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Numerology I - the miraculous power of numbers

In contrast to the wealth of research when it comes to astrology, numerology is not studied that much, maybe because a simple experiment would disprove it? 

Numbers. From Wikipedia
Numbers. From Wikipedia

Of all the subjects I have looked into so far, there is no doubt that numerology is one of the most puzzling. It's reminiscent of astrology, only without physical objects associated with it. What's left? Only the numbers themselves (as are simply calculated based on the date of birth and the name, for example). And these numbers have far-reaching consequences for our lives, so the numerologists claim. odd!

Wikipedia says "Numerology is a method that attributes mystical meaning to numbers. This is a mystical teaching, also related to tarot cards and other mystical teachings. In the scientific community it is customary to treat numerology as a superstition, similar to astrology."

But go find out who wrote it. Must be some cynical skeptic. I went out to check for myself what was happening in the field. The material presented here originates from about 10 numerology books that I browsed in the bookstore, emails that I sent to several numerologists, questions that I scattered in numerology forums, and of course - a fairly thorough review of the material found on the Internet. I invested. In contrast to the wealth of research I encountered When I reviewed the astrology, here the findings were frustratingly meager. You are invited to join the meandering journey between the numbers.

As usual, I was not interested in the numerological interpretations nor in possible explanations for the way it works (even if I wanted to delve into the explanations I could not, because I did not find such explanations). I focused on one and only question: Is there factual validity to numerology? I mean, beyond that that customers are impressed and leave excited and full of insights From a meeting with a numerologist, has there ever been a controlled study that tested whether there is a connection between numbers and people's lives, and if so, what were the results?

We lived by the numbers!
Perhaps it is not worth taking it lightly and dismissing the issue as a "superstition", without examination. Pay attention to the far-reaching claims of those involved in the field. It sounds more serious than "Tapu! black cat":

Here it is said that  "By means of numerology it is possible to describe a person's character, tendencies, virtues and shortcomings at the same time as his vocation and mission..." Here they explain to us that "Numerology defines numbers as having infinite frequency, meaning and shape and a similar principle also applies to the secret of letters. It is a perfect operating system that operates according to agreed frequencies and codes, with the help of which you can create and build and at the same time destroy and destroy."

My heart started beating fast...

This numerologist tells Because "the numerological analysis is incredibly accurate and you can even use it to plan future steps that will lead to success in any field. When we make moves at the right time, our lives can be turned upside down. On the other hand, if we took a fateful step, such as: opening a business, moving house, getting married at the wrong time for us, then the result can be disastrous and can even cause us financial losses and depression."

Beads of cold sweat began to glisten on my forehead...

And she adds: "It is very easy for us to consult different mystics in times of crisis, but are they the people who give a real solution and possibility for drastic changes in life??? From my many years of experience, only the name is the door to a real change in your life!"

Aha! This perhaps explains why my research has not yielded any results so far - I was simply looking in the wrong places!

When asked a different numerology If she also discovers what is expected in the future, she answered: "Definitely. I describe what is expected in the future and even specify exact dates."

In one of her books, she devotes chapters to applications of numerology in topics such as choosing a name for a baby, choosing a suitable partner, choosing a good house and apartment number, choosing a name for a business and a number for a car.

However, not all numerologists agree. A well-known numerologist devotes a chapter in his book "Life According to Numerology" to dispel various myths Regarding numerology. Regarding the effect of an apartment or house number on luck, he gives as an example a couple who live in house number 4 and fight all the time, and asks "Do you think that changing the door number of their house will stop them fighting? There is no sense in that."

Regarding the effect of the bank account number or the car number, he says: "Do you think that if I choose an account number for a person, then his bank account will be filled with money by itself? Or if I pick a car number for the person then the car will go faster or perform better? Hence my answer: no. Account number and car number do not determine anything and do not affect the person at all."

the truth? It doesn't seem logical to me either that numbers can affect events in a person's life.
And other such random numbers like the foreign Gregorian date... why not the Hebrew date? Why not the date according to the Mayan calendar? Or the Babylonian tablet? Julian? Persian? the chinese? the muslim? The Hindu? the roman? The Bahá'í? (Details on the different calendars You can read it here). And as for the name - in full spelling? short? As written in the identity card? As its owners usually write it? What about nicknames? Maybe in foreign letters? And what number is assigned to each letter? There are Many different methods for that. And what meaning is attributed to each number? There is no consensus on that either. And why do you count in the decimal system? Does the universe direct our lives according to the decimal system?

