish relief as an example, it seems that the inclination to the east is moderate. It is clear that there was a strong tectonic activity here on the western side that resulted in the lifting of the surface, this process forced the winds over the years to climb higher and higher so that they could move freely. In particular, it is heat transport to the South Pole from the direction of the equator. With the completion of the construction of the relief, a series of strong earthquakes occurred at the top of the relief, which led to the cracking of the peak and the creation of a canyon, the Valles Marineris - which stretches for 4000 km, is 400 km wide and 4 km deep. It is difficult to know how long this process lasted. It seems to be a gradual process that probably took millions of years since the atmospheric pressure filled the canyon The floor of the canyon is higher than at its summit, and the atmospheric pressure at the western end is lower than the corresponding one on the eastern side. These contributed to the development of local winds and evidence of this activity can be seen in the photographs of the eastern canyon floor, when it will be possible to notice the dust and the erosion of rocks transported by winds. From top to bottom, similar phenomena can be seen in other shopping malls.
Another phenomenon observed on Mars is the discovery of dunes inside craters of various sizes such as the Proctor crater with a diameter of 160 km, a crater with a diameter of 33.5 km in Arabia Terra 4.2oN 5.3OW12 and a crater with a diameter of a few kilometers in Isidio Planutia13. Here we are talking about closed and round buildings. Since these are depressions, the atmospheric pressure on the floor of the craters is higher than on their upper rim. Between two craters of the same order of magnitude, the deeper one, the atmospheric pressure on its floor will be greater. The circular structure can contribute to the development of turbulent air movements inside the crater and most likely the winds here have unique characteristics, different from those operating in flat and open spaces. In large craters with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers or more, the characterization of the winds can be similar to that existing in open plains. In any case, intra-crater wind dynamics will require unique research attention if only for the reason that for the first time dunes were found inside closed formations. A crater in which climatic phenomena and probably also unique characterizations of the winds that are different from those of other craters is the Hellas crater, which is 2400 km in diameter and 7 km deep, and this is for the reason that it is a crater of global dimensions. Most likely, unique climatic phenomena would have been created on Earth in such a crater. Very strong air vortices are likely going on here.
3. Titan
In the temperature measurements made regarding Titan, differences of 50 were observed. If these differences are between different geographical places, this would confirm the possibility that winds exist on it. What can support this possibility is the clouds that exist on its surface. There are actually no indications of wind speed. The only evidence that can give any minimal insight into this is its axial velocity on Titan. If we compare this speed with that of the planet Venus, then the higher axial speed can indicate that its Coriolis forces are much more effective. Given that the length of the day is 16 Earth days, the transfer of heat from the sunlit hemisphere to the dark hemisphere should be slower than that of Earth, but higher than that of Venus. Since the amount of heat it receives from the sun is 90 times smaller than that reaching the earth, the question arises as to how effective this heat is to warm the hemisphere illuminated by the sun. Daylight on Titan will be similar to twilight light, what's more, it must be taken into account that it is dimmed by the constant haze that covers the layer, and perhaps there is a phenomenon on its surface similar to the greenhouse effect that exists on the surface of Venus, but with a lesser intensity. If there are winds on it, as indeed the astronomical observations suggest, it will be necessary to look for the explanation for this in volcanic sources that heat the surface. Doubt therefore if the Hadley cell has any significance for Titan. In some of the various hypotheses relating to the surface of Titan, the possibility that a sea or ocean of methane exists on it is raised. In such a case, the characteristics of winds moving from the ocean to the continent and vice versa must be examined on the basis of what is known on Earth, adjusting them to the local data. The first thing to consider is the density of the atmosphere. That of Titan is 5 times greater than that of Earth, which can lead to a slow movement of the winds. The second thing is the viscosity of methane. If the viscosity of methane is higher than that of water, the flow of the liquid will be slow compared to water, quite similar to the movement of a thick liquid. A third thing is tidal forces. On Earth it is the sun and the moon that influence tides in the days and oceans. On Titan, the influence of the sun as a factor creating tides is zero and this is due to its enormous distance from it. The relevant astronomical bodies for Titan are Saturn and the moons see Jupiter. See internal to it in terms of its proximity to Saturn and its distance from it in resonance mode is 524,821 km and Jupiter external to it when in resonance mode is 3,559,000 km away from it. Jupiter's influence on tidal forces is weaker than Ra's because it is further away. The ebb and flow on the side facing Saturn will be maximum when Ra and Saturn are in one line because then the gravitational forces of these two bodies act on it. The build-up speed of the tidal waves depends on the direction and strength of the wind. If during high tides the wind comes from the direction of the continent, the tidal waves will build faster than when the wind comes from the sea. The same goes for the lows. If during low tide the wind comes from the direction of the sea, the low tide will be fast and if during low tide the wind comes from the land, the low tide will be slow.
In relation to highs and lows, another factor must be taken into account, and that is that Titan always shows one side towards Saturn. Therefore, if oceans of methane are found both on the side facing Saturn and on the other side, then in any case the tidal waves on the side facing Saturn will be higher.
4. Triton and Pluto
Triton and Pluto are stars of similar size, Triton's diameter is 2800 km and Pluto's 2200 km. Their atmospheric pressure is also similar. This is the density of microbars. Voyager 2 found evidence of clouds and geysers on Triton, which could support the possible presence of temperature differences and winds. This indicates the possible existence of these also on Pluto. As for the axial velocity, here too there is a similarity between the two bodies and this may imply the order of magnitude of their velocities in terms of the Coriolis force. The effect on Triton and Pluto may be similar to that of Titan, but it should be taken into account that the atmosphere of the latter is much more massive. It is doubtful if the Hadley cell is relevant here due to the large distances of these bodies from the Sun. Other data are known, but the evaluation attempts will be lacking. The existing observation instruments do not have such a high sensitivity that would allow the measurement of winds on the surface of these stars and the measurement of temperatures at their poles and equators.
