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One of the hottest professions in human history: cold reading

What do astrology, numerology, palm reading, tarot card reading, coffee reading, tikshaur and dozens of other "consulting" methods have in common?

Fortune Teller by Caravaggio. Painting from 1594
Fortune Teller by Caravaggio. Painting from 1594

From the blog "sharp thinking"

"And all these words, words of lies and falsehood are... they are not words of wisdom but confusion and vanity in which the mindless have been drawn" - Maimonides' words about soothsayers, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers and those who demand the dead.

In each of these consulting methods, the client (the discouraged, the disturbed or just curious) gives money to someone (the "consultant") who seems to know things about him that cannot be mere guesses.
The "consultant" does this with the help of various "tools": making contact with spiritual beings from other dimensions, drawing star maps, performing numerological calculations, examining lines on the palm, etc.

Many customers leave satisfied and even amazed by these meetings and are convinced that "it works".

On the other hand (as far as I know at least), none of these "occult seeing" methods have been proven to work better than guesswork in any well-controlled experiment (and that's if anyone even bothered to test the method in a controlled way). A well-controlled experiment neutralizes all "natural" possibilities to extract information from the client. In the future I will give examples of classic experiments of this type.
Furthermore, many of these methods are devoid of any logic, and are clearly based on magical thinking, and/or on operating principles that contradict all existing and tested scientific knowledge. This in itself does not prove with certainty that they are not "true", but it certainly reduces the likelihood of this dramatically.

So what is the secret to success? How It Works"?

The technique that underlies all those methods is called "Cold Reading".

According to the definition of Iain Rowland, a world wizard in the field: cold reading is a form of speech in which it seems that you are saying meaningful things to someone, while in fact you are not - the meaning and relevance are provided by the imagination of the person to whom you were speaking.

This is a collection of "psychological tricks" for extracting information from the client without him being aware of it, and repeating the same information in a way that makes it appear as if the "consultant" reached him in supernatural ways. The client is the one who actually provides all the information that comes up in the meeting (with the exception of a few educated guesses that came out nicely on the part of the "consultant"), he is the one who remembers the shots and forgets the mistakes, and he is the one who interprets the ambiguous or ambiguous statements that the "consultant" scatters in a way that fits his life the private ones.

Let's remember that the human brain excels at assigning meanings to sensory experiences, even where they are not present. Words, symbols, signs, sounds or gestures are meaningless in themselves. Humans are the ones who give them meaning, and often a personal meaning, without anyone intending it (the ability to think symbolically is probably one of the most distinct characteristics that distinguish humans from other living creatures).

The basics of cold reading - a short practical guide

Let's start by lowering expectations: it's hard to get an impression of the power of the technique when reviewing it on one leg. Combining different components of the technique and a correct balance between them, building a sequence for the meeting and creating a supportive atmosphere, all of these are the result of cumulative experience and natural talent.
It should also be remembered that the mental state of the client at the time of the meeting is very different from that of the reader of this post, and usually he comes in the spirit of cooperation and generating benefit (for the large amount he pays) and not for the sake of trying to expose charlatans.

In any case, here are the basic principles of cold calling:

  • Design the setting

Design the place where you receive customers so that it radiates intimacy and relaxation. Comfortable armchairs, weak colored light, soft carpet, candles, incense, crystals and other signs that will create a feeling that the client is in the center of a spiritual ceremony. Create a professional impression by hanging complex charts on the walls and placing many books in the relevant fields on shelves in the room.


  • Create an appropriate interpersonal atmosphere

Exude a pleasant personality. Bring the client to a place of cooperation by explaining that reading is actually teamwork. Use a soft voice and non-threatening body language - a pleasant smile, continuous eye contact, head tilted to the side as you listen. Uncrossed legs and unjointed hands. Explain that clients come to you regarding various issues that are bothering them, and that you use the intuition you have developed over the years to help them.

To excuse the mistakes that will happen later, lower expectations and explain that you cannot be 100% accurate. "Nobody's perfect, even Michael Jordan misses a lot of shots!"

  • Focus on the main issues

There are seven topics people want to talk about the most: love, health, money, career, travel, education and ambitions.

Ask questions and make several statements about each of the categories. Very quickly you will be able to identify what is the main area that concerns your customer - focus on it.

Also take into account that at any age we tend to be bothered by other issues: teenagers and 20+ are mainly busy with self-searching and marital and sexual relationships, around age 30 focus more on career, money and starting a family, around age 40 are busy with the difficulties of raising children and health problems of the parents , and around the age of 45 onwards people deal with their own health problems and relationship crises. This is of course a generalization, but it is always recommended to start with a "reasonable" guess rather than shooting in the dark.

