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Polite as a robot

Robots around the world are learning how to behave around humans with the help of social games such as "The package has arrived"

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Researchers from the University of Hertfordshire are currently playing board games with robots in order to "educate" them on how to behave in the company of humans. The series of studies conducted by the researchers will help develop an ethical code for behavior in situations where humans and robots come into contact with each other.

"We are conducting the research under the assumption that robot "servants" already exist," explains Professor Kerstin Dautenhan, the project manager, "we are checking how much programming will be required for the robot to make it respect the "personal space" of every human being"

Advertisement The research also includes an examination of the way humans relate to robots, how robots should appear so that humans will respond positively to them, and how robots can learn new skills by observing humans and imitating their behavior.

There is also the need to teach the robots how to behave with a bunch of humans. The researchers taught one unnamed robot how to play with a group of children the game "The package has arrived", in which the robot receives a package and must choose which of the children to deliver it to.

According to the researchers, it will be a long time before they build robots that will operate according to the laws of robotic ethics, or Robotiquette. In fact, about 20 years stand between us and robot servants who know how to behave in the company of humans.

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