Comprehensive coverage

Astrology in test I - the signs of the sun

In this chapter we answer the question of whether the sun signs, i.e. the patterns of the stars before which the sun passes during certain periods, make it possible to classify humans into traits 

Zodiac mosaic - Beit Alpha Synagogue - sixth century
Zodiac mosaic - Beit Alpha Synagogue - sixth century

Astrology (from the words astro-star and logos-torah, and in Hebrew - atteganinot) is the belief that there is a connection between the state of the heavenly bodies and the actions and qualities of human beings. In particular, astrology tries to predict the future according to the position of the celestial bodies. Astrology has accompanied humanity for thousands of years.

Are the astrology claims true? Are celestial bodies really linked to people's lives? Fierce debates have raged around this question for more than 2000 years, without reaching any conclusions.

But not anymore. Advances in the fields of astronomy, psychology, statistics and research methods on the one hand, and the development of computers as a tool for performing quick and accurate calculations on the other, placed astrology under the microscope of scientific research beginning in the seventies of the last century, as was not the case for the thousands of years before that. Today, most questions have an answer. Arguments are no longer required at the level they once were. The facts speak for themselves.

Due to the breadth and depth of the subject and because the amount of research carried out in the field is enormous, I will devote several entries to this subject. I will act with complete seriousness, according to the level of research carried out in the field. In order to prepare the material, I spent dozens of hours reading studies and articles in the field. In presenting things, I tried not to adopt extreme opinions, but to try to present a balanced picture as much as possible. Links to additional material will be given as usual in the body of the text, so that everyone is invited to delve deeper and reach their own personal conclusions on the subject.

I deliberately chose not to discuss the usual arguments that skeptics present to astrology (despite being thought provoking), arguments regarding the lack of a known mechanism of action, the lack of up-to-date data on which astrologers are based (the position of the zodiac signs has moved considerably over the years), the lack of documentation regarding the way in which the ancients developed the principles of astrology (Could it be that they were simply invented? Or was a massive statistical study conducted thousands of years ago that examined correlations between character traits, resumes and the position of celestial bodies?), the contradictions between the various astrological schools (which of them is right and which is wrong? After all, it is impossible that they are all right!) and so on '.
There is simply no need, as it is enough to examine the accumulated research evidence to know whether it works, even before trying to understand how it works or whether it makes sense that it works.

The astrologers leave no room for doubt - astrology works. It reveals everything, factual, true without a shadow of a doubt, applicable to all areas of life (including past lives), soon you will enter the world of science, the key to a new worldview. Just study it seriously, and you will be convinced that it works.

When we discuss the question "does astrology work" it is important to first define what is meant by "astrology", and what is meant by "works".

There are 4 principle levels of interest and involvement in astrology (according to the estimates given here):

  1. Superficially - the person reads descriptions and predictions of the sun signs for entertainment - about 50% of the population.
  2. Certain knowledge - a person has a birth chart, engages in self-exploration - about 2% of the population.
  3. Deep involvement - the person calculates birth charts, searches for meaning in life - about 0.02% of the population.
  4. Scientific research - the person performs controlled studies, looking for answers - about 0.00002% of the population.

In addition, it is possible to distinguish between subjective and objective astrology.

In subjective astrology the things that are important are the giving of direction and meaning to life. Does it make you feel good? Improves self-understanding? Gives insights into life? Personal Empowerment? Do the astrologers feel it works? Are the customers satisfied? Does it enrich our lives as religion, poetry or fantasy do? To be acceptable, subjective astrology does not have to be correct.

In objective astrology we talk about other things. Are the astrology statements true? Do Leos have different traits than other zodiac signs? Which astrological method is the most accurate? Can astrologers match people's descriptions with their birth charts? Can clients differentiate between the astrological interpretation given to them and that given to others? Does astrology provide information that cannot be obtained by other means? Is she able to predict future events? To be acceptable, objective astrology has to be correct.

If astrology were to limit itself to the subjective dimension only, science has nothing to say about it.
I emphasize: if the reader believes that customer satisfaction is the only measure of the nature of astrology, all the things I say below are not relevant (although they can be interesting for general education). There is no argument between us, there is no need to attack. It is important to set out after making this distinction.

But when astrology makes objective and measurable claims, the kind that fill astrology books with content, science is necessary, at least for those unwilling to accept everything on faith alone. If we are talking about the accuracy of astrology as a measure of character (and this is what I want to talk about) - you are welcome to continue reading.

During our journey we will meet many researchers. These researchers came to the study of astrology from different and varied directions. Some of them were scientists who found a research interest in astrology because they were impressed that something there "worked". They devoted many years of their lives to the study of astrology. Others started as professional astrologers, and discovered professional integrity, responsibility and boldness, when they came to check in an objective and controlled manner what works more and what less.
Some researchers began their journey with a very critical approach, but over time became convinced of the existence of such and other astrological phenomena. Other researchers took the opposite route - they arrived as believing astrologers and left as great skeptics. The astrological study provoked heated debates even among the researchers themselves.

I mentioned this in order to make it clear in advance to impatient readers and those who may find the things "dropping the ground under their feet", because this is not a handful of cynical skeptics who do not understand a thing and a half about astrology, and all matters are discrediting astrologers for personal, political or religious reasons (I also came across responses such). I do not believe that such a person would spend many years of his life to seriously investigate the subject!

Let's start with the most familiar facet of astrology - the signs of the sun, and the relationship between them and the characteristics of a person and the events of his life.
Validity of the sun signs - a snapshot as of 1970
Michel Gauquelin, who was probably the greatest of astrology researchers (to the knowledge of all parties), summed up his years of research in the field of solar signs with these words: "Now it is almost certain that the constellation of the signs in the sky at the time of birth has no power to influence our destiny, our qualities, or play Some kind of role (no matter how modest) in the multitude of factors that determine the fabric of our lives and shape our impulses to action." (The Scientific Basis for Astrology, 1970)

The validity of the sun signs - a picture of the situation at the beginning of the 80s
In 1981 A group of researchers left In the challenge distributed around the world to tens of thousands of astrology students, this is the language: "Horoscopes are the most common astrological concept. They fill the pages of respected astrology books as well as popular magazines. For over 2000 years astrologers have been in total agreement about the meaning of each sign. Zodiacs seem to be seen as valid. But if they are valid, it can be shown that they are valid, and if the popularity of the zodiac signs can guide us, then correcting them should be easy. Furthermore, if horoscopes are empirically based then things automatically lead to empirical testing. In other words, it should be easy to demonstrate that horoscopes really work in the sense that they are supposed to. During searches in the professional literature, we were sure that we would find such a proof. Although we searched well in over 1000 books and many hundreds of journals, and although we wrote to hundreds of astrologers around the world, we could not find anyone who demonstrated the validity of the zodiac signs."