  • Declare ambiguous statements

If you describe a feature and vice versa, the customer will focus on the part that suits him better.

Our tendency to get the impression that a general text that is true for every person applies to us in a special way, is called the "Forer effect" after the psychologist who examined the subject in 1948. The effect is of course amplified if we have reason to assume that the words were said based on data unique to us - numerological calculations of our name, the position of the stars specific to our date of birth, the cards we chose from the pack, etc., therefore it is important to attach to each statement a simulated "reason" that is rooted in some symbol from the set of symbols that you "Using" them, for example: "The black knight card symbolizes that you...", "The harmonious angle between Saturn and the Moon points to...", etc.

Here are some examples:

"Sometimes, when the "muse" rests on you, you can be creative and let your imagination run wild, but when necessary, you are definitely able to be practical and with two feet on the ground."
"You value routine in some areas of your life, but in others you seek to be spontaneous and unpredictable."
"You can be very extroverted when you want, but sometimes what you really need is a quiet evening in front of the television or to immerse yourself in a good book."
"Your friends see you as someone friendly and trustworthy, but you have a more competitive side that comes up from time to time."
"You have self-discipline that helps you appear in control to others, but sometimes, inside, you actually feel somewhat insecure."

While making the statement, pay attention to the client's reaction - to which part of the sentence does he "connect" more. That way, without the risk of making a complete mistake (because you said one thing and the opposite), you will get good hints about his character. You can use this information later in the encounter, as if one or another detail (a certain card, a stain in the coffee) is revealed for the first time.


  • Disguise questions

Extract information from the client by disguising questions as statements, after throwing a vague statement in some direction. In most cases, the client will be convinced that you provided the information in the first place, and will not remember that he was actually the one who provided the interpretation and details:

Does that sound reasonable? / So who can this refer to? / Do you agree with what I said? / Can you understand why this is the impression I'm getting? / How can this be significant for you? / What on earth could this be about?

  • scattered vague statements

Explain that sometimes you have vague visions or flashes of images in your head, and you can't always understand exactly what is being said, so the customer's help is very important to interpret things in the right way for him. Scatter sentences of the type below and encourage the client to tell about them by adding a disguised question:

"I get the impression of a significant change, maybe a certain kind of journey or a change in the workplace, can you understand why this is the impression I'm getting?"
"Have you recently received a gift of some kind, perhaps money or something of emotional value, what in your life could this be related to?"
"I have a feeling you're worried about a family member or close friend, who could it be?"
"I see a circle closing, do you understand what I mean?"

  • Combine more specific statements

Many statements sound very specific, even though they are true for a large number of people. Mention that you perceive objects or events such as those listed below and encourage the client to tell about them by adding a disguised question:

Long expired medicine.
A box or envelope of old photographs that never made it into the album.
A clock that has long since stopped ticking.
A reminder note on the fridge or next to the phone that is no longer relevant.
A very embarrassing experience you had in your youth, which you still remember from time to time.
A key that the client doesn't remember what he keyed.
A drawer is stuck or does not open smoothly.
A childhood accident related to water.
A scar on the knee.
The 2nd digit in the home address (or the house next door, including the house opposite of course, or the house of a close family friend... - continue as needed)
For adults (to be sure that the parents are already dead): I see that your father died as a result of a problem in the chest or stomach area.


  • Bombard with professional jargon

Register, confuse and blind the customer by using many "professional" terms. Refer to the authority of ancient wisdoms and strengthen the sense of mystery and ritual.

Here is an example of bombardment in professional terms (meaningless) that refer to a number of different statements, which in the end is elegantly mixed with the intended question. The feeling created by the customer is that the information was provided by the cards and not by him:

"Interestingly, I see that we have received the '5 of Swords', an important card in the lower array that is traditionally attributed to challenge and struggle with emotional issues. What is fascinating is that in the same opening we already received the 'monk', which was originally one of the lower cards of the trio, but in this context indicates not only loneliness but also the fulfillment of personal goals. It's as if the cards are suggesting that your personal goals, at this time, take priority over relationship matters. I don't know if that means anything to you…”

Or translated into ordinary language: "And now tell me something about your ambitions and/or relationships in your life, and possible conflicts between the two."

Undoubtedly, the ability to improvise and good verbal control are important and useful qualities for the "occult seer".

