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save the food

About a third of the world's food is wasted and thrown away. In Denmark, they did not go through this quietly: the government allocated a special budget to reduce food loss, supermarkets sell expired food and citizens share recipes for leftover meals. Soon in Israel?

By Maya Falah, Angle, Science and Environment News Agency

About 35 percent of the food in Israel is wasted every year in Israel. That is, about 2.5 million tons of food at a cost of about NIS 18 billion is lost every year. Photo: TAZ.
About 35 percent of the food in Israel is wasted every year in Israel. That is, about 2.5 million tons of food at a cost of about NIS 18 billion is lost every year. Photo: TAZ.

285 thousand children in Israel suffer from severe food insecurity. At the same time, about 35 percent of the food in Israel is thrown away each year. That is,About 2.5 million tons of food at a cost of about NIS 18 billion is lost every year.

This huge loss of food is a huge damage to society as well as the economy, but in addition also for the environment: During the cultivation of food, soil, fertilizer, water and pesticides are used; During its transportation and delivery, fuel is spent whose emissions pollute the air; And the food that is wasted and goes to the landfill also emits toxic gases and greenhouse gases into the air, thus adding the sin of pollution to the crime of waste.

The situation in the world is not much better than the situation in Israel, and according to estimates, about a third of all food produced in the world is not consumed and is lost at various stages of the food production chain - from the field to the consumer. But there are countries that have decided it's time to take matters into their own hands and fight this horrendous waste. Various projects arose in them, some at the initiative of the state (such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, which initiated government programs to address the issue), and some at the initiative of private individuals and various organizations - who realized the importance and potential of saving food just before it is thrown into the trash.

The Danish cottage protest

The country that is at the forefront of the fight against food loss is Denmark, which was able to reduce Since 2010 by 25 percent the amount of wasted food. But instead of resting on their laurels, in Denmark they realized that this is a great way to both address poverty and reduce damage to the environment, and recently The Danish Minister for Environmental Protection announced Because an amount of about 5 million kroner (about 750 thousand dollars) will be allocated to various projects that will prove their ability to treat and further reduce food losses in the country.

Similar to the social protest that took place in the summer of 2011 in Israel, which began as the cottage and housing protest, the war on the loss of food in Denmark also began with a Facebook post by one woman - Selina Joule, who was outraged by what she saw as social injustice and unreasonable waste. Jule, who immigrated to Denmark from the Soviet Union as a child, established a Facebook page seven years ago called Stop Spilled Af Mad ("Stop wasting food"), because according to her, having grown up in a place where there was a severe food shortage, she was amazed to see the amount of food in Denmark that is not used and is simply thrown away, when in fact there is no problem with it and it could feed so many people. Her Facebook page took off and the organization was largely responsible for Denmark's success in reducing its food loss in the years since.

The success of the organization lies in the fact that it does not only raise the problem, but mainly focuses on offering solutions. Jules says that she started by offering little tips to consumers - like making a shopping list before going to the supermarket, or taking a picture of the open refrigerator with your phone to see what's missing, emptying the freezer once a month and cooking a meal from things you didn't remember that were in it, and making a "tapas meal" every Saturday From the leftovers that accumulated during the week in the fridge.

Since then, the issue has gained momentum in Denmark and many other initiatives on the issue have arisen, which deal not only with the consumer at the end of the food chain but also with its various stages - growing, transportation and supply. So, for example, all the supermarket chains in Denmark have a program to reduce food losses, as do many restaurants in the country, catering companies and hospitals. In Denmark it also opened last February The first supermarket Non-profit that sells food that has expired or whose packaging has been damaged, at a significant discount of about 30-50 percent. Now, with the financing plan proposed by the Danish Minister for Environmental Protection, one can assume that Denmark will be able to reduce its food loss percentage even more, and will try to prove to the rest of the world that there is no reason for so much food to be thrown away.