The researchers challenged the recipients to provide some proof of the validity of the zodiac signs. Only a few answers were received, none of which contributed convincing new information.

Other such challenges followed, and none produced any evidence to support the horoscopes. That is, as of the beginning of the eighties of the last century there was not even one study that supported any connection between the traits attributed to each sign and the actual traits of the people born with that sign. On the other hand, there were quite a few studies that disproved any such connection.

In 1980, Michel Gauquelin compared the biographies of famous people with their sun, moon and rising signs (those that "shine" at birth). He located hundreds and even thousands of people who had traits attributed to Aries, Taurus, etc. These samples are so large that even the tiniest effect should immediately float to the surface. But there was not even a slight inclination in favor of the zodiac signs. No relationship was found between the qualities that people attributed to themselves and their sun sign, moon sign and rising sign.
[Gauquelin, M. -Zodiac and Personality: An Empirical Study – Skeptical Inquirer, 6:3, 57 1982]

Regarding predictions for different zodiac signs, Fichten and Sunerton 366 students were asked to check the daily and monthly forecasts published by two different astrologers. When the zodiac signs were clearly stated above the predictions, the students found the prediction assigned to their own sign to be the most appropriate, but when the sign to which each prediction was attributed was unknown to the subjects, they found the predictions given to other zodiac signs to be just as appropriate as those assigned to their own sign. The results indicate that the prior knowledge is the critical element that causes the feeling of "fit", that is, a kind of "seeing the expected".

"But there were also some studies whose results were positivity. rose from them because indeed Exists Connection between certain character traits and sun signs. One astrological newspaper defined the findings in the words – “Probably the most important development of astrology in the twentieth century".

About that in the next article.


84 תגובות

  1. It is very easy to make horoscopes according to the signs of the sun, since the calendar date is based on an exact complete rotation of the Earth around the sun. Furthermore, this rotation also arranges fixed seasons and changing day lengths. If the amount of sunlight absorption in the first days of the newborn has an effect on his continued development, then there is room to examine the effect of the date of birth on the person without calling it "astrological", and to see what degree of correspondence, if any, exists between the findings and the predictions of traditional astrology.

  2. withering
    I will try again:
    Let's say you suspect that there is a connection between the date of birth and the type of seasonal diet and the nature and features of the fetus born in this season. Bottom line: it has nothing and nothing to do with astrology, even though astrology also talks about a connection between traits and 'luck' - the date the person was born on.

    Astrology speaks in religious 'spiritual' terms, and 'builds' a whole world related to the connection between the stars and human qualities, and with emphasis: in direct connection to this 'spiritual' thinking. And not from a scientific perspective. And that's the whole point.

    I don't think it is excessive to deny the influence of the movement of the stars on the behavior of humans, or at least to deny the need to suspect such an influence.

  3. Eric,
    I disagree with you, it's true that many times people believe nonsense that has no foundation, but sometimes intuition actually makes the right links and even though the correct core is wrapped in all kinds of New Age mumbo-jumbo it's still worth checking. The disqualification that you dismiss just because the field doesn't seem scientific to you in the first place is perhaps a safe bet, but it is not justified in my opinion. It made sense to carry out scientific studies on the subject of astrology, if only to examine if there is something real hidden among all the nonsense that we still do not know. It turned out that there is no such thing, but even in retrospect this does not mean that those studies were unnecessary. Since science investigates what we don't know yet (after all, why investigate?) it doesn't make sense to limit the investigation in principle to areas that from the beginning we feel confident that they are occurring in accordance with what we already know because then of course you reduce the chance that you will discover something fundamentally new. Of course, in an imperfect world like ours, many times other considerations intervene (money, budget, etc.), which are completely legitimate, and which affect the main directions of the investigation, but this is a technical matter and not a matter of principle. Of course, besides the legitimate question of whether crystals work (and it turns out they don't) there are also "psychological" questions about the need for people to believe in something that is a complete error and about the way in which such beliefs are established in the first place. As mentioned, in my opinion, each of these directions is worthy of research.

  4. "If all you are saying is that there is no point in carrying out a scientific investigation using terminology that is undefined, vague, contradicts existing knowledge or such that it cannot even be tested, then I agree with you.."
    What I am saying is that in the first place there is no principled reason to think that because astrology claimed certain connections, there is a point in investigating them.. Astrology is a whole 'Torah' that has nothing and a half to do with science.
    You can explore these connections arbitrarily only because many people believe in them. It is said because you suspect an inverse connection (that is, maybe people noticed connections and then gave explanations) or because you want to investigate human psychology (are people capable of believing complete nonsense, and what causes this) or because you want to test and isolate the placebo effect for example,

  5. Although one does not have to give an explanation in order to prove the truth of claims about a connection, one does have to give an explanation of how they arrived at this particular knowledge and not other versions. After all, during the times when astrology "developed" (lol) there was no knowledge to conduct experiments, neutralize biases and isolate the correct connections. If the connections are not self-evident (if they were self-evident there would not be so many skeptics here) then there is a great deal about the source of the knowledge. This delay casts a large enough doubt of its own. The explanation is quite obvious: the origin is religious and stems from worshiping the stars (not that there is any less good reason to worship them than anything else people chose to worship). In the Jewish sources this is called "working stars and zodiac signs".
    Example: Mars due to its red color reminiscent of blood was identified with the god of war Mars flying in the sky, and therefore also in astrology it symbolizes blood violence and war. Just this ridiculous connection between the color of a planet and the "astrological" influence is enough for ten jokes in a stand-up show.

  6. Eric,
    I think you are wrong
    Using non-scientific jargon to describe a "phenomenon" does not mean that the phenomenon is not real and that it is not interesting or worth investigating. If acupuncture with needles at certain points defined and known in advance does cause specific effects then I don't care what it is called in alternative medicine, I would like to understand it using the scientific tools. If the position of the celestial bodies on the day of birth was an indicator of a person's personality or traits, I would like to understand how this happens regardless of the terminology used by astrologers. If all you're saying is that there's no point in conducting a scientific investigation using terminology that's undefined, vague, contradicts existing knowledge, or that can't even be tested, then I agree with you but I don't think that's what you meant.

  7. To my father: "You have a tendency to insult people who have a worldview that is contrary to yours, so it's fine for you" - the dissident in Momo Dismisses. First, I have a tendency to insult people regardless of their worldview, secondly, where do you get the audacity to deny the scientific accuracy of the theory of the flying spaghetti monster? It is clear that you have not delved enough into the subject, show me one serious article that refutes what you claimed and I will already find some reason why it should not be taken seriously.

