Comprehensive coverage

Give me a cough suppressant

A collection of news about Israeli biotechnology companies

Tamara Traubman and Ami Ginsburg

Israeli biotechnology


Omrix specializes in the production of various substances from the blood fluid (plasma) - it
A liquid substance rich in proteins and minerals, which remains after being separated from the blood
the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in a centrifugal process.
The materials are produced in the company's fractionation institute
the various ones, in which the proteins are isolated from the plasma and viruses are cleaned from it
and toxic substances.

Omrix's flagship product is a biological adhesive produced from plasma and aids
In stopping capillary bleeding caused during surgeries. The main use
The adhesive is in surgeries of organs with soft tissues such as kidneys, heart,
Liver, lungs or various muscles, or in knee and hip joint replacement surgeries.
It is common to combine it as an additional measure alongside surgical suturing.

The glue is produced by isolating components found in the blood fluid
and are responsible for its coagulation. These ingredients are kept in a liquid state, and reunited
creates a chemical reaction that causes them to become a sticky, transparent and flexible substance,
which is not harmful to the body. This process mimics the natural blood clotting process.

The adhesive is accompanied by a unique injection device with two syringes, which allows mixing
of the ingredients that create the sticking effect. So far the company has received approval
For marketing the biological glue in Israel, Great Britain, South Africa and Mexico.
By the end of the year, she hopes to get permission to market it in the other market countries as well
common and in the future also in the United States.

The company also produces immunoglobulins (antibodies) - proteins from plasma
which are produced by the immune system and protect against bacterial infections
Various virals. These are given in case of immune failure in the body, and found
Because they are effective in the treatment of various autoimmune diseases, including sclerosis

The company also produces specific antibodies for type B hepatitis and deals
in the production of the albumin protein. A substance that helps, among other things, in increasing blood volume
in the body This is usually needed after traumatic events - accidents, burns or
War wounds - which cause a lot of blood loss.


Company name: Omrix
Occupation: Production of proteins for medicinal purposes from the blood fluid (plasma)
Number of employees: 150
Entrepreneur: Robert Taub
Total capital raised so far: 20 million dollars
Revenues in 1999: 20 million dollars
Web address:

from indescence

For the past two years, Mainsense has been developing a method for detection and diagnosis
Mental illnesses - clinical depression (depression), schizophrenia, anxiety and mania
- through blood tests. In contrast to the methods used today, which are based on
different behavioral symptoms, from Indense adopted an approach based on
Physiological processes that take place in the body and between which a connection is found
mental illness The company is looking for a correlation between the various mental illnesses
and physiological and biological processes in the body, which can be traced
using ingredients found in the blood.

Today Meindsense is developing a specific measuring scale, according to which it will be determined if
A person is sick or not, and what is the degree of his illness. According to the degree of the disease will be
You can tell if the treatment he is receiving really helps, or if it needs to be changed.

The initial development was done with technology acquired from Ben University
Gurion This technology shows that there is a relationship between the level of activity of
The mechanism of information transmission in different blood cells and the severity of depression
clinical Alongside this development, MayindSense is currently engaged in discovering the connection between
Additional biological processes and various mental disorders. the company
makes use, among other things, of advanced tools based on the progress of
The Human Genome Project.


Company name: Mayindsense
Occupation: discovery and development of biological signs to diagnose their existence and severity
of mental illness using blood samples
Start of activity: 1998
Entrepreneurs: Yoav Abtalion, Prof. Gabi Schreiber
Number of employees: 15
Total capital raised so far: 7.5 million dollars
Estimated start of sales: unknown
Web address:

Vision Care

Vision Care is engaged in the development of a tiny intraocular telescopic implant, the corrector
Impaired vision caused by AMD, which degenerates parts of the retina with
Aging. The lens - whose diameter is three millimeters, and its height is 4.4
Millimeters - implanted in the eye through surgery similar to cataract surgery,
where the natural intraocular lens is replaced with a simple artificial lens
relatively. The Vision Care lens is different from the surgically inserted lens
Cataract, and its purpose is to treat problems of the retina.

In the center of the retina there is a concentrated nerve area known as the macula.
And its job is to capture the center of the image in high quality. in some people
The macula tends to degenerate, their vision is only peripheral, and they cannot
See the center of the image. Practically, a person who suffers from only peripheral vision
set blind.

The main solution today to this problem is an external telescope that can be mounted
Also on the glasses. The telescope magnifies the image, so that the healthy parts
The retina can receive enough information to form a complete image.

Vision Care's telescopic lens performs a similar action, but it
More effective because it is located inside the eye and can provide angles
Better vision, and follow the image dynamically. And yes, this
A more aesthetic solution. The operation is performed in only one eye of the patient, thus
that the other eye completes the image through peripheral vision.

The telescopic lens will be sold, according to the company's estimates, for about 1,500 dollars,
And the cost to the patient will also include the cost of surgery to implant the lens. So far
The company performed experiments on 80 people and received approval for marketing
in Europe. Today she is engaged in additional experiments to get my approval
Marketing in the United States.


