The priesthood as you did not know it - Part XNUMX: The priesthood makes muscles

The list in question is supposed to be the highlight of the series because it entails an innovative and original approach to the Maccabean rebellion from the starting point of the priesthood

Wojciech Stattler's
Wojciech Stattler's

In 167 BC, almost like thunder on a clear day, the decrees of the annihilation of Antiochus Epiphanes, he is Antiochus IV. And why were they surprising? This trend was extremely unusual, in terms of unprecedented in the policies of the Hellenistic rulers in general. Antiochus himself was educated, with a liberal tendency ( in the circumstances of these years), that religious decrees were far from his personal inclination. Antiochus even knew the adherence of the Jews to their monotheistic faith and could therefore assume that the decrees would arouse strong opposition.

So we are left and the mystery remains unsolved. However, Baal 42 Maccabim makes a rather dramatic announcement in this regard and he explains that "And the king (Antiochus IV) wrote to all his kingdom that they should all be one people, and that each man should leave his constitutions and all the peoples would accept according to the word of the king" (41:XNUMX-XNUMX). Not that it is so comforting, but this is a state-wide policy of the king whose main purpose is the unification of the decentralized, heterogeneous kingdom into a single message under the worship of the king, and it is not a dramatic anti-Yahevistic step to anger.

The decrees, miraculously, were not accepted as a Holocaust imposition on the people of Israel. Many good people assumed that the ability to enforce the decrees is minimal-microscopic, and therefore waited until for outrage. Some converted their religion for various reasons and some fled outside the borders of Jerusalem in order to observe the mitzvot of the religion and its laws.

In the face of these somewhat lukewarm reactions, the reaction of the active resistance became known, that is, the rebellion of the Maccabees, which broke out in Modiim under the leadership of Matthieu, the father of the five sons.

And who was Matthias? To this end, we open the book of Maccabees 2 and read: "In those days Mattithyahu son of Yochanan son of Shimon arose as a priest from the sons of Yehoirib from Jerusalem and sat in Modiim" (Maccabees XNUMX:XNUMX:XNUMX). in the temple, except that this family has never served at the top of the priesthood, that is, the great priesthood, and here an opportunity jumped and was knocked In front of Mattathias: the great priestly family is in conflict with itself and is torn between the intrigues of those in power. It has been identified since the Seleucid period as a Hellenistic village and during the period as a Greek, and in the last days from the decrees of Antiochus as a collaborator with the Seleucids.

The opportunity that opened up to Matthieu was to carry out a court coup - to stand at the head of the priesthood while leading a total rebellion against the Hellenistic government, the Greeks and the Greeks, and indeed when the representative of the Hellenistic government came to Modi to manage the assimilation of the Hellenistic culture and its worship, and at least in the symbolic-visual dimension, Matthieu was shocked and slaughtered Stage the Jew who was honored to make a sacrifice for the king's worship. The book of 300 Maccabim presents Matthias in this event as one of the chief zealots in Jewish mythology, a descendant (not biological but ideological) of the act of Pinchas the high priest who slaughtered in the desert the singers of Ben Salo who sinned and led a part of the people to worship Jehovah and even morally with the Moabites. Pinchas is considered the head of the fanatics and his murderous act that he committed actually sanctified him in biblical terms, and which therefore legitimizes the body of Matthew's criminal act and sanctifies him as well, and especially his priestly pretensions. slaughtered the XNUMX Baal priests on the slopes of Carmel.

It should be noted that the name Matityahu or Matitya is not unintentional. It is not biblical and not even unusual in the Hellenistic era. This name also has a special meaning against the background of Matthieu's revolution.

Matthieu therefore not only initiates the rebellion but also carries out a coup d'état in the priesthood. He takes by force the position of the high priest and functions under him, when Yehuda his younger son leads the battles against the Syrian-Hellenistic army.

Matthieu was in a fit of frenzy and madness - what is so similar, when he calls out a challenge against those who received the decrees on them. Among his other actions was a forced, somewhat violent campaign, for the sake of the sons who were not circumcised by the will of their parents. On Maccabim 45 it is reported, and perhaps unintentionally, that this move was made "strongly", so in his language (XNUMX).

