Tonight at 17:00 the ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize to Prof. Danny Shechtman

Shechtman will also speak at the gala event held at the Stockholm City Hall after the ceremony.

From left to right: Professor Shechtman, Ambassador Benny Dagan, Irit Dagan and Tzipi Shechtman in the lobby of the Grand Hotel. Photo: Technion spokespeople
From left to right: Professor Shechtman, Ambassador Benny Dagan, Irit Dagan and Tzipi Shechtman in the lobby of the Grand Hotel. Photo: Technion spokespeople

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be awarded tonight in Stockholm, Sweden to the Israeli chemist, Professor Dan Shechtman of the Technion. The prize, worth about one and a half million dollars, will be awarded to him in a ceremony that will begin at 17:00 PM from the King of Sweden.

Later, at the celebratory gala dinner that will be held at the Stockholm City Hall, Prof. Shechtman will speak as the only chemistry winner. It will mainly refer to education for excellence and innovation.

Yesterday Schechtman lectured at the academic institution KTH, known as the "Technion of Stockholm". He also met with 85 heads of business in Sweden, and talked with them about how entrepreneurship and technological innovation should be taught. Shechtman told the participants that Israel and Sweden are similar in character: these are two small populations, all they have is entrepreneurship and technology.

Towards the end of the week, the Nobel laureate participated in various events organized by the Jewish community and Israel's ambassador to Sweden, Benny Dagan.

Chairman of the National Research and Development Council Prof. Yitzhak Ben Israel congratulating Nobel laureate Prof. Shechtman: "I congratulate Professor Dan Shechtman for winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2011. This is a holiday for all of Beit Israel, for academia in general and for the Technion in particular, which symbolically marks this year the centenary year of its founding."

"Professor Shechtman is an example and model of the values ​​of adherence to a goal, consistency and faith in one's path. His discovery in the study of quasi-crystals is a breakthrough and the basis for fascinating and innovative scientific research, which will lead to stretching the boundaries of creativity and imagination in everything related to the structure and interpretation of quasi-crystals and the study of crystallography."

One response

  1. Huge honor to Prof. Shechtman as the sole winner, to the Technion and to the State of Israel.

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