  8. withering
    Maybe I haven't understood enough yet..
    You can investigate whether acupuncture works, this is still no reason to assume that it is related to the 'balance of the flow of qi in the body' - because there is no reason to assume that there is such a flow.
    It could be, however, that even if it works, it is related to reasons that we (and not the Chinese) have not yet discovered. Or for reasons we did find out..

    If astrology in the first place speaks in non-scientific terms, then it is not scientific.. and that means that even if we discover interesting things, it is not because astrology is correct at the so-called 'theory' level but for other reasons.

  9. ארי

    The question of what is interesting from a scientific point of view is a question to be careful about... There are studies that were of no interest to almost anyone and yet, thanks to them, serious breakthroughs occurred. There are many studies being carried out at this moment and of interest to almost no one today, are they unnecessary? There are topics that no one investigates today because no one thinks they are interesting, are they unnecessary? It is true that in an imperfect world like ours, which is subject to many limitations of time, manpower, budgets, politics, etc., then not everything that deserves to be investigated is indeed investigated, and not everything that is investigated is investigated to the extent that it deserves to be investigated. So there is a prioritization of areas and there are fleeting fashions. I believe that if there are so many people in the world who believe in something of mine and you on the face of it seem like an evil thing, there is a great interest in researching it scientifically and getting a clear answer on the subject. This is part of the scientists' responsibility towards the entire population, to burn ignorance and irrational thinking. Such qualities may be good in a dictatorship, but especially in a democracy, it is desirable that the citizens, who have more ability to influence the course of affairs, are not ignorant and are not irrational in their thinking. There is no doubt that today's Israel is failing miserably in both respects and the citizens, including you and me, are paying the price.

  10. My father c

    It turns out that you don't have reading comprehension either and you're not even ashamed to show it over and over again.
    "Oxford University Faculty of Astrology website." – This is really one of your strong ones 🙂
    You have an opportunity here to learn something about science and you choose to stay stuck with your religion. Your only luck is that you don't understand how unfortunate your statements are and how good you are at presenting the tragedies of those who were captured or degraded by religion. Unfortunately, the loss is not all yours because others also suffer from your disability, which is really a shame. If you were just ignorant I would be happy because there is a cure for it, unfortunately stupid things are much harder to get rid of.

    "Validity is sought by those who oppose something." – Pure genius!

  11. "As of course we do not employ astrologers" - Haaretz newspaper's response to an astrologer who offered to write an astrology section in the newspaper

    "How did you not see them coming??!" —– The police call Khadija in a cafe from Jaffa that was robbed at her home.

  12. Expansion regarding the claim of Avi G.
    Avi G said: "Albert Einstein long ago rejected the theory of Copernicus when he published the theory of relativity which says that the movement of the stars can also be related around the earth including the sun and this would not be a mistake"

    This is not true.
    Einstein did not reject Copernicus' theory.
    The theory of relativity, as mentioned, works equally well under both assumptions and therefore it does not reject either of them.

    The question is whether we want to describe things in a simple or complicated way and here it is easy to see which view of things is better.
    All one has to do is look at how much our understanding of the world advanced before Copernicus compared to how much it advanced after him.

    Since our only measure of accelerated motion is the centrifugal force, it is logical and convenient to see the one who felt it as the one spinning.
    Otherwise, everything becomes much more complicated.
    For example - if the universe is the one that moves around us - then all the distant stars move at a speed that exceeds the speed of light.
    So it's true - the theory of relativity will work out with this because according to it - if the entire universe rotates in relation to us, we will be the ones who will feel the acceleration and our calculations will work out if they take this fact into account, but there is a limit to all madness.

  13. I guess Randy is not well. He is too cynical, his energies are too negative.
    So there are many more grays:

    Pay attention - the Chinese offer one and a half million dollars!
    And as far as I understand if you win at one, you automatically get the other's prize too!
    (US$1,524,157 approx) Can be won in conjunction with the James Randi Educational Foundation prize.[6]

    And no, it's not for greed. You can donate it to the needy, or to promote the study of astrology.

  14. Maybe you're right, I'm checking with the school, if I'm wrong then I'm sorry, it's not a shame.
    Summer school 2012

    17th – 24th August

    Exeter College, Oxford

  15. Avi:
    I've seen for a long time that you have nothing to spoil with words, but are you really unable to say one thing correctly?
    Validity is sought by anyone who wants to know if a particular claim is valid.

    Among other things - it is sought by every person who wants to assert a certain claim in the ears of others without being - literally - a liar.

    By your own admission, you do not check the validity of the claims you make to others and therefore - by definition - you are a liar.

    And regarding your words regarding Copernicus:

    The Mach principle that the people you quote rely on without understanding is probably correct, but the use you (and they) make of it is inaccurate..
    According to this principle, persistence is something that is not defined in relation to the space that has an independent existence but in relation to the space defined by the set of masses.
    Therefore - the centrifugal force also results - according to this hypothesis - from a rotation in relation to the totality of the masses and not from a rotation in relation to the objective space.

    Therefore - according to this definition - there is no meaning at all to the question "Who is walking around?" As a factual question, but only to the question "Who is moving in relation to whom?"

    And so - again - according to this definition - the claim "the Earth" rotates is basically meaningless, as well as the claim that "the entire universe - except the Earth - rotates".
    The only significant claims within this assumption are the following two completely valid claims:
    1. "The Earth rotates relative to the entire universe"
    2. "The entire universe rotates in relation to the Earth"

    In this world - rotation that is not "in relation to something" simply does not exist.

    Indeed - the world can be described as a world in which the entire universe (and not just the sun) rotates in relation to the earth, to the same extent as the earth rotates in relation to the universe.
    The theory of relativity will work in both cases, but the two answers you offer to the question "who rotates?" They will be meaningless because, as mentioned, "objective" rotation does not exist.

  16. My father c.

    First of all, as a skeptic I don't need to prove anything.
    You are the one who has to prove that one or another claim has a hold on reality.

    I think that the series of articles I wrote on the subject, backed by dozens of studies, sheds light on the subject of astrology, and every reasonable person will decide for himself what to believe, in light of the evidence I have collected and am presenting.

    Could you please describe what are the appropriate tools in your opinion to check the validity of astrology? Even though you are not interested in validity testing?

    What exactly is "ancient information whose origins are unknown"? I would not want to live based on such information. I'm sorry.

    (By the way - the second article in the series was published today).