  • The butter for the customer

Tell him what he wants to hear, it always works. "Your financial problems will be solved. You are a dedicated, fair, independent and smart worker." Of course, it is better to do this in a smart way, and weave the compliments into general statements about the customer's personality.

A common trick is to tell the client at the very beginning of the meeting that you perceive high intuitive abilities in him, and that he can succeed on his own in the spiritual fields, even as a therapist. This immediately inspires him with unknown hopes, puts him in the desired mindset (lack of criticism), and harnesses him as an active partner in the process.

  • Prepare escape routes

Professionals in the field reassure that there is really no way to fail in such meetings. Here are some possible ways of escape, if taken as an irrelevant statement:

Lower expectations - already at the beginning of the meeting, point out that it is not possible to be 100% accurate. One can always directly admit that a certain statement is a mistake, but there is no real need. See below.
If a guess turns out to be wrong, expand the claim in terms of scope, for example, after you told someone that you see him sailing on a ship and it turns out that he never entered the sea, you can say: "When I spoke about sailing on a ship, I meant in a metaphorical sense of course - sailing in a different direction in your life, because you have concerns Regarding him".
Another way of evasion is to claim that the event happened in the distant past and subtly imply that it is the customer's fault that he does not remember it. Alternatively, it can be argued that your statement probably refers to something that will happen in the future (sometimes times get a little confused when dealing with such areas).
Blame poor spiritual connections for faltering and confused reading progress.
Gently blame the client for not cooperating, or not trying hard enough. This is one of the natural escape routes when a great skeptic appears in front of you.

Techniques for predicting the future

A strong prophetic feeling tells me that I will elaborate on this in a separate post, soon...

Ein explains that every person falls into the trap of cold reading, no matter how intelligent and sharp they are, with the exception of those who have studied the subject and know how to recognize the techniques that are applied to them in real time. In fact, intelligence can help people to be more impressionable, because they are able to relate more successfully vague and metaphorical statements to specific details in their lives.



Note: Apparently, many of those who guess, cloud and demand the dead are not aware that they are using the cold reading technique. For them, they are gifted with rare intuitions, the ability to communicate with other beings or a good command of their profession, abilities that have been perfected with experience of course.

A glimpse I got behind the scenes of a numerology course demonstrated how a new generation of cold reading users is being educated (even if at a very low level), without them being aware of it at all! Maybe I'll expand on that in a separate post.
Many of us or our acquaintances have visited a fortune teller of one kind or another at least once in their lives. Often the service providers agree (and even offer) to record the meeting. If you have such a recording, it can be fascinating to check it in light of the above!
If you discover interesting things, I would appreciate it if you shared the findings with us (while omitting identifying or too personal details of course).

Amusing anecdote about palm reading I posted here

Sources and extensions:

41 תגובות

  1. hi father
    "The experimental literature in psychology contains thousands of experiments, proving that parapsychological phenomena do exist."
    As far as I know, and I have checked the issue a lot, this sentence is very inaccurate and misleading. I will not declare it untrue, because experiments did show results, but were later found to be negligent or involved in fraud. Other experiments that seemed "okay" could not be reproduced in other laboratories. I will contact Dr. Judit and try to find out what exactly she is basing her claims on. To remind you - a million dollar prize is waiting for anyone who can demonstrate some "supernatural" ability.
    This is exactly where I am standing. Such claims must be proven, and proven in a controlled and correct way.
    Regarding insights from mystics, I again refer you to the diagram that appears at the beginning of the article about "the threats...". At least for me he made a lot of order in my head. The distinction between the personal subjective world and the world of external reality is a very important distinction in my opinion. and no Not everything is quantum where the measurement affects the result.
    Good Day!

  2. Hi Gilad
    It is good to see that you do have a desire to understand the intentions and concepts that are visible and understandable in the other person.
    The discussion on the subject of spirituality versus the rational is broad and complex, but I will give you an excerpt from the study of
    Dr. Judith Ronan from Bar Ilan University and if you check on the internet you will find many studies on the subject:
    Dr. Yehudit Ronan, Bar Ilan University
    "The power of the spirit - studies in psychology and their philosophical implications"
    In recent years, popular Western culture has seen a disillusionment with science, and a tendency to leave rationalism and turn to the spiritual past, the heart and intuition. At the same time, scientists and philosophers began to study parapsychology.
    Parapsychology is a field of phenomena, the main ones of which are: the supersensory perception of the issue, psychokinesis, the existence of a spirit outside the body, contact with the dead, reincarnation and a strange coincidence. The evidence for these phenomena is divided into two: anecdotal and experimental. The evaluation of the first ones, which occur spontaneously in everyday life, is based on subjective evaluations and the reliability of the narrator. Thus was born the need for reliable and valid scientific experiments, which would be done in a controlled manner in the laboratory, and would maintain public and repeatability. The experimental literature in psychology contains thousands of experiments, which prove that parapsychological phenomena do exist.
    I completely accept that man is a creature with an ego that may lead him, for example, to radicalize women to influence his environment because the truth is with him. I'm really not excited about them, God willing, I'm a free person who always looks for many crosses to get "real" proof
    There is nothing to be excited about the mystics are human beings with egos like scientists. If you can get some insight for your needs with the help of a mystic/spiritual person/rabbi/author then you have already gained the conversation between us it gives you interest and a desire to learn to understand and think etc. What's wrong with that? Isn't it a process that helps to develop?
    If there is any concept that you don't understand what I mean about it, I would be happy to clarify.
    Greetings and friendship, my father C

