post Scriptum. This is not true, the average temperature on Mars is 78 degrees lower than that on Earth

Kentucky Senator Brandon Smith, a member of the Interim Committee on Natural Resources and Environment in the Kentucky Senate, participated last Thursday in a discussion about new regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. One of Karnataka's coal-fired power plants will not have to shut down as a result of the new regulations, committee members were keen to point out that the initial reason for the regulations - to mitigate the effects of climate change - is pointless because they claim it is a scam.
All these tools for carbon capture, and all the other regulations stem from the fear that was created years ago about global warming," said local House of Representatives member Stan Lee, a Republican from Fayette County. "In the end it turned out that global warming hasn't happened in 15 or 20 years, and then They changed the name to "climate change". (note both things are not accurate, the warming is ongoing and exists, every year in the last 15 years it entered the top ten, glaciers are melting and the climate zones are moving - including the increase in desertification in our country, and also the second thing - the name change was due to pressure from Republicans to wash away the phenomenon with an apparently objective name , thus it will be easy for them to attack her AB).
Democratic representative Kevin Sint also joined them, complaining that the discussion is always about saving the bees, saving the trees and saving the whales." According to him, the climate is always changing and the world adapts itself. "The dinosaurs died, and the world adapted itself," he said.
The blog Wonkette, following these words, asked Axis Sint what comfort it would be for humans if they were the ones to become extinct as a result of climate change.
The committee is chaired by a Democrat named Jim Gooch, a climate denier himself, but all of this was just a prelude to Senator Smith's unimaginable claim to the head of the Kentucky Department of Energy and Environment: "I don't see you as enemies, I know you have a hard job. When you Sitting there in your chair with the data, we are sitting here in our chairs with our data and the institutions and the staff behind us. I don't want to get into a debate about climate change, but I do To emphasize that in Bacmedia, we all agree that the temperature on Mars is similar to the temperature here. No one has denied it, but there are no coal mines on Mars as far as I know, so I think we are seeing something bigger than what we are capable of."
Let's repeat the things: the heat measurements on Mars are similar to those on Earth - no one will deny this - but we do not establish regulations regarding coal mines and factories on Mars, why would we concern ourselves with such regulations on Earth? We are part of the academy here, aren't we?
Well let's see if no one will deny it? The average temperature on Earth is about 16 degrees Celsius, on Mars the average temperature is minus 62 degrees Celsius, we will proceed from the assumption that the senator rounded this difference of 78 degrees to zero for the convenience of the calculation. If you look at the trends, the temperature on Earth is indeed increasing.
Phil Plate, owner of the blog BAD ASTRONOMY explains that ironically, if Mars ever had a temperature similar to that of Earth, it was due to the greenhouse effect. The thickness of the atmosphere on Mars is less than one percent of that of Earth, but most of it is composed of carbon dioxide. This gas raises the temperature on the surface of the planet by several degrees. On Earth, given the distance from the sun and other factors, the average temperature should be around zero, but thanks to greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, the temperature is more reasonable, but since we are adding huge amounts of carbon dioxide to the air, the temperature will not remain reasonable Over time.
The concern is, as liberal bloggers in the US express, that Smith is an elected member of the Kentucky State Senate, elected to that position twice by actual Kentucky voters, and has served four terms in the local House of Representatives before that. He is also the Republican Senate Majority Leader, a position that carries Some influence, and as we now understand, his committee discusses environmental issues even though its members think it's a hoax because of the numbers he pulls out of his sleeve.
17 תגובות
Indeed linking links, the only censorship I operate, and in many cases in retrospect it is of those who call not to vaccinate. This follows a talkback on YNET by a surfer who claimed that she was convinced by the article that she should be vaccinated but then read the comments.
I don't want one child to be killed because of the stupidity of surfers. In all other subjects, everyone is allowed to write what they want.
As a matter of fact, the senator is indeed a fool, and besides, our monitoring of the state of the climate on other planets is really loose, it is one of the tasks of a few spacecraft orbiting them compared to hundreds of satellites and thousands of meteorological stations on Earth, so we do not have enough data. From the data we have it is clear that there is a variety of trends in 8 planets. It is not clear how anything can be deduced about Mercury without an atmosphere.