Selena Jewell's TED talk on food waste:

It is also possible in Israel

According to the estimates of the "Collect Israel" organization, About 50 percent of the food wasted in Israel can be salvaged. The organization itself takes care of rescuing food and distributing it to associations, which deliver it to those in need. A new initiative that tries to reduce the loss of food in Israel concerns the reduction of the loss of vegetables and fruits, which make up 75 percent of all lost food in Israel: the sale of "ugly" fruits and vegetables at a discount. These are those fruits and vegetables that do not have the accepted appearance among consumers, but apart from the fact that they are imperfect on an aesthetic level, they have no defects and are perfectly suitable for eating. A group of students from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya who researched the issue found that a high percentage of Israeli consumers as well as among farmers are interested in buying and selling the "ugly" produce at a discount, if given the opportunity.

Even at the political level, awareness of the issue is slowly increasing: in 2015 it came out State Comptroller's Report which dealt with the issue of food loss, with a series of different solutions and recommendations for the government ministries and other public bodies to start addressing the problem. In combination with the ever-increasing awareness of the issue among consumers, who can thus also save money, and through the implementation of policy measures and government subsidies of related projects, we too can be like Denmark and significantly reduce food loss - a step from which we will all benefit in every way.

19 תגובות

  1. I will be the "pig capitalist" who says that it is not fair that the public should change their lifestyles just so that the poor can get free food. And food is thrown away, yes it happens, and it's not that kind of story, you can't reach 100% survival - neither in food nor in anything else.

  2. In Canada, legislation is being passed in favor of equality for LGBT people, in favor of the separation of religion from the state, and gender equality for women, men and LGBT people. Proof that it is possible.
    I am traditional and believe in the beauty of the treasures of religious literature. But right now it's just a stoppage in time. 80% of this people are in favor of everything I said above and about 60% are in favor of separation from the Palestinians. But due to the political constraint, no leader will do any of these in Israel and this is a certificate of poverty.

  3. anonymous
    For me, a body that adheres to the religious laws is a religious body. There is great strictness about religious laws in the IDF.
    You don't understand what I mean by "effective". The word has two meanings. The one you use is - how well the body performs its function, and in that you are right.
    I mean that the same work can be done with fewer resources. In English there is effectiveness versus effectiveness. You mean the second and I mean the first.

    No - the army is to blame, and not a specific person in the army. The army contains people, of course, but it has mechanisms that no one person can change.

  4. In general,
    Blaming the army or the state is cheap demagoguery.
    It is always the person who is in these bodies and handles these types of problems that is to blame. It is never "human error".

  5. Miracles
    The army is a secular body. And not religious - as you wrote. Teshal does consider the feelings and wishes of the ultra-Orthodox public because the religious public is an integral part of Teshal. Since the first day of their establishment. But this does not make it a religious body. Chahal is a secular body - again I mention.

    Besides - you are wrong when you say that "the army is an ineffective body". The army is a very efficient body. Without the army, our nation would not have been able to free itself from the clutches of the Muslim aggressor.

    And regarding my schnitzels: I definitely found a way to save on them...
    But that's not what's important.
    What is important is: that they manage to find a way to save schnitzels in the army. And if you have an idea, then tell it to the people handling it.

  6. anonymous
    The army is a religious body. The observance of kashrut laws in the army is very high, as is the observance of the Sabbath.
    The army is an inefficient body, it is true. But, if you find a way to save your schnitzels - I'd be happy to pass it on to someone who needs it.

    You are right that the Arab occupation is corrupting... 🙂

  7. indeed. The Arab occupation - which still continues - of a part of the State of Israel, corrupts the minds of the secular Jewish public in Israel. I don't even know which smiley to add: happy or sad...

  8. The biggest waste is the army that throws away those who are rescued after two hours.. and Tzel is a secular body.
    In general, to accuse the ultra-orthodox population of wasting food is the joke of the year... which the seculars will not do to provoke a provocation so that they will be noticed....

