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Sixty start-ups will present in the Innovation Pavilion at the IATI-Biomed Israel 2015 exhibition:

Ruthie Alon, senior partner in the venture capital fund Pitango and Dr. Benny Zaevi, co-chairman of IATI and managing partner, DFJ Tel Aviv Venture Partners, the co-chairmen of the conference. "This year, too, we will discuss hot topics that occupied the industry in the past year and we will examine the areas of growth for the year ahead"

Ruth Alon, partner in the Pitango venture capital fund and co-director of the Biomed 2012 conference
Ruthi Alon, senior partner in the Pitango venture capital fund and co-director of the IATI BIOMED 2015 conference

"IATI-Biomed 2015", the international conference and accompanying exhibition, will be held this year between May 12 and 14, 2015. The event, which is currently considered the largest in the world in the biomed industry, is attended by the world's leading names from the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices and multinational companies as well as Young and promising companies present their innovations there.

The organizers of the event, the Israel Association for Advanced Industries - IATI - and the "Exhibition Conference" company, estimate that among the thousands of expected participants - CEOs and other executives from international companies, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs, shapers of public opinion in the field, managers of venture capital funds and private investors - will also be Over 1,000 guests from abroad.

60 young start-up companies at the beginning of their journey will compete for the title of the most innovative Israeli companies as part of the main annual event of the biomed industry in Israel. The selected companies will present in the special start-up pavilion that will be set up at the exhibition under the auspices of the Chief Scientist and Research and Development Center of the Israeli Industry for Research and Development. "The young companies will gain national and international exposure, they will present alongside the major players in the industry and will have the opportunity to create important business collaborations," says Avi Hasson, chief scientist at the Ministry of Economy.

Participation in the booth will provide companies that are candidates for the WOW competition, during which they will be evaluated by a team of industry leaders. At the end of the track, 10 companies will get an opportunity to present their product/service/technology as part of the official program of the conference. Of these, three companies (the three finalists) will be crowned as the most innovative companies.

"Biomed 2015 is a meeting point for players from the biomed industry and its branches, where at its center, you can get an impression of the innovation and the spirit of Israeli entrepreneurship in the fields of biomed," say Ruthi Alon, senior partner at the Pitango venture capital fund and Dr. Benny Zaevi, co-chairman of IATI and managing partner, DFJ Tel Aviv Venture Partners, the co-chairmen of the conference. "This year, too, we will discuss hot topics that occupied the industry in the past year and we will examine the areas of growth for the year ahead." According to Alon and Dr. Zavi, the name of the game this year is networking and opportunities for business meetings.

the event site

Benny Zaevi, co-director of the Biomed 2012 conference
Benny Zaevi, co-director of the Biomed 2012 conference

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