  3. Abigail
    I, too, originally belonged to a kibbutz who now lives in Los Angeles and desperately misses all the extensive cultural activity that was in kibbutzim 40-50 years ago (which, by the way, was not religious, we could perhaps call it "Canaanite").

    And although every Shabbat evening we meet at a different family's house and discuss all possible topics, from clothing stores to the nuances of the Torah of the Upper Strings - I especially like the meetings with Leon, who, although he is one of ours in every Ramah and Shasha, is able to spend an entire Shabbat on topics related to Judaism , including the Jewish Moral Theory and the Shavus Parasha.

    No, there is no way I will repent. I run into rabbis at every turn - I know they are rabbis because they always say to me: "Listen, Israel, - you are our Lord, our God, one God!" flatterers But I can definitely feel the wind, so I think I understand what you're talking about.

    I also understand all those shouting here against the religious coercion in Israel, which does not exist at all abroad, and about the dismay of the education system. With a hand on the heart: despite the sympathy you feel, I suppose, for the whole issue of religion and spirit, would you really prefer there to be more yeshiva and kollels in Israel or more Reali and the Technion? Meccas or factories? Or if your answer is both, can A exist without B? Because B gets along fine without A.
    A blue shirt and it costs (approximately NIS 50).

  4. Abi C,

    I think we seem to argue, but actually agree on a lot of things. This is primarily due to confusion and mixing of concepts.
    I think that as I broke down the word "science" into at least 4 different layers, it might help if you elaborate a little on what you call "spirituality".
    You talk about creativity, inspiration, imagination, vision, and assume for some reason that they come from some layer that is not material, that is not an integral part of the operation of the brain. You talk about ego, about choices, about decisions as if their origin is not in our brain.
    I recommend that you read books that deal with cognitive psychology, popular things like "Irrational and not by chance" and its younger brother "Irrational but not terrible", to get an impression of a different way of looking at things, without the need for so many Artilian layers. It is a sophisticated system that developed from survival considerations to work in one way and not another, for better or for worse, for efficiency and failures. Well, that's right on the edge, I'm not going to get into that.
    And it doesn't matter either.
    Because you are outraged by phenomena of human behavior of one kind or another, and in the end we agreed that we are all people, whether it is a "scientist" or a "spiritual person", and therefore all the outrage you started with, at least it seems to me, is towards certain people who behave in a certain way , and not as representing "spirituality" against "science".

    The point that infuriates me is a little different, and it is - when a person comes along who claims that he holds some "truth", some "knowledge", without bothering to check them in any way, just because it sounds cool, or beautiful, or deep, or true to him. And when he is offered a simple way to check things, based on the lessons of the past, he evades in every possible way. This is what infuriates me. A person's meanings and interpretations are his private property, external reality is public property, if you want to see it metaphorically.
    So I rebel against mystics on the dime, fake spirituals, instant spirituals, according to the empty and fake consumer culture that surrounds us, only with a "spiritual" spin, and you call morality by the name "spiritual layer", and then we argue that spirituality is bad or good. As a matter of fact, I get angry at fake people and you at immoral people.
    Do you understand what I mean when I say that this debate is based on a misunderstanding of concepts?
    At least that's what I understood at this late night..
    Correct me if I'm wrong and we do argue 🙂

  5. "How can you even compare science, which is a human enterprise that you enjoy the fruits of, and an entity that is hidden from our eyes due to its non-existence?"

    Father don't be locked on passwords. Break each sentence into its components and then you will realize that you are making a salad.