  17. monument
    Validity is sought by those who oppose something.
    Since I am not against the relevant and positive reality (at least for me) of astrology, a tool I use
    At least 35 years, so there is no need to look for validity and it can be assumed that whoever teaches astrology is based on ancient information whose origins are unknown.
    You are a skeptic at best on the subject, you must prove that astrology is complete nonsense but with the right tools and not parts of tools otherwise you will be like a dog chasing its tail.

  18. My father c.
    Come and save us time. You are welcome to review the publications of this faculty, and collect for us studies they did that tested the validity of astrology and found that it exists.

    When you find something interesting, report it.

    I again recommend that you spend a few good days, or weeks, and read what is written here:

  19. My father c. There is no need.
    Found. This was said by "Prof. Yeremiahu Barnover, Professor of Magneto-Hydrodynamics at Ben Gurion University in Be'er Sheva" and it was published, for example, here - "Ba Hadari Haredim - the largest Haredi website in the world":
    And here - Religion and Faith Forum:

    which indicates that the words were originally published here: "Sparks" in Jewish Thought Edited by Moshe Grilak, issue number 6 January 1986]

    Things are starting to clear up...

  20. The last camellia
    It is true that I am not a scientist and do not pretend to understand the ins and outs of science.
    Luckily I know how to read and try to find the truth and I only have a part of it. You didn't scientifically convince me about who hangs around whom.
    Einstein's theory came to say that there is no scientific possibility to prove who hangs around whom and everyone can choose for himself what suits him.
    "Today after Einstein and the theory of relativity, this debate between the Church and Copernicus seems a somewhat strange argument, today after Einstein expressed in his equations and solutions the problems of the relationships of the universe's bodies, it is unequivocally clear to us that from a pure scientific point of view it is possible to receive each of these pieces of information with the same degree of relevance, A person can hold the opinion of Ptolemy and he will not be ridiculed scientifically, even though the crowd despises him, and I know scientists who know that this is the way things are, but they will never voice this conclusion for fear that they will be classified as creatures belonging to the Middle Ages, but it does not matter, from a scientific point of view of this theory exactly as the value of Copernicus' theory, which is the opposite of it,"

  21. Chen, hello to you!
    1. Forget about astrology in the media (Tishkorot - there is a lot of lies and untruths in this media).
    2. Astrology relates to an individual, to an event at a given time and in a given place.
    3. There is serious material in the literature written in all languages ​​(there is also a faculty of astrology at the University of Oxford)

    The Faculty was founded in London in 1948, and has an international reputation for excellence in astrological education. Our flexible Diploma, which can be obtained via Distance Learning, London Classes, Summer School credits or a combination of all three, is recognized as one of astrology's most prestigious awards.

    Our courses are open to all, whether you wish to take a Foundation Course, gain a professional Diploma, or simply attend a module or part-module to brush up your skills in a particular area of ​​astrology.

    Faculty Diploma holders include Liz Greene, Melanie Reinhart, Howard Sasportas, Julia Parker and Charles Harvey, who all went on to become world leaders in astrology.
    Grace is not the astrology that works but the event that works or the realization of the person's life.
    Astrology is a tool for a person to identify the person's condition and to understand it in the mental, emotional and physical fields.
    He doesn't do any work and doesn't determine what will happen. Everything is predictable, but the authority is given. I want to say that even if something is expected to happen, there is a possibility that it will change. more than expected.)
    The many questions you asked in Sipa are real and serious and there are serious answers about it, but it takes a lot of writing time to explain them - it's good to open a serious book about it.
    My father c.

  22. My father c.

    What Camilla tried to say in her graceful way is that it is not true that: "Albert Einstein long ago rejected the theory of Copernicus when he published the theory of relativity which says that the movement of the stars can also be related around the earth including the sun and it would not be a mistake
    In terms of the relative motion between two bodies. "

    There is a rotary rest system. The earth and the other planets revolve around the sun and not the other way around. To see this, go to an amusement park, go on a vertigo and look at the people around. Even though you can say that you are actually the one who is resting and they are the ones who are spinning, your head will spin and theirs won't.

    There may be something in astrology, we will wait to see what will happen in the next articles. otherwise what I wrote in:

    Applicable here as well.

  23. withering
    I tried to say in general, that there should be a good reason to assume in advance that there is a connection between the movement of the celestial bodies and human behaviors..
    If all you want to investigate is whether there is an empirical connection between date and time of birth and character traits, this is a small and simple question that can be answered empirically, if your motivation to investigate this question stems from the 'theory' that celestial bodies influence human traits - that's already different. Because the question of why it is scientifically interesting should be taken seriously? Why would such a 'cosmic connection' appear?
    If I read in an astrology book that the 'tooth fairies' are responsible for these connections, is that a reason to test these connections empirically? (However, the motivation is broader, as Gilad explained, that very interesting phenomena can be discovered along the way..)

  24. my father
    I have no interest in being against astrology, it's not that if it really happened my whole world would collapse (as in the case of religion), but I developed an opinion about astrology from life experience.
    First of all from reading astrology in newspapers and on the internet and sometimes also personal astrology (personal means some interactive service on HOT that used to be free).
    I won't lie, there were times when it hit me hard, and also in the characterization of my traits for Pisces.
    An interesting incident, I have four numbers that I like 3,6,9,12, of which 3 is my favorite number (you can also notice that all the numbers are multiples of 3), and I actually saw somewhere that the favorite number of fish is 3-6-9 like this which is something nice, although I can interpret it as a psychological aspect of the subconscious (the month of March from the number 3 and so on).
    Also, there were quite a few times that the forecast was simply wrong.
    Beyond that, every prediction is subject to different interpretations, and worse that today I heard from someone who said that astrology according to the sun is just nonsense and she doesn't believe it, but astrology according to the stars is something else and it exists and is true!
    So even the small experience during my life with astrology did not make me think that there is really something here.

    When you come and say to me: "Honey, I have a hypothesis (sorry, I don't think that astrology is at the level of theory) I think that there is a connection between the movement of the Chobes and their position on man and life in general"
    True it sounds illogical, but even if you had told me 1000 years ago that the earth was round I would have laughed at you and thought you were crazy.
    So I'm not ruling anything out, but I'll ask you to convince me, I'm all ears, but what can I do that until now I haven't come across anyone, or a certain article that really makes me think there's something here.
    To say that there are people who deny the scientific experiments is not an excuse, in a world where there are people who deny the Holocaust.

    So first of all I would really like to see that it really works (which I haven't really seen happen).
    Then try and answer a series of questions:
    What affects?
    Just stars? What about planets? Moons?
    At what distance does it affect? How many light years away?
    Galaxies also influence?
    Is there a difference between the masses of the stars, the speed of rotation around their axis?
    How do they affect? in the form of energy? What is energy? How does energy communicate with humans and other animals? How do we perceive it?
    If we were located elsewhere, in another galaxy what would that say about our features? And about our forecast?
    Why exactly do these stars affect us?

    etc etc etc...