Matthew led the rebels for only a year until his death in 166 BC, and in his will (although it is not known if it was such, but in any case it reflects his opinion and actions) he repeats and emphasizes the sanctity of zeal and the importance of walking in the way of Phinehas and Elijah.

Matthew's successor was supposed to be Shimon, but Judah "kicked" him and moved him aside, until "the situation calmed down". Judah probably had no state priestly pretensions, beyond the military whims, but he often used the priests as a spurring and encouraging factor for the rebel battalion on its way to battle. Before the battle of Emmaus, Judah the Maccabee gathers his warriors for prayer and the priests take care in his mitzvot to bring the priestly garments and the trumpets in order to beautify and promote the victory. The operation is done outside the temple in consideration of a ritual exception. The permit was given, it seems, by Yehuda himself, who had not yet been crowned or had crowned himself a high priest. Immediately afterwards Yehuda appoints the senior and junior commanders just like the organization carried out by Moses in the desert. This closeness of interests gives a holy sanction to Judah's action.

The next action Judah performs after a battle is choosing/appointing priests. Yehuda plans the breaking into the temple and its purification and the renewal of worship in it, and for this purpose priests must be appointed. But priests already existed and already functioned prior to the decrees. Yehuda appoints priests who are close to him, and who are defined as "innocent priests who follow the Torah", that is, those who follow the path of Yehuda, which was outlined by the mythological father Matthew.

This move advances Judah towards being honored with the tiara of the high priesthood. Yehuda therefore gradually promotes himself towards the most senior position in Judah, which in combination with his military position, the "general", assures Yehuda the crown of leadership of the people.

Three years have passed since the purification of the Temple by Judah and the restoration of the ritual-sacrificial work to its original state, and in 161 BC Judah fell in the battle of Elasha. The Maccabean sources paid tribute to him and immortalized his memory, but "forgot" to crown him with the coveted title, had not Joseph ben Matthieu revealed the title to us The above, and this is how we read in his writings: "And he (Yehudas the Maccabee) died after holding the high priesthood for three years" (Antiquities of the Jews 434, 161). A simple mathematical calculation reveals the mystery: three years before 164 BC places us in XNUMX BC, the year of the purification of the Temple. And here it is that Judah's priestly actions on the eve of the purification, the purification itself with its colorful rituals and the enormous excitement that was inherent in them can only strengthen the above testimony of Joseph, despite its absence in the Maccabean literature.

Matthew began his personal revolution and Yehuda added a personal layer to it as well.

The series of articles "The Priesthood You Didn't Know" by Dr. Yechiam Sorek

15 תגובות

  1. My father, probably in XNUMX you took something in your name: you like to look at the sky, you are gifted in the garden of altruism
    Hidden, since your site serves many good people.
    Regarding the light found in the Hebrew language? Apparently something got confused (multiple meanings) and went wrong in history
    Yours in the meantime, and all creations have completely turned over. In any way, the nations of the world see in a bright light
    the subtleties of the "bare" language, and therefore indeed a descendant, he-she lives in Judaism. For the end of human history - as promised! In any case, global protection is mutual and depends on Israel here and its diasporas.
    Had it not been for the grandiose "accelerator" in Sarn, I might not have been "attracted" to you. You are a "center of thoughts" the hard "cores"
    Most interesting nuts, and committed as well, in your interiors - in individual ways, as found and desired.
    And everyone sees, understands, and is right according to his training-his trustworthiness-his loyalty-to alliances of all kinds...and more.
    In any case, upper guard is necessary.
    Hugin: For human patriotism.
    Regards to our Judah.... Judah???Sigh...

  2. Avi Blizovsky
    The source appears in the Talmud which mentioned it as a name preserved in tradition and known

  3. Hugin
    I heard this nonsense once. The Tanakh did not mention the name of Abraham's mother, and someone manipulated all kinds of letters. I guess you already know what my opinion is about letter games, etc. Believe me, you can also come up with a name for her, but at least search in the name database of that time.