    First of all, science is at least 5000 years old, just look at all the pyramids on Machu Picchu, the Pantheon in Greece, literally in every country, you will find countless ancient sites that without very advanced science they would not have been built.
    The power of creation arose from scientific information and a vision or flight that was not recorded or recorded anywhere but it was in the spiritual senses of the people.
    It is not a hidden being, it exists in you too, but you will not be able to measure it or perceive it with your five senses, you will see its results because without it you will be in a static state. Not an atom will move if your spiritual level does not exist, because you are the observer of your life and without it the quantum would not be a quantum.

  6. Science does not stop on its own, what stops it is ignorance, and especially deliberate ignorance like the one that has flourished in recent years, as well as the lack of budgets - the second thing stems from the first, of course. Ignorance is, among other things, the result of the actions of mahbatim - an acronym for penitents, but I use it not only for those who are called Jews (and most of them are idolaters, but that's another story) but also fundamentalist Christians who teach the murder of doctors who perform abortions, Muslim imams who issue halachic rulings even weirder than the Jews).
    How can you even compare the science that is a human enterprise that you enjoy the fruits of and an entity that is hidden from our eyes due to its non-existence?

  7. My father, peace be with you!
    First of all, I don't know what a pan is.
    I respect God as much as I respect science (both are values ​​that have accompanied humanity for quite some time and must be respected) these two values ​​are not contradictory, the first is a cultural and philosophical philosophy and the second is a considerable framework that tries to interpret the hidden reality from the first point the primary material/sub-material to to the infinite space around us.
    When the starting point is reached, science stops because its tools run out or break.

  8. Gilad Hello!
    I will try to explain my position one by one (it can always be changed if I realize from the inside {a combination of facts and intuition} that there is a mistake in it).
    The four sections you brought up are indeed interesting for discussion, but I see them as components and there is more of the whole.
    Gilad, you as a human being cannot separate the sections when you sit in your office/laboratory and investigate some process or question that has no answer, because nothing is bubbling inside your mind, your emotions and your mental structure.
    At the same time, there are parties (governments/tycoons) for whom science is a tool (coal chalk) for needs they don't have and nothing for the happiness of humans for their survival (yes for the survival of the tycoons as well as for the narrow interests of the governments).
    Regarding the ego - a natural and necessary condition for the existence and survival of man. No one is without an ego, it is true that the strengths are different between each other (science does not know how to measure this objectively) I did not say that a spiritual person has more or less ego than the scientist or the rationalist. Since we have no way of knowing objectively what the strength of our ego is, then understanding about it and thinking about it may stop and reflect on its strength. According to me, with the help of spiritual processes, it is possible to bring harmony to the ego and prevent instinctual processes that may lead to suffering and damage.

  9. If you don't come from the religious world (many netizens make this claim, because they think it will convince 'other' seculars to repent) then why do you write God?

  10. Hi Israel.
    I do not come from the religious world and do not know it. I am a 60-year-old kibbutznik who is ready to open my mind in any direction, but especially I am looking for the truth even though I know that I cannot reach it in the absolute sense.
    The Jewish sources have perhaps infinite information for wisdom, it seems to me that over time it would have come to light more on its own, again not related to religion (religion is an active framework for a path in life like science is a framework for people at different levels to understand life) morality has nothing to do with the framework (religion/ science) but to the subject who must prove to himself every moment that he is indeed following a moral path (don't do to your friends what is hateful to you).
    Regarding the charcoal chalk (my daughter likes to draw and does it with great talent). When the painter holds the chalk, he knows that his job is to produce on the page shapes made by the hand, but he also knows that the hand drives a cybernetic system that receives commands from the brain. The mind is a supercomputer, where all the memories and sub-memories of the past are stored. Here I claim that the computer is a robot that must receive instructions from a higher level (like a car that receives instructions from the driver), this level is immaterial, physical, chemical, electrical, thermal laws do not apply to it. This level can be called a soul that outwardly expresses the behavior of the ego, various passions, love, hate, etc. This level directs the mind to the execution of the painting. There is a higher level that controls the soul, it is expressed in only one sense, and that is the freedom to choose between good and evil, and this level is faced with this choice against the urge (it is not easy to deal with this). There are at least two more levels that I don't understand their role in the force (spirit, unit)
    I guess it's the spirit lifts and unit that bring the flying telepathic inspiration that breaks conventions and the flashes of the moment to discover an idea of ​​a scientific question that all the formulas didn't help to find.
    So the drawing is put on paper thanks to all this complexity.
    Therefore the scientist must use these high levels which are immaterial and not just formulas and devices in order to reach absolute truth (which will never be reached).
    It is the combination of the rational with the spiritual levels that will lead us to a better era.
    Greetings and friendship
    My father c.

