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The genetics of the Trojan War: on sex, free will and DNA

In the coming year I am giving a course of 22 lectures on genetics in the central region. Perhaps it would be better to say that the organizers requested a course on genetics. The product, I hope, contains much more than that. Here is the first lecture, in its written version, intended to be used as a 'teaser' and to open and present the course. I wish you complete enjoyment from reading!

Agamemnon From Wikipedia
Agamemnon From Wikipedia
Jealousy of writers - multiplies wisdom, so said the Sages. But what does misogyny bring? In the case of the Greeks, it resulted in the Trojan War and the death of countless people. And it all started with the jealousy of three women, professional Greek goddesses: Aphrodite, the goddess of love, Athena, the goddess of war and Hera, the queen of the gods.

Those three, who were not friends even on their usual days, quarreled over a golden apple dedicated to 'the best of them all'. This was a recipe for trouble. The three goddesses jumped at the apple as one and refused to give it up. Each of them was sure that she was the most beautiful of them all, but since they were equal to each other in their powers, none of them could dislodge him from the hands of the others. The solution was simple: they went to Zeus, the king of the gods, holding the apple firmly, each on a different side, and not daring to leave it for a moment. They placed the apple at the feet of the ruler of Mount Olympus, and asked him to decide which of them was the most beautiful.

Zeus was in trouble, to say the least. Hera, after all, was his wife. Athena was his daughter, and Aphrodite - his sister. And they all stand there and wait for an answer. Aphrodite makes eyes at him, Athena is nice and Hera examines him with the eyes of a hawk, and he knows that no matter what he says, she will interpret it either as "you're fat", or as "I'll give you the apple, but you're still fat." In short, he is in a deadly trap, and as gods of all cultures do, he chooses to roll this explosive apple into the mouth of a mortal, Prince Peris of Troy.
Ferris is none too wise, and agrees to judge between the three goddesses. They appear before him naked as on the day of their creation and let him glimpse as much as he wants. But he can't come to a decision, and here each of them starts trying to bribe him. Hera offers him to rule the whole world - or at least all of Asia, which was the world for the ancient Greeks. Athena offers him wisdom and supreme combat talent, a type of Ehud Barak... no. At this point, Paris rubs his hands together with pleasure, preparing himself for Aphrodite's proposal, which she was not shy about coming. If Paris chooses the goddess of love, then she will guarantee him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.

Take a moment for yourself. Take a few moments, and think. If you were standing in Paris's place, and the goddesses were vigilantly waiting for the exit of your mouth, or your mouth - what would be the answer? Would you choose to be the president of the United States? Or maybe in the ability to conquer any country and serve as its undisputed dictator? Or would you choose to marry the most beautiful among women, or the handsome among men who brings flowers every Friday and takes out the trash without being asked?

I assume that you have already come to a decision, and that it was not too difficult. Women are wonderful, and so (according to what my wife tells me) are men too. But if I am already the ruler of the world, I can choose for myself any woman I want. And with the sex appeal of Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi you can't compete. In short, the first two propositions also contain Aphrodite's proposition. You have to be really serious to ignore them, and agree to take only the most beautiful of women.

And of course that's what Paris did.
I don't know what was going through his mind. Perhaps the only explanation is his young age - somewhere around fifteen or sixteen. At this age the hormones do the thinking for you, and most of the brain mass is anatomically located a little below the lower abdomen. Or maybe he realized that if he refused Aphrodite's offer, she would already see to it that he would never find love. If you look at the affair in this way, then the choice actually seems natural and even obvious to us. Yes, he gave up the world. No, he won't be the next great War Minister. But he will get his wife, and that's it. Natural, clear and obvious.

Basically, Ferris was willing to give up the kingdom of the world for… the urge to mate. And he is not the only one. All history is lined with similar cases, in which great and great people sacrifice their careers for the sake of their loved ones. And for thousands of years, women were willing to give up any chance of an independent life out of the desire to preserve the family unit. Why? What makes us want the opposite sex so much?

Some of you will say, of course, that this is a feature that distinguishes the human race: the capacity for love. But this is not about love.