Company name: Vision Care
Occupation: Development of a telescopic intraocular implant for the treatment of vision problems
arising from aging
Start of activity: 1997
Entrepreneurs: Yossi Gross, Dr. Yitzhak Lifshitz, Dr. David Lifshitz
Number of employees: 17
Total capital raised so far: 7 million dollars
Estimated start of revenue: 2001
Web address:


D-Pharm has developed a technology that makes it possible to improve the effect of medicines
exist, from a considerable reduction of the side effects associated with taking them.
The idea is based on a structural change of an active drug and turning it into a derivative
(new drug) inactive.
The derivative is activated inside the body in the process of a chemical reaction, and then it
returns to its active state. The chemical reaction takes place through substances
which are released in pathological cell tissues ("diseased" tissues). Thus, the material
The active ingredient of the drug is released only in the place in the body that needs it.

In the usual medicines it is customary to combine a high dose of an active substance, to
Ensure that the affected area receives enough material to treat the disease. the rest of the material
diffuses in the body. D-Pharm's targeted drugs make it possible to reduce
The dose of the active substance without harming the effectiveness of the drug and while minimizing
its side effects. According to the company's researchers, in the experiments carried out so far
In laboratory animals, the dose of the active substance was reduced up to 100 times compared to this
present in ordinary medicines.

The development may also significantly reduce the duration of development
New drugs, because in many cases the side effects are a major factor
to stop clinical trials in them.

Most of the drugs that D-Pharm is currently developing are designed to act on cells
brain damaged The first drug to hit the market, probably in about four years
years, intended for the treatment of epilepsy. Additional drugs that the company is working on
They are intended for the treatment of stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.


Company name: D-Pharm
Occupation: development of drugs aimed directly at the affected areas of the body
Year of establishment: 1993
Entrepreneurs: Dr. Alex Kozak, Dr. Yaffe Bek
Number of employees: 77
Total capital raised so far: 23 million dollars
Start of revenue: 2000
Web address:


Proneuron was established to find a solution to the problems caused by paralysis
As a result of injury to the spine or cutting it. The spine contains the
The body's central nervous system is considered a system that is isolated from other systems
others in the body, such as the blood system and the immune system. The insulation is designed to protect
The nervous system must protect against viruses and prevent them from reaching the brain.

However, this isolation becomes a physiological problem when it is damaged in the ripe
Injury or chronic diseases that damage the nervous system. in that case,
The isolation does not allow the other body systems to be used to restore the
Nervous System.

A study done by Prof. Michal Schwartz from the Weizmann Institute shows that when taking
Cells from the immune system, isolate them and inject them into the site
Damaged in a controlled way, it is possible to cause self-rehabilitation of the nervous system
the main one. The procedure was tested on lab animals whose spinal cords were cut
full. The animals were able to recover from complete paralysis and immobility to a state of
Partial function. Proneuron recently received approval from the Food Authority
and the American drug to begin human trials.

In another trial, the company is testing the development of a vaccine that helps heal people
that their spine is bruised. The vaccine is required to stop the spread of the damage
from the damaged place to the healthy nerve fibers next to it. Although there is
The body has its own mechanism to stop the damage, but in case of damage to the system
The nerves, the body's restoration action is often weak. The purpose of the vaccine is
to increase, in a controlled manner, the natural healing activity of the body.
The vaccine is currently being tested on laboratory animals. The company will soon submit a request for a trial
First clinical in humans, and she is trying to locate test subjects.


Company name: Proneuron
Occupation: Development of a medical procedure and vaccines for the purpose of restoring the nervous system
the central one in case of spinal cord injury
Start of activity: 1997
Entrepreneurs: Prof. Michal Schwartz and a group of investors from the USA
Number of employees: 25
Total capital raised so far: 11 million dollars
Company value at last capital raising: 25 million dollars
Estimated start of revenue: in three years
Web address:

give me a cough robot part XNUMX
Sometimes it seems like science fiction, but teams of scientists all over the world
They are now working on the development of a new and brilliant variety of drugs and treatments. report
from the forefront of technology
By Tamara Traubman, Ami
Ginzburg, illustrations: Niño

Robots instead of medicine
Method of treatment: excess cholesterol, for example, will be treated in the near future
With the following method: micro-robots that will be injected into the body - by injection, by drinking -
They will diagnose the blocked arteries with the help of a sensor system and clear them
The micro-robots - whose size is measured in millionths of a centimeter - are made
from silicon and microchips. Their sensors will also be able to detect cells
cancerous, for example, and eliminate them from the body.
One way to appease, relatively simple, is with a magnet that will stay outside
to the body, and will guide the direction of their movement. The more sophisticated option is established
on the utilization of body heat.
The developers: several laboratories in the world, for ten years.
The development stage: one of the developers, Prof. Shmuel Einav, head of the institute
for engineering and physical-medical studies at Tel Aviv University, Mashar
that in the next two years the first robots will be inserted into my husband's body
Haim, and already before 2010 they will visit the human body for the first time.

