Comprehensive coverage

Thomas Henry Huxley - an extraordinary scientist

On Cyril Beebe's book, work of Thomas Henry Huxley 1825-1895
scientist Extraordinary Life and science

Prof. Raphael Fleck

From the journal "Science" 5-6-1973 Adar XNUMX XNUMX, March XNUMX

The 19th century was a fascinating and turbulent period in the development of life sciences. break-in
The new ways were associated with sharp struggles and poignant debates
Not only as the scientific community, but also far outside of it.
Suffice it to mention the storm surrounding the question of creating life from nothing following my research
Pasteur (1895-1822), the theory of the cellular structure of organisms
The lives of Schwann (1882-1810) and Schleiden (1881-1804), and "Origin
Species by way of natural explanation" by Darwin (1882-1809).
Breakthroughs in science nowadays &#;8211 in this genre of clarifying the structure of
The DNA in the hands of Rotson and Crick &#;8211 are causing a storm at best
admiration and approval; Those of the last century provoked social revolutions.

Thomas Henry Huxley (1895-1625), quick-witted and profound researcher, person
Broad-minded and with a highly developed sense of "involvement", he was a central figure
In these nineteenth century dramas.

Hucksley only attended school from the age of eight to ten, so nothing was delayed
He is in favor of reading professional literature already in his early years. as a flower
A young doctor joined the British Navy and when his commander noticed his talent
Inherent in him, he offered him to join a ship that set out to explore the southern seas.
During this four-year journey, Hachsali sent a series of articles to periodicals
In the distant homeland, who were engaged in the analysis and description of "animals that cannot be given
for easy preservation and display in museums"; In other words, creatures
Most of the scientific expeditions neglected their care. Bacher opened a row
A long line of studies which over the years have led to a lot of reorganization
Animal groups.

Upon his return to England, Achsali was thus unwittingly a central figure
in the scientific world. After a short time he was elected as a member of the Royal Academy then
He decided not to take the second stage of the "graduate" exams and give up for good
this degree.
He joined the Graduate School of Cognitive Science in London, and despite
During his lifetime he held many senior academic positions and was offered offers
Countless lures, choose to stay loyal to this institution and instead of wandering
From place to place he made sure to raise and promote the institution in which he tied his fate.
Hechsley had a deep interest in education and in particular science education. as a husband
A developed social emotion devoted much of his energy and time to the education of laborers or
women, for teacher training, for renewing studies in elementary schools
and in universities and science and research organizations in general. There is a topical sound
For the sentence: "He made sure that his assistants fulfilled their duties
efficiently and do not allow research requirements to automatically take precedence over these
of the teaching". As for Achsli the researcher, he was not at the bottom of anything
An experimenter, but a keen observer and with an excellent ability to present his views
In writing and drawing, in addition to that he had an unusual ability to work - a trait
extremely important for a scientist. A typical character trait of his work is that almost no
He never once rejected material that came his way as inappropriate or uninteresting
for research.

Hachsali was zealous for basing research works on factual data
Check their details and yet make sure that his work is not just
A description of "one more animal" except that it will clarify a fundamental problem
And you will make a real contribution to the advancement of the philosophical framework" of science.
Some time before the publication of Darwin's "Origin of Species" Hachsali wrote
that he is looking for "a hypothesis related to the origin of all organic forms
The known, at the base of which are placed only forces whose action is given
to prove . . Clear and defined concepts that can be brought
Face to face with the facts, to test their validity." with reading
The proofreader of the "Origin of the Species" immediately wrote in his diary: "How stupid it is not."
I thought about that." He was aware of the weaknesses of Darwin's theory, and in particular
to the absence of a satisfactory theory in relation to the inheritance of changes on them
Natural selection may operate, but "the only course open to man,
which has no purpose other than clarifying the truth, is the acceptance of Darwinism
as a working hypothesis, to see what can be done with it." The main part of his work
The scientific was therefore devoted to clarifying biological knowledge in light of this hypothesis
and to the organization of the information according to the conclusions arising from it. Amazing to argue
Some facts and ideas, which are now commonplace on the lips of every student in the life sciences
in the fields of anatomy, embryology, physiology or
Anthropology, originated in the works of Hachsali. His contributions were assimilated
so perfectly that most of us are not even aware of the debt we owe
For a researcher it is day-to-day. However, Hachsali understood that "the validity of a theory
A new one is not determined according to the degree of its conformity to what is accepted by the public or according to the degree
The willingness of the experts to adopt it, and not even according to the degree of camouflage
that it is used to promote any ideologies or vested interests,
However, such factors may significantly affect its speed
The new theory will be disseminated." It is because of you that we are fully committed to the introduction of an idea
Darwinism in the scientific community and the general public.
The lively and broad-minded Achsali returned and was drawn into public skirmishes,
In particular over the pages of the periodicals of his time.
Darwinism provided a basis for his materialistic worldview. he was
Agnosticon out of recognition. The world of
Hachsali the man and researcher is well reflected in the things he wrote when he was accused,
Being a devout agnostic he actually only replaced one religion with another: "In the stage
Early in my life I realized that one of the sins that cannot be forgiven in my eyes
Most of humanity is when a person tries to exist without a tag. . . I could not
To find a badge that will make me a diamond and so, in my desire to rate myself and gain recognition,
I invented a badge. Agnosticism is not a religion, but a method."
In matters of the intellect, he acted according to his reason as far as it could
to lead you, without paying attention to any other considerations. . . And don't pretend
In which conclusions that have not been proven or that cannot be proven, oh tested".
S. Bibi manages to vividly bring up the story of Hachtli and make it clear
its place in nineteenth century masks. Too bad the author got carried away with the description
Hachsali's unusual personality and not paying attention to the fact that the character is as it is
Her description is that of a "Superman" who does not exist in reality: hard to believe
that even a man like Achsali always managed to be both a sharp debater and a prick
Regarding his opponents and they are a friend and a moral and material support to his friends;
A devoted family man who devotes his time to his wife and children as well as a researcher and organizer
There is a degree of truth in the claim of the geneticist Maynard-Smith who pointed out that I had failed
– the personality of enormous intellect and influence – diverted attention
His contemporaries from the central problem of Darwin's theory, that of clarification
The mechanisms that enable evolution. By putting the center of gravity on
Clarifying the kinship relationships between living beings.
There is no doubt that Hächsli's own skills, as a description and without a doubt as an expert,
part of this course of affairs. But I can't get rid of the feeling
that the main problem of Hachsali's time was first of all convincing the world
The scientific and the non-scientific in the actual existence of evolution by way of natural explanation.
Let us not forget that it was after the discovery of the laws of inheritance, at the beginning of the century
On the 20th, difficulties arose in the settlement of these discoveries with the concept
The Darwinist. Another whole generation passed until it became clear that there was no petition
Between Mendel's principles and Darwin's theory. Wasn't it just thanks
To the contribution of Hachsali and his friends that when Mendelism came on stage was
Darwinism is sufficiently established that it could stand the test
The difficulties that arose and it was ripe for the neo-Darwinist synthesis, La Anu
Witnesses today.

Prof. Raphael Fleck, Department of Genetics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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