The people of the National Science Foundation who conducted the survey say that most of those surveyed in the other countries showed greater concern for the environment than the Americans, many of whom believe that climate change is due to natural cycles

Is astrology scientific?
In 2012, only slightly more than half of Americans believed that astrology was not a science, compared to two-thirds who gave the same answer in 2010. This is a negative record on this question since 1983. This is according to a series of surveys conducted during the last two years (2012-2013) by the National Science Foundation in the USA. The bulk of the data is concentrated in the seventh chapter of the publication entitled "Interest, Information, Sources and Involvement"
According to the survey, one of the indicators of the public's understanding of scientific issues is the ability to distinguish between science and pseudo-science. Since 1979 polls have been conducted regularly asking Americans whether astrology is a science. In 2012, a quarter of Americans (55%) said that astrology is not a science at all, 32% said that there is something scientific in astrology and 10% said that it is very scientific. About 4% have not formed an opinion. For comparison, in 2010, 62% of Americans answered that astrology is not a science, this figure has ranged from 55% to 66% since 1985.
Chris Mooney explained this data on the website Mother Jones They said: "A significant minority of Americans ranging from 31 to 45% of Americans, depending on the year the survey was conducted, said that they consider astrology either very scientific or of some scientific value. This is a bad statistic in itself. The NSF compares this with China where 92% of the public does not believe in horoscopes, which is another proof that America is moving in the wrong direction In 2004 it was higher and stood at 66%.
The majority of those who believe in astrology are those who have not had a scientific education and have no factual knowledge. In a later group, there was a drop in those willing to say explicitly that astrology is unscientific from 52% in 2010 to 35% in 2012. The young people aged 18-24 are mainly to blame for this, most of whom believe that astrology has at least some scientific value. Also in the 35-44 age group there was a drastic drop between the two studies from 64% who said that astrology is not a science to only 51% this year.
Four out of five Americans are interested in "new scientific discoveries". Other issues in the fields of science and technology are of interest to many Americans, including medical discoveries, environmental pollution, as well as new inventions and technologies.
A survey conducted in the USA and ten European countries, in which the five largest countries on the continent showed that the interest in science and technology in the USA is somewhat greater than in Europe. The study also showed that the Internet has surpassed television as the main source of information about science and technology and today 4 out of 10 Americans see the Internet as a main source of scientific knowledge.
Most of those who used the Internet for scientific and technological information said that they use online versions of newspapers. Most Americans said they visited a zoo or aquarium, a natural history museum, or a science and technology museum in 2012. However, the number of visits, which decreased compared to 2008, depended on the level of income and the level of education.
Evolution and the Big Bang: the residents agree and on the condition that it be written that this is the position of the scientists and not their personal position
On average, the Americans answered 5.8 of the 9 questions that dealt with facts, a figure similar to previous years. 48% of the respondents marked as correct the statement according to which humans, as we know them today, evolved from earlier species of animals", however 72% marked the sentence as correct when the comment "according to the theory of evolution" was added to it. Similarly, 39% marked the statement positively according to which the universe exploded in a big bang, but 60% gave the answer when the words "according to opinion" were added before the sentence the astronomers"
The level of factual knowledge in the US is similar compared to Europe and greater than that of the rest of the world.
Americans with a high formal education answered the knowledge questions better. Men gave more correct answers in the field of physical sciences, but no differences were recorded between men and women in knowledge in the field of biology.
Most of the American respondents were able to correctly choose between multiple answers to two questions that dealt with the chances in the context of medical treatments and what is the right way to conduct a clinical trial, however they had difficulty providing a rational explanation for the use of control groups or a description of what makes a process scientific.
Most Americans continued to say that the benefits of science outweighed the dangers and that the federal government should fund research that would advance the frontier of knowledge. In previous years, 4 out of 10 Americans said that the government invests too little in science, in 2012 about half of the respondents said that the government spends the appropriate amount on scientific research and only one out of ten respondents said that the government spends too much on research.