    And believe me that if it really worked, the world of science would not rest until it found (at least tried to) answers to these questions.

  25. My father c

    Well what will happen? Again you ramble on about things you don't understand and mislead innocent readers?
    Do you even know what an inertial system is and how it and special relativity are related to the nonsense you wrote in your response? You are the one who should be ashamed for showing your ignorance on this site time and time again, but you don't seem to have the ability to figure it out yourself. Is it true that you believe in a "method" whose uselessness has been well illustrated in controlled experiments (some of which are really elegant), is it true that you babble on the subject with flip-flop level arguments, but you still try to teach the people here wrong facts about science? insolent!

    If I understand correctly, then the reasons you are asking for are closely related to the mechanism behind the method, but the question being asked is more basic than that, and for that reason we are not interested in what the mechanism is, from the point of view of the sanity of the teeth they regulate the effects and the signs of the zodiac, the question that should be asked within the framework of science and that science can answer Easily using the scientific method is whether astrology even works, and that's regardless of the mechanism. If you inhale cyanide you will die even without understanding the mechanism of action of the poison, it will be easy to show this experimentally. Maybe I didn't understand your intention but the question of whether the date and time of your birth affects your traits is a well-defined and completely legitimate research question. Please explain to me again if I didn't get your point across.

  26. Abi C,
    At this point I can really suggest that you be patient and read all the articles in the series.
    If you don't have patience, and you have a lot of free time, you can read the dozens or hundreds of articles found here:
    And then tell me who is serious and who is not.

    Now you got a little carried away, and managed to start annoying even me.

    Some respect for serious and high level people who dedicated their lives and carried out these studies.

  27. Gilad, I'm glad you're looking for the scientific proof of astrology.
    Not that I want to loosen your hands, but after thousands of years of practicing astrology, and at the same time, in recent years, scientists or researchers have been trying to negate astrology and turn it into a joke, and they can't because they don't even have a clue where to start, so all that's left is to write what you want to be seen as research or fake Proof that astrology is not real and not relevant.
    Be honest with yourself and go meet with an astrologer for a clarification conversation. What do you say about the Faculty of Astrology at Oxford?

  28. Eric - you are right in many ways.
    Right now I am in a period where I am really interested not only in what is true or false, but how it is that we all believe in so many things that are not true. You and me too.
    In order to understand this, you have to look at examples of things that seem correct, at least to a large number of people, and try to understand what is there that makes it seem "working", when it is not.
    These insights alone are extremely interesting.
    My point of departure is not that people are stupid. Something deeply embedded in our minds makes us believe certain things almost inevitably. It is a fact that even very intelligent people fall into many belief traps, and by the way, scientists are one of the easiest populations to work with (magicians will tell you that). That is, intelligence is not necessarily the relevant factor here.

    But I agree with you that at a certain point, when you hear a claim for the millionth time and it is immediately clear (in 99%) what is behind it, it starts to get tiring...
    So as long as my strength is in my loins, I try to pass on what I have learned along the way so far.
    Along the way, they discover interesting phenomena (such as the placebo effect - which I think many more will be produced from in the future).

  29. Spring
    It's a shame you don't know that Albert Einstein long ago rejected Copernicus' theory when he published the theory of relativity which says that the movement of the stars can also be related around the earth including the sun and it wouldn't be a mistake
    In terms of the relative motion between two bodies.
    It's time to take off the mask from the pretensions of the absolute justice that you have in your shoes.

  30. monument
    I have a serious question for you:
    Where is the border..?
    Suppose Russell's teapot: Whose burden of proof is it? Who claims it doesn't exist? About who claims to exist?
    Even once this jar is disprovable, should we start from the assumption that it exists in the first place? Not every claim that can be scientifically refuted is indeed scientific.. and for our purposes: what are the -reasons- that astrology assumes for the connection between the elements of the sky and human behaviors?? The mere fact that astrology can be disproved does not make the question scientific!

  31. I would like to take this opportunity to refine my approach.

    Although sometimes it is difficult, I try not to pre-assume whether a certain topic is true or not, until I examine it more deeply. Sometimes I'm tempted to dismiss a claim based on the fact that it sounds idiotic, weird, plainly illogical or contradicts everything I know to date.
    But the lessons of history show that from time to time man is surprised and amazed by new discoveries about the world. Sometimes it turns out that things are not as they seem. This is true both ways. Things that seem logical and "work" can turn out to be a mistake or a misinterpretation, and on the other hand, things that seem really illusory sometimes turn out to be true (we recall for a moment the theory of relativity and quantum theory).
    Conclusion: You can't judge anything based only on "whether it sounds right or makes sense".

    What should be done, in my opinion, is to first check whether the stated phenomenon actually exists. And if so, in what sense (objectively or only as an interpretation in the mind of the observer).
    If, and only when we are convinced that we have discovered a new phenomenon that exists in external reality (and not only in the mind) - then comes the stage where it makes sense to look for explanations, read about explanations offered by others, study the subject in depth, etc.
    If no reasonable evidence is found for the existence of the phenomenon, it is possible, and should be!, to throw it into the "failures and mistakes" box that is so full, and move on.

    As a direct result of this approach, I did not devote more than one paragraph, at the beginning of the first article, to the "illogicality" of astrology. Because if we find that it works, what does it matter if it makes sense or not?

    We will see where we end up at the end of the series of articles, and according to this it will be possible to discuss whether there is any point in looking for explanations, or whether the phenomenon (correlation between the state of celestial bodies or their symbols and the ways of human life) does not exist at all, and there is no point in investing effort in explanations of something that does not exist.

    If we discover that the phenomenon exists only in the mind of the observer, then we have discovered something interesting in itself, and I dwell a lot on these points. For me, this is the main message - to learn how many things exist only in our minds, while we innocently project them onto the outside world, as if they exist there too.
    At its core, "sharp thinking" deals with cognitive psychology, much more than science.
    Because everything starts and ends in our mind.

  32. If you don't understand that the foundation of astrology is shaky, then there is nothing to even talk about with you, because at its foundation is the fact that the earth is in the center and all the other heavenly bodies surround it and are related to it somehow, and after all 400 years ago Copernicus already discovered that this was not true, and the explanation that astrology had faded away, Therefore there is no point in reading explanations about such a connection, if it does not exist and what is the point of justice being a planet many times larger than the earth for a person born at a certain time?
    If there was such a connection then in the articles about Jupiter you should have read not only about red spots and interesting moons but also about it being a cause for the person born when it shines in the sky to be a hero.
    If you don't understand the difference between imagination that has nothing to do with reality and science, it's a shame you're bothering to read the site, your comments don't make you sound very intelligent.