  11. Avi,
    You mentioned a lot of terms and concepts, each of which earned several shelves of books in the library.
    I would suggest leaving the psycho-physical issue (mind-body) out of the scope. This alone could keep us busy for several years without reaching an agreement. time will tell. Thousands of years of philosophy have not brought us closer to understanding or deciding on the issue (at least that's my impression).

    To refine the discussion, I would suggest distinguishing between:

    1) Scientific activity - multifaceted human-social activity, driven by curiosity, ego, competitiveness, aspiration for truth, desire to be famous, whatever you want - any human trait. A bit about it here:

    2) The scientific "method" - the way of progress, the tools with which science tries to know things - tools that get more and more perfect over the years, in light of lessons from history - cases where we thought we knew things, which turned out to be incorrect, due to experimental or thinking negligence. A classic example here:

    3) Knowledge - the contents. What is written in the textbooks. What you manage to know, with one level of certainty or another (never with full confidence) - is an objective thing. This is the basis of the scientific approach. objective knowledge. Reproduced by different people in different places who hold whatever opinions they like. Their opinion is not relevant to the subject under investigation. Researcher effects? there is. of course. The goal is to clean them as much as possible from affecting the results. This is one of the clear differences in the way good science is conducted versus pseudo-science.

    4) Applications of the knowledge - atomic bombs, the development of biological weapons or vaccines against terrible epidemics and significantly extending the lifespan and quality of life.

    Now tell me what "science" you meant from all of the above.

    Who can argue with you that people should be modest and moral? Obviously!
    But what does this have to do with right or wrong?

    And regarding "ego":
    I have come across quite a few "spiritual" people who think they are part of God. Is this modesty, or a crazy ego-trip?
    I have come across quite a few "spiritual" people who have already found the truth. Is this modesty, or a crazy ego-trip?
    I have come across quite a few "spiritual" people who think that their will is the order that the universe will fulfill. Is this modesty, or a crazy ego-trip?
    They are so convinced that they have found the truth, that they are completely sealed, in the face of repeated suggestions and requests from me, to put the things they believe in to a simple test, that they will be full partners in determining its conditions, when I declare in advance that if something comes up in the experiment that supports their claims - I will publish it on my blog.
    So who is open here? Ready to change his mind? A risk taker? And who is the atom and the fanatic here? "We don't need studies. We know it's true." We "feel" that this is true. It "resonates" for us right.
    Every dream I had at night, sensory illusion or hallucination rings true to me. Feels right to me. So what? Does that mean it's really true?
    The first element of "sharp thinking" as I define it, is:
    "Awareness of the automatic, and sometimes incorrect, interpretation we give to our experiences (and the resulting modesty)" - this is a quote from my website, I didn't make it up now.
    In short, arrogant people are everywhere. This is not an inherent quality of scientists. And certainly not for science.

    So also in the field of "spirituality", we need to make some order and diagnoses. I guess you'll agree with me on that.

  12. I meant more to the comparison that in one of the articles you compared science to chalk and coal which is not (I assume) the creative spirit behind it, but only the tool.
    Just like Gilad's guitar (?) is only the instrument of expression for his spirit.
    I intuitively perceive the comparison, and indeed it is a beautiful point. If you could refine that a bit more.

    And another question that bothers me and I have asked here several times without an answer:
    Throughout history, the state of mind of well-known mathematicians and scientists has generally been inversely correlated with their greatness. The examples are numerous. I don't know if you come from the world of religion, or from some specific spiritual field, but do you have any data on the situation with rabbis, for example? depression? Suicides? Forced hospitalization?
    Only real data if you have it. If not, then not. The best is a link.