New blood vessels for heart and diabetes patients

Method of treatment: In heart patients and diabetes, the blood vessels are blocked by plaques
of cholesterol. Researchers are now trying to restore their blood flow with treatment
Based on the VEGF-2 gene, which contains a recipe for the production of the essential protein
for the development of new blood vessels and maintaining the existing ones. the protein injection
The body may cause the creation of new blood vessels, which will serve as "bypasses" instead
Clogged blood vessels. In other experiments, they try to inject the gene itself.

Developers: Dr. Jeffrey Eisner from St. Elizabeth Hospital in Boston
And others.

The stage of development: first human trials are now being done.

Alzheimer's vaccine

How to inoculate: In the brains of Alzheimer's patients, layers of protein accumulate
and his name is amyloid. Many researchers today believe that the amyloid deposits
play a central role in the development of the disease. The vaccine under development may
from a protein called beta-amyloid, fragments of which make up the deposits
Amyloid in the brain. Scientists don't know for sure what it is
The mechanism of action of the vaccine, but they assume that beta-amyloid gram
The development of antibodies that acted in the brain against the accumulation of amyloid plaques.
The developers: "Allen Pharmaceuticals", a biotechnology company based
In Ireland.

Development phase: Initial safety trials have been completed in a small number of children
A person. However, even if the vaccine turns out to be successful in the additional experiments that
the company to carry out, it will take at least five more years until the drug reaches the market,
And not sure if you can help all types of Alzheimer's.

Head injury treatment

Method of treatment: In head injuries, the nerve cells in the area of ​​the injury are damaged.
Prof. Hermona Whistler isolated a gene called acetyl-choline-esterase, which he has
Two roles: one, the production of a protein that transmits messages between nerve cells.
The second role manifests after a head injury, and will create a different version of
The protein, which causes the growth of excess extensions that connect the nerve cells.
As a result, the nerve cells receive too many messages, a "communication short" is created.
And the cells die.
A treatment known as "antisense" eliminates the production of the second protein. Unlike
The current drugs, which aim to suppress the action of the protein, the antisense cancels
Stimulates its production and prevents the death of nerve cells. developed on the same principle
Today also antisense drugs for the treatment of other diseases. The antisense drug
The first was approved last year, and is intended for the treatment of infections
Viral in the eyes.

The keys: Prof. Hermona Sorek from the Institute of Life Sciences and Prof. Esther
Shahmi from the School of Pharmacy at the Hebrew University and the company "Aster
Neuroscience", in Tel Aviv.

The development stage: the experiments on animals are over.

Rice with vitamins

Method of treatment: Three genes were inserted into the rice using the methods of genetic engineering
Those responsible for the production of enzymes that produce beta-carotene - a mineral that transforms
In the body for vitamin A. The golden rice, with pro-vitamin A, may help
In saving millions of children in developing countries, who may suffer from blindness
or damage to the immune system due to the vitamin deficiency.
The developers: Dr. Ingo Potrichos from the Swiss Institute of Technology
and Dr. Peter Bayer from the University of Freiburg in Germany. The development stage:
The rice is now in advanced stages of development. The researchers are also developing rice
the iron producer. Similar methods may also be used in the future to increase quantities
the vitamins in fruits and vegetables and replace the vitamin capsules that people
Taking today.

Limbs moving by the power of thought

How to treat: People whose spinal cord is damaged cannot move
their limbs because at the site of the injury there is a disconnection between the spinal cord and the brain.
Researchers are now trying to develop "electrical bypasses", which will bypass the neural disconnection
And they will transmit the commands that the brain sends to artificial nerves, and thus they will cause
for limbs to move.

The developers: Dr. Hunter Peckham from Case Western Reserve University

Stage of development: Several research teams are working on similar implants. Everyone
are in the initial stages, and it will be years before they begin to market them in a form

Smoking vaccine

How the vaccine works: Prevents nicotine - the addictive ingredient
In cigarettes - to affect the brain. The smoker does not derive pleasure from smoking and thus
The cycle of addiction is broken.
When a foreign substance enters the body, the immune system produces antibodies to fight
at him. Because the nicotine molecule is very small, when it enters the body
The immune system does not recognize it as a foreign agent and does not attack it. the researchers
They therefore designed a new molecule, similar to the nicotine molecule, which
The vaccine recognizes and therefore produces antibodies to fight it. these antibodies
binds to both the synthetic molecule and the nicotine molecule - then it is formed
A body consisting of the molecule and the antibody, which is too large to enter the brain. so
Nicotine loses its effect on the brain, the cigarette does not bring pleasure
wanted, and the cycle of addiction is broken.

The developers: a team from the American biotechnology company Nabi, headed by
Dr. Ali Fatum.

The stage of development: the experiments on animals are over, safety trials (stage
First; It will be followed by efficacy trials) in humans will begin this year.

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