In fact, love is a relatively new concept that was only invented around the Middle Ages. Until then we got along great even without knowing what love was. We just wanted sex. So the question changes: Why the hell do we want to have sex so much?

If we look at the rest of the natural world, we will find that the desire to have sex and bring offspring into the world exists in almost all living beings. Is it because they enjoy sex like we do? No. In most animals, intercourse is a hormonal phenomenon. One morning the male wakes up and discovers that he has an erection, and the female suddenly realizes that he is handsome... and after a day or two of madness, they get over it. With cats it is even less pleasant. Their penis is prickly, and the whole sex thing causes females real suffering. And yet, the instinct drives them to rub cow's eyes on the male and ask him to make them prickly. Why?!

There are a large number of answers to the question, but the correct and deepest one lies in our DNA. Almost all animals have sex, because this is the best way to produce offspring that will be genetically diverse enough. The male and female mix their genes, and the offspring is a new creature that contains half the amount of genes from each of the parents. This mix of genes allows him to survive better and better withstand the pressures of evolution.

This is an explanation on the tip of the fork. He doesn't really explain anything, and in one of the next lectures we will talk about the subject more carefully, properly. Don't worry - we won't neglect the subject of sex. For now, just know: it's all because of the genes.

So Paris chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful of them all, and she was completely satisfied. But remember Hera and Athena? Well, they weren't happy at all. And Paris had no reason to be satisfied either, because Aphrodite cheated him a little. The woman she chose for him was truly the most beautiful of women: Helena, Queen of Sparta.
One problem: she is married to the King of Sparta. A real redhead who looks like Hulk Hogan's older brother. He has a big ax, a crazy look in his eyes, and more testosterone than brains. And he loves Helena very much. You have to be a real donkey to mess with a guy like that. But this is Paris we're talking about, remember? And Aphrodite sends Paris to Sparta, and he kidnaps the beautiful Helena and takes her to the city of Troy, where he is the prince. She sighs a bit, but doesn't cause too much trouble. And Menelaus wakes up one morning and realizes that his wife has been kidnapped from under his nose.

Let's leave Paris for a moment. The coward hides in Troy and prays that Menelaus will not remember that he is a man-man. It doesn't really work, because the nervous redhead starts organizing an army to get his wife back. He recruits all the heroes from the cities of Greece: he calls Odysseus naked as a fox, who will still succeed in knocking down the giant, one-eyed Cyclops. He summons the invincible Achilles, whose body is immune to any sword or arrow strike - except at one point only. And at the head of them all he put his older brother, Agamemnon, as the general who would command the army that set out to conquer Troy.

Everyone is getting organized and ready to set off, in the ships that will take them to Troy. But as the saying goes: humans make plans, and the gods laugh. The ships are anchored in the harbor, and all the heroes of the corps and the army are already on them, but the sails are falling on the masts. The wind does not blow, and the Greeks do not use oars. As long as there is no wind, the Greeks cannot go out to conquer Troy and return the beautiful Helena to her rightful owners. So they wait. A week passes, and the spirit does not return. Another week they wait, sharpening their swords and axes and installing arrowheads, and still the wind does not come. In the end, Agamemnon decides to consult the old prophet in the camp, who tells him that he must sacrifice his young daughter on the altar, in order to appease the gods and restore the spirit. Agamemnon hesitates. Still, his daughter. he loves her. But on the other hand, if he does not, Helena will not be returned to Sparta, and the honor of the family will be tarnished. When the dilemma is presented like this, it is clear to Agamemnon what he must do. On the morning of the fateful day, he takes the girl to the top of a high cliff overlooking the sea, ties her to the altar and cuts out her heart with the cold iron knife. After the deed is done, he buries the weapons in the ground and changes clothes to remove the blood stains. He tells his wife that he betrothed their daughter to Achilles. And the wind returns, and the Greeks go to war in their fancy ships. They do not know that the spirit carries with it the stench of blood and betrayal.

