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The sun

In late March 2024, NOAA satellites detected strong solar activity, including a powerful solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME), which led to the strongest geomagnetic storm since 2017
Prof. Caspi, from the University of Colorado presents the results of the experiments in the solar eclipse of 2017, on the multi-channel camera that will fly on a NASA plane
These dark spots on the Sun, visible in ultraviolet light, are called coronal holes and are areas where fast solar wind bursts out into space. By chance, they managed to take a photo that looked like the sun was smiling.
Scientists are making another small step towards cracking the mysteries of space weather
Weather forecasting in space, which may affect the activity of satellites, the health of astronauts and the power grids about 24 hours before the occurrence, can be done using machine learning methods that rely on past events in combination with measurements in the atmosphere
Harvard University scientists say the Sun may once have had a binary companion with a similar mass. If the theory is confirmed, the presence of an ancient companion star increases the likelihood that the Oort cloud formed as it is observed and the ninth planet was trapped rather than formed within the solar system.
This is what Dr. Ofer Cohen of the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory says, during the "Solar Cycle No. 24 and its Impact on Ground and Space Infrastructures" seminar that took place yesterday at the Open University
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