  13. Thanks for the comments.
    In my opinion, the human being is influenced by a multitude of experiences, feelings, passions, education learned and every event absorbed by his awareness.
    It is true that man is made of matter with all that implies, but nevertheless the motive of the body cannot be material (deterministic) unless it is a situation that cannot be limited as matter but has the ability to manage and navigate the body with the help of the brain (a kind of supercomputer) in which incoming data is concentrated from the five senses as well as the possibility of transmitting commands to all parts of the body for its physical movement.
    I think this immaterial state is the same spirituality that governs the body.
    This spirituality leads us to the expression of the ego (it is impossible without it). Since each human being moves according to subjectivity, we see that each one is different from the other in their attitudes towards life.
    For me, scientist or rabbi are two paths chosen by two people to implement the subjective paths they followed and that's really fine.
    The problem begins when the strength of the ego, the intolerance, the difficulty of giving up a position or the difficulty of insisting on a position, these are situations in which the freedom of choice is most strongly expressed, that is, when there is a choice between good and bad, even if not out of deep and thorough consideration, or out of lack of attention, then here is freedom Choice plays the biggest role. Because as soon as you as a person have to decide something that your ego is pushing towards, the freedom of choice is always at your disposal and then you can stop and do exactly against the will of the ego (the ego is a natural state that is difficult to control in the rational sense - "Who is the hero who conquers his creation").
    Israel, I did not intend to claim that science is a lie, but I wanted to clarify that science is in the eye of the beholder, meaning that it can and does contribute to helping and improving our existential situation, but on the other hand, it can easily destroy and cause suffering to humanity.
    Example: the vehicle we use to reach our objects is a development that without science it would not have been realized and in a moment of inattention it causes us to suffer or God forbid die.
    Medicine is aided by scientists who develop "advanced" drugs and healing methods, while antibiotics, on the other hand, damage the immune system to the point of a life-threatening situation.
    Development of genetically modified varieties for food + pesticides cause us irreversible damage processes.
    Gentlemen, there are many, many events of this type.
    That's why science has to tiptoe in order not to destroy what it's trying to build, unfortunately the facts don't show that.
    In my opinion, the situation of controlling the ego should be worked on (not by drugs). If science invests its time and money (as our money) in this as well, I hope that life will be better and maybe even happier.
    Spirituality aims to soften the ego, to balance the instinct, not to cancel these, to bring harmony as nature strives for.

  14. Avig
    You undoubtedly have an impressive writing style. That's why it's worth listening to you.
    Could you elaborate on what you meant by:

    "Yes, it is very painful and frustrating that there is a simple alternative that does not say absolute things like science (bluff and lies). These open up new ways of thinking about contemporary reality and life in general."

    The best is a specific example.

  15. Thank you R.H.!

    I just want to emphasize and clarify, the purpose of the blog is not to be used as a weapon against anyone (although everyone is welcome to do as they please with it).
    Its purpose is to demonstrate in every field and interest, what sharp thinking is, how it overcomes errors of perception and various psychological traps, and how it helps to reach more correct conclusions and more conscious choices in our lives.
    Not equally relevant in every field, of course, but it's a tool that each of us should have (in my opinion).

  16. Avig,
    What you wrote is not clear to me at all.
    What is the relationship between ego and matter? Why do you think something or someone is stuck? And where exactly do you want to move forward?

    Do you want inspiration and imagination? Do you think there is anyone more inspired and imaginative than mathematicians and scientists?
    Can you present any human creation with more inspiration and imagination than the theory of relativity? Or the origin of the species? Or Principia? Or the proof of Fermat's theorem?

    Gilad, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. As an avid reader of your blog I think it is one of the best if not haha! Excellent as a weapon in the eternal debates with all the spiritualists that surround us.

  17. Your words make a lot of assumptions about the world, if I understood them correctly. For example, I am not at all sure that there is anything except matter.
    What is inspiration, imagination and creativity, it is unpleasant to tell you, but if we ever understand them in any way, it will probably be through science.
    Regarding morality, and ego, I don't see how it is directly related to science or not to science.
    Even in the "spiritual" fields, matters of ego and morality are not absent.
    The truth is that your words are very vague and unfocused, so it's a bit difficult to relate. An uprising is heard, but it is not clear what and why.
    Can you state something clearly?
    What is spiritual openness? Give an example.
    Inspiration, imagination and creativity are an integral part of scientific creation. What is your claim?
    What about ego and morality? What is your claim?

  18. If science is simply asking questions and getting answers and understanding who is right, then it is time to move forward and not be stuck in material and ego.
    The greater the spiritual openness, the higher the scientific and moral breakthrough will be.
    There is no need to see only one side of the coin because the coin is also made of matter but before it was created there was inspiration, imagination and spiritual creation that led to everything that is stamped on the coin not to mention its essence and role in our lives.

  19. Avig,

    Your problem is that you have no idea what science is.
    From the dawn of humanity, from the moment man began to think he began to ask questions about his environment. Many answers were given to these questions. Little by little, based on experience, the person learned to recognize what are correct answers and what are incorrect. When your child is sick, cover him with a blanket and give him a warm drink, and it's better to let him run naked outside.
    Over time, man developed a philosophical method for examining things and identifying what is right and what is wrong. How do you examine questions correctly versus unsubstantiated off-the-cuff answers. This method is called the scientific method.

