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Google updates the maps of Mars in Google Earth

The company added a layer of ancient maps, including those of the "discoverer" of the canals, Giovanni Schpiralli, and the astronomer Percival Lovell * Google also allows viewing of raw images of areas on Mars a few hours after they are transmitted to Earth from American spacecraft

A map of Mars drawn by Giovanni Scipriali
A map of Mars drawn by Giovanni Scipriali

Google decided to mark the birthday of Giovanni Schiaparelli (Giovanni 1835-1910) with a special logo, and it didn't do it for nothing. The company announced yesterday a new version of the Mars feature of Google Earth. The system makes it possible to scan the surface of Mars with high resolution, as it provides for Earth. The images from Mars come from the MRO spacecraft, and are updated a few hours after the raw image reaches Earth.

Schipirelli was an Italian astronomer, the director of the Milan Observatory who focused on the study of Mars and was the first to describe in 1877 the CANALI the canals that are depicted on the surface of the planet. By the way he meant channels, but when translated from Italian to English the term CANALS seems more attractive than just channels. The possibility of life on Mars has - since the invention of telescopes - occupied human curiosity and the discovery of "transcendents" - i.e. the possibility of the presence of water - excited the imagination even more and created a wave of wild speculations about "Mars aliens", and gave birth to a number of masterpieces in literature, chief among them "War The worlds" of H.G. Wells.

Mars photos in real time
Mars photos in real time

Users of Google Earth's Mars feature can now select historical layers that depict the same places as they appeared to mapmakers in previous centuries. This feature is part of Google Earth version 5.0. The users will be required to select "Mars" in the menu, and select the map layer, which includes, among others, maps drawn by Shipraeli, Percival Lovell and others.

Users will then be able to jump forward to the present and to the "Live from Mars" layer, which contains the continuous stream of the latest images broadcast from the spacecraft currently orbiting Mars - including the THEMIS camera on the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, as well as high-resolution images from the MRO spacecraft - the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which were recently added.

For the news in Universe Today


  1. 1. Israel is indeed mapped on Google, but for security reasons (and not only Israel), Google refrains from providing high resolution maps of Israel.

    2. With all due respect to Israel, it is still not in the first priority neither on Google nor in many other places (not even on the iPhone). We manage somewhere between third world countries and below in terms of international priorities.

    Hanan Sabat

  2. But you left out the most important figure:
    The canals do not exist at all!!!
    They are the result of a well-drilled human imagination.

  3. Israel is not mapped in Google Earth and they are now mapping Mars!
    Where does that put us in the cosmic order of priority (dictated by Google)?

  4. Matan, this phenomenon is so common that the internet community coined the name "Troll" for it.
    An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion

  5. But how will you distinguish it from the real doss? And what if a real DOS writes a comment about the truth, and they delete it? Not pretty like that.

  6. To the editors: Dos. Jerusalem, he posts messages in this style, which he has registered, serialized, he does on several other sites, such as Wint, and I recommend simply deleting them, he is just trying to cause a provocation

  7. God created the cosmic canals and we are forced to map them again and again and again

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