And if there are so many different and conflicting versions of numerology, which one is the correct numerology? After all, it is impossible for one thing and its opposite to be true. And in general, how was numerology developed? How did they discover the different consequences of each number on human life? After all, this requires studies on a scale that is hard to imagine and statistical analyzes that are immeasurably more complex than any research that has been published to date - isn't it necessary to take into account all the personality traits of a person, his tendencies and the events that befall him during his life, and to find correlations among tens of thousands of people!

Indeed, many warning signs arise here for something clearly "illogical".

But "doesn't make sense" is a tool which sometimes misses important discoveries. So I put aside my initial intuition and continued to look for evidence.
Until now I treated numerology as a kind of mysticism (as it was written in Wikipedia), but I quickly realized that some people think otherwise. Numerology is a science

Here it is said  "Some of us tend to encrypt and label numerology towards mysticism, thus taking it out of context. Numerology is logic and not mysticism as many think..."
at the opening of this book  It is claimed that (my comments are in square brackets, and the emphasis is also mine):
"Numerology is science in the modern sense. The mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton believed in the existing "order" in the universe: the sun will rise tomorrow because it rose yesterday and today. [As far as I remember, Newton had some more significant contributions to science than understanding that the sun will rise tomorrow, but that's probably too complicated for a numerology book]
However, science has since discovered that stability and harmony originate in chaos and that our lives on earth are affected by the probabilities and opportunities that come our way. [Which branch of science exactly discovered this?] Numerology creates order in chaos. By knowing your numbers you can also benefit from the disorder in your life. Out of the chaos and confusion emerge new understandings and experiences that may strengthen you and help you in the long run. Numerology can help your personal development.
Numerology is a philosophy based on the wisdom of life. [First science, now also philosophy]
Numerology is also a type of personality psychology. [Wow – the 9 digits are really all-encompassing!] The pioneering and revolutionary work of psychologists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung emphasizes the importance of knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the personality. Both of them devoted many years to developing their ideas and perceptions about human behavior, and at the same time they also worked on their personal development. Freud showed a special interest in instincts and passions, sex life and dream analysis, and developed many theories about the mind. Whereas Jung focused more on the soul and supernatural phenomena and talked about personality archetypes. [And how does all this relate to numerology exactly? Oh, it's not really related:] Psychology offers one way to analyze personality. In contrast, numerology explains how all personality traits are included in the numbers 1 to 9."
Please note that there is no connection between the claims (highlighted in black) and the other scholarly and impressive sentences said here, but how easy it is to "get the impression" that numerology is a scientific theory, after reading the things in an unfocused way.


This numerology For example, trying to draw a parallel between numerology and science. This is what it looks like: "Think for a moment about the next thing. Chemistry, physics and various laws in nature - present numbers and formulas as explanations for real things in the physical universe, such as natural forces [gravity, momentum, resistance, etc.], substances, chemical compounds and processes, the "golden ratio" in nature, etc. In fact, this is exactly how numerology also works, which offers an interpretation of the channels for the energetic frequencies represented by the numbers in the date of birth and in the person's name."
A strange comparison. In the fields of science numbers are used. Numerology uses numbers. Wow - it's exactly the same!
Perhaps the claim that "numerology is a science" stems from a certain confusion in concepts. When poring over such and such numerology books, it is hard not to be impressed by the scientific outlook. Laws, numbers, calculations, formulas, tables and charts. Everything is very sharp, clear and orderly. But scientific visualization is not science. A scientific view that is not supported by empirical evidence, proper research methods and any theories is pseudo-science.
in search of evidence
I contacted several numerologists asking them to send me studies done in the field (if they were done), and to enlighten my eyes on the intriguing subject - how exactly numerology was developed. In response, I was immediately sent to search for information on Google, wander around the bookstores and even register for the upcoming course they are opening. Not one of them directly answered my questions, let alone directed me to research in the field. Most of them mentioned Pythagoras as a clue to help me discover how numerology was developed. When I read on Wikipedia about Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans I understood that this is a secret mystical sect about which not much is known. They wrote here  Because Pythagoras was never involved in the numerological methods as they are known today (later we will come back and touch on the loose connection between Pythagoras and modern numerology).