  33. Spring.
    I thought you blocked me for the insult and it turns out that you are the head of the gang in a blatant and abusive, intolerant, condescending style
    You will not find a scientist or a researcher in science who will react to what he does not know as irrationally as you do
    As soon as you say that there is no sense in the connection between the elements of the sky and people you have to prove it. No court will rely on answers like yours.
    I did not for a moment discredit the article that Gilad wrote, I debate with him on the subject.
    Where did you find the roots and the tree for an issue that lives and breathes and is gaining quite a bit of momentum (perhaps thanks to the deniers) in the last decades.
    Read what I wrote above thoroughly and try to argue with them in an informed and not frustrated manner.

  34. Father, please stick to the nickname Father C, lest they think, God forbid, that I am writing this nonsense.

    And secondly, our time in life is limited. If something is fundamentally wrong, there's no point in wasting time on it, and what Gilad did deserves a TLS. If the roots are rotten, there is no reason for the tree that will grow from them to be tall and handsome. The basis of astrology is full of difficulties, so there is no reason to delve into it, since it makes no sense to have a connection between heavenly bodies and people, therefore if someone bases himself on such a connection there is no point in continuing to check his conclusions.

  35. Israel,

    The answer is clear:

    This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

    And who on the vapor side when Jupiter and Venus alone went out to hang out hand in hand?

  36. R.H
    I suggest an improvement to your challenge.
    Take 12 people who have not seen an astrological map before, and 12 astrologers will prepare a personal astrological map for each of the 12 people. Shuffle all the maps and let people pick their private maps from all 144 maps in the deck (they should know, right?), so we should get a 1/1 matchup.

    Repeat the experiment 12 times, for the statistics.

    If there is an average match of even 1/11, the matter is serious.
    But if the adjustment is only 1/12... It is necessary to return to the previous profession of selling corn.

    By the way, there is a question that has been bothering me for a long time, and maybe someone can help me:

    When the moon is in the Seventh House
    And Jupiter aligns with Mars
    Will peace will guide the planets
    And love will steer the stars

  37. ארי
    Your question about the relationship between the heavenly bodies and the date of birth and behavior is indeed a valid question.
    There's really no need to insert additional sayings in order to strengthen your negative position on the subject.
    First you have to decide that you want to understand what astrology is and if you come to the surprising conclusion that you do want to, then the first step is to open a book that teaches about astrology and start reading the introduction and then the other chapters.
    After you finish reading, ask questions and I will be happy to answer.
    I assume that all the articles on the website about research and discoveries are based on preliminary study material. Would you be able to admit that some of the information you read here on the website you do not have an understanding of the truth or not regarding this or that research and yet you do not have a single word of sarcasm or cynicism about it.

  38. Avi,

    you dodge After all, it would be unthinkable that we would deal with something that doesn't really exist, right?
    So if my test for justifying astrology is unacceptable to you, do you have another test that will convince undecided people that astrology is a reliable tool?
    Also, what does astrology have to do with the existence of God? Suppose you prove that astrology works 100% and that there is some kind of force that passes from the position of the stars directly to the person born and affects his character and destiny. Will it not become a purely scientific matter? What does the Creator have to do with this?

  39. my father
    I have a question for you: beyond Gilad's interesting review that you will continue here, science deals with cause and effect, right? After all, in principle it is also possible to find a positive relationship between the number of shoes and intelligence, the smart thing is to understand for example that the linking variable is age. Celestial bodies, birthday date and behavior? (Except for mumbo jumbo in the sleazy New Age style, of course, which is not based on any measurable forces).. In short: cause and effect my dear..

  40. Father, it is clear that you are unable to understand why you are being laughed at. The explanation is 81.7 percent accurate.

  41. R.H
    Gilad brought up a very reliable study here (in his eyes and in the eyes of everyone who denies astrology) shooting an arrow and making a circle around it - perfect.
    Since there are those who deny it is perfectly fine in the sense of freedom of choice. Those who are exposed to astrology because it really interests them are not looking for the proof of science because as soon as science proves that astrology is real then on that day it will prove that G-d exists and He is the one who created the world.
    What is interesting is that there is a lot of discussion on this topic that is really not related to science and reliability, while on the very important topics, see the tabs above, there is almost no discussion on the forum either where everything is understood or they do not understand what it is about.
    When there is a topic that upsets someone or makes them itch then they relate, apparently astrology does that and for that it has already earned its day.
    Thank you very much for your help, and to you, Gilad Kabal Hach

  42. Avi,

    it's simple. If I am convinced that there is real truth in this, believe me that I will sit down and study the subject like a good child. But if there's nothing in it then what's the point?
    How will I and others know if there is anything in it? We will simply examine the issue. You can read studies that have already been carried out, the ones that Gilad presents. However, you claim that you do not believe in these studies, so I am willing to do the research ourselves.
    Prove to me and the world that astrology works and then:
    1) You will get a dollar sort from Randy
    2) You will gain world fame
    3) Be in the Hall of Fame of Great Scientists

    If you don't succeed, the whole story will be forgotten like thousands of similar episodes where they tried to prove astrology and failed, so you have nothing to lose.

    Isn't the chance worth it to you?

  43. monument
    Subjectivity and objectivity are two sides of the same coin. In other words, life is both black and white and there is even gray, so to define absolutely what is subjective and what is objective is just unnecessary philosophizing.
    The connection between astrology and man is revealed by the astrologer who puts forward his interpretation of the event.
    Like the connection a person has to the view he sees from his window and his interpretation of the view is the connection of the view to the person watching.
    The heavenly bodies are symbols (metaphors) for types of personality structure of the person or of this or that event and not something material that influences or is magnetic.
    What simple truth do you mean people don't understand that you are so sorry for?

  44. R.H
    You really don't need to be convinced.
    I will be happy if you really want to learn about astrology.

  45. Chen and Avi b.
    You have a tendency to insult people who have a world view that is contrary to yours, so you are welcome.
    Astrology refers to the entire reality, therefore every event, object, person or society can be explained on the basis of astrology in a mental, emotional, physical sense.

  46. Gilad and my father,

    I suggest that Gilad give my father 20 dates and places of birth with one of them being his real one. He will also give a real CV and we will see if my father C will be able to find out what his real date of birth is.

    If my father succeeds, I will personally be convinced that there is real astrology.