We will stop here again, and examine Agamemnon's act in the light of modern law. Here he is standing trial on the dock:
"Do you admit that you murdered your daughter?" The category slaps him with a stern face.
"I confess," says Agamemnon, "but it's not my fault." It's the fault of my genes. They made me do it.”

Sound ridiculous? Not necessarily. Each embryo is created with a set of genes that it received from its parents, some of which have mutations. The same genes control, among other things, the formation of the brain, and the way in which the cells in the brain react to various events. And the mind, in the end, is us. And in this case, if genes control everything we are, if they make us who we are, can a murderer really be guilty of his actions? After all, even if he tries to deal with his natural impulses to murder, his genes have not shaped his mind so that he can resist them. According to this way of seeing, he is the victim of circumstances no less than the murdered!

And the question can be expanded: is there free will at all? If genes are the be-all and end-all, can we really make real choices? Isn't the way we behave already determined to a large extent at birth, and from there it is only affected by the structure of our brain and the way it works - all of which are dictated by genes?

Free will - this is an issue that has troubled philosophers for several thousand years, and it is closely related to our genes. We will deal with it a lot more in the following lectures, and it seems that the gardens may be the beginning of everything, but they are far from being the end of everything. They may determine the starting point, but there are other factors that can influence. And yes, the choices we make in our lives also have an effect on the way our genes work. All this thanks to the epigenetic mechanism, which is responsible for the genes themselves, and can be regulated with conscious thought. But, of course, isn't the mechanism for controlling the genes responsible for thought itself subject to the limitations of thought, which itself is subject to genes?

Thousands of years of philosophy are not going to be resolved in this course in Mecca, and certainly not in the first lecture. But we will try to reach at least more informed answers that rely on the scientific knowledge that exists today about genes, epigenetics and the human brain.

Let's go back to Agamemnon and his army of Greek heroes, which is currently landing on the beach in front of Troy. The people of the city stand on the walls and point in amazement and fear at the army that came to occupy and loot the city. Agamemnon sends his representatives to the king of Troy and demands that he return Helen, the woman who launched a thousand ships to Troy. The king firmly refuses - he is not ready to give up even a shred of Troy's honor, and hand over to the Greeks the property that Paris won honestly. Well, more or less. Thus began the Trojan War that lasted for ten long years, and more will be told about it in the following lectures. The Greek legends, of which the Trojan War is the most famous, are mostly timeless stories, concerning the actions and thoughts of real people, like me and you. These are timeless stories, similar to Shakespeare's plays, and they can explain to us how we behave and why.

You may have been told that this is a course on genetics. on DNA. This is not true. DNA by itself is just a simple molecule. There is not much to tell about it. But inside our cells he is an almighty ruler. He determines whether we will have two hands or eight. He instructs the mind to be created as it is, thereby dictating the human soul as well. The DNA, in short, is the body's instruction book, based on which everything will be done. Without understanding DNA, we cannot understand life and existence.

So if you thought you were coming to learn only about genetics, you were wrong. This is a course about life itself, in all its complexity. About humans and animals, about philosophy and history and ancient folk tales. We will go through the earliest writings and see how humans have always tried to answer the most difficult questions: Why do we grow old and die? Were we created by an almighty god, or maybe by aliens from outer space? Is there even life in outer space? Do we have the ability to choose and free will? And are we, in the end, no more than trucks passing our selfish genes from generation to generation? And can we survive the ecological disaster we are creating on Earth?

Thanks to the work of the scientists, today we already have the mental tools to answer these questions. For the first time in history we can look at DNA, the hidden blueprint of our body and soul, and draw the answers from it. I invite you to join me in the reading experience, in the books of history and the book of life, in the following lectures.

22 תגובות

  1. Told with great talent, it's just a shame that you too must fall victim to feminist propaganda: "For thousands of years, women were willing to give up any chance of an independent life out of the desire to preserve the family unit" Do you have it more than a victim of feminist propaganda?

  2. I also think that love has been known for thousands of years long before the Middle Ages.
    But I really enjoyed the article
    Shabbat Shalom

  3. In addition, man is one entity and not many entities and therefore the body is a part of him like the brain.
    Roy raised the question of whether the genes are the vision of everything and did not answer it. It is understood that the genes do not predict everything and the environment and education have an effect, but they also do not predict everything!