    The success of the scientific method is beyond doubt. Thanks to her, the life expectancy increased from 40 to 80, thanks to her we correspond with each other at two ends of the world. Thanks to it you can get from anywhere to anywhere in less than a day. Thanks to it, they put a man on the moon and cure dozens of types of cancer.
    Science is not a religion and no one worships it. Science is simply a way to ask questions, get answers and understand who is right.

  20. Avig, if you liked this article, you will surely enjoy this one even more:

    I do not argue with those who claim that there are more effective ways than science (at least for most people) to reach a good feeling, a sense of satisfaction or meaning in life.
    I am talking about a relatively narrow aspect of the world - what is right and what is wrong.

  21. How much money science steals from the public, most of it is poor and this is for the (rich) scientist's egoistic and selfish goals.
    Gentlemen, wake up from the hodgepodge of nonsense that science is spreading by lying as if these are the words of the living God.
    The more you delve and investigate you will reach a dead end, you will actually find that you are confused and don't know what to do.
    When I'm at school, I hear the teacher lecturing me on the theories or historical facts, it turns out that it is actually possible to disprove what was taught or prove a different direction or approach.
    The government in which the people and the learned advisors of the country are causing its economic, social and possibly existential collapse. So what is the value of all this silly science that you worship and bow to like some statue from a distant and dark time.
    Yes, it's very painful and frustrating that there is a simple alternative that doesn't say absolute things like science (bluff and lies) that opens up new ways of thinking about contemporary reality and life in general.
    All the "mystical" teachings that are difficult for you to face laugh in your face because they know that the limit of reality is dictated by the observer (Quant) who is the same person who is looking for clarification and logic to the reality of his life.
    If you start to be more humane and less scientific sociomats happiness will be able to penetrate humanity.
    No, I have no criticism, but a long-standing understanding that the more we try to reach the final destination, the more it turns out that there are an infinite number of peaks that, in our view, must be conquered.
    So a successful way - in any case I love you mountain climbers full of scabs.
    My father c.

  22. This is an extremely trite topic, more interesting in my opinion is why the blood relatives are whatever they are. Very easily convinced believe wholeheartedly, I don't know if I'm exaggerating, but as always, even the completely illogical.
    The strength of that belief seems to be increasing as there is more strangeness, more illogicality...
    More antithetical to science than thinking for proof

    It may be some natural mechanism that exists within us to belong to be absolutely controlled like the life of the herd, the herd, etc.

  23. Adam Adom - I agree with every word. I try to contribute my part, and show the other angle.
    Every person is allowed to believe what he wants, but in my opinion it is important that every person at least hears the other angle, because if not, he has no choice.
    This is the line I am trying to convey: listen, be impressed, and do what you want afterwards.

    This article is not tangible enough (compared to a stunning visit to a talented "fortune teller") and therefore I try to convey this type of message in the workshops as well. In my opinion, every student in the State of Israel should hear about these things from this angle at least once during the 12 years he spends in school. Preferably with demos.

  24. Excellent article. If only there were more who were aware of all this mumbo jumbo. The problem is that significant parts of the public in Israel and no less in most of the world, including the most developed countries, believe in this nonsense.
    Apparently there is a deep, perhaps even genetic, need among many of humanity to believe that there are things that are "above and beyond". People need a higher power, be it religion or any other bullshit.

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  26. Sorry for the double message, it's strange but it turns out that there is a revolution in the inscription of the boxes for entering a name and a link.

    (Where "name" is written, type a link, and in the second box that does not have an inscription next to it, type a name)

  27. Advertise by any means possible!!!
    Bullshit words and it is important to reveal the truth to as large a public as possible.

    Regarding the Rambam's quote: Is it possible to get the exact appearance of the place? It is also important to show this to all believers in various "righteous" species.

  28. And there is also the matter that when you pay money for something, you convince yourself that it is good and you are satisfied with it even if you were disappointed with it.

  29. The article characterizes meetings with doctors...
    Decor...lowering expectations...extracting information from the client...professional jargon...two meanings...escape methods...if the diagnosis based on the client's information is wrong - we will try another diagnosis...

  30. Thanks to "sharp thinking" for the (too short) practical guide to working on humans. I would love to learn about other ways to influence - for example music and hypnosis.

  31. For anyone interested, these are techniques that many magicians who claim supernatural abilities use.
    Recommend anything Derren Brown has written/filmed/made.
    An English "telepathy" magician (mentalist) who fights all those who claim to have such abilities.
    His interview with Richard Dawkins on cold reading and similar techniques.

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