  47. Spring.
    You can block me, I really don't have a problem, isn't it anyway that I get in the way with my opinions or information that are often contrary to the articles that are written or copied here.
    When I am treated with disrespect, prickliness, etc., I answer accordingly.
    I wonder why you don't block me for example "Father, thanks to the precise and complex scientific tools of the Spaghetti Monster, I am ready to analyze your sexuality on these pages literally, with a probability of 82.4331%"
    Or N.C. "since most of humanity is closer to stupidity than to wisdom"
    Or Itzik "Father, even without your date of birth I can write here in front of everyone about your intelligence level with 81.7 percent accuracy." Or point "Father, don't forget that you can donate your monthly salary to Africa and save some people"
    If I wrote an insulting sentence for no reason, block and explain.

  48. Does astrology work on animals?
    My dog ​​is a Capricorn, I wonder what's in store for him today..

  49. Hello Gilad.
    First of all, I want to compliment you on your non-confrontational style.
    A refreshing change in science and I think this is the way to at least get the other side to listen.

    And now to our case:
    The word 'research' is not enough to give a winning decision.
    Maybe in an ideal world, but unfortunately not in ours
    See this in the Gauquelin research dangle

    Who will you believe?
    Did you know how to decide impartially?

  50. The believer has not yet been born who will let the facts confuse his mind, he believes what he believes because he believes. There is no proof that can contradict the belief in astrology or any other belief for that matter. Therefore until proven otherwise I believe in the flying spaghetti monster Yarom Hoda. And anyone who doubts, well, it's clear that it's because he didn't delve enough into the complex science that is the spaghetti monster, by the way, my father, thanks to the precise and complex scientific tools of the spaghetti monster, I'm ready to analyze your womanhood on these pages for real, with a probability of 82.4331% +/- 0.24%, Without any payment, the obligation to avoid a defamation lawsuit is enough for me 🙂

  51. my daughter,
    Reality is not that subjective. For example - Schechtman received the recognition of the objective real findings he found, despite the opinions of other scientists.
    Your analogy of women giving birth, and trees growing, lacks any validity.
    By the way - these are objective facts, right? Or will you argue that this is something subjective?
    If everything is subjective then I will argue that it is not true at all that trees grow and women give birth.
    I guess here you will have trouble agreeing with me. I mean, you also believe that there is some objective reality. If you don't assume this, you won't be able to live even one day in peace.

    The question of whether there is a connection between astrology and human life is a simple question, and with controlled studies it can be answered, and it was answered. This would be an objective truth almost as much as women giving birth.
    The fact that something is in an area and people believe in it for thousands of years does not make it true. I'm sure if you think a little, you can find some examples of things that millions of people believe, but you think they are not true (gods of other nations for example?).

    If, in spite of all this, astrology continues to be popular for another few thousand years (which would not surprise me at all), I can only regret that people steadfastly refuse to recognize some simple truths. Even when they unfold before their eyes.
    But read the following articles. There is much more to read on the subject.

  52. Assaf - in the case of objective astrology, i.e. that which claims that it is more than personal interpretations >only<, but that there is also some connection between the state of the heavenly bodies at the moment of birth and human life - these are claims that can be confirmed or refuted, and thus, a priori, I do not think that it can be defined pseudo-science.
    First of all you have to check.
    If again and again no connection is discovered, yet the believers in the field continue to hold to it and make the same claims, this already puts it in the field of pseudo-science (according to the definitions I hold - and see a previous article in "Yaden" regarding his somewhat elusive definitions of pseudo-science ).

    My father - indeed, it has nothing to do with faith.
    Either there is a connection between the state of the heavenly bodies and the nature and lifestyles of man, or there is no connection.
    We will wait patiently for the follow-up articles...

  53. If the purpose of writing the articles here is a rating - then to your health, if you are trying to convince someone, after so many words have already been spilled on this topic - it is a waste of time. Because every person, including the writer of this article, sees reality subjectively. The studies mentioned here are also in line with the opinion of the writer, and the opinion of the majority of scientists. Well, Prof. Schechter waited 30 years because of narrow-minded scientists, so astrology can wait too. She is certainly not going anywhere after hundreds, maybe thousands of years of being here. Just as women will continue to give birth to children, regardless of science, even if it details the processes one by one, and just as trees will continue to grow because it is their nature to grow, regardless of the scientists' proof of the nature of growth.

  54. Asaf, there is a lot in what you wrote, but it has nothing to do with faith.
    Astrology is information that characterizes celestial bodies (planets in our solar system as a basis) with the mental, emotional and physical structure of the person. This information together with the intuition (sixth sense) of the astrologer can explain the mental, emotional and physical state of a certain person at a given time. There are differences of interpretation between astrologers just as there are differences of interpretation between medical psychologists and even between nuclear scientists and the events that the equipment detects.

  55. Astrology is a pseudo-scientific belief and therefore, like religion, there is no point in trying to prove it by scientific means.

  56. Itzik, you are really cute, especially your name from the root Metzik. A caveat to wisdom is silence my friend

  57. Astrology is a very accurate science!!!! Just like a reading in the coffee and like a "reading" in the feet and like the predictions of "callers" of various kinds, and like the predictions of the "X-ray" and the Baba Elazar Abu Hachira, who knew how to predict everything - only he did not predict his murder. And like faith in God.

    Since most of humanity is closer to stupidity than to wisdom, there will always be a few percent who will believe in one or more of the above beliefs.

    As for those who engage in all these beliefs themselves, these are wise people and... great charlatans who get very, very rich from the ignorance of gullible people.

  58. monument
    First of all, I promise to read the articles (if something doesn't happen to me that astrology didn't predict).
    You avoided analyzing your character according to the astrological method really well (your arguments are really not relevant to the way I perform your personality analysis).
    I would welcome any in-depth research that aims to prove the validity of astrology (provided there is someone who can define what it claims as an objective state).
    Gilad as a member of a scientist (aspiration for objective and rational truth) I recommend you meet with an astrologer for a further understanding conversation about what astrology is in the eyes of the astrologer and not just in the eyes of this or that article whose motives are unclear.

  59. Father, even without your date of birth I can write here in front of everyone about your intelligence level with 81.7 percent accuracy.

  60. Father, the "test" you propose is bad for several reasons:
    1) You know a lot of things about me, just from reading one article I posted here. It would take me whole pages to describe what you can learn about me from this.
    2) A short Google search will reveal all my professional resumes...
    3) Your proposal is fundamentally flawed, for many other reasons that I will refer to in the follow-up articles.

    At the same time, if after getting an impression of the types of research done in the field, you would be willing to do research together, on the terms of which we will both agree, I would be interested in doing so with pleasure. And if you wish, I even undertake to publish its results, whatever they may be. we made a deal?
    But first read the entire series of articles. This is the condition.

