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The UN denies that it appointed an ambassador for extraterrestrial affairs

As we also mentioned in the original news, the UNOOSA agency has more mundane roles, including protecting the Earth from asteroids and protecting spacecraft from space debris

From the movie Encounters of the Third Kind - the moment of the encounter with the aliens
From the movie Encounters of the Third Kind - the moment of the encounter with the aliens

Australian ABC network website It is reported that the UN has denied the media reports that it is planning Appoint an ambassador who will be responsible for contact with aliens. The British newspaper Sunday Times reported, followed by the entire world media, on the appointment of the Humanity Response Coordinator, in case extraterrestrials seek to make contact. The alleged supervisor, Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman, said she likes the idea of ​​being an ambassador to aliens but that position does not exist.

As we also reported in the original news, even if the role existed, the United Nations Agency for the Peaceful Uses of Space, UNOOSA, of which she is its director, has more mundane roles and they are control over the satellites launched into space for the purposes of warning against space debris, the implementation of international law in space (according to the Convention the space from 1967) as well as preparing for an asteroid strike which, as we know from the fate of the dinosaurs, is not a theoretical possibility like an encounter with aliens.

Thanks to Gili Schechter MThe Israeli association for the study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life For drawing our attention to the knowledge of denial. By the way, there is no mention of the issue on the UN website, the news on the UNOOSA agency website is also updated to the end of August with the summaries of a meeting that took place in June of the "Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 2010.

9 תגובות

  1. The UN is full of aliens!!

    They are already among us!!! Even on the 'Hidaan' website there are some who know everything! how is it possible
    that every article has scholarly comments and unearthly knowledge???

    Shabbat-Shalom from my country's Jews..

  2. I would like an article about this on the science website, what numbers 2 and 3 talk about here about the dinosaurs sounds interesting
    Especially about "another extinction" that showed similar signs, what is this about, my father?

  3. The findings of iridium in the layer from that KT event are a strong enough factor to allow the subject to be treated as certain, in any case, they also discovered that at least one other extinction showed similar signs although because of its antiquity it is more difficult to check them.

  4. And the Vatican denies that it wants to baptize them?
    Ise Bessa - bottom line: an Indonesian researcher was appointed to a senior position in a new UN body in space...
    It doesn't even sound funny.

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