Environment, energy and stem cells
Americans have shown concern for the environment like any other developed country. In 2010 about a third of Americans said that they were concerned about the quality of the environment, the respondents to this answer were divided about climate change and held different opinions than those of other countries. For example, while the majority in 2013 answered that they were afraid of climate change, three out of ten respondents indicated that global warming should be in the order of priorities of the President and Congress. In previous years, dealing with climate issues was at the bottom of the list of priorities for Americans.
Most of those surveyed in the other countries showed greater concern than the Americans. Americans were also more likely than residents of other countries to support the claim that climate change is the result of natural fluctuations and not man-made. Support for the use of oil and nuclear energy has also risen again after several years of decline caused by disasters in these areas. About two-thirds of Americans support offshore oil drilling compared to less than half of Americans in 2010 after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster.
Most Americans expressed support for nuclear power as a way to provide electricity, although support was lower than before the 2011 Fukushima accident.
In 2010, about a quarter of the respondents said that genetic engineering could be dangerous or extremely dangerous, only in Belgium there was less opposition.
Most Americans see the use of embryonic stem cells as morally acceptable. In 2013, six out of 10 Americans saw the use of embryonic stem cells as an acceptable procedure, a rate that has been stable since 2005.
For a survey on the National Science Foundation (NSF) website
A gadget with articles on astrology from the knowledge site
32 תגובות
The fact that thing A happened after thing B does not mean that B happened because of A. You should always look for a logical explanation for what you see, and not see everything as confirmation of unfounded beliefs.
I agree about astrology being a science but I have seen some things in life related to astrology that really happened in reality one to one.
And I speak as the son of a rabbi.
Dear Nissim!
1. I don't know anything about astrology and the truth is that astrology doesn't interest me at all.
2. Haim Mazar set criteria for the test, and I simply wanted to clarify if I understood his line of thought accurately. that's it
You also sometimes see how where there was a person in a parallel world, the other person passing through this world is "absorbed" and repeats what they said in the previous world, again a bit of a monkey feeling.
Honorable Mr. Nissim, sometimes you hear the talk from parallel worlds, and this makes the writer not a brain, but rather a monkey of a brain, but a brain is there. Sincerely
Water blowing
What you lack is a brain
Dear Mr. Nissim, and if I have more than a billion in my account but it is clear from returns, am I missing it?
Yossi Simon
There is a million dollar reward for the first to show that astrology works. Ask yourself - why didn't anyone even ask for the award?
Mr. Haim Mazar, you did mention, but please try to add parallel worlds to your statistics, even if they are deleted, with respect
Yossi Simon
As I mentioned in order for astrology to have some validity and we refer to that hypothetical astrologer you refer to I want to know if 51% of his predictions come true. One case means nothing. It is possible that his prediction was accidental or that he is endowed with some personal qualities that allow him to predict this and this should be checked. We will stick to your example. Have other astrologers given this prediction?
hello bumper!
1. From the Bible (Deuteronomy XNUMX:XNUMX) Solomon asks "And you shall ask for wisdom and knowledge" etc.
2. Gauss defined mathematics as the queen of sciences.
A strange life!
Just for the purpose of discussion (and I'm really not a follower of astrology).
Suppose there was one single astrologer claiming that on a certain day, in a certain place, the earth would open its mouth and swallow 11 cars displayed in the museum, a one-time event that occurred that cannot be attempted again. How would you react to this event? (To clarify, I do not claim that there was indeed such an astrologer).
I generally believe that it is necessary to refer to the substance of the matter in every matter, to use valid logical arguments while agreeing to the straw rules. Because otherwise the discussion is a discussion of the deaf.
Can anyone tell me where I put the pills? I'm stuck here and can't go back in time
Pretty ghosts, aren't you tired of yourself? You will find a life already. Water blows from Aalek.
Father can't you block this idiot once and for all?