On both Triton and Pluto there is a cyclical shrinkage of the atmosphere as a result of cooling. In the winter season the thin atmospheres condense and turn into ground ice and the two bodies have almost no atmospheric presence and in the summer they are rebuilt. If the atmosphere disappears completely in winter, the presence of winds is possible only in summer. If there is a residual atmosphere in the winter, come summer the atmospheric pressure rises and then processes similar to what happens on Mars occur with the evaporation of the CO2 ice.
5. The gaseous planets
The dominant elements in the atmospheres of the gaseous planets are hydrogen and helium. These gases extend to depths of tens of thousands of kilometers until they reach the core of the stars. As we mentioned with the deepening in these atmospheres, they become denser and denser and reach pressures on the order of tens of thousands of atmospheres. Due to the high pressures, the gas begins to take on the characteristics of a liquid, a sort of liquid atmosphere. From telescopic measurements and measurements made close to the place using spaceships, it became clear that there are very strong winds, some of them of magnitudes unknown on the terrestrial planets. The only analogy that can be made and that too in a partial way is, with currents in the Earth's oceans. The currents of the oceans operate in the surface water body at the point of contact with the atmosphere and in the bottom water body, to the entire depth of the oceans. These currents are affected by the speed of the wind, the heat of the water and the density of the water which itself depends on the temperature and salinity. The salinity rises and falls depending on the supply of non-saline water that comes from rivers, from melting ice and rain. As the percentage of non-saline water increases, the percentage of salinity decreases and vice versa. In terms of the temperature at the bottom of the oceans all over the world, the heat is uniform and ranges between 2oc-5oc14. These conditions do not exist in the gaseous planets. Since these bodies emit more energy than they receive from the sun and considering that the solar constant is extremely low, it is necessary to rely on other rationales to explain the existence of the winds in them and their strength.
Despite the abundance of images that reached Earth from the Voyager, Galileo and Xexini spacecraft that recently passed by Jupiter, the total amount of quantitative data regarding the temperatures in these atmospheres is very limited. It is difficult to reach particular conclusions regarding behavior patterns of the distribution of temperatures in relation to each of these planets. What we can safely say is that there are temperature drops on them in vertical sections of the atmosphere and since horizontal winds were observed parallel to the latitudes, it can be concluded that temperature drops also occur in these sections. One of the interesting and perhaps one of the most important observations is that winds moving at a speed between 684-770 km/h were rightly measured in the same space where there is a pressure of 24 bar in the atmosphere. The accepted assumption is that in areas of high pressure the wind speed is slow because a high atmospheric density slows down their speed. This is what was indeed observed At the bottom of the planet Venus, findings are probably similar to those of Jupiter will also be found in the other gaseous planets in the future studies. The first of these planets for which this hypothesis can be tested is Saturn, when the Xini spacecraft will reach it in 2004. Since the influence of the sun on the warming of these atmospheres is negligible, the obvious conclusion is that the only source influencing the development of the Hominian waterfalls must come from within the stars Deep inside their atmospheres, the differences in intensity also indicate that these differences are not equal at every point, which indicates the varying intensities of the heat coming from the atmospheres. There will be places where it will be hotter and there will be places In them it will be less hot. Anyway, the heat is spread both horizontally and vertically. The use of Hadley cells to understand the dynamics of the winds here as well is not relevant. The ability of winds to move at high speeds at pressures of 24 atmospheres in Jupiter and speeds of 1600 km/h in Saturn and 2520 km/h in Neptune indicates that these are powerful heat sources. It is possible that such high speeds will be found in the future in both Jupiter and Uranus. Given the size of planets and their high axial velocity, their Coriolis forces will also be very large. The largest Coriolis force is found in Jupiter and Saturn.
If it is assumed that winds on Saturn operate at least up to a depth of 2000 km, there is a possibility that these operating depths also exist on the other gaseous planets. Considering the fact that evidence was found for fast winds in the 24 bar environment on Jupiter, this is most likely the case on Saturn, Uranus and Neptune as well. It is therefore reasonable to assume that pressures of tens of atmospheres will be found at these depths. Do the winds operate at great depths where the pressure The atmosphere reaches hundreds and thousands of atmospheres. What is clear is that very strong heat-generating forces are required to overcome orders of magnitude higher than 24. The dynamics of the spirits take on characteristics that are not rivers yet.
If the sources of heat are in the cores of the stars, their products, the winds, must travel vertical distances of tens of thousands of kilometers before they are felt in the atmospheric peaks. Due to the great distance the winds have to travel, their speed slows down, contrary to what is measured. Hence the conclusion that these heat sources must be somewhere in the middle of the atmospheres.
God. Summary
From the series of questions made based on the initial information that was broadcast to Israel, the fact that these are different worlds and perhaps also very strange from the point of view of the human observer stands out. In the climatic phenomena that exist on the planets, common elements will be found with those known to Earth's inhabitants, but at the same time there are unique phenomena that arise from the different nature of these bodies. Additional spacecraft launches will be required to capture them, land on their surfaces and soar in their atmospheres to learn new things and understand them.
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