  4. Michael
    I don't know if you are right. I think that these markers are exclusively for the priests, meaning the descendants of Aaron the priest who was the first of the priests. and not the descendants of the other families of the borrowers.
    It depends on what stage the splitting of these signs took place.
    Today they practice the traditional division of Cohen Levi and Israel. The third group comes mostly from the tribe of Judah. Leah the wife of Jacob the father of all the tribes gave birth to 4 sons Reuven Shimon Levi and Yehuda. According to this arrangement, it is more likely that the split occurred later in the sons of Aaron the priest from his wife who was certainly not the mother of the other tribes, than a spontaneous split between the third son Levi and the other brothers from the same father and mother.
    What do you think and what do you know about it?

  5. and my father
    In order not to deprive you, and on purpose that this is the "stage" of the incumbents.. of the "Seesaw of Time".
    Your ancestral mother's name in the tractate: "Amtlai daughter of Karenbo".
    And when a Jew wants to find favor in the eyes of the "authorities"..and the grace of heaven, he usually says this 17 times.
    As the number of "Kochav" - attributed to those who know the Torah, in reverse.

    Hugin: To be fair.

  6. Michael
    It's not so pleasant for me to scroll through your lineage, but you too are a hidden priest in the tractate..

    With affection biased by ancient knowledge, and without offending: "Michael the High Priest is minister and guardian over Israel".
    Hugin: Rightfully so.

  7. Higgs:
    The markers were discovered among those identified as belonging to the tribe of Levi.
    After all, today there are no priests at all, so it was impossible to perform an inspection on priests.
    Members of the Levi tribe are characterized by surnames such as Cohen, Levy, Kagan, Katz, Gutesman, etc.
    Of course, not all of them were tested, but only a sample of them.

  8. 450 prophets of Baal and not 300.
    Does Sorek accept the story of Elijah in Carmel?
    Wow, is he starting to repent?

  9. Michael
    As I understood from the publications, the unique DNA markers were discovered only in priests who are indeed from the tribe of Levi, but not in Jews who, according to their tradition, are Levites. That is to say that there is a split of unique markers specifically for the group of priests. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  10. Higgs:
    Dr. Sorek does not claim (in this article) what you attribute to him.
    Here, if I understood correctly, he is only talking about struggles for control between those who were members of the tribe of Levi in ​​the first place and not about the very belonging to the tribe.

  11. Dr. whistles
    The highlight as you point out
    I simply cannot understand the implied conclusions.
    Do you mean that the positions of the priesthood were acquired through political appointments such as the tax authority today?
    If this is your intention, it does not fit with the facts.
    The following quote appears in the article that was cited:

    On priests and chromosomes
    Prof. Doron Lantz, Friday, May 14, 1999

    "The Y chromosome, which is found only in men and contains the genes that determine the mate, is also resistant to the mixing processes and is usually passed down in its entirety from father to his sons. For this reason, Prof. Karl Skortsky of the Technion and his colleagues concluded that this chromosome will be inherited intact in male lineages, such as in Jewish priests.
    This hypothesis was adapted after a discovery that made waves among population genetics researchers about two years ago. The Y chromosome of priests very often contains special versions of DNA markers, which hardly appear in other Jews or in non-Jews. Confidence in this discovery was strengthened, when one considers the time that has passed since the dynasty of priests began and it turned out that the result corresponds well to the time of the Exodus from Egypt."

  12. to hug

    I actually think that there has been a considerable improvement in the level of the articles since the esteemed doctor stopped mixing his extreme political views into them.

    If you were a little more interested in Jewish history, maybe this could interest you. In general, I find the recent immigration from Russia quite devoid of any knowledge or interest in Judaism.

  13. I actually read it this morning and actually thought of commenting something along the lines of "things about girls' basketball, wait until Mochas, then the angry reactions from all religions of all kinds will come" but I gave up on the reaction. In any case, it is really possible that Shabbat is the reason for the delay in responses.

  14. Hugin:
    1. It is not translated.
    2. This is a series that drew a lot of comments at the beginning, so it is possible that no one has anything to add to what he said before.

  15. Something about all the intrigues of the priesthood is starting to tire me. Maybe also the awkward distortion of the twisted translation.
    Apparently, I am not the only one in this observation.
    And a simple fact, no one has yet commented on the "sensitive topic" on this site.

    Shabbat Shalom.

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