"Pythagoreans celebrate the sunrise" - Fyodor Bronnikov (Wikipedia)
Additional answers I received to very basic questions were:
• "If you're so skeptical don't mess with it."
• "I don't understand much about research, but I have years of numerological experience and it does work! Everything is possible and permission is given. Highly recommend".
A conversation that particularly confused me developed In the numerology forum in Orange (The words are edited for readability).
I launched my innocent and curious question:
"Has numerology ever been scientifically studied? Does it really work?
I am looking for scientific studies that have examined this, for anyone who understands the matter - I would appreciate it if you could send me links.
Clarification - scientific research is one that has been published in a professional journal, conducted in a controlled manner, analyzed with proper statistical means, etc. Thanks!"
The forum administrator replied to me:
"Numerology and science do not go hand in hand. I don't know any professional studies in the field other than personal studies. Numerology or any other theory cannot be expressed in science."
I am:
"In what way can numerology be expressed? If it has no scientific validity, that means it has no validity in reality, right?
I mean, it might be helpful advice for the client, in terms of insights and a good feeling, but you can't tell anything from the numbers about the external reality, is that what you're saying?"
And she answered:
"For me, numerology is a science and accurate information, and I don't give advice for a good feeling...
Numerology is an accurate diagnostic tool, according to the situations and experiences that the soul has chosen to experience in reality and the current universe."
And then, in the same breath:
"You were looking for scientific articles on the subject and I wrote to you that there is no such thing in my opinion. Each numerologist has his own information in which he sees the data and the meanings that are expressed in a practical way. To come and call it scientific? I do not think so".
For a moment I was gripped by a slight dizziness. No science, yes science, no science…
I tried to understand from her what, after all, she could know about a person, within the framework of the "accurate information" she mentioned.
"Through numerology it is possible to know, to score, and to be accurate in predicting situations of fate that are to occur in a person's life. Diagnosing situations of fate that a person experiences in life is more interesting to me than diagnosing skills or character, and that too can be seen and, in fact, everything can be seen. There is no 100% accuracy = that is reserved for the Creator of the world, but 90% accuracy is excellent for me."
At that moment I felt that we were starting to speak the same language - the language of defined claims that can be checked quite easily. For me, even 80% success would be an impressive demonstration!
A slight excitement gripped me. Will we get to do an experiment together? Will we prove that it is possible to predict the future? To be honest, I wouldn't mind being the first in history to prove unequivocally that there are such things! We might even rake in Randy's million dollar!
But then everything fell apart. Once again came the sentence that I hear so many times lately, when things start to get really interesting:
"I am not looking to conduct such and/or other experiments. I know what I know and I'm not looking for ways to justify or test the knowledge that flows through me or the knowledge found in numerology."
I summarized this dialogue: "As you describe it, numerology is only a belief system. Unless you check it and see that it has something beyond belief.
But if those involved in the field adamantly refuse to examine it, we will never know if there is anything beyond belief in it (my strong suspicion says no, but as mentioned, with a few simple experiments the issue can be decided). As long as this is the case, it would be appropriate to declare this field as religion/faith, and not "knowledge".
"Knowledge that has never been tested" is not knowledge. (Personal experience and personal impression are not a reliable test. They cannot prove anything. Anyone who knows a little about the field of self-deception in cognitive psychology understands this clearly). Of course, numerology does not stand alone in this department of "knowledge" fields that have never been tested against reality. It seems to me that we have reached an impasse, so, part as friends."

* * *

A sigh of despair. rest. Equipping new forces. And...continue the journey!
Later on in my travels, several points of light flashed, sparks of hope that here, I am close to empirical findings. At least that's what the numerologists themselves claimed. About that next time.

12 תגובות

  1. Dear Gilad
    I love what you wrote and I think that you raise a very good points and I like to know if you if you still interesting in this filed Thanks Avner

  2. monument
    I realized that there is no novelty,

    In my opinion there is a field that is not scientific but seems more correct and accurate than numerology.
    Well, in the city of Tiberias, tens of millions of NIS have been invested in recent years, not just millions
    To build systems under the roads, in places where human bones were found. I understood that the roads
    Treated in this way, the priests are allowed to walk in them.
    The system is built of large concrete slabs inside tube-like spaces, the height of the depth of the building
    that under the road is 3 or 4 meters. I understood from conversations that the spaces are tube-like
    intended for the movement of souls.