  9. someone
    It is clear that you are inflating numbers and doing everything to link religion to the problem. (Before you said 4 years, after that 3 and really it's closer to XNUMX years)
    A. A banana is not a tree. Neither botanical nor halachic.
    B. The year of death is not related to the issue except that it is another thing you are angry about (maybe even a little rightly but it is not related) The year of death does not cause the destruction of food maybe only the production of less food. And certainly does not cause ecological damage.
    third. Regarding the pigs: I would appreciate a source that their breeding pollutes less than cattle. It actually sounds the other way around because Maalot cows live and can also eat by-products of agriculture such as wheat straw. B. Relative to the West, beef is no longer eaten in Israel. Pork is more often replaced by chicken (which is closer in price) if religious people (mainly extremists) eat less meat in general and therefore harm the environment less.
    The whole story sounds like one big favoritism, the agricultural cartels led by the kibbutz destroy much more food to keep the market price high, but I guess that's fine with you. Also the whole discussion about pork is ridiculous. How much less can it pollute? As they say "it's carrion and it's carrion" in order to supposedly reduce pollution you demand that people can pig contrary to their belief but are you willing to give up meat? Although believe me it will contribute much more. I can't even believe you avoid a visitor you claim is more polluting.
    What is the next argument? That food spoils because you fast on Yom Kippur? Is there anything that the religious are not guilty of?

  10. No.

    As a former kibbutznik I have news for you.
    I don't know exactly how much this spilled milk is and whether it is "symbolic and little" but the avocado trees, which I grew, give beautiful fruit in their third year - and it seems to me that you are not one of the numbers either.
    The fact that pork is allowed to be sold here does not contradict the claim that kosher laws favor ecologically "more expensive" meat.

    The most absurd was the story about the bananas. The rabbinate tried to determine that a banana is a tree (when every child should know that botanically it is a grass) - in the second and third year there is more fruit than in the years after that - after that the "house" (the vegetative unit) fades away.
    If they had complied with their demand, there would be no point in growing bananas in Israel - and the importers would have profited. Unfortunately, it seems to me that the rabbinate is becoming an agent of importers by sticking sticks in the wheels of the towers in Israel.

    And how did we forget the year of omission? After all, Rabbi Kook approved the sale of fruits and vegetables in the year of Shemita ..and opses...
    Once again damage to farmers, ecological damage and only the importers are happy.

  11. someone
    A. Also an ecological signature of large pigs
    B. Raise pigs in Israel
    third. Non-kosher meat and food can be sold (just keep in mind that this is prey meat because a "post mortem" determined that the animal was dying and would have died in any case within a few months in Tabun)
    d. Even milk that is milked on Shabbat/Holiday is not poured (just a little symbolic)
    God. It's not 4 years, it's three (the cows of the fourth had to eat in the Temple, but they convert it symbolically into a small amount of money) and it's also not three years, but two years and 44 days if planting in the month of Av.
    G. The tree almost does not bear fruit in the first three years anyway. Certainly not something commercial.
    If you really care about the environment you can be a vegetarian. Or are you more interested in blaming and attacking religious people?
    I'm sure you didn't think that 90 percent of the crop is thrown away because of kosher. But the meat industry does do it. Only 10% of the plant food given to an animal will return as meat.

  12. The food industry in Israel does not generate 18 billion NIS a year...
    (I checked the topic in 2011)

  13. Yehuda and A.
    The part destroyed for religious reasons is much larger than the tithe.
    A fruit is destroyed if the age of the tree that gave it is less than 4 years, because milk is spilled
    that we are milked on holidays and on the absurd kosher grammars in the industry as well
    Leading to the destruction of food there is no longer any point in expanding - and that's even before I think
    Kosher cattle are raised here for slaughter instead of pigs - which they signed
    The ecological price per kg of meat is smaller.

  14. The biggest waste of food is the meat industry that takes edible food or grows food especially on areas that could grow other food. And from every ton of food, she barely produces a few kilos that are edible.
    An international convention should be written that it is forbidden to grow plants for animals (farm animals for food) only and it is forbidden to feed farm animals food that is suitable for human consumption. In addition to enacting laws that support the reduction of animal food (which will of course be reduced) such as controlling plant milk prices (it is completely illogical that plant milk would be more expensive even though it is made from cheaper materials and a simpler production process. The only reason it is more expensive is that there is no control and that it is consumed more by health-conscious people who are often wealthier)
    Such moves can greatly reduce agricultural production for all its hazards and also lower food prices by a lot. and solve world hunger problems and reduce pollution.

  15. Yehuda
    You talk so much nonsense.
    Tithe gives only a symbolic amount and certainly not a "large part"
    And venison is sold even cheaper.

  16. In Israel, due to religious reasons, a large part of the food that was supposed to be given to the Temple when it existed is destroyed. This destruction must be stopped. I'm sure God would agree that it would be given free to various institutions.

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