Sorry for the post about the censorship. This is probably a combination of links and not censorship by a specific writer.
and another thing. I noticed that Avi Blizovsky marked my comments so that they would not be published immediately but after his approval.
This is called censorship. Or a regime of minds befitting clergymen
Let's hope it will be published, my father.
Why should we be wary of people who are motivated by religious and non-scientific thinking and especially those who believe in the Hammist religion.
This is because the religious will distort facts. will hide data and take things out of context. He will do it in a nasty way.
And to the point. Anyone who tries to present as if the senator really meant that there is the same temperature on Mars and the Earth and thus portray the senator as a fool, is actually showing how stupid he himself is at best or at worst a prisoner of religion. The Hammist sect.
The senator meant that there is no dispute that the temperatures have been measured on Mars and that the ice caps at the poles have been observed shrinking in recent years.
Every Hammist should ask himself "Why did the Hammist community rush to highlight this error of the senator?"
"Is a respected senator really so out of touch with reality?"
Dear Hammists. You fell victim to a cult. You have become a kind of religion and I hope for you that you will find the strength of mind to break free from it
Dear Hanan, when an official says in the Mivorit committee "no one will deny it"
He should know what he's talking about. The debate on the greenhouse effect has
Economic parties, producers of "dirty" energy (coal-fired power plants,
standard cars) may be affected by it, as above from the side
The second, "clean energy" producers. That's why the discussion is so loaded, it's loaded
a lot of money
And of course you can't rule out stupidity for its own sake, which according to Albert Einstein
It is the only thing about which it can be said, with absolute certainty, that it has no limits.
Again - on what basis do you claim that, almost without exception, all climate scientists are science deniers?
what is your name???
Avi. The explanations that appear in the links you provided are nothing more than a joke at best and at worst it is a religious text that comes to defend the religion of the Hammisites
Explanation of apparent warming on Mars and other planets
Mouth Hole,
A simple Google search will lead to many sources:
We know how much PAD the person emits.
We know how much energy this PADF absorbs.
We know how to estimate the effect of this energy on the climate.
The measurements confirm the calculations.
There is no question here as to what is happening and why. There is a small and vocal group that denies theory and measurements.
that's it.
The truth is this is a really interesting question: the climate change on the planets in the solar system in recent times:
and focusing on the planets closest to the sun (only because it makes sense to me that they are the ones that will be affected by the changes of the sun in the highest way). Does anyone know of such a study? Is it possible at all to measure exactly the temperature on Hema at any given time?
Such research can definitely disprove/strengthen the main claim of the deniers of man-made global warming
Remind me, what is your education in climate science, that you call all those whose profession is liars?
Let me ask another question. How much CO2 does man emit, and how much energy does this CO2 absorb, and what is the effect of this energy on the climate?
I'm sure you know…..
There are eight planets, if there was an external cause for the warming coming from the sun, you should see warming in all of them, but it turns out that there is a spread between warming, cooling and stability. It has nothing to do with political opinion. A scientific fact should be outside the political debate, unfortunately it was the extreme right that brought it into the political package.
He meant that there is warming on Mars as well. The ice caps shrank there in perfect timing with the observations of the Earth.
Science deniers will do anything to show that man is responsible for climate change. If there are any at all.
It takes a little common sense and intelligence to understand that it is attributed to phenomena such as the absorption of gases by the ocean. Emission of gases from the earth. And many other phenomena such as huge fires. Man's influence is very limited.
incidentally. In most cases the Hammisites are also quite extreme leftists and in my estimation this is not at all a coincidence. It's the same kind of opacity and arrogance towards reality and facts
The average IQ in Kentucky is like that of a fried chicken. The chosen ones fit the population. Besides, if God wants to exterminate humanity, so be it. But why publish - there is no news here. Ah, I understand - entertainment for these troubled days.
Although to the average user of this site it seems ridiculous, but from what I know, people in public positions like his have to deal with mountains of information, on countless subjects, and it is possible that he missed it. It seems to me that it is mainly the fault of consultants or something like that.
I was once present at some naumonchik of an MK who came to Masud where I studied, and all the students had to hold themselves back so as not to laugh at the nonsense he was talking about - it was simply obvious that he didn't understand what he was talking about (and by the way, it wasn't on a scientific topic).
Ignorance+superstitions+capitalist influences+political influence+fatalistic religious belief = self-destruction