The sigmoids are made up of many small and distorted layers of strong electric current. When these layers mix it leads to the formation of a strong flame that can be seen and the eruption of a strong magnetic field
Sigmoids are S-shaped structures found in the Sun's outer atmosphere (the corona). They can be seen with an X-ray telescope and are an essential part of events such as solar flares. Now a group of scientists has developed the first model to understand and explain the different stages in the life of the sigmoids.
Prof. Alan Hood and Dr. Vassilis Archontis from the Institute of Mathematics at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, presented the results of their research at the Space Science Conference taking place this month at the University of Hertfordshire.
The team led by Hood and Archontis used the Hinode X-ray Space Telescope to get a clear, high-resolution image of the formation and eruption stages of a sigmoid. These observations revealed that the structure of the sigmoid is complex: it is made up of many different and dynamic loops that together form two opposing J-like bundles, or more generally, an S-like structure. They also showed that at the end of its life, the sigmoid produces a fused burst.
Over the years, a series of mathematical and theoretical models have been proposed to explain the nature of the sigmoids, but so far no explanation has been found for the formation of such complex structures, their eruption and decay. The new model holds that sigmoids are made up of lots of small, distorted layers of strong electric current. When these layers mix it leads to the formation of a strong flame that can be seen and the eruption of a strong magnetic field which carries highly energetic particles into interstellar space.
"Sigmoids serve as 'mangers' or 'tubes' for solar flares. There is a high probability that they will end up in a strong outburst and other explosive events. Our models help scientists understand how this happens," says Dr. Archontis.
Prof. Hood adds that these events have real and important consequences for life on Earth, "Sigmoids are among the most interesting things for scientists trying to predict solar flares - events that can disrupt telecommunications, damage satellites and affect the functioning of navigation systems."
14 תגובות
To K. Na Na Na Na
I read with interest your response from 7-5-09 11:45 and realized that it is exactly the same, an actual quote, to Mr. A. Ben-Ner's response from 4-5-09 11:15.
what what what ? ? .
Doesn't the structure of the sigmoids result from the opposite movement, in the circular direction, of positive and negative charges, in the magnetic fields?
Here is your response - and right after it - my response 🙂
Michael R. Regarding the cycle of the sun and Jupiter. Amazing how you remember, because I don't remember mentioning it here on the site. But the topic definitely occupied me and 15-20 years ago I wrote an article in which I put forward the above hypothesis. And as usual you send to the Internet, in many cases to the English Wikipedia and by doing so you are actually implying - you could have found the answer on your own... send me an email
In my opinion the translation I am using - Hinode is the correct translation, unfortunately I do not understand Japanese, and I translated from English and I guess if it was HINODAY they would have written it and not HINODE. And speaking of the link - shame that there is no value in Hebrew, if the problems are resolved I will try to translate at the first opportunity.
The reason is unknown as you will see here
appears there - however, the hypothesis of some scientists regarding a connection to the tidal forces that Saturn and Jupiter exert on the Sun.
I remember that you once brought up the connection to justice and I replied that this cannot be the only reason because the length of the cycle varies.
It turns out that there are people who thought both what you thought and what I thought 🙂
Do not pray in haste.
The man sounds like he understands.
Although "simplify" is a typo, but overall it is a response that a person writes quickly and not an article that is released only after proofreading.
The word "translation" is actually nice - although it sounds more like the name of a disease and not like the name of a language. "Translative" would have been more appropriate, in my opinion, but all this is called humor and it turns out that yours, Yitzchak, is a bit humorless.
Regarding the translation of the name - see here:
It is written here exactly how to pronounce it and precisely the fact that a person knows that the word is pronounced differently than it might seem indicates that he knows the subject
1) Before you talk about the structure of sentences in Hebrew and the spelling of words in Japanese, you will learn to edit words in Hebrew (simplify instead of sentences). And since when is "translation" a noun in Hebrew?
2) The spelling "Hindoyi" is nowhere to be found. There are several considerations in spelling foreign words in Hebrew, including fidelity to the source, but also consistency in other articles on the site, and the ability to link to other places on the Internet. In this case, the spelling "Hinode" also faithfully copies the spelling in Japanese (ending in "da"), also consistent in other articles in science, and also the most common spelling on the Internet.
On a related matter: Does anyone know, perhaps, whether science has an answer to the question of why the sun's activity cycle is about 11 years old?
Send me an email
I have a feeling that the writer does not know the material. What is a "combined eruption"?
Hinodei (not Hinode) is a satellite of the Sun that contains several telescopes. An X-ray telescope is one of them.
One more thing: it is written in the translation. The structure of the simplifiers and the use of words is not suitable for Hebrew.
If anyone can write here, I want too. At least I understand astrophysics.
Doesn't the structure of the sigmoids result from the opposite movement, in the circular direction, of positive and negative charges, in the magnetic fields?
Similar to the natural movement of the dance of spirals in the nature of the universe.
Similar to the tails of galaxies