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Earth Day, starting today, will be marked by green cities

The Ministry of Environmental Protection organizes the Earth Day 2014 events in Israel

Earth Day is also celebrated in Israel. Illustration: shutterstock
Earth Day is also celebrated in Israel. Illustration: shutterstock

As every year on April 22, over a billion people in 190 countries will take part in Earth Day events. From San Francisco to San Juan, from Beijing to Brussels, Moscow to Marrakesh, and of course also in Israel, residents will plant trees, clean up their community, contact their elected representatives, all in the name of the environment.

As in the past, Earth Day 2014 will focus on environmental challenges unique to our time. As the world's population migrates to cities, the impact of climate change becomes more and more apparent, and so does the need to create sustainable cities stronger than ever.
Earth Day 2014 will therefore deal with the need to move towards green cities. Cities where smart investment is made in existing technologies, public policy management while thinking ahead, and an educated and active public, it will be possible to change the cities and ensure a future of sustainability.
The global organizers of Earth Day "Earth Day Network" created tools and resources that will allow citizens all over the world to be involved in Earth Day events in their community.

In previous years, the event was marked by turning off lights for an hour and outdoor events.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

To the event page on the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection

To the page of the organizing committee of Earth Day around the world

An urban legend, Nitzan Horowitz's film that aired on Channel 10 several years ago, but is very topical


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