    Because it is impossible for such a large, important and expensive activity to be carried out without careful understanding and planning
    And in depth, I recommend that you check and investigate this matter in depth, maybe we will finally find out that there is something true
    And I am true in mysticism, in faith, in souls and spirits and not only in science.

    I am already impatient for the results….

  3. monument.

    Cold reading, astrology, numerology...

    Maybe an article about something that does work?

    For example: psychology.

    (Or maybe it doesn't work that well either..).

    We are left with only technology. It always works.

  4. Astrology and numerology are fasa.
    While you are dealing with them, the masses of the people of Israel are already on the next hot trend: determining the name of the newborn through consultation with rabbis (700 NIS not including VAT, and no, there is no VAT)
    While astrology claims some logic, determining the name of the newborn through a rabbi claims nothing except the general feeling of the rabbi that morning, and perhaps what he ate at noon
    follow up.

  5. In connection with all mystical theories and especially numerology. I heard someone say that they can all be defined by the term "tautology".
    Regarding numerology in private. I once read a very old numerology book. Almost no "prophecy was fulfilled".
    In conclusion, any incorrect prediction can be explained by reasons that were not known at the time the opinion was issued.
    And more about the teachings of mysticism: they have existed for thousands of years and unlike scientific and not so scientific theories that have been disproved and confirmed for astrology and numerology, no proof has been found other than "statistical proofs based on chicken's knees." Even in science there are questions that have been asked and no answer has been found or even questions that are afraid to be asked because any attempt to answer them cannot be understood or, more correctly, contained (from the word contain). But almost our entire known world is built on science. Will someone try to design an engine using astrological methods or build a building using such methods. Or calculate precisely how much wool should be put in the coat so that it sufficiently insulates us from the cold.

  6. Yuval, tarot cards are a classic example of the application of cold reading, which I have dealt with before.
    Beyond the useful insights and meanings that the client may find in the "opening", this is no different from any other system of symbols such as spots in coffee, position of celestial bodies in the natal chart, lines in the palm of the hand, etc.
    Everything is based on the exact same principles.
    Therefore, I doubt that I will devote a separate article to this in the future, unless I come across it in an original context.

  7. Gilad, you asked by the way:
    Today, during the boring wait at the clinic, I came across a tarot card analysis in Mystica magazine. Meanwhile, I can only say that the paintings are a bit banal but beautiful. Have you already prepared or do you intend to prepare a review for this niche as well?

  8. Fascinating article! Wonderful writing, sharp, clear and fluid. I really enjoyed reading this article. Gilad keep going!!! What's more, I would like to see articles that examine more complex pseudo-scientific fields such as reflexology for example 

  9. Thanks Ami! Such responses strengthen me to continue investing the enormous time I invest in these investigations.
    If I know I've been able to change the strength of some synaptic connections in someone else's brain, I've done my part.

    Yuval - Following the investigation, I was exposed a little behind the scenes of numerology, and I can tell you that they obviously "complicate" things enough to make it "meat". Parts of the date are used for different meanings, in a first name only for other things, in the total name, in sums, in such and such formulas that mix the factors, add dates of the parents, etc. In the next step, everyone invents their own numerology - combined astrology, combined Kabbalah, combined chakras, I'm sure that every crazy idea I'll put up here is already working somewhere in the world with its own fan base.

  10. Gilad your articles are simply fascinating! I read your words eagerly (not only this article, but also the previous ones) and you write very important things that are really eye-opening (I personally have always been skeptical and have critical thinking, "sharp thinking" as you like to call it, but I still took More important points from you) I hope that those who really need to read your things, study them in depth and also try to think about them.

    Kudos to you for the holy work you do.

  11. The findings in numerology are indeed very poor compared to their istegnanic counterparts. This is due to the difference in several orders of magnitude in the amount of data. In numerology all data is reduced to nine numbers (there is no zero) while in astrology there are twelve celestial divisions, "signs", and an increasing number of heavenly bodies traveling through them. Increase the number of zodiac signs by the power of the number of active heavenly bodies, multiply this number by the various "aspects" (the angles between them), and you will find a great deal.

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