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Science and society
- The Hebrew University
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have developed an innovative platform based on nanoparticles, which enables the precise transport of two drugs at the same time to cancerous tumor sites, while improving treatment efficiency and reducing toxicity to healthy cells.
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
About what escapes any definition and pattern - but echoes like thunder between the pages of the great works of literature
- Avi Blizovsky
- No comments
During the Assad dynasty, the universities in Syria were used to control the population and there was no academic freedom. In an article published in Nature, a science journalist of Syrian origin publishes how the restoration should be carried out, and how science can help reveal the
- Weizmann Institute
Research in field mice under conditions simulating a natural environment reveals the different strategies used by females and males in creating social hierarchies
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
Theater researchers examined the reception of the Haifa International Festival for Children's Plays
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
On the religious and cultural factors that lead to food waste in households
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
Am; Lek: You should read this record. It may win you a lot of money (up to 30,000 dollars), and along the way also help humanity in general, and Israel and the Jews in particular.
- Tel Aviv University
Disputes and conflicts that seem insoluble are not strangers to us, certainly in a challenging time like the one we are experiencing during the Iron Swords War. But is there still a way that will allow us to see the light
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
On the medium's influence (physical or online), on the effectiveness, accessibility and fairness of legal proceedings between landlords and tenants in the USA, during the Corona period
- Bar-Ilan University
The European Union grants 2 million euros to Prof. Ilanit Gordon from the Department of Psychology and the Multidisciplinary Center for Brain Research at Bar-Ilan University, for her research that deals with brain, physical and behavioral synchronization during group dynamics
- Tel Aviv University
Prof. Udi Sommer and Idan Franco from the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at Tel Aviv University investigated why African-Americans "score an own goal" and vote for Trump. Does racist self-loathing exist and what is it like?
- Tel Aviv University
Prof. Uriel Abolof from the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at Tel Aviv University, teaches a course on hope and the human condition, which was named the best online course in the world in political science and philosophy
- Avi Blizovsky
- One response
A study revealed that solutionism - the belief that technological solutions can address social problems while achieving profit is dominant among the leaders of technology companies and is spreading in the digital economy. The authors of the study criticize
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
A new toolbox for the analysis, understanding and resolution of conflicts over holy sites
- Tel Aviv University
We all know the cliché: "Men are from Mars and women are from Manga", but are men and women also distinctly different in the way they conduct war and conflict? What does digital games have to do with this? and what
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
On multi-stage decision making - a process in which many agents (humans or robots, for example) have to make a joint decision
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
More Japanese women are entering the labor market in recent years, and more men are staying at home with the children
- Tel Aviv University
A new report reveals the donation and volunteering rates of the public in the third week of the "Iron Swords" war
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
How did the elementary school teachers who immigrated to Israel in the mass immigration of the 50s affect the Israeli education system
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
True, our health reporter is not a doctor, and the science reporter probably didn't study astrophysics at the Technion. Still, after years of coverage, they've learned something. What exactly?
- Prof. Amit Baumel
- 4 תגובות
In June, the first international congress on evidence-based support in parenting ended. And this is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the thing that parents need the most, in order to be good parents - parental space.
