Genetic Engineering

Prof. Boaz Barak and PhD student Inbar Fisher from the Segol School of Neuroscience and the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. Photo credit: Shahar Shahar, spokeswoman for Tel Aviv University

A new discovery from Tel Aviv University reveals brain mechanisms involved in genetic autism

The researchers revealed vulnerabilities in the brain support system. The research offers hope for new gene therapies to improve brain cell function
DNA structure. Illustration:

Break the cell boundaries

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists have created the smallest artificial genetic circuit ever. The new development based on a single DNA molecule is expected to promote the next generation of nanobiotechnological applications
From the right: Dr. Shagit Meir, Dr. Eva Heinig, Dr. Nikolai Kuzmich, Prof. Assaf Aharoni, Dr. Shirley Berman, Dr. Yoav Peleg, Hila Hart and Dr. Ilana Rogchev (photographed in the nursery Regev)

Hallucinations of cacti

The secrets of the production of mescaline have been revealed - a natural hallucinogenic drug with therapeutic potential * The drug extracted from the extinct peyote cactus has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Its effect on serotonin receptors in the brain
Transplantation of an engineered kidney in a patient. Science site credit via DALEE. The image should not be seen as a scientific image.

A person received a pig kidney - with 69 genetic changes

The changes are intended to prevent the body from becoming infected with dormant viruses that may be present in the kidney, and in any case the kidney is designed to fit the specific patient
Anabina under the microscope. The blue bacteria inspired the research

Bacteria against mutants

Weizmann Institute of Science scientists made bacterial cells mimic processes characteristic of multicellular organisms, and discovered a possible defense mechanism against cancer
The milk from the air in the center of the image will replace that of the cows grazing outside. Credit to the science site, via DALEE

The "Cow of the Sky" project - producing milk from the air

The Cow of Heaven project aims to find a way to produce milk protein from bacteria that feed on carbon dioxide and hydrogen
Fertilization process illustration:

Eggs from men and sperm cells from women: How stem cells may change the way we reproduce

In theory, a male skin cell can be turned into an egg and a female skin cell into a sperm cell. There is also the possibility of a child genetically connected to several parents, or only to one parent
Although pesticides are an important link in the modern food supply chain, in light of the dangers these substances bring with them, it is necessary to monitor their doses in our food. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A little more than you asked for on the plate

The State Comptroller's report indicates: the scope of the use of pesticides, which are designed to overcome the problem of pests, is increasing significantly - and harming the health of Israeli consumers. So what do we do? Learn to spray differently
A bowl of rice. Image:

Rice-23: The rice that saves half of the work for farmers

Scientists have developed a method to double the annual crop from one to two times, while improving properties in rice that can make it at least partially a perennial plant
Dr. Amir Raz. Photo: Communications

Research in molecular genetics and genetic engineering in fertilization mechanisms examines the self-fertilization ability of trees without the help of bees

Genetic characterization of varieties is very important for farmers, because it allows choosing the right combination of planting the varieties in the orchard, to obtain a maximum yield. Characterization of 'self-fertile' varieties, i.e. self-fertilizing (as in apricots, for example),
The genetically engineered wild tomatoes grown by Dr. Kazachkova in greenhouses at the Weizmann Institute. "These were the most delicious bitter tomatoes I have ever tasted in my life"

A brief history of the tomato

Genetic engineering in the laboratory. Photo:

How good was 2020 (at least for the field of genetic engineering)

In this entry I will tell about three wonderful developments in genetic engineering from the last year. All of them, by the way, are the product of genetic engineering technology so sophisticated that we are still trying to understand what its limit is. and the meaning
Elimination of mosquito pests through genetic engineering. Infographics

Mosquito genetics

A doctor examines children in Africa. Photo: shutterstock

Africa begins to spread genetically modified mosquitoes

human empowerment. Illustration: shutterstock

The next step in human evolution - Part I: Where is the technology?

Has a solution been found for fragile X syndrome?

"Researchers must be willing not only to be attentive to the questions and concerns raised by the public and not be satisfied with trying to repel them, but also to respond to them - even if this means they have to shelve technology that they believe may change the world." Illustration: US Air Force photo by Richard Eldridge.

Scientists are trying new ways to convince a skeptical public

Illustration: Caroline Davis2010.

The biohacker who is not afraid to reshape his body's biology

By reprogramming the DNA of harmful microorganisms, such as the E. coli bacteria pictured, biologists turn them into drugs that save patients' lives. Source: NIAID.

Reprogramming bacteria saves life

Genetically modified tomatoes produce betalains in the fruit, but not in the rest of the plant. Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

Tomato in beet skin: healthier, more durable, more purple

squid. Photography: Richard.

The DNA secrets of the squid

The Aedes aegypt mosquito, which is among the transmitters of the Zika virus. Source: James Gathany / PHIL, CDC.

The mosquitoes will save us from... the mosquitoes

Salt crystals on top of a leaf of a mangrove plant, which is resistant to salt water. Source: / Ulf Mehlig Wikimedia.

The salty solution: irrigation with diluted seawater

Graffiti in New York against genetically modified food. Photo: hikinghillman / flickr.

Don't be afraid, it's just genetically modified food

Edit the mushroom

From the right: Shira Weingarten-Gabai, Shani Elias-Kirma, Prof. Eran Segal and Der Ronit Nir. Genetic Engineering

control areas

dangerous bacteria. Illustration: shutterstock

The off switch for genetically modified organisms

Genetic Engineering. Illustration: shutterstock

Magic lamp for garden repair / Margaret Knox

Glowing plants project logo

The burning tree

A white tower plus a glowing garden on the International Space Station - the light played the role of gravity. Photo: NASA, from the study by Paul and her colleagues

Grow glow-in-the-dark plants on the International Space Station

Salmon sashimi. From Wikipedia

Are the genetically engineered fish close to the plate?

genetically modified corn. From Wikipedia

Doubtful: genetically modified corn from cancer

Genetically modified tomatoes, photo Agricultural Research Service, US Government

Who engineered my food?

A plant eaten by a caterpillar (top) and the engineered version that killed the caterpillar (bottom). From Wikipedia

Genetic engineering made by nature

the healing process

Gene therapy of beta thalassemia

Image of Escherichia coli under a scanning electron microscope

Biofuel from bacteria

Genetic engineering, courtesy of Wikipedia

Don't be afraid, let science run

Black-handed spider monkey, courtesy of Wikipedia

Gene therapy for color blindness has been successful with monkeys

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

How do DNA coils Individuals join together