  4. Yair,
    I didn't agree with Iran, but I just corrected something that Idan wrote and pointed out that, by and large, there is justice in his words.
    You wrote (quote): Emotions are the result of the interaction between the animal and the environment. (end quote). I objected to saying what you did write and I did not go back, but I wrote that the feelings are expressed (!!) also as a result of interaction with the environment.
    I think you should read the things you comment on before you do so and before you advise others to read!

  5. Yigal C,
    The mistake that Iran wrote and you agreed with is in the copied and pasted sentence below: "All of this is based on genetics - the very fact that we are the product of DNA engineering"
    You skimmed through both my short comments and the article: first you corrected what I didn't write, that emotions are not an interaction with the environment, and then maybe you read again and repeated what I wrote that emotions are the result of interaction with the environment.
    Regarding your addition that feelings also arise from internal processes such as thoughts, it should be remembered that as for the mind, the whole body is also an environment, and thoughts of various kinds arise from all the cases that reach consciousness.
    Regarding Roy's reservation: he presented the possibility that Agamemnon would claim innocence based on disturbed genetics, and in a few lines later he clarified that the genes do not predict everything but only a starting point.

  6. are indeed right...and as I claimed...although I did not mention the mother-baby connection
    Love between spouses in its initial stage "the spark stage or the honeymoon" is indeed biologically measurable...
    And so I refer to it more as the ignition phase..I don't talk about it
    I'm talking about spouses who have been together for 10 years or decades and still want each other very much or the classic example of an old couple walking hand in hand on the street...
    The modern era did not invent it...and it is arrogance of the first order to think that until we...the dear ones of creation did not give a name to something, it did not exist.

    Furthermore.. regarding IQ and as one who has a friend with an IQ north of 170!!! Yeah ..doesn't sound real at all.
    I saw him doing things that the average idiot wouldn't be mistaken about...IQ is only brain potential...and today there are valuable studies that show how IQ in general means nothing...but rather the elusive concept called emotional intelligence, which is more of a combination of IQ with the emotional abilities to exploit it...
    At the head of our modern world are not people with the highest IQ.. these are usually the researchers and scientists... they are mostly people who have done something of themselves... for better or for worse... (in the case of Obama, bad) ..
    Everyone starts at a certain starting doesn't say much about where they will end up.
    Just think what would have happened to Stephen Hawking would have said..Bassa I have muscular dystrophy..only a few years to live..let's give up and die.

  7. Yair,
    First, what is the error?
    Second, where is Roy's reservation?
    Third, emotions are not an interaction with the environment, they are an integral part of the organism (including humans). They are expressed as a result of interaction with the environment and also(!!) as a result of internal processes of the organism (for example a bad or a good thought).
    Fourth, there are contradictions and other errors in what you wrote. First try to understand and comment on what has already been written and then I will add.

  8. Yigal and Idan,
    You are wrong, hence the disclaimer of the author.
    Emotions are the result of the interaction between the animal and the environment. Having a child is an interaction with the environment. If there is no external factor, interactive with the animal, no biochimic process will occur. This is true not only of maternal hormones, but of many hormones that are secreted as a result of environmental interaction. Therefore the DNA is only a part of the system and is certainly not responsible for the emotions.

    Roi - according to the Greek and Latin, Cyclops, not Cyclops.

  9. Age, the limbic system is responsible for the automatic actions and a little more. The hippocampus is responsible for emotions in cooperation with different parts of the brain, but in principle you are right.

  10. Eran,
    Allow me to respond to some of your words..

    First, regarding love and feelings -
    There is a part of the brain (the limbic system) responsible for all emotions.
    Did you know that there is a substance secreted by the mother during breastfeeding (called oxytocin) that makes her fall in love with her baby?
    All of this is based on genetics - the very fact that we are the fruit of DNA engineering. The substance is secreted in order to establish a bond between the new mother and her offspring. A relationship that allows for the protection of the young child.

