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Encourage the children to study astronomy

Students, even in elementary school, should learn things that can save the planet in the future, using space resources. Words said by Bnei Dayan, to fourth grade students

By Benny Dayan, an R&D employee at HP. Science lover.

A colony on another planet. Illustration: shutterstock
A colony on another planet. Illustration: shutterstock

Only two months ago he was here "dropped in for a visit"... Buzz Aldrin. He is "Buzz Light Years" from the movie "Toy Story" (Wikipedia: he did not ask for sponsorship profits to use his first name). Baz also has no problem with visiting "conflict areas" due to his extreme age. That's how it is after you saw the blue ball from the moon. You are already closer to God than to other people. legitimate. As mentioned, Buzz is the second person out of a total of 12 people - who set foot on the moon. And his message is simply: move your ass to Mars!

On one of the Friday mornings, I had the honor of lecturing my D2 children about astronomy. Better...than idleness coffee. In front of children in the fourth grade, you can't say "Move your ass to Mars!", still, you have to guard your tongue. So I edited Buzz's message accordingly: "Move your ass." point".

It is not urgent for children to remember the names of stars, galaxies, or that the gravity on the moon is 6 times smaller and that the universe is expanding and accelerating. Knowledge is nice but not the most important thing. The message: learn. And use what you learn. Learn as much as possible because simply - you need this knowledge.
Does it sound excessive, dear children? - I wish

Earth is dense. It already lacks water. And of course clean air too. and food Oh, how much food is missing. Well not in Israel. And all the time war. Yes in Israel. And it is expected to get worse. Even here, beyond the window of the classroom, two drivers are now arguing about parking... and the queues for everything and anything are getting longer. And your parents believe that more classes overall increase your chances of getting in line, which is a bit like pushing other people better. So look up - it's free there. Heaven - and this is not a cliché - awaits.
The message is simple: study astronomy in general, not because it's cool or enriching, but for exactly the same reason our ancestors studied astronomy-medicine-botany-navigation-languages: you just need it.

So we also need children-grandchildren-great-grandchildren who are busy aiming for the stars. Let them start imagining expeditions upon expeditions taking off already in their lifetime. What's wrong with building Levin cities (real the sky, not in Gush Dan) that fly around the earth and produce some gravity-free agriculture there, and completely free of all pesticides? What is the problem with moving up all the means of production on earth?
In short, Buzz says, you need to move your asses cute kids. We need a lot of engineers with broad broad horizons "up to and beyond infinity and the stars"!
It's Buzz Lightyears saying - if he really had a place to "come back with insights", he was the one who walked around among the stars, I was all talking for an hour in front of children.

3 תגובות

  1. Carl Sagan - "No stupid questions"

    Only a few - including children - bother
    Take time to wonder why nature is the way it is
    which is, and to questions like: what does a hole look like
    black? What is the smallest piece of matter?
    Or: Where did the cosmos come from? did exist
    Always? Is the future of time flowing backwards?
    time? Are there finite limits to his ability
    of man to know things?
    2. From time to time I get the blessed opportunity
    teach in kindergarten or first grade. many
    Some of the children there are scientists from the womb and from birth -
    Although their questions sometimes arise more
    Amazing than satisfying. They are curious. there is
    . Questions 1 in which intellectual freshness
    and piercings bubble from them. 2 Provocativeness
    They show great enthusiasm. they ask
    Questions about my answers to their questions. they are not
    Have you ever heard of the existence of a "question".
    3. When I talk to high school graduates, I see
    A completely different picture. There is little wonder in them
    and a little skepticism; They memorize facts, memorization
    which has no joy of discovery; They are afraid to ask
    "Stupid questions" and ready to receive answers
    insufficient; They do not pose questions
    Their eyes are constantly running around the classroom
    The italics wishing to stand for comments
    the friends. The few of them still are
    Interested, receiving derogatory nicknames such as "nerd"
    or "Nah-Nah".
    4. Something happened between XNUMXst and XNUMXnd grade. Is it because
    The social pressure not to excel at anything
    (apart from sports)? Is it due to the impression?
    which was rewarded for engaging in science and mathematics
    (and studying for his name) is he short? And maybe it happens
    Because the level of expectations is so low
    the students?
    5. I find adults shy as children
    Little ones present them with scientific questions. Why
    Is the moon round? Why is the grass green? What is
    dream? How deep can a pit be dug?
    When is the world's birthday? What is there for?
    Do we have toes? Too many teachers
    And parents respond with annoyance or ridicule, or pass
    Immediately to something else: "What did you want, for the moon to be?"
    A square?" Soon the children learn to understand
    Because these kinds of questions for some reason irritate you
    the adults. A few more such experiences and the boy
    lost to science.
    6. There are innocent questions, troublesome questions,
    Questions that are not properly worded, questions
    presented without sufficient self-criticism. nothing
    Stupid questions, definitely not.
    7. I will never be able to understand why they should
    Older people pretend to be knowledgeable
    - All. What's wrong with admitting that we don't know?
    something? You can open an encyclopedia. it is possible
    Take the child to the library. And you can also say
    To him: "I have no idea why. Maybe no one
    Know. Maybe, when you grow up, you'll be the first to find out
    the answer".
    8. Observant and curious children are a national asset
    and a global resource. They must be taken care of, nurtured
    them, to encourage them and - just as important
    - Give them the essential tools
    for thinking
    9. Sixty-three percent of American adults
    They don't know that the last dinosaur died before
    that the first man appeared; 75 percent are not
    Know that antibiotics kill bacteria,
    But not viruses; 57 percent do not know
    that the electron is smaller than the atom; about half
    of the adults in America do not know that a ball
    The earth orbits the sun, and it takes a year for it
    To complete all the coffee;
    These are nothing more than typical questions
    of "orientation in science". Everything they measure
    is the memorization of qualified sentences. the questions
    What should have been asked were: Where are we from?
    that antibiotics distinguish between bacteria
    And viruses? Why do we know that the electron is small?
    From the atom, or the sun is a spherical star
    Is the country encompassing for a year? These questions, to him
    There were questions, they provided a lot of picture
    more true to the orientation of the public
    in science, and their results were undoubtedly many
    More depressing.
    10. The children need direct experience with the method
    the experiment and not just reading about science,
    from books You can, for example, tell us
    that oxygen is essential to the lives of many creatures
    (not all of them), but let's start to understand what it means
    This is only when we examine this claim
    in a vessel that has been emptied of oxygen. What does oxygen do?
    for us? Why do we die without it? number
    Is the oxygen in the air coming? How guaranteed
    Can we supply it?
    11. Almost every scientist has experienced mixed amazement
    In awe, in a moment of discovery or understanding
    suddenly The science - the pure science, the science
    which is not intended for any practical application, but
    It is an end in itself - it is an emotional matter from nothing
    Like it for those who are engaged in it as well as for those who are not
    Scientists, those who dip their toe into it too
    Once in a while, to find out what we discovered

  2. We are still far from the option of settling on another planet. Therefore, in the meantime, we need to learn to protect our planet.

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