- Nir Lahav
- 21 תגובות
In light of claims from readers as if we are citing the various objections to the legislation (for example, by the University Heads' Committee) without citing the reasons of the other side, Nir Lahav has edited an article that presents the claims from the sides of the legislation
- Avi Blizovsky
- 3 תגובות
This is what Samdar Tadmor, CEO of Claro and an organizational consultant, said at the Silicon Club meeting that took place at DTEC, the technological training center for the young people of the Druze community in Isfaia
- Science site The Conversation
- 21 תגובות
The populists are lying when they claim they want to empower us all by denying judges the authority to oversee democracy. They really want to break through the strongest constitutional barrier against authoritarianism
- The Hebrew University
- One response
Hebrew University researchers offer a simple solution to the enigma that has occupied cultural researchers: how did small human societies manage to create and preserve complex cultures? The secret is in rare but important cultural interactions
- Prof. Amit Baumel
- No comments
Any public service of human help, such as mental health care or care for the elderly collapses. The artificial intelligence that will take over many jobs will leave us with the thing that is perhaps most important to us, the value that we are
- Tel Aviv University
Only about 5% of the victims of trafficking in the world were treated. Most of the victims were left without a response and assistance
- Tel Aviv University
Is the British monarchy in the midst of an existential crisis? Tel Aviv University researchers are investigating the issue
- Avi Blizovsky
- 7 תגובות
In Democratic districts, death rates have decreased by 22% since the beginning of the century, while in Republican areas they have decreased by only 11%
- The Hebrew University
By creating artificial embryonic and placental stem cells and comparing them, the researchers from the Hebrew University identified about 14,000 sites in the genome that control the development of all the organs of the fetus
- The Hebrew University
A study by the Hebrew University found that the tobacco companies offer benefits and gifts to store owners to market their product in a prominent location and in a more beautiful display, and teach them how to circumvent the legislation that prohibits
- The Hebrew University
University researchers have identified a new type of organelle that has not been discovered in gametes before. According to them, a failure in its function causes infertility because it is responsible for the organization of the chromosomes in the sex cells: "The discovery advances us towards finding
- The Hebrew University
As soon as the disease develops, significant damage has already occurred that cannot be cured, but the development of a unique genetic strain allowed the university researchers to stop the pain and erosion. The findings can predict the disease after joint trauma
- The Hebrew University
In this disease, the body produces substances similar to those found in cannabis, which damage the kidney * University researchers have found a way to improve the medical treatment of diabetic kidney disease, which affects approximately 30% of diabetics in the world. The new method
- The Hebrew University
University researchers have discovered a breakthrough magnetic phenomenon that will improve technological production. The researchers: "The discovery could change the next generation of nanoelectronic devices with reduced power consumption and faster capabilities"
- The Hebrew University
Using 3D printers and ink based on natural materials, university researchers are able to print wood and design its shape while drying. "The development will revolutionize the design and construction of buildings that change themselves," shares one
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
About shaping memories and historical epidemics and how the corona epidemic will be remembered
- The Hebrew University
Researchers from the Hebrew University found that nitrogen pollution caused by human activities has a direct effect on the decline in the variety of species in about a hundred sites in the world, including Beit Govrin: "Not enough efforts have been made in Israel to estimate the
- The Hebrew University
Although we are mostly familiar with viruses that harm us, it turns out that some of them are actually good and beneficial, both for humans and plants. A virus discovered in Israel in the XNUMXs helps tomatoes grow in a harsher climate
- Avi Blizovsky
- 4 תגובות
The Academy expresses its concern in view of the planned reform in the studies of the compulsory subjects in the field of humanities in the state education system (history, Bible, literature, citizenship, Tosheba), and wonders about the way in which it was decided
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
At the beginning of the year 2022, three astrobiologists ran a fascinating thought experiment: they claimed that the entire Earth was about to become an intelligent organism. The meaning, as you can understand, is not that there is a mind at the core of the planet that makes decisions for
- The Hebrew University
The study modeled over 1000 test sites and found that in 25% of them there is contamination from drugs that harms the water quality. "Even the most efficient purification plants are unable to remove the pollutants before they reach the rivers.
- The Hebrew University
A combination of personality characteristics such as reliance on self-intuition, belief in conspiracy theories, "need for chaos" and lack of intellectual modesty, along with an unusual state of persistent social distrust, leads to people simultaneously rejecting
- The Hebrew University
The spider, which was discovered for the first time in the Arava region, prefers soils free of oil pollution and thus constitutes a biological marker
- The Hebrew University
Prof. Zvi Peleg: "The constant increase in demand and the suitability of the sesame for growing under high temperatures associated with climate change, led to an attempt to return it to agriculture in Israel. Finding the connection between the timing of flowering and the components of the crop, you can
- Avi Blizovsky
Two of the grant winners are from the Hebrew University and the others from Bar Ilan University
- The Hebrew University
The cargo, which contains metal ingots and stone anchors dating back to about 3500 years ago, proves that there were significant trade relations between Cyprus and distant Sardinia
- The Hebrew University
A new study reveals that an increase in the frequency of storms, along with a decrease in evaporation about 20 years ago, were likely significant factors that enabled the transition to permanent settlements and an agricultural society
- The Hebrew University
Today's vehicles are connected to the Internet, so cyber hacking of vehicles is no longer science fiction. How should cyber risks be dealt with? What is the role of the state authorities and how will companies operate
- The Hebrew University
A study carried out by a researcher from the Hebrew University reveals an alleged connection between the compensations for Holocaust survivors and the compensations given to Germans from ethnic minorities, who took over Jewish property in Eastern and Central European countries and were deported from there at the end of the war