    Secondly, regarding studies -
    We were born with a certain potential, call it IQ or something else, it doesn't matter. Unrealized potential, I've been told, is equivalent to no potential.
    More than that, our brain makes connections and learns over time, like all our bodies (for example: the immune system). more than that,
    Our DNA is not the only thing that is passed on to our offspring.. Epigenetics has revealed to us that life experience is also passed on, believe it or not, to the next generation.

    Best regards,

  11. I'm sorry to tell the author of the article...but it's really arrogant...
    To think that until people put a name to it, it doesn't exist is such an arrogant thing and with all due respect to "hubris" to borrow an expression from the period you told about.. that it is better not to even comment on that..
    If you don't know what love is, you should see animals like dolphins and whales and gorillas, how they even demonstrate it... look at the herds of elephants that pass through their cemetery in Africa, how they demonstrate the sorrow and pain they have caused... all tested and proven phenomena... so yes... we weren't the most aware in the world. And yes, sex moves us left and right... and there is also the initial crush saturated with hormones of the first phase of love... but to think that only because we have developed technologically we invented emotion is retarded...
    Emotion has always been its name..Emotion will always be its name..Emotion precedes the thought that came to justify why we felt what we felt...

    Second thing, just as many men in history have been deceived by women, there are many exactly the opposite...
    And the Trojan War didn't happen because of Paris's happened because Agamemnon wanted to conquer Troy for a long time and he didn't have an audience that agreed to the matter, he just wanted to go out for a long-term slaughter from which he probably wouldn't return
    His redheaded brother just gave him an excuse…

    One last thing
    Regarding this closed view..are we the sum of all our genes...if we buy this it means that what you are born with is what you will be...there is no point in learning because those who are smart will remain smart and those who are stupid will also be ..there is no point in developing because either you are developed or you are not …good luck with this approach…
    This is the approach of communism..we are all equal before the world, there is no progress in Da Bing.

    Contrary to it, the approach of capitalism...people develop, initiate...make changes...determine their own destiny...
    Meanwhile, capitalism is winning big in the world...

  12. Roy,
    Fascinating article, wonderfully written. The idea of ​​connecting Greek mythology with evolutionary psychology is interesting and thought-provoking. Waiting for more…

  13. Joel,
    First, no one asked you to be enthusiastic and the arrogant or arrogant atmosphere is only in your head! Secondly, the beginning of the Middle Ages is considered more than 1400 years ago and not as you mentioned and there is no doubt that the concept of love in those days referred to something completely different than nowadays. Thirdly, the Song of Songs is a song of lewdness (there are university studies that prove this!) that was drilled into the mind of an old man (if not to say guilty, as your style).
    Regarding your overall reference, I have no doubt that it is not a genetic matter but a cultural one!

  14. It's hard for me to be enthusiastic about the condescending, not to say arrogant, atmosphere of the article and the writer. But why write that the concept of love was invented 600 years ago!? What about the ancient Arabic poetry and before it the Jewish Song of Songs you haven't heard? But maybe this is also a matter of genes.

  15. In addition: for the good and correct order: "Athena" was not just a goddess of war. She was the goddess of the 'just war' the war of no choice' and most importantly she was the goddess of wisdom.
    When Zeus, her father Ram HaMale, was busy with the matters of conquests and conquests and his head was necessary to be rescued from his feverish forehead...with the help of the god of blacksmiths, Hephaestus.

    And regarding the matter of free will: all the gods without exception were subject to laws that to this day have not been revealed to them: parents-mothers of long-term justice/fate, which works on repeated feedback for every procedure for good and bad..the decreer and giver and vice versa.

  16. Peace ,

    My name is Tamar and I am thirsty for information..
    Where can the lectures you deliver be registered or cabled, where you will deliver them and in what setting. Fascinating!!

  17. Peace ,

    Where can the lectures you deliver be registered or cabled, where you will deliver them and in what setting. Fascinating!!

  18. If so, you should call your series of lectures: "Preliminary to Dana" in the opinion of another commentator. Isn't that right?

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