Start writing in my name above, sorry, time reversals and parallel worlds are sometimes hard to accept
Ann I'm not me so who am I anyway?
Oh yes, and your father too
I will give you an example related to your names, so that you will understand where you live in miracles, to revive a person after death is possible in a parallel world and bring him back here
Sometimes it's enough for me to show that you have a logical error, just because you have no experience in parallel worlds, in statistics you didn't include the worlds in your calculation and you don't see how much you live in an illusion, you live and you perform miracles, you can talk endlessly but you can already eat your hat now
Anonymous user (unidentified)
My answer is no. I try, if I succeeded I don't know, to put him in his place and present him in all his insanity
This is me…
Haim Mazar
Are you really trying to have a conversation with him?
Water blowing
Who is talking nonsense about you? The parallel worlds? You seem to live in a parallel world of your own. When you eat, do you eat in a parallel world? If you are sick and have a fever, are you healthy in the parallel world or maybe the opposite?. Show readers objects from the parallel world so we believe you. If you know math, explain to us what, for example, a Cartesian axis system looks like in the parallel world. What happens at the interface between our world and the parallel world. If you succeed in this you will receive more than one Nobel Prize. Give us the name of a mathematician or physicist from the parallel world. Maybe with your kind help we can communicate with them. What language is spoken in the parallel world? I wonder what those who know you say in this world and in the parallel world..
And that you also do statistics on parallel worlds, and don't call it, for example, the uncertainty of location and momentum, we can make scientific progress even to "just" stories that predict the future without defaming, with respect
Dear Mr. Chaim, if someone gives you a forecast just to make you feel better, you put the good at the top, and you live a better life and do not recognize the forecast from a previous life, when you have no tools to see the previous parallel worlds. How do you do life statistics? First you have to understand where you are at all, who is involved, what forces are at work, in what worlds they are manifested. Who is involved in time returns, etc. and only then do statistics. Sincerely
In order for them to start treating astrology as a science, it has to meet three conditions and they are:
1. If at least 51% of 100 astrologers give the same prediction and it matches.
2 If at least 51% of 100 predictions of one astrologer match.
3. Astrology deals with symbols. Each culture describes certain constellations in a different way and draws its conclusions from this. For example, Babylonian astrology is different from that of ancient Egypt and Chinese astrology is different from that of the West. For this reason astrology is culture dependent. If a correlation of at least 51% is found between all the astrologies regarding one of the zodiac signs, it can be said that there is something in it.
Without these conditions astrology has no value.
Dear Mr. Avi, although computers are progressing in evolution, until you have "scientifically" met a person who built them, you will not understand
Fender Nissim is right.. A scientific theory is a theory that can be disproved but is not successful - such as evolution which is confirmed in every clinical trial and millions of experiments on animals and plants. A theory that can be disproved, but has been disproved, is no longer a scientific theory.
You are half right. If astrology is a scientific theory that has been disproved - it is now a wrong scientific theory.
Is this still a science to you?
that you turn back time to fix things, you can build a tangible model of what will happen and try to understand your mistakes, and the model can also be "abstract" like stars and zodiac signs, scientifically thank you water
From Wikipedia: Science - in its broadest sense - is any coherent body of inferred knowledge, which can be examined according to basic axioms. In its narrower sense - the term science is used to refer to all empirical knowledge obtained through human research (such as physics and biology, with the exception of fields such as mathematics), and a person engaged in research aimed at expanding this knowledge is called a scientist.
And from these definitions it can be understood that astrology is also a science. Admittedly stupid science but meets the definitions.
Popper claimed that a scientific claim/theory is a claim or theory that can be verified or disproved.
Do the stars predict that I will win the lottery? Astrology will have its say and it can be verified or disproved. Therefore it is a science for everything and anything.
Even a quarter of Americans do not know that the earth revolves around the sun. For them, the problem is mainly ignorance that stems from religious extremism. Here, too.