  61. Avi,
    1) I really urge you to be patient and read all the articles in the series.
    2) Regarding objective elements and statistics, as will be expanded much further on, there is a difference between "general tendencies" as we would expect there to be if there is some element of truth in the things, and no connection at all, as we would certainly not expect if there is an element of truth in the things. But for all that - later.
    3) Gauquelin is considered both by the astrologers and by their opponents as the most serious researcher who arose in the field. I appreciated him much more than you, it seems... two articles will be dedicated to him and the March effect.
    4) No article can balance what I write, because I present research results. If she brings the results of studies that show otherwise - please! As for advertising - this is already a matter for Avi Blizovsky.

  62. Gilad, give me your date of birth, the exact time of your birth (minutes if possible) and your place of birth
    I will write here before everyone else about your personality structure with 80% accuracy
    Going for this one?

  63. Thank you Gilad - I really have no problem with the articles you prepare, they are really good.
    1. Show me a book or someone who claims about the objectivity of astrology.
    There are definitions in the literature that characterize an archetype in the most general way to allow the astrologer to use his intuitive sense. You will never find in any book of a true astrologer any unequivocal statement about a celestial element that is in a constellation in space in relation to a person's condition.
    You will not find two identical people, nor identical twins, whose characters and everything in life are the same, therefore any study on thousands or hundreds of people about which something can be said with scientific or statistical accuracy is unequivocally a bluff that those who do not understand will buy with both hands.
    I read Gauquelin's research article - forgive me, he focused on the planet Mars and its effect on outstanding athletes, simply a shame for the intelligentsia.
    In order to characterize an athlete, each element in the athlete's astrological map must be seen. There is no astrological possibility to make assumptions and ignore the whole set of data and they are very numerous.
    Do you mind asking Miriam Binyamin, the home astrologer of the Yediot Ahronoth newspaper, to write an article about the essence of astrology and then maybe she will balance or complete your articles on the matter.

  64. Avi C - It is clear that many people will revolt in light of these articles, especially those who believe or work in the field.

    First of all, I chose to start by distinguishing between subjective and objective astrology. It somewhat answers what you wrote, and takes the sting out of a lot of idle arguments. I have nothing against subjective astrology.

    But when someone claims (and fills whole books about it) about certain effects of certain celestial bodies, etc. - these are claims that can be checked. and checked. I'm just quoting the results.

    I hang myself in high spirits - among the best astrology researchers for the last decades. I didn't invent anything, I'm just quoting material I found, as objectively as I can. You are welcome to read the details and comment.

    There are further articles in the series, in which I refer to many other aspects, so, some patience will be required...
    I think that after reading all the articles in the series the picture becomes clearer.

  65. Gilad Hello!
    Astrology is not in the test - the person in the test is the same person who decides to refer to astrology whether in a positive or negative sense. Are you looking at a type X vehicle, you may reject it for certain reasons, and there are those who are exactly the opposite of you who will be enthusiastic about it.
    Do not look for objectivity either in science or in astrology. 99.99% of humanity refers to its situation subjectively in every field.
    Astrology does not pretend to anything. Whoever pretends to be the astrologer (a person with all the complexity in him) will interpret or write an interpretation based on the astrological method.
    Gilad, it must be assumed that your position regarding astrology is not really sympathetic or you are not exactly researching and dealing with astrology. Your article/article/review is so distorted that you are actually doing yourself a disservice, i.e. you are on a website that claims to deal with rational scientific issues because of your position on the astrological issue instead of understanding what astrology is, you are hanging on to delusions that you don't know what their roots are beyond some article or article of theirs.
    My knowledge of astrology for at least 35 years beyond reading in the press (business and very superficial) says the following:
    The astrologer, like the psychologist, but with different data, interprets the client who comes to him with his intuitive subjective evidence. The level of accuracy of course depends on the level of the astrologer as the psychologist's diagnosis of the client varies from psychologist to psychologist.
    The structure of astrological analysis consists of many aspects and many crossings of data so that there will never be two astrologers who agree on a certain interpretation.
    Astrology has never claimed to tell what the future will be (the chatter of astrology opponents)
    On the contrary, astrology is a tool for the astrologer to understand the client's situation at a given time, on an issue the client is debating about, and to explain the situation to him (according to the astrologer's eyes) in order to allow the client to open up to further evidence of his situation. Does it help the client to improve his situation, it is really the freedom of choice and the environmental situation that affects the continuation of his life.
    There was someone who said that if astrology could speak it would say "everything is predictable but the authority is given"
    Your article Gilad is good for strengthening the position of the opponents who will be disappointed if it quiets their minds.
    Whoever turns astrology into a religion is eccentric. Most of the public regards astrology as an entertainment tool that does not oblige because everyone is close to themselves and it is a bit fun to read about something they may be talking about.
    There are a few who regard astrology as another interesting tool for understanding reality like psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology.
    Don't believe the studies that are done on the validity of astrology - all of them out of the desire to strike and negate it out of some frustration that there is an ancient Torah that works and it is impossible to understand its methodology.
    I will be happy to answer concrete questions.
    My father c

  66. I wonder how astrologers explain the changes in the astrological charts when a new celestial factor is discovered that was not known before like Pluto for example or another star that was discovered not long ago (its name is a flower from memory) I think it should be the 13th sign?? - Maybe it has a retroactive effect on the zodiac signs and the character linked to them...

    In any case, maybe there is some validity to the zodiac signs that are linked to innate character traits in each person, after all character is a very complex thing that is affected by many things, maybe also the zodiac signs (or the super subtle radiation of the stars - which cannot be discovered yet??) has some kind of effect here. I don't think it can be ruled out unequivocally.

    Astrological predictions on the other hand seem complete bullshit to me. Especially given the fact that we are completely unpredictable on a regular basis. The stars do not control us, in my opinion the effect is the opposite - Mind Over Matter, we control the stars 🙂

    Looking forward to the next article...

  67. If I come across someone who seems to me to have superstitious beliefs, I rely on his luck because if he believes that this is supposed to be his character, it usually has a certain effect. A person who believes that he is supposed to be spontaneous will make an effort in that direction, you can actually hear his thoughts "I'm a lamb to hell, I'm supposed to be spontaneous, why is it so hard for me..."

  68. There must be an effect, and the reason for this is the placebo effect, just as a placebo drug has an effect, so does astrology.
    When the level of interest and involvement in astrology will affect the strength of the effect

    Since the effect is of an extensive magnitude, the person who deals with astrology will find extensive connections that will verify the laws for him.

    But these laws will not always work, since after all this is the placebo effect, which affects selectively, and at different levels.

  69. And in the same way, the credibility and interests of analysts in the capital markets must be checked.

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