The burning tree

Will glowing trees soon replace the electric street lights? The project - which could save on electricity and energy costs - arouses the fear of the greens. Let's find out why

Glowing plants project logo
Glowing plants project logo

Michal Bruner, Galileo

A small group of biotechnology enthusiasts and entrepreneurs has started a project to develop luminous plants, which may lead the way to trees that could replace electric street lights.

In the project, the researchers use a sophisticated form of genetic engineering, called synthetic biology. The project was done by a small group of amateur scientists in community labs across the United States, according to the New York Times.

What do the greens oppose?

It should be noted that this is not the first time they have tried to do this. A group of researchers already tried to produce a glowing tobacco plant years ago by transplanting genes from a marine bacterium that emits light - but the light produced by the tobacco was so dim that it could only be seen if it stayed in a dark room for at least five minutes.

Although the researchers hope that the plants will be able to save on electricity and energy costs, there are those who fear that the amateur researchers are actually producing new life, which can even be harmful. Two environmental organizations wrote a letter to the US Department of Agriculture in order to close the project. "The project is expected to lead to a widespread, random and uncontrolled release of seeds and plants produced using controversial and dangerous techniques," according to the organizations.

For the video explaining the idea of ​​glowing trees on the fundraising page of one of the projects, pass the requested amount by more than 10 times

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